Fireman's tower in Satu Mare Romania
Firemen's Tower (Romanian: Turnul Pompierilor, Hungarian: Tűzoltótorony) is a 47 m[1] high tower in Satu Mare, Romania built in 1904 at the recommendation of bishop Gyula Meszlényi. The architect of the tower was Ferencz Dittler and the builder Lajos Vajnay.
The tower was used, because of its height, as a fire spotter by the firemen. Today the tower is a tourist attraction visited by around 100 visitors per day.
Romaina satu mare fire man tower
View of satu mare from the top of the firemen tower
Satu Mare is a city with a population of 102,400 peeps and the capital of Satu Mare County [Romania], as well as the center of the Satu Mare metropolitan area. It's an academic, cultural, industrial and business centre in northwestern Romania.
The main tourist attractions from this video:
# Hotel Dacia [00:15 - 00:22]
# Union Culture House [00:22 - 00:30 / 01:30 - 01:40]
# Calvary Church [00:46 - 00:51]
# Central Park [00:51 - 01:01 / 01:48 - 02:02 / 02:32 - 02:38]
# Fire Tower [02:11 - 02:19 / 02:30 - 02:32]
# Museum [02:19 - 02:26]
# Roman Catholic Cathedral [02:38 - 02:42]
Song: Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]
Outro Song: Main Reaktor - Recession [NCS Release]
Satu Mare: Melted Tunes
I took a little short trip to Romania to kick off the journey to elsewhere--from now on, I am homeless and without a job. There are scheduled places in the coming month: cheap hotel rooms, lakes, and old friends, but there is a ticket to a bigger unknown looming less than a month away. We shall see the way if lit.
Satu Mare or Szatmárnémeti, if you prefer, is a smallish city in the way of far away for most travelers from the West. If you can manage a day or two, then you should. The people were really friendly and the town is largely bilingual or multilingual if you include English.
Shot in or at or of: Grădina Romei, Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption, Administrative Palace, Downtown, close to the Fire Tower. Nagykaroly train station.
Music: Gub - Kunyhó, utolsó.(Last Cottage)
Skyline Romania satu mare
Skyline in Romania satu mare
Satu Mare County Prefecture
Architectural Video
Satu Mare County Prefecture
Our goal as creators is to develop visual concepts that are relevant for our society. We embrace new trends without loosing aside what we consider being important from our past.
Because of that we’ve started a #MiniSeries about architecture and buildings. Not just any type but a specific one called Socialist Modernist Architecture!
Developed between 1957 -1989 this buildings are characterized by their grey color , straight lines and angles, and last but not least massiveness. Often called as brutal architecture this constructions offer a different perspective upon how we perceive art in general.
4k TIMELAPSE : Baia Mare - Vatra Dornei
Gopro 4k timelapse recording from Baia Mare to Vatra Dornei in Romania
Alex Torres - Canción del Mariachi (StreetMusic Festival 2016, Satu Mare, Romania, 03 july 2016)
Alex Torres - Canción del Mariachi (StreetMusic Festival 2016, Satu Mare, Romania, 03 july 2016);
© All rights reserved to Alex Torres.
Sorry for the fade ins/outs, these are segments edited together.
Links to visit:
Romania - Italia - Spagna. Un progetto di ricerca.
La Romania è il paese che ad oggi detiene il primato di presenze contemporaneamente sia in Italia (con circa 1 milione di residenti) che in Spagna (con più di 800.000). Molti di questi sono genitori. Cosa succede ai loro figli? Quanti di questi raggiungono i propri genitori nei paesi d'accoglienza? Quali difficoltà dovranno affrontare una volta arrivati?
Sono questi gli interrogativi che hanno spinto la Fondazione l'Albero della Vita, da sempre impegnata a difendere e promuovere i diritti dei bambini nel mondo, a ideare un progetto di ricerca multinazionale a livello europeo che si occupi, per la prima volta, del caso romeno.
Gli obiettivi principali sono:
- condurre una prima ricerca organica sulla condizione dei bambini romeni che migrano dalla Romania verso l'Italia e la Spagna;
- studiare gli effetti che la migrazione ha prodotto su di loro;
- identificare le buone pratiche e trovare soluzioni alle specifiche problematiche di integrazione riscontrate.
Nel mese di ottobre, a Milano, sono stati presentati i risultati della ricerca italiana. Il dato emerso è alquanto inaspettato e controintuitivo. Ce lo spiega molto dettagliatamente il professor Giulio Valtolina dell'ISMU.
Un servizio di Alina Nastasa
Riprese e montaggio: Alina Nastasa
lampioane, revelion 2012, centrul vechi, baia mare
Audio credit, all rights reserved to the owner: Various-For The Love Of God, sound recording administered by SME
Mi-26 helicopter with a fire bucket
An Emercom Mi 26 helicopter with a fire bucket over Moscow (April 22nd 2015).
final push towards Piatra Mare peak (1843)
piatra mare, 1843 m, all over brasov in romania
concurs de downhill la sinaia
VP-TV :: Televiziunea Valea Prahovei
Mix-ul de programe propus de VP-TV este unul de tip generalist, care include jurnale de ştiri, reportaje, emisiuni specializate, talk-show-uri, divertisment, muzică, filme documentare şi programe pentru copii.
Programele VP-TV sunt destinate publicului din localităţiile aflate în zona de acoperire, în special celor care sunt interesaţi zi de zi de ştiri şi emisiuni cu specific local. Emisiunile televiziunii pun accentul pe actualitate şi au rolul de a oferi o mai bună informare şi comunicare între instituţii şi cetăţenii, la nivel local şi regional.
Televiziunea Regională VP-TV aparţine trustului de presă MixMontan, trust ce deţine posturile de radio Best FM (Ploieşti 88.3, Câmpina-88,6 şi Sinaia 103,6), Ziarul Valea Prahovei, portalul online şi Televiziunea Naţională de Turism Travel Mix. Televiziunea VP-TV emite din Ploieşti un program de 24 ore/zi, 7 zile din 7, şi este distribuită prin cablu tv, fibră optica.
Televiziunea Regionala VP -- TV
Ploiesti, str. Maramures, nr. 12, et. 6 (cladirea Consproiect)
Tel/Fax: 0244.31.33.33
Director General -- Laurentiu Megelea
Redactor Sef -- Adrian Radulescu
Director Programe -- Daniel Dimache
Director Vanzari & Marketing -- Ioana Zamfir
Director Tehnic -- Adrian Avram
Adrian Radulescu - Redactor Sef . Tel. 0764.974.845, tel/fax 0244.31.33.33
Ploiesti, Str. Maramures, nr. 12, cam 51, parter
Mariana Badea - Reporter Stiri, Tel. 0769.60.50.79, e-mail:
mountain biking in romania - platoul bucegilor
A two days mountainbiking trip high up the Bucegi Mountains.
Tower of Saint Michael's Church Cluj-Napoca
RO: Turnul bisericii Sfântul Mihail (Cluj-Napoca)
HU: Szent Mihály templom tornya (Kolozsvár)
EN: Tower of Saint Michael's church (Cluj-Napoca)
Year: 2014
Camera: SJ4000 (wide angle)
Walk In The Park Full by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Medium Rock by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Straighty Baby by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Fireworks 2020 Bucharest
artificii romania piata constitutiei
Romanian women promote bike riding in skirts
Hundreds of Romanian women in colourful skirts and high heels cycled through Bucharest and other cities to promote urban biking as a stylish and fun way of transport. Duration: 00:53
ASU Poli - Chindia 3-4 rezumat
Blănaru 68' , 79' , Giurucici 71'
Cherchez 14' , 20' , 65' , Negut 17'
Comentariu: Tiberiu Atănăsoae (Divizia Sport RadioTM), Claudiu Sav (Digi24 TM)
Camp Perry Tower
We said good bye to one of the iconic landmarks at Camp Perry this morning– the Camp Perry water tower located on the Red Horse Air Force Base. The 2nd Camp Perry tower (near the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center) will remain in place at this time.