ANCONA - IL FARO VECCHIO | (26.03.2017)
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Il vecchio faro in Ancona
Valore Paese-FARI - Il Faro del Colle dei Cappuccini ad Ancona
Le bellissime immagini in volo sul Faro del Colle dei Cappuccini che domina il promontorio di Ancona, all'interno del parco del Cardeto. La struttura è uno dei 9 immobili dello Stato del terzo bando #ValorePaeseFARI. Fu costruito nel 1860 ed è stato attivo fino al 1965: oggi può tornare ad essere un luogo utile grazie ad un progetto di valorizzazione. Scopri tutto sul progetto di recupero dei fari e degli edifici costieri italiani su
Ancona - Vecchio Faro - DJI Phantom 3 drone footage
Video realizzato con drone DJI Phantom 3
« PIUS IX P.M. optimus et indulgentissimus princeps turrim a fundamentis ecitavit et nocturnos ignes ad regendos navivm cursus novo artificio migantes superponi ivssit cur Camill Amici publ praef et Laurent Randi praes prov Ancon. Anno MDCCCLX » (Targa apposta sulla torre).
L'8 agosto 1859, per volere di papa Pio IX, iniziarono i lavori per la costruzione del vecchio faro di Ancona, che entrò in funzione il 10 luglio 1860. Esso fu l'ultima opera pubblica compiuta sotto l'amministrazione pontificia; il 29 settembre, infatti Ancona entrava a far parte del Regno di Sardegna. Nel sistema di illuminazione si utilizzavano le lenti di Fresnel; il segnale era formato da un lampo bianco ogni 45 secondi ed ogni lampo era preceduto da quattro secondi di luce più tenue. Il vecchio faro ha operato fino al 1965.
Dopo una chiusura di quasi quarant'anni, la ristrutturazione del 2000 aveva dato una nuova vita alla storica torre, simbolo dimenticato della città dorica; grazie all'opera dei volontari del circolo anconitano di Legambiente, nel giro di quattro anni il faro vecchio è stato visitato da migliaia di cittadini e turisti, diventando una delle principali mete turistiche dell'intera città di Ancona. Ciononostante, a causa di un gradino rotto, dal 2005 non è possibile visitare il faro vecchio. Dato che il monumento appartiene al demanio, il Comune di Ancona non può occuparsi direttamente della sistemazione della scala, per quanto l'intervento richiesto sia minimo e nonostante il faro di Ancona, nel 2003, sia stato inserito tra i monumenti da restaurare. (Fonte: Wikipedia)
Per le mie riprese:
Drone DJI Phantom 3 SE -
Fotocamera Canon 80D -
DJI Osmo Mobile -
Action Cam GoPro HERO 6 Black
Places to see in ( Ancona - Italy )
Places to see in ( Ancona - Italy )
Ancona is a city on Italy’s Adriatic coast and the capital of the Marche region. It’s known for beaches, such as Passetto Beach, and the hilltop Cathedral of San Ciriaco. In the city center, the Fontana del Calamo is a fountain with bronze masks of mythic figures. In the port are the ancient Arch of Trajan and the Lazzaretto, or Mole Vanvitelliana, an 18th-century pentagonal quarantine station on its own island.
Ancona is a bustling port on the eastern coast of Italy facing the Adriatic Sea. This city lies directly opposite Zadar and is within the Marche region of the country. Furthermore, Ancona is also the capital of the Province of Ancona and has a current population of 101,000. Serving as one of the main ports in the Adriatic, Ancon has an economy based on passenger traffic and commercial shipping. Settled by Greeks around 380 BC, Ancon has always been an important destination and has been part of the Roman Empire, the Lombard Empire and has seen extensive trade with other nations and civilizations across the Adriatic.
As a tourist destination, Ancona benefits from superb weather and has some fantastic beaches serviced by some world class hotels. Furthermore, the whole port area has a fantastic combination of modern facilities and historical buildings such as the Arco di Traiano and the Mole Vanvitelliana. Additionally, this city has some fantastic squares, historical monuments and museums, plus a host of fine restaurants and bars. If you are looking for an exciting and fun packed escape on the Adriatic coast, Ancona is the place to visit
Ancona has an extensive harbour and port and this is a fantastic place to walk through to see the beautiful range of ships and commercial freighters. At the western edge of the port is the Marina – here you can find a host of gorgeous fishing boats, sailing boats and yachts, together with a series of restaurants.
Located on the top of Monte Guasco in the eastern part of Ancona; the Cathedral of Saint Ciriaco is the most iconic religious structure in the city and towers above the surrounding region. A pleasant winding path leads up to the cathedral and there is also a beautiful staircase.
Located in close proximity to Ancona Cathedral, the Archaeological Museum is one of the most important museums in the region and is an infinitely interesting place to visit. Contained within the museum is a vast collection of artefacts and finds that have been excavated from the surrounding Marche region of Italy.
Notable structures include the Chiesa di San Domenico, the beautiful Prefettura Di Ancona, the Museo Della Citta and the ornate public library. At the eastern side of the square there is a beautiful set of stone stairs complete with historic statues such as the marble statue of Pope Clement XII. Aside from the amazing architecture there is also a series of high quality restaurants, cafes and bars for your enjoyment.
Often brushed aside as being just another of Italy's bolshie, gritty port towns, Ancona is no beauty at first glance from the ferry, it's true. But there's more to Ancona than meets the superficial eye, and to simply bypass it is to miss much. In the old town, crowned by the duomo, you can peel back layers of history of the city founded by Greek settlers from Syracuse around 387 BC, admiring Roman ruins, the rich stash of its archaeological museum and its Renaissance palazzi, which glow softly in the evening light. Linger long enough in its hilltop parks overlooking the Adriatic and lively boulevards and cafe-rimmed piazzas and you'll see a more likeable side to Le Marche's seafront capital, promise.
( Ancona - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Ancona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ancona - Italy
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Parco del Cardeto | Vecchio Faro | Duomo , Cattedrale di San Ciriaco | Ancona - Drone 4K
Il centro storico di Ancona si trova su una penisola. Questo è particolarmente evidente dal vecchio faro (costruito nel 1860). Il giorno in cui ho percorso la salita a piedi fino al Parco del Cardeto, la nebbia stava arrivando dal mare, creando un'esperienza surreale. Ben presto ha iniziato copre la città da est e in seguito, salendo la collina da ovest, ha inghiottito la Cattedrale 11 ° secolo che affaccia sul porto.
The old town of Ancona sits on a peninsula. It is particularly evident from the old lighthouse (built in 1860). The day I did the uphill walk to the Cardeto park, the fog was coming in from the sea, creating a surreal experience. Soon enough it started covering the city from the east and then climbing the hill from the west, engulfing the 11th-century Cathedral oversing the harbor.
Ancona in 4K
Video : Gopro hero 6 - dji phantom 3 by Pyson
Music : by Mario Ezequiel [ Check Mate Studio ]
[ VIDEO ] Pyson:
[ MUSIC ] Mario ezequiel :
Vecchio Faro di Ancona e Spiaggia di Portonovo - Xiaomi mi 4k
Ancona - Via libera alla ristrutturazione del vecchio faro
Soddisfatto l'assessore regionale Eusebi
videomaker Adriatik Berdaku
Itálie 2015 - Ancona (Marche, Italy) trip 1
20.6.2015 - Piazza Ugo Bassi - Cittadella - Lazzaretto - Porta Pia - Piazza della Republica - Piazza del Plebiscito - Piazza San Francesco - Anfiteatro Romano - Vecchio Faro - Cattedrale di San Ciriaco
Ancona - Vecchio Faro (2017) - Parrot Bebop
Erasmus 2018 (Ancona, Italy)
My second Erasmus experience, this time in Italy :)
Check out my Instagram:
• Track Info:
Title: Salvation [Inspiring Uplifting Orchestra]
Artist: Ghostrifter
Official Genre: Cinematic
Mood: Inspirational Download:
Track: Arensky x Adam Knight- Falling Dreamer
Ancona, un delfino nuota nel porto
ILa danza del cetaceo nell'acqua è stato ripreso stamattina dall'avvocato Ezio Gabrielli nei presso del molo del faro rosso ad Ancona
Senigallia, Ancona, Italy, Flyover, Drone Video
This video is free to use.
Places to see in ( Ancona - Italy ) Grotte del Passetto
Places to see in ( Ancona - Italy ) Grotte del Passetto
The peculiarity of this stretch of coast is the presence of more than one hundred caves dug into the rock in the period from the mid- nineteenth century to the sixties , originally used as a shelter for boats. The visitors to the caves are called grottaroli. The colored gates, the ports for boats, the fishing equipment make the whole suggestive; the use of materials that are almost always recycled is also characteristic: railway sleepers used as support for slipways, tiles of various types and colors used for the flooring, furnishings discarded by town houses and then repainted and adapted. In addition to the Passetto, the caves are present in other parts of the high coast of Ancona and total about five hundred. They represent a rare example of spontaneous architecture harmoniously inserted in a natural environment.
Concerning the question of the caves, problems of a legal and fiscal nature are periodically re-proposed: it is clear that the caves and, above all, the external structures such as the slipways of boats, are completely abusive structures, both in relation to urban planning instruments and safety standards (especially in an area of seismic hazard such as Ancona, and, in particular, in relation to the collapse of the cliff, often subject to landslides and landslides). It has also been discussed for years whether the property is state property (the municipal property for the caves, the state marattimo for structures on the shore) or may have been used by the owners (in the case of available assets of the City).
Given the total uncertainty of the legal position of the caves (some of which in the past the Municipality and / or the Harbor Authority ordered seizures and demolitions), we discuss the legitimacy of the deeds of transfer of ownership and acquisition by inheritance and on the payment of property taxes. The issue is also thorny from a political point of view, being that of the grottaroli a very present and fierce in the defense of their interests, so that the various successive municipal administrations have never been able to define once and for all the each other.
( Ancona - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Ancona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ancona - Italy
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Ancona Duomo - Marche Italy
Il duomo di Ancona
Il Passetto (Ancona)
Sorvolando la spiaggia del Passetto di Ancona e i Nuovi Laghetti