Living the Russian Stereotype ????
In this episode, we visit Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg on the Trans Siberian Railway.
Most of this Russia travel vlog is spent in the Ural Mountains, the barrier between Western Russia, and Siberia. We join with TOCHKA 4x4 a local adventure group for some serious off roading.
While we realize that happened next is not an accurate depiction of everyday Russia, we were surprised with some traditional music, and guns. We were offered the opportunity my birthday by firing off a few rounds in the forest, we had never done this before. Though, I admit we wanted to. This small part of Russian culture is definitely the Russian stereotype, and it was a lot of fun to join the locals celebrating this way for a night.
Next we met a group of pagans living simply in the forest. Here, we helped them create trinkets with molten metal, another first for me.
Lastly we were invited to dinner at the house of a Russian Oligarch (Who had a tank in his front yard), and drank vodka while being served some incredible Russian Food.
A bit of a background story. This is a train journey of 10,000 km across Russia, the biggest country in the world. 25 days to visit Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, and Vladivostok.
A big thank you to the sponsors of the #TransSibChallenge
- Russian Geographical Organization -
- Svoya Tropa Russia Tour Operator -
#FearlessandFar #Russia #TransSibChallenge
TOCHKA 4x4 -
YAROSLAV - If you're interested in anything we did on this trip, contact Yaroslav. You can do this trip too!
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On the Mountains By the Sea - Utah
Being - Roary
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Chase Your Fears ????
The lure of the Kremlin: Ivan the Terrible (31 Jan 2012)
Dr Sergei Bogatyrev (UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies)
In the sixteenth century, the rise of Muscovy was accompanied by military aggression and the growing influence of the Russian Orthodox Church. As a result of military conflicts and cultural differences, Westerners began to see Russia as a barbarian kingdom, whose rulers kept it locked away from the outside world. However, this lecture demonstrates that the court of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) and other tsars was actually a focus point of exchange in technology, commodities and ideas with both the East and the West, and that Muscovite regalia, court rituals and illuminated manuscripts were in fact a result of intensive global interactions.
HyperNormalisation (2016 + subs) by Adam Curtis - A different experience of reality FULL DOCUMENTARY
Added subtitles (french, braziianl, hebrew, english, croatian, spanish, turkish and russian)
The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.
Ростов-на-Дону, прогулка по Пушкинской улице | Rostov-on-don, walk on Pushkin street
Фрагмент будущего фильма о Путешествии выходного дня в Ростов-на-Дону.
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22-23 августа 2018г. работа занесла меня на целые сутки в Ростов-на-Дону.
Занесла удачно, т.к. я не был здесь лет 30, а Алла Кошка не была никогда, а это, согласитесь, весомый повод к тому, чтобы посмотреть это легендарное место России.
Итак, в нашем распоряжении ровно сутки! Мы освободились в 19:00 22 августа, а в это же время 23 августа уже проходили регистрацию в аэропорту Платова на свой самолет в Москву...
Сутки на Ростов - это сколько? Да это нисколько, до обидного мало! Нормальные люди потратят это время на смакования раков с пивом и будут абсолютно правы!
Но мы с Аллой Кошкой - люди абсолютно ненормальные - это же очевидно и без сомнений...
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Пушкинская улица (Пушкинский бульвар) — улица в центре Ростова-на-Дону, около 3,5 км.
Здесь расположено много старинных зданий, памятников, необычных деревьев, искусно оформленных клумб. Улица представляется небольшим бульваром посередине. Начинается на Доломановском переулке. До Будённовского проспекта бульвар небольшой (1/5 всей улицы). До Ворошиловского проспекта бульвар уже занимает половину всей улицы. После Ворошиловского проспекта бульвар занимает три четверти всей улицы. После улицы Чехова бульвар занимает всю улицу, и она до самого конца имеет статус пешеходной. Улица зелёная и тенистая по сравнению с другими в центре города, на ней находятся две библиотеки, факультет филологии и журналистики ЮФУ, музей. Имеет статус парковой зоны.
Первоначально улица называлась Кузнецкой и появилась на плане города в 1870 году. Вдоль северной стороны улицы в начале и в середине XIX века (тогда еще не находящейся официально на плане города) простиралась степь. Между улицами Кузнецкая и Загородная (позже — Садовая, ныне — Большая Садовая) располагались сады и Генеральная балка (ныне — улица Согласия, Малый переулок). Здесь, на северной окраине, за Городским садом, предположительно находились кузнечные мастерские. Улица долгое время была неблагоустроенной, часть её проходила прямо по валам и рвам бывшей крепости Дмитрия Ростовского, временами от воды образовывалось непросыхающее болото. Всё стало меняться, начиная с 1870-х годов, когда на Кузнецкой стали строить особняки состоятельные купцы и промышленники. Превращение неказистой улицы в зелёную и благоустроенную, одну из красивейших в городе, связанной с именем известного фабриканта Я. С. Кушнарёва: он в 1881 году выстроил здесь табачную фабрику и клубное заведение, и проявил инициативу о насаждении бульвара. В 1885 году городская Дума решила переименовать улицу, назвав её в честь великого поэта. А. С. Пушкин бывал в Ростове проездом несколько раз, впервые — в 1820 году, по дороге на Кавказские минеральные воды, вместе с семьёй генерала Раевского. В Ростове Раевский и Пушкин осмотрели крепость, побывали у «Богатого колодезя».
В начале XX века Пушкинская стала второй по значению после Большой Садовой. Здесь появилось электрическое освещение, её украсили купеческие особняки и доходные дома, построенные лучшими архитекторами. Самыми приметными постройками были фабрика и дом В. С. Кушнарёва, Екатерининская женская гимназия, особняк купца И. А. Супрунова, привезённый из Италии, доходный дом Е. М. Шпильрейн, особняки П. И. Крамера, А. А. Домбровского, Н. Е. Парамонова, дом градоначальника. Здесь же находился городской сад.
На Пушкинской улице рядом с пересечением с Ворошиловским проспектом в 1959 году установлен памятник А. С. Пушкину, авторами которого являются Г. А. Шульц и М. А. Минкус.
Сегодня особый колорит Пушкинской создают выразительная архитектурная пластика сохранившихся старинных фасадов, уютные маленькие кофейни и магазинчики, тенистые аллеи и уютные скамейки, стелющаяся густым ковром среди пешеходных дорожек зелень, знаменитые пушкинские шары (памятник «Пушкинские герои») — одно из замечательных признаний в любви к великому поэту (автор шаров — скульптор А. А. Скнарин).
В 2010 бульварная часть улицы на участке от Театрального проспекта до Будённовского проспекта получила юридический статус парковой зоны.
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Blitzkrieg | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Blitzkrieg (German, lightning warlisten ) is a method of warfare whereby an attacking force, spearheaded by a dense concentration of armoured and motorised or mechanised infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent's line of defence by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them with the help of air superiority. Through the employment of combined arms in manoeuvre warfare, blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for it to respond to the continuously changing front, then defeat it in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (battle of annihilation).During the interwar period, aircraft and tank technologies matured and were combined with systematic application of the traditional German tactic of Bewegungskrieg (maneuver warfare), deep penetrations and the bypassing of enemy strong points to encircle and destroy enemy forces in a Kesselschlacht (cauldron battle). During the Invasion of Poland, Western journalists adopted the term blitzkrieg to describe this form of armoured warfare. The term had appeared in 1935, in a German military periodical Deutsche Wehr (German Defence), in connection to quick or lightning warfare. German manoeuvre operations were successful in the campaigns of 1939–1941 and by 1940 the term blitzkrieg was extensively used in Western media. Blitzkrieg operations capitalized on surprise penetrations (e.g., the penetration of the Ardennes forest region), general enemy unreadiness and their inability to match the pace of the German attack. During the Battle of France, the French made attempts to re-form defensive lines along rivers but were frustrated when German forces arrived first and pressed on.Despite being common in German and English-language journalism during World War II, the word Blitzkrieg was never used by the Wehrmacht as an official military term, except for propaganda. According to David Reynolds, Hitler himself called the term Blitzkrieg 'A completely idiotic word' (ein ganz blödsinniges Wort). Some senior officers, including Kurt Student, Franz Halder and Johann Adolf von Kielmansegg, even disputed the idea that it was a military concept. Kielmansegg asserted that what many regarded as blitzkrieg was nothing more than ad hoc solutions that simply popped out of the prevailing situation. Student described it as ideas that naturally emerged from the existing circumstances as a response to operational challenges. The Wehrmacht never officially adopted it as a concept or doctrine.In 2005, the historian Karl-Heinz Frieser summarized blitzkrieg as the result of German commanders using the latest technology in the most beneficial way according to traditional military principles and employing the right units in the right place at the right time. Modern historians now understand blitzkrieg as the combination of the traditional German military principles, methods and doctrines of the 19th century with the military technology of the interwar period. Modern historians use the term casually as a generic description for the style of manoeuvre warfare practised by Germany during the early part of World War II, rather than as an explanation. According to Frieser, in the context of the thinking of Heinz Guderian on mobile combined arms formations, blitzkrieg can be used as a synonym for modern manoeuvre warfare on the operational level.
NYSTV - Nostradamus Prophet of the Illuminati - David Carrico and the Midnight Ride - Multi Language
Nostradamus is the most well known prophet of the millennium because his predictions came true. What was the true source of his visions? How deeply ingrained in the occult was he? What was his medical background? What innovations did he use to fight the Black Plague that was rampant at the time? Was he a puppet working for the Illuminati? Or were they working for him?
Now the real question is, was Nostradamus just a psyops planned hundreds of years ago and the demonic forces are just controlling events as Nostradamus predicted?
Some deep insights into the life and times of Nostradamus with David Carrico of The Midnight Ride.
In depth information you'd have to watch like 8 documentaries about Nostradamus to get.
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Azərbaycanca / آذربايجان
བོད་ཡིག / Bod skad
Sinugboanong Binisaya
ᏣᎳᎩ (supposed to be Burmese but it doesn't show...)
словѣньскъ / slověnĭskŭ
Krèyol ayisyen
Bahasa Indonesia
Basa Jawa
Kurdî / كوردی
Kırgızca / Кыргызча
ລາວ / Pha xa lao
Lazuri / ლაზური
Bahasa Melayu
Norsk (bokmål / riksmål)
Diné bizaad
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / पंजाबी / پنجابي
Romani / रोमानी
Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски
Gagana Samoa
Basa Sunda
ไทย / Phasa Thai
Lea Faka-Tonga
Reo Mā`ohi
babylon working
H.G. Wells
vlad the impaler
mk ultra
right of the pyramid
kings chamber
ark of the covenant
order of the garter
Afrikaans: gevalle engel
Arabic: ملاك ساقط
Azerbaijani: düşmüş mələk
Belarusian: Палы анёл
Bulgarian: паднал ангел
Bengali: পতিত দেবদূত
Bosnian: pali andjeo
Catalan: Àngel caigut
Cebuano: napukan nga anghel
Czech: padlý anděl
Welsh: angel syrthio
Danish: falden engel
German: fallen angel
Greek: έκπτωτος άγγελος
English: fallen angel
Esperanto: fallen angel
Spanish: Ángel caido
Estonian: Langenud ingel
Basque: Aingeru eroria
Persian: فرشته افتاده
Finnish: langennut enkeli
French: Ange déchu
Irish: aingeal tar éis titim
Galician: Anxo caído
Gujarati: ઘટી દેવદૂત
Hausa: mala'ika ya fadi
Hindi: गिरी हुई परी
Hmong: fallen angel
Croatian: pali anđeo
Haitian Creole: tonbe zanj
Hungarian: Bukott angyal
Armenian: ընկած հրեշտակ
Indonesian: Malaikat yang jatuh
Igbo: mmụọ ozi dara ada
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: Lucifer
Arabic: إبليس
Azerbaijani: lucifer
Belarusian: Люцыпар
Bulgarian: Луцифер
Bengali: শয়তান
Bosnian: lucifer
Catalan: lucifer
Cebuano: lucifer
Czech: Lucifer
Welsh: lucifer
Danish: lucifer
German: Luzifer
Greek: Εωσφόρος
English: lucifer
Esperanto: lucifer
Spanish: lucifer
Estonian: lutsifer
Timeline of Christianity | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Timeline of Christianity
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The purpose of this timeline is to give a detailed account of Christianity from the beginning of the current era (AD) to the present. Question marks ('?') on dates indicate approximate dates.
The year one is the first year in the Christian calendar (there is no year zero), which is the calendar presently used (in unison with the Gregorian calendar) almost everywhere in the world. Traditionally, this was held to be the year Jesus was born; however, most modern scholars argue for an earlier or later date, the most agreed upon being between 6 BC and 4 BC.
6 Herod Archelaus deposed by Augustus; Samaria, Judea and Idumea annexed as Iudaea Province under direct Roman administration, capital at Caesarea, Quirinius became Legate (Governor) of Syria, conducted Census of Quirinius, opposed by Zealots (JA18, Luke 2:1–3, Acts 5:37)
7-26 Brief period of peace, relatively free of revolt and bloodshed in Iudaea & Galilee
9 Pharisee leader Hillel the Elder dies, temporary rise of Shammai
14-37 Tiberius, Roman Emperor
18-36 Caiaphas, appointed High Priest of Herod's Temple by Prefect Valerius Gratus, deposed by Syrian Legate Lucius Vitellius
19 Jews, Jewish proselytes, astrologers, expelled from Rome
26-36 Pontius Pilate, Prefect (governor) of Iudaea, recalled to Rome by Syrian Legate Vitellius on complaints of excess violence (JA18.4.2)
28 or 29 John the Baptist begins his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius (Luke 3:1–2), saying: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near (Matthew 3:1–2), a relative of Jesus (Luke 1:36), a Nazirite (Luke 1:15), baptized Jesus (Mark 1:4–11), later arrested and beheaded by Herod Antipas (Luke 3:19–20), it's possible that, according to Josephus' chronology, John was not killed until 36 (JA18.5.2)Jesus begins his ministry after his baptism by John and during the rule of Pilate, preaching: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near (Matthew 4:12–17). While the historicity of the gospel accounts is questioned to some extent by some critical scholars and non-Christians, the traditional view states the following chronology for his ministry: Temptation, Sermon on the Mount, Appointment of the Twelve, Miracles, Temple Money Changers, Last Supper, Arrest, Trial, Passion, Crucifixion on Nisan 14th (John 19:14,Mark 14:2, Gospel of Peter) or Nisan 15th (Synoptic Gospels), entombment by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, Resurrection by God and Resurrection appearances of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and other women (Mark 16:9, John 20:10–18), Simon Peter (Luke 24:34), and others, (1Cor.15:3–9), Great Commission, Ascension, Second Coming Prophecy to fulfill the rest of Messianic prophecy such as the Resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment, and establishment of the Kingdom of God and the Messianic Age.