The name Cehennemağzi means Entrance to Hell. It is said that the three-headed dog Kerbaros which guards the entrance to the Hades, lived next to these caves. Heracles (Hercules), captured it by entering through these caves as a part of his final task from king Eurystheus. On the other hand, these caves were used as a secret Christian place of worship. Entry to the cave is provided through a narrow passage and the cave goes 1.5 kilometers deep into the mountain. Music: Foreign Land - Jingle Punks
Gitmeye değer bir mağara fakıllı mağarası Düzce
Magara fakilli kaynak su
Sonbaharda Gökgöl Mağara Alanı - In autumn, the cave area Gökgöl
Sonbaharda Gökgöl Mağara Alanı
Gökgöl Mağara Alanı, Tarihe Yolculuk
Ağaçlar Yapraklarını Dökmüş, Uykuya Dalmış
Öz Antalya Tur İle Sürprizler Dünyası
Batı Karadeniz Turu
Çekim Tarihi: 19.11.2010
Çekim Mehmet SÖKMEN - 05325258493
In autumn, the cave area Gökgöl
Gökgöl Cave area, travel date
The trees shed leaves, fell asleep
Surprises World With Öz/Self-Antalya Tour
Filming the Öz/Self-Antalya Tour Name
Tour of Western Black Sea
Shooting Date: 19.11.2010
Shooting Mehmet SÖKMEN - 05325258493
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Pamukkale'nin yer altındaki ikizi; Kaklık Mağarası