There are 89 sets of compact design room of residential style that could provide a good experience the culture of Yangzhou in the hotel, including classical suites, deluxe suites and residential-style rooms. Central air-conditioning, foreign satellite television programs, domestic and international direct dial telephone, mini bar, mini safe, and Internet broadband interface are all available in these rooms. Yangzhou Centre and Residence is locate in the Shuangdong Block which is the currently best preserved and largest historical Block in Yang Zhou. Walking in the Shuang-dong block allows you to experience its rich of history, natural and fresh, a rare place of quiet elegance. There are Many of Humanities Attractions surrounding the Hotel, such as the Grand Canal, the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden--- one of the four landscape gardens, Wudang Palace, the Wang's Garden, the Zhun-ti Temple, Former Residence of Zhu Ziqing, Memorial Temple of Shi Kefa, etc.
洋堂主的自驾游:南京 南京(2019.02)|Self-driving tour of Yangtang Master: Nanjing Nanjing
这几年 These few years 每到过年时都不曾在家呆着 I have never stayed at home every New Year 因为也没什么亲戚可走 Because there are no relatives to go 现在一个人 也有些孤单 Now a person is also a little lonely 于是总是逢年过节就要出门自驾游 So I always go out on a self-driving tour during the holidays 2019年2月5日春节那天出发去了南京 Departed Nanjing on February 5, 2019, on the Spring Festival. 这里的高楼 街道 High-rise street here 还有人们的言行举止 There are people’s words and deeds 都像世外桃源 Like a paradise 正如朱自清所说 As Zhu Ziqing said 逛南京像逛古董铺子 Visit Nanjing like an antique shop 到处都有些时代侵蚀的遗痕 There are traces of erosion in the ages everywhere 你可以摩挲 可以凭吊 可以悠然 You can Capricorn, you can relax by yourself 不错 Good 这里的一切都是古色古香 Everything here is antique 一种浓浓的意蕴 a strong meaning 蔓延在我平生素未谋面的城市上空氤氲的扩散着…… Spread over the city that I have never met before 似乎就是在梦里 Seems to be in a dream 阅览了那六朝古都的兴亡 Read the rise and fall of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties 一丝隐隐的震撼 a faint shock 听了陈国公靡靡之音 Listened to the sound of Chen Guogong “花开花落不长久 落红满地归寂中” 有一丝说不出的奢靡抑或悲凉 There is a hint of luxury or sadness that cannot be said. 望穿那一句 Look through that sentence “三山半落青山外 二水中分白鹭洲” 有一丝欣喜与幻想 There is a hint of joy and fantasy 这场雪给南京以及江南一带带来了灵气 This snow brought a reiki to Nanjing and Jiangnan. 踏雪寻觅孙中山的一生 Looking for the life of Sun Yat-sen in the snow 年轻人学习的好地方 a good place for young people to learn 本来还想去南京大屠杀但由于是过年怕看到什么气愤之处 I still wanted to go to the Nanjing Massacre, but because I was afraid of seeing something angry in the New Year 所以…放弃了 So... give up 南京的很多博物馆非常好 Many museums in Nanjing are very good 在南京开车 Driving in Nanjing 说实话没点功夫必走错 To be honest, no effort is required. 怎么讲那 How do you say that? 大家都知道天津的路比较难走 Everyone knows that the road in Tianjin is hard to walk. 很多岔路路不是直来直去的 Many roads are not straight. 南京的路比它复杂不知道多少倍 The road in Nanjing is more complicated than it is not knowing how many times 几乎就没有直路 Almost no straight road 一路叉出n条路加上山路 All the way out of n roads plus mountain roads 时而上坡时而下坡隧道又是接二连三 When going uphill, the downhill tunnel is one after another. 离开南京有点依依不舍 I am a little reluctant to leave Nanjing. 但是... but... 高速免费是有限期的 Highway free is time-limited 只能呵呵了 Only hehe
Chines mandarin audio with Chinese and English subtitles II Father'back 《背影》朱自清 中英文双语 HSK6
Father'back audiobook with Chinese and English subtitles This is a very classic essay in China. It was written about 90years ago, but the love of father never change. Chines mandarin audio with Chinese and English subtitles II Father'back 《背影》朱自清 中英文双语 HSK6