WORLD GEOGRAPHY- GS: CHAPTER-5 : Latiitude and Longitude Lines(अक्षांश-देशांतर रेखाएं ) अध्याय-5
Greenwich line
Line of cancer
The line of Cancer passes through 8 states of India.
Line of Capricorn
21 march
21 June
23 september
22 december
North Pole
South pole
International date line
Total number of longitudes
Total number of latitudes
181 line of latitude
360 lines of longitude
Time of Naini, Allahabad
Indian standard time
International date line passes through
The distance between two longitudes is maximum at the Equator.
Meridian line
Distance between to latitudes.
Greenwich line,
Prime meridian
Tropic of cancer,
Tropic of capricirn,
Kark rekha
Makar rekha
Vishuwat rekha
21 march, 21 jun, 23 september, 22 december
North Pole,
south pole,
Antarrashtriya tithi rekha,
International date line,
Pradhan yamyottar rekha,
Total number of akshansh
Total numbar of deshantar,
181 akshansh vritt
360 deshantar lines
Bharat ka deshantariya vistar,
Kark rekha bharat ke aath rajyo se hokar gujarti hai,
Tropic of cancer passes through eight state of india
Earth moves 1 degree deshantar,
Earth moves 360 digree deshantar,
Dharatal par do akshansh rekhaon ke madhya duri,
Deshantar rekhao ke madhya sarvadhik duti vishuwat par,
International date line passes through,
Bhartiya samay rekha,
Naini allahabad, time of naini, meridian line,
European continent,
Ural mountain, vakai hill, Caspian sagar , kala sagar, bhumadhya sagar, Iberian plateau, Jutland, Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland,
Kola praydweep, Iberian praydweep, murmusk, Murmansk, arctic vritt, arctic circle,
Arctic vritt kitne desho se hokar gujarta hai,
Europe ki sabse pashchimi rajdhani,
World map,
Malta, inglish channel, Dover strait, Dover jalsandhi,
Gibraltar jalsandhi,
Gibraltar strait,
Strait of Gibraltar,
UPPCS Prelim exam:- Effective strategy
Key points of this video:-
# Up pcs prelim strategy.
# strategy for uppcs prelim 2017,
# pcs pre exam ki taiyari kaise karein,
# how to prepare up pcs prelim exam,
# important books for uppcs prelim exam,
# gs books fir pcs prelim exam,
# general study books,
# books for pcs pre,
# uppcs prarambhik pariksha ke liye samany adhyayan ki kitabe,
# history books for general study,
# itihas ki kitab,
# prachin itihas ki kitab,
# book for ancient history,
# madhyakalin bharat ki kitab,
# book for mediual history,
# sk pandey ki ancient history,
# sk pandey ki prachin itihas,
# unique ki history book,
# pariksha vani publication,
# pariksha vani books,
# mahesh barnwal ki geograohy,
# mahesh barnwal ki bhugol,
# pariksha vani ki bhartiya bhugol,
# pariksha vani ki indian geography,
# oxford student atlas, world map, india map,
# ghatnachakr purvavalokan,
# ghatnachakr ki science,
# lucent ki science,
# pariksha manthan,
# pariksha manthan ki lakshya,
# lakshya varshik,
# indian polity of pariksha vani,
# pariksha vani ki agriculture and technology wali book,
# pariksha vanki up special,
# pratiyogita darpan,
# pratiyogita darpan ka indian economy special.
# How to crack pcs pre exam,
# how to crack uppcs prelim exam 2017.
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