Foot Fish Spa - Hungry Doctor Fishes
Foot Fish Spa - Hungry Doctor Fishes Eat The Skin From The Feets
2014 Phuket Town, Phuket, Thailand
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Doctor fish is the name given to the species of fish Garra rufa. Other nicknames include nibble fish, and kangal fish. They live and breed in the pools of some Turkish river systems and hot springs. In modern times, they have been integrated as a spa treatment, where they feed on the skin of patients with psoriasis. While the doctor fish treatment has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis,[3] they are not meant as a curative treatment, as no cure for psoriasis currently exists. The use of the fish as a spa treatment for the wider public is still widely debated on grounds of efficacy and validity, as the treatment is not shown to have either positive or negative effects.
Garra rufa occurs in the river basins of the Northern and Central Middle East, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Oman. It is legally protected from commercial exploitation in Turkey due to concerns of overharvesting for export. Garra rufa can be kept in an aquarium at home; while not strictly a beginner's fish, it is quite hardy. For treatment of skin diseases, aquarium specimens are not well suited as the skin-feeding behavior fully manifests only under conditions where the food supply is somewhat scarce and unpredictable.
During their activities of foraging they slough off dead skin. They are simply looking for food which in the wild consists of aufwuchs. In both marine and freshwater environments the algae -- particularly green algae and diatoms -- make up the dominant component of aufwuchs communities. Small crustaceans, rotifers, and protozoans are also commonly found in fresh water and the sea, but insect larvae, oligochaetes and tardigrades are peculiar to freshwater aufwuchs faunas.
Spa resorts
Some spas provide large fish ponds with thousands of doctor fish in them
In 2006, doctor fish spa resorts opened in Hakone, Japan, and in Umag, Croatia, where the fish are used to clean the bathers at the spa. There are also spas in resorts in China, Belgium, the Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Rhodes (Greece), Slovakia, India, Pakistan Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Bucharest, Prague (Czech Republic) and Sibiu (Romania), Madrid (Corralejo Fuerteventura Dr Fish) and Barcelona (Spain), Israel, France, Sweden, Bahrain,[4] Iceland, and Trondheim (Norway). In 2008, the first widely known doctor fish pedicure service was opened in the United States in Alexandria, Virginia, and later in Woodbridge, Virginia. In 2010 the first U.K. spa opened in Sheffield.[5]
The practice is banned in several of the United States and Canadian provinces as cosmetology regulators believe the practice is unsanitary, with the Wall Street Journal claiming that cosmetology regulations generally mandate that tools need to be discarded or sanitized after each use. But epidermis-eating fish are too expensive to throw away.[6] The procedure is legal in Quebec, with a few clinics in Montreal.[7]
Garra rufa fish as pets
Before being outlawed in most U.S. states, the novelty of fish pedicures was viewed as a possible revenue enhancer for struggling nail salons, which had experienced less luxury spending from their regular clients during the recession. One New Hampshire salon owner who was shut down had assured local health authorities that she cleaned out fish tanks between pedicures and would never use the same group of fish with two different customers on the same day.[8] The state government still ruled the practice to be unsanitary.[9]
[World Theme Travel] Romaina, the Treasure of East Europe Part 3.Amazon of Europe, the Danube Delta
Romaina, the Treasure of East Europe Part 3.Amazon of Europe, the Danube Delta (2014.01.21)
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RC DRIFT & RC CRAWLING 2012 - Sibiu.mp4
Etapa a 2 a din Campionatul national de Drift si Crawl 2012 Sibiu
Music : MethodMan, RedMan, Cypress Hill
Albota Restaurant Romania
Albota restaurant Romania
Albota is the trout farm at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, in the Arpasel Valley surrounded by the Natural Reserve and the mountain peaks Albota and Buteanu (2507 m).
Intalnire Hondafan 2008 Fantanita Haiducului - sibiu
Sambata dimineata (9-Aug-2008) inainte de a se urca pe Transfagarasan ( Balea Lac)
Long Chao Shou (wontons!) // Chengdu: City of Gastronomy 32
You can get this type of wonton - pork filled in a clear broth - in almost any Chinese restaurant, but Chengdu’s Long Chao Shou is special. It uses top quality ingredients and a more fragrant broth. These might be the best wontons I’ve ever eaten.
Tell the average person to make a list of Chinese food and wontons will be on that list. Having freshly made, perfectly cooked bowls of wontons as a cheap option for lunch makes living in China worth it alone. I just wish Long Chao Shou had a location closer to my house. Oh well, I’ll just have to travel to one of their locations scattered around Chengdu. The flagship store is in a basement close to Chunxi Rd, Chengdu’s pedestrian shopping street, but I headed to the Wenshu Monastery area to get myself a delcious bowl. This area, which is called Wenshu Fang, has been rebuilt in the classical traditional Sichuan style of architecture. The buildings are beautiful, as is the food. You can get street food or sit down in a restaurant. There is also a ton of shops that sell Chinese and Tibetan souvenirs. The higher-end ones (you’ll know by how nice they are) will cost you more than most other places in the city, but there are also street vendors and a more downscale market that’s set up close by (look for the Lobster sign), just be sure to barter at these places.
Visit Long Chao Shou - 龙抄手 (Lóng chāoshǒu)
Wenshu Monastery location - 35 Wenshuyuan (文殊院街35号)
Chunxi Road location - 68 south section of Chunxi Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu (成都锦江区春熙路南段68号)
In this series, I am eating my way through a deck of cards. I bought a deck of food themed playing cards that feature a different Sichuan dish on every card. Every week I'll shuffle the deck and pick one random card to hunt down and sample. Chengdu was the first Asian city to be named a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. It's full of incredible food - a lot of which you probably don't know about.
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The weekly video will be posted every Thursday at 3PM EST until all 54 cards have been tried.
Also tune in Tuesday at 3PM EST for more of my videos.
I live in China and am constantly exploring and traveling the country and other parts of Asia. Subscribe to my channel to watch more adventures... and to learn a bit about food, cultures, and more.
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JazzyBIT live @ A38 - full concert
This is our Touch the Sky album launch concert we had in Budapest (Hungary), at the well-known A38 ship, on the 25th of April, 2014. All the rights for the filming and recording belong to the Hungarian television M2.
02:09 Ocean Wave
06:44 The Chase
12:46 Curacao
20:59 Two Souls
28:16 Poate De Ce
34:48 Tumbao
42:29 Story of the Heart
JazzyBIT is a loud jazz trio from Timișoara (Romania) consisting of Teodor Pop (piano, keys), Mihai Moldoveanu (bass) and Szabó Csongor-Zsolt (drums), which offers an energetic combination of jazz and rock, scattered here and there with blues, latin and funk.
JazzyBIT este un trio de loud jazz din Timișoara (România) format din Teodor Pop (pian, claviaturi), Mihai Moldoveanu (bas) și Szabó Csongor-Zsolt (tobe), ce oferă o combinație energică de jazz și rock, presărată cu blues, latin și funk.
Booking: (+4) 0740 014 616, (+4) 0721 157 770,
Păstrăvăria VALEA PUTNEI Trout Farm (Bucovina, Romania)
Păstrăvăria este situată în Pasul Mestecăniș, în satul Valea Putnei (comuna Pojorâta), pe malul stâng al Râului Putna la circa 1 km de drumul european E58 Câmpulung Moldovenesc - Vatra Dornei, la poalele Muntelui Giumalău. Păstrăvăria Valea Putnei, una din cele mai vechi din țară, a fost înființată în anul 1890 la sugestia regelui Carol I (o situație puțin confuză deoarece Bucovina a aparținut Imperiului Austro-Ungar până în 1918), având drept scop repopularea cu păstrăv a râurilor de munte din regiune. Au fost construite 15 bazine de pământ pe terenul lui Valerian Antonovici care mult timp a fost Vânătorul Șef al Casei Regale, ocupându-se și de această păstrăvărie. De amintit și de domeniul regal de vânătoare existent în zona satului pe Muntele Giumalău, în anii 1920 construindu-se pe acest domeniu, în Poiana Ițcani (la 5 km de centrul satului) un Castel de Vânătoare. După Al Doilea Război Mondial păstrăvăria a fost reconstruită în anii 1954-1955 aval de vechiul amplasament, probabil pe locul actual. Ulterior, în perioada 1979-1981 păstrăvăria a fost modernizată, ajungându-se la 38 de bazine din beton. Păstrăvăria s-a axat pe creșterea puieților de păstrăv fântânel, curcubeu și indigen. Se pare că a existat și o încercare de creștere a lostriței, probabil în bazinul circular de la intrare, rămasă fără rezultate deosebite. În prezent păstrăvăria Valea Putnei este administrată de Ocolul Silvic Pojorâta aparținând de Direcția Silvică Suceava. Are o capacitate de producție de 10 tone pește, dar se obțin și 15 tone. În videoclip se remarcă primele bazine cu păstrăv mare și hrănit cu furaje granulate mai mari (cât mazărea), în spatele lor bazine cu păstrăv tineret hrănit cu boabe mai mici, iar ultimele două bazine cu păstrăv puiet (alevini) hrănit cu furaj fin. De păstrăvăria valea Putnei se leagă și inventarea ”cobzelor” de păstrăv afumat, modalitate locală de pregătire prin fum, conservare și trasport a păstrăvului, prezentat într-un alt videoclip:
The trout farm is located in Mestecanis Pass, in Valea Putnei village (Pojorâta commune), on the left bank of the Putna River, about 1 km from the European road E58 Câmpulung Moldovenesc - Vatra Dornei, at the foot of Mount Giumalau. Putna Valley trout farm, one of the oldest in the country, was founded in 1890 at the suggestion of the Romanian King Carol I (an information little confused because Bucovina belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918), aiming at the restocking of the mountain rivers in region. 15 basins of earth were built on the field of Valerian Antonovici, who for a long time had been the Hunter Head Chief of the Royal House, and he also dealt with this trout farm. Also reminded of the royal field of hunting existing in the village area on Mount Giumalau, in the 1920s, a hunting castle was built in the Itcani glade (5 km from the center of the village). After World War II trout farm was rebuilt in the years 1954-1955 downstream of the old site, probably on the current site. Later, between 1979-1981, the trout farm was upgraded, reaching 38 concrete ponds. The trout farm focused on the growth of brook trout, rainbow (steelhead) and indigenous trout. There seems to have been an attempt to grow the huck (Salmo hucho), probably in the circular basin at the entrance, with no outstanding results. Nowadays the Valea Putnei trout farm is managed by the Forest District Pojorâta District, belonging to the Suceava Forestry Service. It has a production capacity of 10 tons of fish, but it also gets 15 tons. In the video, the first pools are with large trout fed with larger granulated feeds (like peas), behind them are pools of young trout fed with smaller granules, and the last two pools are with of hatchery trout (alevini) fed with fine fodder. The Putna Valley trout farm also binds the invention of smoked trout packed in fir ”kobsa”, a local way to prepare by smoke, preserve and transport of trout, presented in another video: -SxOrm8Ew
I spent a week on an island with monks (Romania Trip)
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I spent a week on an island with monks (Romania Trip)
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Vladimir Pustan | Eu sunt.. | 6. Păstorul cel bun | Ciresarii TV | 03-decembrie-2017
Vladimir Pustan - I am the Good Shepherd - sermon subtitled in English
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Switzerland The Magic four on BMW R1200GS LC and Brienz Rothorn Bahn first Swiss steamtrain
Switzerland The Magic four passes and first Swiss steamtrain
On you can watch all our movies and read our travelstories. Until now more then 25x round the world, mostly on motorcycles.
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packed our bags, ready to go
camping Brienz, #1 night cold & wet
next morning, sunny & warm
riding the Magic four passes
starting with the Grimselpass
27 km long, rising up to 11%
base of EU steepest cablecar 106%
top; big terras and meeting point
Furkastrasse to Nufenenpass
landscape quiet, rough and bare
ending after 14 km at 2478 mtr
new Gotthard pass wide and open
on top intersection with old pass
Sustenpass ending the Magic four
28 km: 25 bridges, 25 tunnels
beautiful views on top at 2224 mtr
ending the day with a nice meal
Rothorn Bahn first Swiss steamtrain
1:4, 25% gradiant ending at 2244m
12 km steep descent (900m) by foot
breathtaking views everywhere
next France, first the Gotthard tunnel
Tags: BMW 2013 R1200GS-LC liquid coold packed our bags, ready to go camping Brienz, #1 night cold & wet next morning, sunny & warm riding the Magic four passes starting with the Grimselpass 27 km long, rising up to 11% base of EU steepest cablecar 106% top; big terras and meeting point Furkastrasse to Nufenenpass landscape quiet, rough and bare ending after 14 km at 2478 mtr new Gotthard pass wide and open on top intersection with old pass Sustenpass ending the Magic four 28 km: 25 bridges, 25 tunnels beautiful views on top at 2224 mtr ending the day with a nice meal Rothorn Bahn first Swiss steamtrain 1:4, 25% gradiant ending at 2244m 12 km steep descent (900m) by foot breathtaking views everywherenext France, first the Gotthard tunnel Mountain Trip Part 3: Switserland Part 1=Austria, Part 2=Italy Austria heading to Switserland crossing the Flüela pass (2383 m) Stan Kawasaki ZX1000 Wilbert Aprilia Tuono Oberalp pass Graubunden (2044 m) snowy peak even until July nice youth hostel in Andermatt detour Furka pass (2431 m) home of the Rhone Glacier Martijn BMW K1200R Gotthard pass home of Rhine river open only during spring / summer pass ends at 2106 mtr let's make some noise Theo BMW R1200GS heading to the Vierwaldstättersee 4th largest lake Switserland (114 km²)perfect place for food and leisure leaving Switzerland via Basel from Mulhouse visiting the Vosges perfect German hospitality until our first speeding ticket in 3200 km a film says more than 1000 words Italy Stelvio Part 1=Austria, Part 3=Swiss heading to Italian Stelvio pass crossing Fuorn and Ofen pass single lane Munt la Schera Tunnel Foscagno pass to Bormio/Stelvio start of west side Stelvio pass west side 12 hairpins, east 48 2760 mtr, 2th highest pass Alps tradition: Bratwurst from Der Ernst east side closed due to snowfall returning the same west side offroad playing in dry lake Livigno ending the day with fish & chips Mountain Trip Part Austria Part Italy Part Swiss last minute modifications many roadblocks and detours foggy B500 schwarzwald hochstrasse south germany flooded by rain and if it is dry, we make it wet avoiding roadblocks from nature sometimes nature wins accepting detour if all else fails Flexenpass, our first snowstorm warming up during short stop ending the day in Sölden Austria best way to start the day: bacon-eggs perfect dry asphalt along the Plansee motorbikers always having fun after rain comes snow: Kuhtai pass sunny day taking a mountain walk visiting closed Timmelsjoch pass Enjoy fun off-road motorcycle allroad snow rock gravel tenere yamaha ktm dirtbike Camping Park world climbing canyon highway steep descent great views overtaking possible people motorbike minded giving space possible around the world RTW coast to coast CTC reis dolomites dolomieten karpaten balkan gebergte sun rain snow monuments nature culture fun happy service maintenance troubleshooting manual youtube zen art relex life is joy lifeisjoy enjoy East Great Britain Scotland England Isle of Man Netherlands Nederland Holland Germany Switserland Austria Italy Hungary East Great BMW R1200GS R1200R R1200RS R1200RT packed our bags, ready to go camping Brienz, #1 night cold & wet next morning, sunny & warm riding the Magic four passes starting with the Grimselpass 27 km long, rising up to 11% base of EU steepest cablecar 106% top; big terras and meeting point Furkastrasse to Nufenenpass landscape quiet, rough and bare ending after 14 km at 2478 mtr new Gotthard pass wide and open on top intersection with old pass Sustenpass ending the Magic four 28 km: 25 bridges, 25 tunnels beautiful views on top at 2224 mtr ending the day with a nice meal Rothorn Bahn first Swiss steamtrain 1:4, 25% gradiant ending at 2244m 12 km steep descent (900m) by foot breathtaking views everywherenext France, first the Gotthard tunnel
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
Protest inedit împotriva vânătorii ilegale de balene
Peste 2.000 de oameni s-au strâns pe plaja australiană Bondi, pentru a protesta faţă de vânătoarea ilegală de balene din Japonia. Apărătorii celor mai mari mamifere de pe Glob au format un lanţ uman sub forma unei balane gigantice.
Fondurile Europene cheltuite de GAL Dealurile Tarnavelor
Fondurile Europene cheltuite de GAL Dealurile Tarnavelor
Butuan, officially the City of Butuan and often referred to as Butuan City, is a highly urbanized city in the Philippines. The city is the regional center of the Caraga Region. It is located at the northeastern part of the Agusan Valley, Mindanao, sprawling across the Agusan River. It is bounded to the north, west and south by Agusan del Norte, to the east by Agusan del Sur and to the northwest by Butuan Bay. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 309,709 people.
Butuan City was the capital of the province of Agusan del Norte until 2000, when Republic Act 8811 transferred the capital to Cabadbaran City.
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Craiova Cycling Team - Severin - 14.05.2011 - 5.3gp
Craiova Cycling Team -
240 kg benchpress (1.5 cm board)
Antrenament cu comenzi de concurs inainte de nationalele de la Sibiu 2014.
Tony Bishop talks about Relationships, Eat or Get Ate , FREE Basketball camp for the kids +More
Tony Slim Bishop knows the game of basketball and his resume speaks for itself. National Championship, Player of the Year and even among his most recent Forward of the year. Although through this journey it wasn't all accolades and all success. Lock in and hear Tony's story from being an underdog and finding his inner dawg! Tune in you won't wanna miss it. Hoping that you keep up with our weekly podcast that we post on the channel, subscribe, and share our content with those that need to hear it. Please make sure to tweet us your thoughts and make sure to hashtag #SYSPod!
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Cuisine of Romania | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Cuisine of Romania
00:00:59 1 History
00:03:47 2 Description
00:07:44 2.1 Vegetarianism / Veganism
00:08:26 3 List of dishes
00:08:35 3.1 Soups
00:10:41 3.2 Meat
00:13:25 3.3 Fish
00:14:30 3.4 Vegetables
00:16:36 4 List of salads
00:18:07 5 List of cheeses
00:19:58 6 List of desserts
00:22:29 7 List of drinks
00:24:32 8 See also
00:24:45 9 Notes and references
00:24:54 10 Other sources
00:25:19 11 External links
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Romanian cuisine is a diverse blend of different dishes from several traditions with which it has come into contact, but it also maintains its own character. It has been mainly influenced by a series of European cuisines such as the Austrian cuisine, German cuisine, Greek cuisine, or Hungarian cuisine, yet it also includes culinary elements stemming from the cuisines of the Slavic-speaking countries of Eastern and Central Europe, most notably Serbian and Bulgarian as well as Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian.
There are quite a few different types of dishes, which are sometimes included under a generic term; for example, the category ciorbă includes a wide range of soups with a characteristic sour taste. These may be meat and vegetable soups, tripe (ciorbă de burtă) and calf foot soups, or fish soups, all of which are soured by lemon juice, sauerkraut juice, vinegar, or borș (traditionally made from bran). The category țuică (plum brandy) is a name for a strong alcoholic spirit in Romania.
Oriental rug | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Oriental rug
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
An oriental rug is a heavy textile, made for a wide variety of utilitarian and symbolic purpose, produced in “Oriental countries” for home use, local sale, and export.
Oriental carpets can be pile woven or flat woven without pile, using various materials such as silk, wool, and cotton. Examples range in size from pillow to large, room-sized carpets, and include carrier bags, floor coverings, decorations for animals, Islamic prayer rugs (sajjadah), Jewish Torah ark covers (parochet), and Christian altar covers. Since the High Middle Ages, oriental rugs have been an integral part of their cultures of origin, as well as of the European and, later on, the North American culture.Geographically, oriental rugs are made in an area referred to as the “Rug Belt”, which stretches from Morocco across North Africa, the Middle East, and into Central Asia and northern India. It includes countries such as northern China, Tibet, Turkey, Iran, the Maghreb in the west, the Caucasus in the north, and India and Pakistan in the south. People from different cultures, countries, racial groups and religious faiths are involved in the production of oriental rugs. Since many of these countries lie in an area which today is referred to as the Islamic world, oriental rugs are often also called “Islamic Carpets”, and the term “oriental rug” is used mainly for convenience. The carpets from Iran are known as “Persian Carpets”.In 2010, the “traditional skills of carpet weaving” in the Iranian province of Fārs, the Iranian town of Kashan, and the “traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving” in the Republic of Azerbaijan were inscribed to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.