Escape room RUMLKUKL
Innovative expedition NATURA 2020
Innovative exploration expedition NATURA 2020 invites you to join us in discovering the priceless treasures of the ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST and/or in the visit to the realm of the boutique Pohorje mixed forest park in a form of a study photo trekking safari.
Your base camp will be located in Ruše, Slovenia. Guided photo trekking safari walks take from three hours to three days.
On the first day of the expedition you will explore the characteristics of the unique ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST (Grand Šumik Waterfall, Verna Waterfall and Small Šumik Waterfall). You will cross the Lobnica canyon over a suspension bridge. You will also walk along the longest Slovenian hiking footbridge. Working visit of the nature takes three hours. Find out more at
On the second day you will travel along the Drava Valley. From Ruše you will pass the Fala Castle, visit the piers of the first hydroelectric power station Fala on river Drava (Technical Museum Fala requires additional payment) and travel through the Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On Mt. Rogla you will start your couple-hour trekking visit of the glorious Lovrenc Lakes. After the return you will move to the Black Lake due to the logistical reasons. The rare species of birds and the protected habitats are protected with the order by the European Union. The main point of the expedition is to use nature discovery and self-discovery team building processes in order to learn how to respect the forest ordinance and sustainable inhabitants of NATURA 2000.
On the third day you will visit the fascinating Bistrica Vintgar and the Šum Waterfall. At the very end you will also visit the heavenly gorgeous Skalca Waterfall (Fram Waterfall). You will return to Ruše across the Ruše Pohorje mountain chain. In Areh you will have a short stop to visit the St. Areh Church and enjoy in a farewell blueberry liqueur, lumberjack Vienna steak with a side dish and salad, and the Pohorje omelette dessert.
The innovative expedition NATURA 2020 season lasts from May 21 to November 21 (every year).
There will be Slovenian guides available who are able to communicate in English if necessary. Transportation. There is accommodation available in mountain huts for additional payment. Knapsack food. Walking is at your own risk. Children under the age of 7 have to be accompanied by an adult. Telephone and internet services are not available!!!
Reservations at
Музей-заповедник «Изборск» | Museum-reserve Izborsk
Изборск (в разг. речи также употребляется название Старый Изборск — для отличия от деревни Новый Изборск) — деревня в Печорском районе Псковской области России, один из древнейших русских городов, упоминаемый начальным летописцем как центр кривичского населения вместе со Смоленском и Полоцком.
В 1330 году псковским посадником Шелогой было завершено строительство мощной каменной крепости, которая выдержала десятки вражеских осад и сохранилась до наших дней, являясь выдающимся памятником оборонного зодчества Древней Руси.
Крепость на Жеравьей горе имеет форму неправильного треугольника со скругленными углами. С двух сторон она почти неприступна из-за крутых склонов, с напольной, юго-западной стороны были выкопаны рвы.
Стены и башни крепости построены из местной известняковой плиты на известковом растворе. Прясла стен с внешней и внутренней стороны крепости выложены слоем регулярной кладки, а внутри забутованы плитой на глиняном растворе. Площадь территории крепости составляет 2,4 га, протяженность стен 623 метра, их высота от 7,5 м — 10 м, средняя толщина — 4 м. Диаметр башен в плане −10-12 м, высота 12-19 м, средняя толщина стен башен — 3 м.
Крепость была мощным оборонительным сооружением своего времени, сыгравшим огромную роль в обороне Северо-Запада Руси, в частности Псковской земли, которая с середины XIV века стала независимой от Новгорода Великого. Все попытки Ливонских рыцарей овладеть Изборском оказались безрезультатными.
Никольский собор построен у главного входа внутри крепости — это одноапсидная постройка с очень толстыми стенами, сложенными из плитнякового камня. Центральный куб храма увенчан одной главой на мощном барабане, который украшен двумя простыми орнаментальными поясами.
Точной даты постройки храма нет, в Псковских летописях собор впервые упоминается под 1341 годом. В 16-17 веке к собору с юга пристраивается бесстолпный одноапсидный придел Спаса Преображения.
Об особом значении Изборска и его главного храма говорит тот факт, что при учреждении в 1589 г. Псковской Митрополии ее глава получил титул митрополита Псковского и Изборского. Никольский храм стал кафедральным собором.
Храм является действующим с момента освящения по настоящее время.
В 1966 году в Изборске снимался фильм «Андрей Рублёв».
В настоящее время — туристический центр. Государственный историко-культурный и природно-ландшафтный музей-заповедник (с 1996 года).
Словенские ключи - находятся недалеко от Изборской крепости на береговой террасе Городищенского озера, иногда назывались ключами Двенадцати апостолов.
Первое письменное упоминание об этих источниках относится к семнадцатому веку. Бьют ключи не менее тысячи лет. Это источники карстово-трещинного типа. Забор воды осуществляется на территории трёх-четырёх километров. Проходя через известняк и слои глины, вода фильтруется, очищается, но в ней остается много кальция и минеральных солей. Минерализация воды достаточно велика, как и мощность источников, ежесекундно выбрасывающих до четырёхсот литров воды.
* * *
© Для СМИ и любых информационных площадок: вы можете использовать или копировать материалы из этого ролика полностью или частично, но только с указанием моего авторства (фотограф © Владимир Кот) и ссылкой на это видео.
Innovative expedition NATURA 2020
Innovative exploration expedition NATURA 2020 invites you to join us in discovering the priceless treasures of the ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST and/or in the visit to the realm of the boutique Pohorje mixed forest park in a form of a study photo trekking safari.
Your base camp will be located in Ruše, Slovenia. Guided photo trekking safari walks take from three hours to three days.
On the first day of the expedition you will explore the characteristics of the unique ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST (Grand Šumik Waterfall, Verna Waterfall and Small Šumik Waterfall). You will cross the Lobnica canyon over a suspension bridge. You will also walk along the longest Slovenian hiking footbridge. Working visit of the nature takes three hours. Find out more at
On the second day you will travel along the Drava Valley. From Ruše you will pass the Fala Castle, visit the piers of the first hydroelectric power station Fala on river Drava (Technical Museum Fala requires additional payment) and travel through the Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On Mt. Rogla you will start your couple-hour trekking visit of the glorious Lovrenc Lakes. After the return you will move to the Black Lake due to the logistical reasons. The rare species of birds and the protected habitats are protected with the order by the European Union. The main point of the expedition is to use nature discovery and self-discovery team building processes in order to learn how to respect the forest ordinance and sustainable inhabitants of NATURA 2000.
On the third day you will visit the fascinating Bistrica Vintgar and the Šum Waterfall. At the very end you will also visit the heavenly gorgeous Skalca Waterfall (Fram Waterfall). You will return to Ruše across the Ruše Pohorje mountain chain. In Areh you will have a short stop to visit the St. Areh Church and enjoy in a farewell blueberry liqueur, lumberjack Vienna steak with a side dish and salad, and the Pohorje omelette dessert.
The innovative expedition NATURA 2020 season lasts from May 21 to November 21 (every year).
There will be Slovenian guides available who are able to communicate in English if necessary. Transportation. There is accommodation available in mountain huts for additional payment. Knapsack food. Walking is at your own risk. Children under the age of 7 have to be accompanied by an adult. Telephone and internet services are not available!!!
Reservations at
Academia of wisdom GNOTHI SEAUTON
Innovative expedition NATURA 2020
Innovative exploration expedition NATURA 2020 invites you to join us in discovering the priceless treasures of the ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST and/or in the visit to the realm of the boutique Pohorje mixed forest park in a form of a study photo trekking safari.
Your base camp will be located in Ruše, Slovenia. Guided photo trekking safari walks take from three hours to three days.
On the first day of the expedition you will explore the characteristics of the unique ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST (Grand Šumik Waterfall, Verna Waterfall and Small Šumik Waterfall). You will cross the Lobnica canyon over a suspension bridge. You will also walk along the longest Slovenian hiking footbridge. Working visit of the nature takes three hours. Find out more at
On the second day you will travel along the Drava Valley. From Ruše you will pass the Fala Castle, visit the piers of the first hydroelectric power station Fala on river Drava (Technical Museum Fala requires additional payment) and travel through the Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On Mt. Rogla you will start your couple-hour trekking visit of the glorious Lovrenc Lakes. After the return you will move to the Black Lake due to the logistical reasons. The rare species of birds and the protected habitats are protected with the order by the European Union. The main point of the expedition is to use nature discovery and self-discovery team building processes in order to learn how to respect the forest ordinance and sustainable inhabitants of NATURA 2000.
On the third day you will visit the fascinating Bistrica Vintgar and the Šum Waterfall. At the very end you will also visit the heavenly gorgeous Skalca Waterfall (Fram Waterfall). You will return to Ruše across the Ruše Pohorje mountain chain. In Areh you will have a short stop to visit the St. Areh Church and enjoy in a farewell blueberry liqueur, lumberjack Vienna steak with a side dish and salad, and the Pohorje omelette dessert.
The innovative expedition NATURA 2020 season lasts from May 21 to November 21 (every year).
There will be Slovenian guides available who are able to communicate in English if necessary. Transportation. There is accommodation available in mountain huts for additional payment. Knapsack food. Walking is at your own risk. Children under the age of 7 have to be accompanied by an adult. Telephone and internet services are not available!!!
Reservations at
Innovative expedition NATURA 2020
Innovative exploration expedition NATURA 2020 invites you to join us in discovering the priceless treasures of the ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST and/or in the visit to the realm of the boutique Pohorje mixed forest park in a form of a study photo trekking safari.
Your base camp will be located in Ruše, Slovenia. Guided photo trekking safari walks take from three hours to three days.
On the first day of the expedition you will explore the characteristics of the unique ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST (Grand Šumik Waterfall, Verna Waterfall and Small Šumik Waterfall). You will cross the Lobnica canyon over a suspension bridge. You will also walk along the longest Slovenian hiking footbridge. Working visit of the nature takes three hours. Find out more at
On the second day you will travel along the Drava Valley. From Ruše you will pass the Fala Castle, visit the piers of the first hydroelectric power station Fala on river Drava (Technical Museum Fala requires additional payment) and travel through the Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On Mt. Rogla you will start your couple-hour trekking visit of the glorious Lovrenc Lakes. After the return you will move to the Black Lake due to the logistical reasons. The rare species of birds and the protected habitats are protected with the order by the European Union. The main point of the expedition is to use nature discovery and self-discovery team building processes in order to learn how to respect the forest ordinance and sustainable inhabitants of NATURA 2000.
On the third day you will visit the fascinating Bistrica Vintgar and the Šum Waterfall. At the very end you will also visit the heavenly gorgeous Skalca Waterfall (Fram Waterfall). You will return to Ruše across the Ruše Pohorje mountain chain. In Areh you will have a short stop to visit the St. Areh Church and enjoy in a farewell blueberry liqueur, lumberjack Vienna steak with a side dish and salad, and the Pohorje omelette dessert.
The innovative expedition NATURA 2020 season lasts from May 21 to November 21 (every year).
There will be Slovenian guides available who are able to communicate in English if necessary. Transportation. There is accommodation available in mountain huts for additional payment. Knapsack food. Walking is at your own risk. Children under the age of 7 have to be accompanied by an adult. Telephone and internet services are not available!!!
Reservations at
Innovative expedition NATURA 2020
Innovative exploration expedition NATURA 2020 invites you to join us in discovering the priceless treasures of the ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST and/or in the visit to the realm of the boutique Pohorje mixed forest park in a form of a study photo trekking safari.
Your base camp will be located in Ruše, Slovenia. Guided photo trekking safari walks take from three hours to three days.
On the first day of the expedition you will explore the characteristics of the unique ŠUMIK VIRGIN FOREST (Grand Šumik Waterfall, Verna Waterfall and Small Šumik Waterfall). You will cross the Lobnica canyon over a suspension bridge. You will also walk along the longest Slovenian hiking footbridge. Working visit of the nature takes three hours. Find out more at
On the second day you will travel along the Drava Valley. From Ruše you will pass the Fala Castle, visit the piers of the first hydroelectric power station Fala on river Drava (Technical Museum Fala requires additional payment) and travel through the Municipality of Lovrenc na Pohorju. On Mt. Rogla you will start your couple-hour trekking visit of the glorious Lovrenc Lakes. After the return you will move to the Black Lake due to the logistical reasons. The rare species of birds and the protected habitats are protected with the order by the European Union. The main point of the expedition is to use nature discovery and self-discovery team building processes in order to learn how to respect the forest ordinance and sustainable inhabitants of NATURA 2000.
On the third day you will visit the fascinating Bistrica Vintgar and the Šum Waterfall. At the very end you will also visit the heavenly gorgeous Skalca Waterfall (Fram Waterfall). You will return to Ruše across the Ruše Pohorje mountain chain. In Areh you will have a short stop to visit the St. Areh Church and enjoy in a farewell blueberry liqueur, lumberjack Vienna steak with a side dish and salad, and the Pohorje omelette dessert.
The innovative expedition NATURA 2020 season lasts from May 21 to November 21 (every year).
There will be Slovenian guides available who are able to communicate in English if necessary. Transportation. There is accommodation available in mountain huts for additional payment. Knapsack food. Walking is at your own risk. Children under the age of 7 have to be accompanied by an adult. Telephone and internet services are not available!!!
Reservations at
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
With all of the wonder, adventure and thrills synonymous with one of the most popular and successful series in cinema history, this all-new motion-picture event sees the return of favorite characters and dinosaurs--along with new breeds more awe-inspiring and terrifying than ever before. Welcome to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Stars Pratt and Howard return alongside executive producers Steven Spielberg and Colin Trevorrow for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. They are joined by co-stars James Cromwell, Ted Levine, Justice Smith, Geraldine Chaplin, Daniella Pineda, Toby Jones, Rafe Spall and Isabella Sermon, while B.D. Wong and Jeff Goldblum reprise their roles. - ( Original Title - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom )
Arthur (2011)
Kind-hearted, fun-loving, and utterly without purpose, Arthur spends every day in the heedless pursuit of amusement. But when his unpredictable public image threatens the staid reputation of the family foundation, Bach Worldwide, he is given an ultimatum: marry the beautiful but decidedly unlovable Susan Johnson (Jennifer Garner), an ambitious corporate exec who can keep him in line, or say goodbye to his billion-dollar inheritance and the only way of life he knows. It's a deal Arthur would be inclined to take...if he hadn't just fallen for Naomi (Greta Gerwig), a New York City tour guide who shares his idealism and spontaneity. All he needs to do is stand up for what he wants. But at what cost? With some unconventional help from Hobson (Helen Mirren)--the one person who always believed he could do anything--Arthur will take the most expensive risk of his life and learn what it means to become a man.
MPAA Rating: R © 2011 Warner Bros, Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lviv | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:38 1 Names
00:03:20 2 Geography
00:04:38 2.1 Climate
00:05:22 3 History
00:08:16 3.1 Galicia–Volhynia Wars
00:10:40 3.2 Kingdom of Poland
00:15:56 3.3 Habsburg Empire
00:22:09 3.3.1 First World War
00:23:02 3.4 Polish–Ukrainian War
00:26:51 3.5 Interbellum period
00:29:35 3.6 World War II and the Soviet incorporation
00:31:13 3.7 German occupation
00:35:32 3.8 Liberation from Nazis
00:37:37 3.9 Post-war Soviet Union
00:42:14 3.10 Independent Ukraine
00:43:14 4 Administrative division
00:44:17 5 Demographics
00:45:18 5.1 Historical populations
00:49:48 5.2 The ethnic Polish population
00:51:39 5.3 The Jewish population
00:54:42 6 Economy
01:00:12 6.1 Information technology
01:02:53 7 Culture
01:04:19 7.1 Architecture
01:05:51 7.2 Monuments
01:08:19 7.3 Religion
01:08:55 7.3.1 Christianity
01:10:51 7.3.2 Judaism
01:12:25 7.4 Arts
01:15:13 7.5 Theatre and opera
01:16:59 7.6 Museums and art galleries
01:19:01 7.7 Music
01:23:41 7.8 Universities and academia
01:26:35 7.9 Mathematics
01:27:39 7.10 Print and media
01:31:40 7.11 In cinema and literature
01:33:41 7.12 Parks
01:36:54 7.13 Sport
01:41:52 8 Tourism
01:43:42 9 Popular culture
01:45:34 10 Public transportation
01:48:19 10.1 Railways
01:50:55 10.2 Air transport
01:53:46 10.3 Bicycle lanes
01:55:55 11 Education
01:58:00 11.1 Universities
01:59:45 12 Notable people
01:59:54 12.1 Writers and authors
02:01:45 12.2 Musicians and composers
02:03:12 12.3 Philosophers, scholars, and doctors
02:04:57 12.4 Chess and gaming
02:05:43 12.5 Actors, singers, and directors
02:06:47 12.6 Painters
02:07:36 12.7 Military leaders
02:08:08 12.8 Government officials and politicians
02:09:04 12.9 Clergy
02:10:46 12.10 Sports
02:11:33 13 International relations
02:11:43 13.1 Twin towns and sister cities
02:11:54 14 See also
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Speaking Rate: 0.8838144945354984
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Lviv (Ukrainian: Львів [lʲwiu̯] (listen); Old East Slavic: Львіхород; Polish: Lwów [lvuf] (listen); Russian: Львов, romanized: Lvov [lʲvof]; German: Lemberg; Latin: Leopolis; see also other names) is the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh-largest city in the country overall, with a population of 724,713 as of January 2019. Lviv is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine.
Named in honour of Leo, the eldest son of Daniel, King of Ruthenia, it was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia (also called the Kingdom of Ruthenia) from 1272 to 1349, when it was conquered by King Casimir III the Great who then became known as the King of Poland and Ruthenia. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland. In 1772, after the First Partition of Poland, the city became the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918, for a short time, it was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic.
After the German-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, Lviv became part of the Soviet Union, and in 1944–46 there was a population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine. In 1991, it became part of the independent nation of Ukraine.
Administratively, Lviv serves as the administrative centre of Lviv Oblast and has the status of city of oblast significance.
Lviv was the centre of the historical regions of Red Ruthenia and Galicia. The historical heart of the city, with its old buildings and cobblestone streets, survived Soviet and German occupations during World War II largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also the home of many cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The histori ...
Bill Schnoebelen Interview with an Ex Vampire (6 of 9) Multi Language
Part 6 of the 9 part series with Bill discussing the process and methods of becoming a vampire, the rites associated with it and the lifestyle therein.
He said he had an uncontrollable blood thirst and was thankful he ran a coven where his followers would willingly give their blood for him to sustain himself.
The world is only weird because they control the narrative. They have spin control. They decide what's possible or impossible.
Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
Afrikaans: vampier
Arabic: رعب
Azerbaijani: vampir
Belarusian: вампір
Bulgarian: вампир
Bengali: রক্তচোষা
Bosnian: vampir
Catalan: vampir
Cebuano: vampire
Czech: upír
Welsh: vampire
Danish: vampyr
German: Vampir
Greek: βρυκόλακας
English: vampire
Esperanto: vampire
Spanish: vampiro
Estonian: vampiir
Basque: banpiroa
Persian: خون آشام
Finnish: vampyyri
French: vampire
Irish: vampire
Galician: vampiro
Gujarati: વેમ્પાયર
Hausa: vampire
Hindi: पिशाच
Hmong: vampire
Croatian: vampir
Haitian Creole: vanpir
Hungarian: vámpír
Armenian: վամպիր
Indonesian: vampir
Igbo: vampire
Icelandic: vampíru
Italian: vampiro
Hebrew: ערפד
Japanese: 吸血鬼
Javanese: vampir
Georgian: vampire
Kazakh: вампир
Khmer: បិសាច
Kannada: ರಕ್ತಪಿಶಾಚಿ
Korean: 흡혈귀
Latin: vampire
Lao: vampire
Lithuanian: vampyras
Latvian: vampīrs
Malagasy: Vampire
Maori: vampire
Macedonian: вампир
Malayalam: വാമ്പയർ
Mongolian: цус сорогч
Marathi: पिशाच
Malay: Pontianak
Maltese: vampir
Myanmar (Burmese): သွေးစုပ်ဖုတ်ကောင်
Nepali: पिशाच
Dutch: vampier
Norwegian: vampyr
Chichewa: vampire
Punjabi: ਪਿਸ਼ਾਚ
Polish: wampir
Portuguese: vampiro
Romanian: vampir
Russian: вампир
Sinhala: වැම්පයර්
Slovak: upír
Slovenian: vampir
Somali: vampire
Albanian: vampir
Serbian: вампире
Sesotho: moferefere
Sundanese: vampir
Swedish: vampyr
Swahili: vampire
Tamil: காட்டேரி
Telugu: పిశాచ
Tajik: vampire
Thai: แทตย์
Filipino: vampire
Turkish: vampir
Ukrainian: вампір
Urdu: ویمپائر
Uzbek: vampire
Vietnamese: ma cà rồng
Yiddish: וואַמפּיר
Yoruba: vampire
Chinese: 吸血鬼
Chinese (Simplified): 吸血鬼
Chinese (Traditional): 吸血鬼
Zulu: i-vampire
Kent Hovind - Seminar 1 - The Age of The Earth [MULTISUBS]
Dr. Kent Hovind debunks evolution's belief that the earth has evolved over billions of years. This also exposes the Big Bang theory and the religious beliefs of evolution.
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