| Above Korcula Old Town, 20 minutes walk along the steps from Plokata, Korcula Town, Korcula Island, Croatia
Miasto Hvar i Forteca Spagnola
Miasto Hvar, usytuowane jest na wyspie o tej samej nazwie - i stanowi jedną z większych atrakcji turystycznych Chorwacji. Będąc na Hvarze, koniecznie trzeba wspiąć się na krulującą nad miastem Forteca Spagnola
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Zapraszamy i życzymy miłych wakacji ;)
JA1- Anton Jeričević, Forteca Korčula 4,27
JA1- Anton Jeričević, Forteca Korčula 4,27
DSN, Digital Sport Network, Taekwondo
Korcula Croatia
Our short but wonderful stay on the beautiful island of Korcula. The video includes stops at two of the highest rated restaurants on that side of the island, and concludes with the Maskarani Halfway To New Years celebration.
Video: Anđela Šćepanović
FB: @angelascepanovic
Recorded with Sony A58 and Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 Art Lens
Croatia Sailing Trip | Part 5 | Vela Luka
In this part of our sailing trip, We moored the boat in Korčula dock marina, went to Vela Luka and visited some wineries including bire winery in Lombarda, some wine tasting and bottle sipping with snacks, top of the mountains ride and back to the Korčula marina which its visit will be published next.
-Vela Luka is a small town and a municipality in Dubrovnik-Neretva County in southern Dalmatia, Croatia. The town is located on the western side of the island of Korčula at the bottom of a wide bay which has many indented coves. Vela Luka developed at the beginning of the 19th century in a deep sheltered bay. Its name means big harbour in Croatian chakavian. Inhabitants of the Island of Korčula and Pelješac often refer to it simply as Luka (the port/harbour). It has several hotels and a medical centre called Kalos (for rheumatic disorders and rehabilitation). The inhabitants are farmers, fishermen and workers in tourism. Also the town has other smaller industrial plants.
It has an average of over 2500 hours of sunny weather annually, and is the second largest place, in size, on the Adriatic islands. The diversity and richness of the cultural inheritance of Vela Luka can be seen in the exceptional museums and galleries that are located in the Center for Culture in the town center. The Center for Culture is located in the building that was constructed for school needs in the second half of the 19th century, so the building itself has historical significance. It is located near the Parish Church of St. Joseph. Together they create a magnificent urban structure in the typical Mediterranean spirit.
The museum/gallery is decorated with mosaics made in 1968 when the International Artist's Meeting of Painters was held in Vela Luka.
Vela Luka has many archaeological and architectural points of interest. On the south slope of the hill, Pinski Rat, there is an extraordinary archaeological site. It is called Vela Spila (Big Cave) and it is one of the most important prehistoric cave dwellings in Europe. Vela Spila provides a picture of life on the Mediterranean of Mesolithic and Neolithic people living in that region. Carbon dating has shown that there was human activity going back 20 000 years. The finds are on display at the Center for Culture in Vela Luka. The cave's interior measures approximately 1500 sq. meters and it is located several hundred meters above the beautiful Vela Luka Bay. Another panoramic view of the area can be seen from Hum Hill and the Forteca, an Austro-Hungarian fortress built in the 19th century. Vela Luka has a rich history of Klapa singing (an a cappella style). One of the best known is the Klapa Ošjak.
Thanks for watchin, stay tuned for more
Korčula Open 2016 28.08 1/2 (jutro)
Spremljeni jutarnji stream od nedjelje 28. kolovoza.
27. i 28. kolovoza u Korčulu dolazi 435 natjecatelja iz 6 država.
220 Kerim Ahmedspahic, Tim Bosna 8 0 Baldo Murtić, Forteca Korčula z
318- ANASTASIA LAKATOŠ (Jastreb) vs. LAURA GRBIN (Forteca Korčula) 2:8
318- ANASTASIA LAKATOŠ (Jastreb) vs. LAURA GRBIN (Forteca Korčula) 2:8
Pantera Open 2016, Lučko 15.10.2016.
DSN, Digital Sport Network, Taekwondo
Korcula Open 2015-Merdan Kemal FINALE !
Korčula Open 2016 27.08 1/2 (jutro)
Spremljeni jutarnji stream od subote 27. kolovoza.
27. i 28. kolovoza u Korčulu dolazi 435 natjecatelja iz 6 država.
Korčula Open 2016 Live Stream
27. i 28. kolovoza u Korčulu dolazi 435 natjecatelja iz 6 država.
Korcula Open 2015-Merdan Kemal POLUFINALE !
Korčula Open 2016 27.08 2/2 (popodne 1.dio)
Spremljeni popodnevni stream od subote 27. kolovoza.
Zbog prekida veze stream je zaustavljen na 18 minuta i ponovno započet.
27. i 28. kolovoza u Korčulu dolazi 435 natjecatelja iz 6 država.
Chorwacja All Inclusive • Korcula • hotel Park • wczasy last minute 2015
Jeśli Wakacje to tylko w słonecznej Chorwacji. Polecamy pobyt All Inclusive w hotelu Park na przeuroczej wyspie Korčula. Proponujemy wczasy z trzema wariantami dojazdu: autokarem, samolotem i własnym samochodem.
Na wyspie Korčula największą atrakcją jest stolica wyspy - miasteczko urokliwie położone na cyplu. Z racji wielu walorów miasto Korcula jest nazywana Małym Dubrownikiem: Stare Miasto, czworokątna baszta Revelin, Katedra św.Marka kilkanaści zabytków, wenecki pałac Arneri, Rynek z Pałacem Książęcy, Klasztor Wszystkich Świętych, Dom Marco Polo, forteca św. Vlaha.
Piękna, zielona wyspa z uroczymi zatoczkami, malowniczymi wzgórzami, lasami piniowymi oprócz średniowiecznego miasta Korčula wabi plażami w Velkiej Luce, Smokvicy.
Polecamy spróbować wyśmienitych win z Korčuli: Grk, Pošip, Rukatac i Plavac. Dobrym pomysłem jest zwiedzanie wyspy wypożyczając samochód lub skuter lub wypożyczenie motorówki i żeglowanie wzdłuż wybrzeża Dalmatyńskiego.
Oferty pobytów wakacyjnych last minute 2015 znajdują się na stronie:
Wczasy samolotem All Inclusive w hotelu Park:
W reklamówce wykorzystaliśmy świetny utwór Coco Steel & Lovebomb - Yachts:
Wyspa Hvar autem/ Island of Hvar - Croatia
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#Chorwacja #Kroatien #Hrvatska #Croatia #droga do Chorwacji
#Chorwacja czerwiec 2016
Przepiękna wyspa Hvar - nazywana wyspą lawendy. Płyniemy z autem na tę wyspę żeby ją zwiedzić. Pogoda nam dopisuje, upał przeszło 35 stopni, niebezpieczne drogi i lawenda dziko rosnąca. Przeprawa promem z Drvenika do Sucuraju trwa około 30 minut i upływa bardzo szybko podziwiając piękne krajobrazy z promu.
Korizmeni događaji u Korčuli
korčula 2016 1st. place
Korčula 26/29 Avgust 2016 takmičarski tim Taekwondo Kluba Novi Grad Sarajevo je učestvovao sa 27 članova i osvoijio 1. mjesto u ekipnom plasmanu.
Ugodno druženje pije i poslije takmičenja.
Pogledaj te prilog od 12 min.
Korcula Pola Nove Godine 30.6.2010
Half of New Year 2010-KORCULA-CROATIA