Vacation travel video about destination Koper in Istria. Koper is a major harbour city in Istria which is located on the Slovenian Riviera.The old town can be entered through the last of the twelve gates of the city’s former defensive wall. A stone coat of arms, various reliefs and inscriptions highlight the long history of the city in which for five hundred years Venetian rule shaped its destiny. An archway in the Praetorian Palace leads to a classic Venetian square, the Titov Trg which dates back to the fifteenth century. The Piazza is one of the most beautiful Venetian squares of the entire Adriatic region and the cathedral which frames the square has numerous architectural styles. Brollo, an area just beyond the centre of the city, served as a collecting basin for rainwater which was drawn by two wells from a cistern below. The Gothic, Fontico, was used for the storage of surplus grain which was distributed to the people in years of hardship. Today Koper is Slovenia’s window to the world and the country’s only seaport.
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Za vikend v CMK-ju
Kako je bilo za vikend v Centru mladih Koper? :)
Tresle so se stene, treslo se je nebo, a to nas ni ustavilo! ;)
V dveh dneh 4 skupine: - Free the mouse - Fetus - NOAIR - Bluesback & friends
Organizacija Klub študentov občine Koper in Zavod Fontico.
Okrogla miza o urbani kulturi - Festival Burja (Koper, 28.6.2016)
► Festival Burja, 28.06.2016, Center mladih Koper
Sodelujoči: ■ dr. Nikolai Jeffs, esejist, profesor in umetnik, ■ Miha Blažič - N'toko, glasbenik, bloger in kolumnist, ■ Luka Bevk, podpornik Ustvarjalne platforme INDE.
Debato vodi Borut Jerman, koordinator strokovnega dela v KiD PiNA.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ FESTIVAL BURJA Obalni festival urbane kulture
Center mladih Koper, 27.6. - 01.07.2016
Premierna edicija festivala Burja je organizirana v želji popestriti poletno kulturno dogajanje v koprskem mestnem jedru. Namen festivala je prikazati različne možnosti urbanega kulturnega izražanja in se kritično opredeliti do stanja urbane kulture na obalnem področju s poudarkom na Kopru. Program festivala je obsegal glasbene in kulturne zvrsti, ki so na obalnem področju manj zastopane in niso deležne zaslužene pozornosti.
Organizator festivala je Zavod Fontico v sodelovanju s Centrom mladih Koper in ob podpori Mestne občine Koper.