Filmtierpark Eschede, Joe Bodemann
The zoo, where you can touch wild animals like tigers, lions, etc. It's in germany! Watch the homepage from filmtierpark! Der einzige Zoo, wo man Raubtiere wie Tiger, Löwen, Leoparden, usw streicheln kann! In Eschede bei Celle! Guckt Euch die Homepage vom Filmtierpark an!
Barney's Wolfsbegegnungen im Filmtierpark Eschede
Das Video zeigt die Kommunikation eines Neufundländers mit Polarwölfen und europäischen Wölfen im Filmtierpark Eschede (16.03.2014).
Es dient als filmische Darstellung für das unterschiedliche Verhalten von Hunden und Wölfen.
Im Rudel der Polarwölfe leben in diesem Gehege drei Rüden und eine Fähe. Im Rudel der europäischen Wölfe sind es drei Fähen und ein Rüde. Im Vergleich zu anderen Gehegen sind die Gehege im Filmtierpark recht klein. Dies lieg daran, dass hier alle Tiere, wie der Name des Parks bereits andeutet, für Filmaufnahmen ausgebildet werden. Der Neufundländer seit Welpenalter an Wölfe gewöhnt und hatte bereits direkten Kontakt zu Polarwölfen im Gehege.
Created with MAGIX Video deluxe 2014 Plus
Filmtierpark Eschede- Ben
Filmtierpark Eschede
Und ich habe mir gerade mal wieder was neues ausgedacht
Bericht Gourmet & Garden
Gourmet & Garden ist das Gartenfestival auf dem Landgut Wienhausen bei Celle.
An den insgesamt 190 Ständen wurden Produkte und Informationen geboten, die das Herz jeden Gartenfreundes höher schlagen ließ. So gab es die Möglichkeit, sich über die neuesten Gartenwerkzeuge zu informieren und sie vor Ort auch gleich auszuprobieren.
Die riesige Auswahl an Pflanzen lud zum Staunen und Stöbern ein. Farbenfrohe Blumen mit den unterschiedlichsten Blüten boten bei Sonnenschein einen traumhaften Anblick.
Handgefertigte Kunstgegenstände, exklusive Dekorationen und Accessoires und die große Auswahl des Pflanzenangebots ließen diese Veranstaltung zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis werden.
Weitere Informationen unter:
Fritsche Bau Wir sind Ihr Spezialist für Sanierung Umbau und Badsanierung in Celle und Eschede
Fritsche Bau GmbH
Pläne und Wünsche können sich ändern - und auch dann sind wir gerne für Sie da. Zum Beispiel, weil Sie mehr Platz brauchen und Ihren ungenutzten Dachboden zur attraktiven Wohnfläche ausbauen möchten. Oder weil Sie mit Mauerdurchbrüchen oder Dachgauben Ihren Lebensraum umgestalten wollen.
Wölfe im Landkreis Celle September 2015 - Teil III
Natural Sound
At least 70 people have died and another 200 have been injured after a high speed train slammed into a bridge near the German city of Hanover.
The train - one of the country's newest and fastest - left the tracks after
hitting a car which had fallen from an overpass in the town of Eschede.
It was travelling at around 200 kilometres an hour (125mph) at the time of the impact.
The train - with 300 passengers aboard - was heading for Hamburg when it hit the car just before 11 am (local time) when the crash occurred.
Virtually all of those aboard were either killed or injured. In the latest tally, at least 70 are believed dead and another 200 injured.
The German border patrol sent helicopters and 80 personnel to help emergency workers free passengers trapped inside the rail cars.
Officials fear many more inside are dead.
The accident is the worst train crash in the history of Germany's rail network.
At least 13 cars derailed, crashing into the base of the overpass. The force of the pile-up pushed cars metres high into the air.
Several of the rail cars were demolished, and splintered glass covered the scene. Luggage was piled next to the wreckage as workers struggled to pry passengers from the train.
Officials said the auto had crashed through the guard rail of the bridge running over the train tracks.
Although it remained unclear, evidence at the scene suggested that the car struck the train as it passed under the overpass.
The nose of the train had cleared the bridge, while the cars behind derailed and jack-knifed into each other.
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Mit dem Auto durch ESCHEDE. Kamerafahrt
300 Jahre Johanniskirche: Etwas Barock steht Eschede ganz gut...
Zumm 300. Geburtstag der Johanniskirche in Eschede/Südheide entstand 2013 dieser Dokumentarfilm. Er zeichnet nicht nur die Baugeschichte des schlichten Gotteshauses aus der Spätphase des Barock nach. Seitenblicke auf die Christianisierung der Region unter Karl dem Großen, auf die Kirchenbaugeschichte des Landkreises Celle und die Entwicklungsbedingungen des Kirchspiels Eschede rücken viele Details in einen größeren Zusammenhang...
Eschede: Gedenkstätte des ICE 884 Teil 3
Und hier der Dritte Teil und auch der letzte Teil des Kleinen Films. Zusehen ist eigendlich die komplette Gedenkstätte. Das Tor, Der Treppenabstieg zur Gedenkstätte sowie die komplette Gedenkstätte mit den 101 Kirschbäumen pro Opfer des tragischen Unglücks des ICE 884.
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Viel Spaß beim zuschauen.
22.Hallentunier Eschede Ausrichter TuS Höfer
Zirkusbär beschlagnahmt: Fluchtversuch des Besitzers
Bei der Beschlagnahmung des Zirkusbären Ben ist es am Montag, 14. März, in Plattling (Landkreis Deggendorf) zu Tumulten zwischen Tierschützern und Mitarbeitern des Zirkus gekommen. Als die Polizei anrückte, hatte der Besitzer des Bären zudem versucht, mit dem Tieranhänger zu fliehen, und dabei einen Zaun durchbrochen. Weitere Infos: (© ANIMALS UNITED)
Fritsche Bau Spezialist für Maurerarbeiten Stahlbetonarbeiten und Zimmererarbeiten Celle Eschede
Fritsche Bau GmbH
Bei Bauvorhaben entscheidet die Qualität der Leistungen. Fritsche Bau ist Spezialist für Maurer-, Stahlbeton- und Zimmererarbeiten.
Wir übernehmen Verblend-, Rohbau- und Sanierungsarbeiten und bieten Ihnen Ergebnisse auf höchstem fachlichen Niveau.
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More than half of Germany's high-speed trains have been withdrawn from service for inspections following Wednesday's train disaster.
Investigators say a wheel failure may be to blame and have ordered checks of all similar trains.
Trains built since 1996 will remain in operation.
The confirmed death toll stood at 95 after rescue workers said they had finished pulling bodies from the wreckage.
German rescue workers prepared to clear away the twisted wreckage of a high-speed train that hurtled off the tracks and smashed into an overpass two days earlier.
The confirmed death toll rose to 95 after rescue crews recovered two additional bodies from the last major part of wreckage to be excavated.
The bodies were crushed in the crumpled remains of a dining car that was buried under the highway overpass which collapsed during Wednesday's pileup.
State authorities originally had estimated that as many as 100 or more were killed when the Hamburg-bound inter city Express 884 derailed near the small town of Eschede, located north of Hanover.
Officials said now that the bodies have been recovered, the grim task of identifying them lays ahead.
Bodies and body parts were taken to Hanover for identification.
Early Friday morning, exhausted rescue workers took their first break since the accident occurred.
There has been no indication of human error, but a break in a wheel is emerging as the possible cause of the accident.
Last night the restaurant car which had been buried under the rubble from the bridge was pulled free and one had feared there would be a lot of passengers in there. This fear proved wrong. We found two more bodies, bringing the total to 95. Whether that figure will go up or not, is as yet impossible to say for sure because we are starting up the salvaging work again now. And it's possible that we might find pockets in the wreckage where there could be something. And as regards the speculation about the wheel, at the moment I can only say that last night the president of the federal railway office made his evaluation, and we have no further details at the moment. But as far as we're concerned, at the moment, all we know is that several train parts were found about six kilometres away from the scene of the accident. We are still investigating that.
SUPER CAPTION: Joachim Haach, Police Spokesman
After jumping the tracks at almost 200 kilometres per hour (125 miles per hour), the I-C-E crashed into part of the bridge and sparked a smash-up of train cars.
State officials said 200 people were injured, of whom 95 were treated in hospitals.
Ninety-two bodies were recovered at the scene, and three people had died in hospitals.
As more than 1-thousand workers continued clean-up efforts at the site of the Eschede train wreck, Germany's federal rail watchdog recalled dozens of I-C-E trains for inspection.
Earlier, officials had lowered the speed limit for all I-C-E trains by almost half until the entire fleet could be inspected.
They were predicting delays for German travellers on Friday.
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Rescue workers continued their search for survivors on Thursday at Eschede, the site of Wednesday's horrific train crash in Germany.
But their efforts are being hampered by the collapse of the bridge which is still blocking rescue workers from reaching at least one buried rail carriage.
The crash has claimed the lives of at least 100 people and at least two hundred more are believed to be injured.
Rescue teams carried on working on Thursday at the site of Wednesday's train crash in Eschede in Germany.
Much of the train is still inaccessible and working conditions are complicated.
Emergency workers and doctors are having to use cranes, hoists and pulleys to remove bodies from the train wreckage.
Sniffer dogs have also been used to seek out any remaining survivors.
So far police say they have retrieved 81 bodies.
Adding to complications is the collapse of a railway bridge which was torn into pieces when the train derailed and collided with it.
The Hamburg-bound train smashed into the railway bridge at speeds of around 200 kilometres (125 miles) an hour.
Part of the collapsed bridge is still blocking access to at least one carriage and must be removed.
This means the rescue operations are not going as quickly as many people would like.
The rescue operations are very difficult because of the fall of the bridge. We are trying to dismantle the whole bridge today and still it is not enough. Because of the accident, the bridge broke on two or three pieces. We will use 300 hundred tonne cranes to remove the remaining blocks of the bridge. Up until now, we managed to pull out some carriages but the last one is still buried under the bridge and we need to pull it away.
SUPER CAPTION: Wilfried Burgharp, Chief of Emergency Services on site
There is continued speculation as to whether a class of children was travelling on the train at the time of the crash.
Police have reportedly discovered little rucksacks and children's items.
The cause of Germany's worst rail disaster since World War Two is still unknown.
It appeared that, on impact, at least twelve rail cars instantly derailed, piling into each other and crashing into the base of the overpass, and collapsing it.
The force of the pile-up pushed crushed carriages together folding metal like paper.
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Atzenschlittentour 3 :D
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Fritsche Bau GmbH Wir bieten Planung und Beratung in Celle und Eschede
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