Fly experience grugliasco (Torino) - simulatore di caduta libera
Prima volta al fly experience, il primo simulatore di caduta libera in Italia
Primo volo al fly experience di Grugliasco
Esperienza divertente, istruttori disponibili e qualificati
Fly experience - Shopville Le Gru Torino
Fly Experience | Turin | Indoor Skydiving
First flight at Fly Experience, enjoy :D
Song: The Prodigy - Warrior's Dance
Fly Exeperince
All rights reserved
Docks&Docker e dott.Gallina, con i propri innovativi sistemi di rivestimento in policarbonato arcoPlus, hanno completato la realizzazione dei rivestimenti esterni e delle pareti interne del nuovissimo simulatore di caduta nel vuoto FLY EXPERIENCE a Grugliasco (Torino).
Joe Satriani - Flying in a Blue Dream - G3 - 05/07/2016, Grugliasco (TO), Italy
Inaugurazione Centro Commerciale Le Gru - Grugliasco (TO)
Il video è stato girato da Italia 1 il 9/12/1993 in occasione dell'inaugurazione del Centro Commerciale Le Gru di Torino. All'interno la conferenza stampa di Silvio Berlusconi in fase di campagna elettorale, una serie di interviste di Giorgio Medail a personaggi noti della tv, della stampa e della politica in merito all'apertura del grande Euromercato di proprietà Fininvest.
visit shopping mall turin italy LE GRU
Natale a Le Gru di Grugliasco (Torino)
Consueto appuntamento con il Mercatino di Natale, la pista di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio, alle porta di Torino, presso il noto centro commerciale. Xmas Village. Info su
Centro commerciale Le Gru Grugliasco
24/12/2017 Vigilia Natale
Il sabato sera a Grugliasco
Regia e montaggio di Stefano Scuderi
Musica: Pompo nelle casse di Power Francers & D-Bag
Committente Responsabile M. Amore
About the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO)
ITCILO is the training arm of the International Labour Organization. Our mission is strengthen the capacity of ILO constituents, ILO staff and a wide range of other ILO stakeholders to contribute to the promotion of Decent Work worldwide along four strategic objectives:
• to promote and realize standards and fundamental principles and rights at work
• to create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income
• to enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all
• to strengthen tripartism and social dialogue.
For more information on the training and learning activities of the Centre go to
[3rd Place Winner] Ibanez Flying Finger 2016 김민엽, 서울, 한국, Minyub Kim, Seoul, Korea
Ibanez Flying Fingers Guitar Contest 2016 참가 합니다.
S 시리즈를 시작으로 다수의 아이바네즈 기타를 사용해보면서
느낀 점은 특유의 연주감, 사운드로 충분히 사랑 받을 만한 근거와 가치가 있는 기타라는 점 입니다. 영상에서의 사용 모델은 JS1600 입니다. 감사합니다.
Guitar - Ibanez JS1600
Amp - Avid Eleven Rack ( Soldano, Mic - Royer 121 )
DAW - Cubase 7
Plugin - SSL Channel Strip By Waves
Shopville Le Gru & Show Action Group - Una notte al Centro Commerciale..
Un divertente Trailer del gruppo più imitato d'Italia in uno dei Centri Commerciali più grossi e famosi d'Italia....
Ibanez Flying Fingers 2016 Francesco Lori, Roma, IT.
Vote for me if you like this video:
Since I was 17, after being watched the DVD of the spectacular G3, I fell in love with Steve Vai' s JEM, since then, I've always dreamt to get one of them.
Ibanez always gives the certainty to have in own hands a versatile guitar with a strong Tone and a unique feeling.
Ibanez I love you!
Anastacia I belong to you (il ritmo della passione) @ Grugliasco (TO)
Anastacia si fa aiutare da una delle sue coriste, che interpreta ottimamente le parti in italiano, originariamente cantate da Eros sciabadudè sciabadudà Ramazzotti
Live @ Gru Village
24 luglio 2015
Joe Satriani - Shockwave Supernova - G3 - 05/07/2016, Grugliasco (TO), Italy
Show Action Group _ Shopville le Gru - Una notte al Centro Commerciale
This video is about Show Action Group - Shopville Le Gru
Video promo del Team acrobatico più famoso d'Italia, Una Notte al centro Commerciale, il sogno di tutti i motociclisti poter sgommare dentro ad una galleria piena di negozi ma completamente vuota..... La trama segue un po' la saga di Una Notte al Museo ma in questo caso i manichini che prendono vita nella notte sono Matteo, Samuele, Maurizio e Sergio.... quest'ultimo è l'unico giurassico del Gruppo!!! ...e Billy... e lui ... si è tenuto in forma correndo da una galleria all'altra!
Ibanez Flying Fingers 2016 Arnaldo Acosta, Dublin, Ireland
Here's my entry for Ibanez Flying Fingers Guitar Competition 2016.
I'm using my one and only guitar, a 7-String Ibanez Artist ARZ307. We go back a long way now since I bought it in a trip to Florida about 5 years ago, and before that I used to have a green Munky Apex2 Signature 7-String Ibanez, so yes, I've been using Ibanez for over 8 years. As you can see on the fretboard I added some DIY marker dots that didn't come with the guitar originally; and I did this back in the day when I was young and stupid and now I can't take them off, besides I kind of grew fond of them already hehe but I guess what I want to do here is set the record straight, it is an genuine Ibanez guitar with that single customization.
To be completely honest I'm not into technicalities of gears in general, I'm more of a practical person, if you will. I'm more about how it feels and how comfortable and natural you feel with whatever it is that you're using and in that sense I've to go say that, although I've played many other guitars of different brands from friends or at stores, even top-notch expensive ones, I still haven't felt that something that convinces me to let go of Ibanez or even change my axe for any other fancy brand guitar. Unlike many, I believe it's the person's creativity and ability that makes a good musician, not the gear, not the guitar itself... the person just needs to find the instrument and the sound that suits him/her best in terms of comfort and that fulfills their needs which is essentially what Ibanez means to me :)
Cheers again for watching and congrats to everyone else who's made an entry for this occasion, it really isn't about the competition lads, it's about creating music. So I encourage everyone that hasn't made an entry to give it your best try and challenge yourself to create something new and unique. The mere experience will make you grow.
Hope you like my entry.
Regards from Dublin!