La fontana di Pruppu in GASPERINA. Calabria.
Percorrendo la stradetta interpoderale che da Gasperina porta alla Conella, ci fermiamo alla fontana di Pruppu, luogo che in passato permise incontri amorosi, fidanzamenti sfociati in matrimoni. Si ricorda il posto con l'antica poesia recitata da Saverio Macrina e della preghiera a Maria attraverso la recitazione dei versi composti dall'avv. Cesario. Gasperina è un paese in provincia di Catanzaro di 2.124 abitanti (al 31-10-2012), e trova la sua origine all’epoca normanna e al Conte Ruggero che, affascinato dalla personalità di San Brunone di Colonia, indusse questi a fondare l’eremo di Santo Stefano del Bosco, dotandolo di ricche ed estese donazioni, tra cui il casale di “Gasparrina”. La storia di Gasperina si lega indissolubilmente a quella della Certosa di Serra San Bruno e, per secoli, fatto di certa importanza fu la costruzione del Monastero di S. Giacomo detto anche “ Convento di Sant’Anna” o Grangia di Montauro.
Cosenza Corso Mazzini
Le sculture di De Chirico, Sosno, Consagra, Manzù, Dalì, Rotella, donate alla città di Cosenza da Carlo e Vincenzo Bilotti esposte lungo il corso Mazzini - Video amatoriale - Musica di sottofondo suonata da Michele, artista di strada
San Sosti (CS): in Calabria tra natura e spiritualità
I meravigliosi paesaggi del #Pollino in #Calabria, ricordando quella meravigliosa giornata in cui ho visitato San Sosti (CS), tra la spiritualità del Santuario del Pettoruto e i verdi abbracci delle montagne e della Fontana di Fra' Giovanni.
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BAIA DEGLI DEI giugno 2017
Francavilla Fontana / južna Italija
V kraj Francavilla Fontana sem zavil po naključju. Takšni kraji so ponavadi najbolj zanimivi. No ja, ta kraj me je spominjal na vse prej kot Italijo - mogoče pa je kakšna posebnost povezana z njim ...
Pizzo - Italy walking tour in 4K | Calabria
Pizzo walking tour in the morning! Pizzo is a seaport and comune in the province of Vibo Valentia (Calabria, southern Italy), situated on a steep cliff overlooking the Gulf of Saint Euphemia.
Fishing is one of the main activities, including that of tuna and coral.
You will see the attractions of the Pizzo - Piazza della Repubblica and . You admire beautiful views of the Pizzo Coast on the way. Enjoy a hiking trip in the Pizzo Italy.
► 0:18 - View of the city of Pizzo and the sea
► 1:29 - Via M. Salomone.
► 5:42 - Piazza della Repubblica, City Center.
► 7:22 - Monumento ai Caduti, War Memorial.
► 8:29 - A Umberto I.
► 10:24 - View of the lower town of Pizzo and the sea.
► 10:47 - Castello Murat.
► 12:12 - Next view of the lower town of Pizzo and the sea.
► 16:19 - Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi.
► 18:35 - Fontana Garibaldi.
► 21:38 - Via S. Francesco.
► 23:40 - Church of Saint Francis of Paola.
► 31:38 - We are going towards the fishing port.
► 37:31 - A small fishing harbor.
► 44:01 - Beach.
► 45:24 - Promenade.
► 48:27- Via Vittorio Emanuele.
► 49:44 - Hello guys! Time to relax :)
My name is Kamil Kondel and I am a traveler and blogger. Subscribe to my channel and you will not miss new movies.
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#Pizzo #Italy #Calabria #Tropea #mare #sea #walkingtours #sightseeing #citysightseeing #hiking #touring #treadmillwalk #travelinspires
Francesco Faeta interviene sulla figura di Ottavio Alfano, fotografo di Luzzi tra il 1909 e il 1952. Occasione è la presentazione del volume L'istantane e la posa di Ottavio Cavalcanti (Rubbettino, 2010) che si è tenuta nella Sala delle conferenze dell'Assindustria di Cosenza nel mese di giugno 2011.
Il Viaggio di Francesca - MONTAURO(CZ) - Video Calabria
Oggi Francesca la ritroviamo prima a Montauro (borgo medievale sulle PreSerre catanzaresi, a pochi chilometri da Squillace) a visitare La grangia di Sant’Anna, complesso conventuale situato a 400 metri di altitudine le cui origini risalgono al 1096, di grande rilevanza storica ed architettonica, è da alcuni anni soggetta ad interventi di consolidamento e di restauro conservativo al termine dei quali sarà utilizzata per ospitare eventi … poi dal Borgo scende a Montauro marina a visitare uno dei lidi più caratteristici della costa ionica, ma non si tratta solo del classico binomio sole-spiaggia, in realtà Francesca è interessata ad una particolarità unica al mondo che questo lido possiede …
Fontana de Trevi / Rome by Laderzi´s Travels
The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) is a fountain in the Trevi rione in Rome, Italy. Standing 25.9 meters (85 feet) high and 19.8 meters (65 feet) wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city.
Pre-1629 history of the aqueduct and the fountain site:
The fountain at the junction of three roads (tre vie)[1] marks the terminal point[of the modern Acqua Vergine, the revived Aqua Virgo, one of the ancient aqueducts that supplied water to ancient Rome. In 19 BC, supposedly with the help of a virgin, Roman technicians located a source of pure water some 13 km (8 miles) from the city. (This scene is presented on the present fountain's façade.) However, the eventual indirect route of the aqueduct made its length some 22 km (14 miles). This Aqua Virgo led the water into the Baths of Agrippa. It served Rome for more than four hundred years.[3] The coup de grâce for the urban life of late classical Rome came when the Goth besiegers in 537/38 broke the aqueducts. Medieval Romans were reduced to drawing water from polluted wells and the Tiber River, which was also used as a sewer.
The Roman custom of building a handsome fountain at the endpoint of an aqueduct that brought water to Rome was revived in the 15th century, with the Renaissance. In 1453, Pope Nicholas V finished mending the Acqua Vergine aqueduct and built a simple basin, designed by the humanist architect Leon Battista Alberti, to herald the water's arrival.
Commission, construction and design:
In 1629 Pope Urban VIII, finding the earlier fountain insufficiently dramatic, asked Gian Lorenzo Bernini to sketch possible renovations, but when the Pope died, the project was abandoned. Bernini's lasting contribution was to resite the fountain from the other side of the square to face the Quirinal Palace (so the Pope could look down and enjoy it). Though Bernini's project was torn down for Salvi's fountain, there are many Bernini touches in the fountain as it was built. An early, striking and influential model by Pietro da Cortona, preserved in the Albertina, Vienna, also exists, as do various early 18th century sketches, most unsigned, as well as a project attributed to Nicola Michetti one attributed to Ferdinando Fuga[6] and a French design by Edme Bouchardon.
Competitions had become the rage during the Baroque era to design buildings, fountains, and even the Spanish Steps. In 1730 Pope Clement XII organized a contest in which Nicola Salvi initially lost to Alessandro Galilei — but due to the outcry in Rome over the fact that a Florentine won, Salvi was awarded the commission anyway.Work began in 1732, and the fountain was completed in 1762, long after Clement's death, when Pietro Bracci's Oceanus (god of all water) was set in the central niche.
Salvi died in 1751, with his work half-finished, but before he went he made sure a stubborn barber's unsightly sign would not spoil the ensemble, hiding it behind a sculpted vase, called by Romans the asso di coppe, the Ace of Cups.
The Trevi Fountain was finished in 1762 by Giuseppe Pannini, who substituted the present allegories for planned sculptures of Agrippa and Trivia, the Roman virgin.
The backdrop for the fountain is the Palazzo Poli, given a new facade with a giant order of Corinthian pilasters that link the two main stories. Taming of the waters is the theme of the gigantic scheme that tumbles forward, mixing water and rockwork, and filling the small square. Tritons guide Oceanus' shell chariot, taming hippocampi.
In the centre is superimposed a robustly-modelled triumphal arch. The centre niche, or exedra, framing Oceanus has free-standing columns for maximal light and shade. In the niches flanking Oceanus, Abundance spills water from her urn and Salubrity holds a cup from which a snake drinks. Above, bas reliefs illustrate the Roman origin of the aqueducts.
The tritons and horses provide symmetrical balance, with the maximum contrast in their mood and poses (by 1730, rococo was already in full bloom in France and Germany).
Sources from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia