Документальний фільм, що розповідає як змінився футбол і все, що його оточує, під впливом часу та грошей. У фільмі беруть участь авторитетні представники найбільших фанатських угруповань України - Динамо, Дніпра, Карпат та Шахтаря, футболісти і тренери київського Динамо, а також віце-президент федерації футболу України і представник міліції. Учасники фільму обговорюють проблеми, що хвилюють всіх їх - засилля легіонерів в українському футболі, проблеми натуралізації гравців, а також наслідки зростаючої комерціалізації футболу. Події на трибунах і поза ними, відданість своєму клубу, думки про наближення чемпіонату Євро 2012, ставлення до міліції та офіційних структур - всі ці теми висвітлені у фільмі тими, без кого ця гра неможлива. Глядачам надається можливість не тільки почути правду від першої особи, але й побачити рідкісні документальні кадри. Сучасний футбол - добро чи зло - ось основна лінія цієї стрічки.
Top Most Attractions of Beautiful Beaches in Ukraine
Top Most Attractions of Beautiful Beaches in Ukraine
Top Most Attractions of Beautiful Beaches in Ukraine
Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, translit. Ukraina [ukrɑˈjinɑ]), sometimes called the Ukraine, is a sovereign state in Eastern Europe, bordered by Russia to the east and northeast; Belarus to the northwest; Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia to the west; Romania and Moldova to the southwest; and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively
Beaches in Ukraine. Topless, nude beach and seaside. Beach. The most popular beaches seashores, relaxation, and recreation areas.
Top Beaches in Ukraine:
Beaches in Kiev
Beaches in Odessa
Beaches in Dnipropetrovsk
Beaches in Chernihiv
Beaches in Chornomorsk
Beaches in Shats'k
Beaches in Kobleve
Beaches in Avdeyevka
A little outdoors workout
Today's outing through da BarZ
Varya Akulova y su familia en Channel One 1TV de Rusia.
Yuriy Akulov, Larisa Akulova y Barbara Akulova, la familia akulova
«Они летели, раскинув руки, и падали на землю»
«Они летели, раскинув руки, и падали на землю»
В июле 2015 года, спустя год после крушения малайзийского Boeing в районе украинского села Грабово свидетели трагедии вспоминают самый страшный день своей жизни.
They were falling with outstretched arms and hitting the ground
In July 2015, a year after the Malaysian Boeing crash near the Ukrainian village of Grabovo, the witnesses of the tragedy remember the most terrifying day of their lives.
— акция памяти пассажиров и членов экипажа самолета Boeing 777 Малайзийских авиалиний, сбитого ракетой над территорией Украины летом 2014 года. В пятницу, 17 июля, в день годовщины трагедии мы предлагаем почтить память каждого из 298 человек — мужчин, женщин и детей, граждан разных стран — невинных жертв необъявленной войны.
1) Распечатайте бумажный самолет с сайта
2) Сложите его и принесите к посольству Нидерландов в Москве в Калашный переулок, 6, или к посольству России за границей. Момент крушения боинга МН17 — 17:20 по Москве (13:20 UTC), но нести самолетики можно весь день.
3) Если прийти к посольству не получается — сделайте с ним селфи и опубликуйте с хэштегом #PAPERBOEING.
4) Если получается прийти, но не получается распечатать — ничего страшного. Просто приходите к посольству Нидерландов в Москве — там вас встретят наши волонтеры.
— a rally in memory of the passengers and crew of MH17, shot down in Ukrainian airspace in the summer of 2014. On Friday July 17, the one-year anniversary of the tragedy, we invite you to honour the memory of each of the 298 innocent victims of an undeclared war – men, women, children, citizens of various countries.
1) Print out the paper aeroplane template provided on
2) Make your paper plane and bring it to the Dutch embassy in Moscow on Kalashny Lane or to a Russian embassy abroad. MH17 crashed at 13:20 UTC (17:20 Moscow time) but you can come with your planes throughout the day.
3) If you can’t make it to the embassy, take a selfie with your plane and share it with the hashtag #PAPERBOEING.
4) If you can make it but can’t print out the template, don’t worry – just get yourself to the Dutch embassy in Moscow, where our volunteers will be on hand to meet you.
Weightlifting & Strongman - [ENG SUB] - TOROKHTIY & KONYUSHOK / Гидропарк перезагрузка
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Deny Montana - 1 Кубок Наций по Воркауту 08.12.2012
Deny Montana - Это Workout. Соревнования проходили в Лужниках в УСЗ Дружба.
снимал - vk.com/waitcrit
Sunday workout...
Mageo Kids Workout
Острог: в тіні історії | Ostroh: in the shadow of history
Острог: в тіні історії - це гранично новий погляд на сучасний стан давнього міста, яке пережило розквіт, занепад і вже другий десяток років постає з попелу. Фільм спробує показати закулісся урбаністичних процесів, їх складність та неоднозначність. Розповісти про те, чого не помітиш на старих вулицях неозброєним оком, однак варте того, щоб бути почутим.
Ostrog: w cieniu historii - to zupełnie nowe spojrzenie na dzisiejszy stan starożytnego miasta, które przeszło kwitnienie, rozpadło się i pojawiło się z popiołów przez drugą dekadę. Film postara się pokazać za kulisami procesów miejskich, ich złożoności i niejednoznaczności. Powiedz nam, czego nie zauważasz na starych ulicach gołym okiem, ale warto je usłyszeć.
Ostrog: in the shadow of history - this is a completely new look at the present-day condition of the ancient city, which has undergone a flowering, decay and has been appearing from the ashes for the second decade. The film will try to show behind the scenes of urban processes, their complexity and ambiguity. Tell us what you do not notice on the old streets with the naked eye, but it's worth being heard.
Unity Of The Real Family (with English subtitles)
Единство настоящей семьи
Koinonia Culture, Cherkasy December 4-6, 2015
Культура Койнонии, Черкассы, 4-6 декабря, 2015
Deny Montana - Отдыхайте спортивно
street workout in bintulu sarawak 2011.wmv
I maniaci di Dnepropetrovsk - Uccidere per hobby
Viktor Sayenko ed Igor Suprunyuck, collettivamente conosciuti come i maniaci di Dnepropetrovsk, sono una coppia di serial killer ucraini che nell'estate del 2007 in sole quattro settimane uccisero 21 persone nella città di Dnepropetrovsk e nelle zone limitrofe.
Il modus operandi prevedeva l'individuazione casuale della vittima che veniva massacrata a colpi di martello.
Per la giovane età degli assassini e per il numero impressionante di vittime in un brevissimo lasso di tempo si tratta di un caso unico nel panorama degli omicidi seriali.
Nel 2008 uno dei video girato dai due maniaci venne caricato su internet e divenne noto come 3guys1hammer (vi sconsiglio vivamente di andarlo a cercare).
Dnipropetrovsk Panorama by Gnesener1900 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
Norwich City Centre - June 2013 - Out to Lunch Candid by Gareth Williams, licensed under CC (
Hammer-1 by Shakespeare at en.wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
Shoes of man lying on bench by Paul Goyette - Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
Сучкова 15 by Disillusion - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
Todd Matthews by Renegade 98, licensed under CC
La musica è stata scaricata da
CLINT DEMPSEY - WikiVidi Documentary
Clinton Drew Dempsey is an American professional soccer player who plays as a forward for Seattle Sounders FC of Major League Soccer and has served as the captain of the United States national team. He has also played for New England Revolution, Fulham and Tottenham Hotspur. Growing up in Nacogdoches, Texas, Dempsey played for one of the top youth soccer clubs in the state, the Dallas Texans, before playing for Furman University's men's soccer team. In 2004, Dempsey was drafted by the MLS club, New England Revolution, where he quickly integrated himself into the starting lineup. Hindered initially by a jaw injury, he eventually scored 25 goals in 71 appearances with New England. Between 2007 and 2012, Dempsey played for Premier League club, Fulham, and is the club's highest Premier League goalscorer of all time. Dempsey became the first American player to score a hat-trick in the Premier League, in the 5–2 win over Newcastle United in January 2012, and was twice voted as Fulham's 'P...
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:03:18: Early life and career
00:05:19: New England Revolution
00:06:21: 2006–07 season
00:07:39: 2007–08 season
00:09:30: 2008–09 season
00:11:06: 2009–10 season
00:13:16: 2010–11 season
00:15:18: 2011–12 season
00:19:11: Tottenham Hotspur
00:22:01: Seattle Sounders FC
00:22:53: Loan to Fulham
00:23:23: Return to Seattle Sounders FC
00:26:07: International career
00:26:22: Early career: 2005 and 2007 Gold Cups and 2006 World Cup
00:28:45: 2009 Confederations Cup and 2010 World Cup
00:31:07: 2011 Gold Cup
00:32:10: 2014 World Cup and 2015 Gold Cup
00:35:32: Copa América Centenario
00:36:13: 2018 World Cup Qualification
00:37:14: 2017 Gold Cup
00:38:25: Style of play
00:39:23: Personal life
00:40:01: Music
Copyright WikiVidi.
Licensed under Creative Commons.
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Deny Montana-младший - Сердце в MP3
Holodomor | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р; derived from морити голодом, to kill by starvation) was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. It is also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and sometimes referred to as the Great Famine or The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33. It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country. During the Holodomor, millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine. Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly. According to higher estimates, up to 12 million ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine. A U.N. joint statement signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7–10 million perished. Research has since narrowed the estimates to between 3.3 and 7.5 million. According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kiev in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficit.Some scholars believe that the famine was planned by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. Using Holodomor in reference to the famine emphasises its man-made aspects, arguing that actions such as rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs, and restriction of population movement confer intent, defining the famine as genocide; the loss of life has been compared to that of the Holocaust. The causes are still a subject of academic debate, and some historians dispute its characterization as a genocide.
Top 23 Famous Solved Mysteries
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Top 23 Famous Solved Mysteries
1. Charles Manson.
2. Dennis Rader – BTK
3. Dennis Nilsen
4. Charles Cullen
5. David Berkowitz - The Son of Sam.
6. Wayne Williams
7. Donato Bilancia
8. Kristen Gilbert
9. Beverley Allitt
10. Paul Bernardo
11. Karla Homolka
12. Peter Sutcliffe
13. Rosemary West
14. Scott Lee Kimball
15. Ian Brady
16. Maxim Petrov
17. Robert Pickton
18. Russell Williams
19. Peter Tobin.
20. Hu Wanlin.
21. Steve Wright
22. Viktor Sayenko
23. Junko Ogata
Music: Kevin Macleod