Apold - The fortified church, Mures, Romania
The parish of Apold lies in the Mures county, between Agnita and Sighisoara, in the valley of the Saes river.
Apold, first mentioned in writing in 1309, has an older history though. On its territory was found a Dacian treasure (1st century B.C.) which comprises 6 silver pins, a necklace and a belt made of a silver chain, as well as 563 Roman coins which date back to 217-249 A.D.
At Apold there is a Peasant Fortress with a precinct Evangelical Church. It is placed in the centre of the village, to the east, towards the Saes river. The Fortress was raised in the first years of the 16th century. It is impressive by its shape, picturesque towers and the cluster of century-old trees around.
The Fortress has two rows of defence walls flanked by picturesque quadrilateral towers. The tower over the western entrance, as well as the fortification of the nave and of the church's choir, alongside the watch-way yield the whole a severe aspect.
The Church, mentioned in writing in 1504, but having been built beforehand, has valuable pieces of furniture dating back to 1762. Inside the Fortress a deep well was dug (filled up today), which would provide the parishers with drinking water at times of war. One of the bastions would shelter a mill that supplied villagers with flour to bake bread. It is interesting to notice that two of the bailey bastions, of a rectangular shape, and comparatively larger, were used as barns for grains.
The tower of entrance to the second precinct was called the Oats Tower, and it also sheltered animals in case of siege. Villagers would keep their ham supplies in the White Tower since medieval times to the day.
Domeniul Dracula Danes, Farm, County of Mures, Principality Transylvania, Romania
Photos & Virtual Tour by Udo Rauschenberger, 360TOURIST.net
Cris - The Bethlen Castle, Mures, Romania
Criş (former Crişd; German Saxon: Kraeš; German: Kreisch; Hungarian: Keresd) is a village in Daneş commune, near Sighişoara, Mureş County, Romania. Before 1300, one of the members of the Bethlen family received here a domain, for his bravery during the crusades. Since then goes back also the legend of the family coat of arms, depicting a serpent with an apple in his mouth. The legend said that the place was haunted by a monster, a giant snake associated with the numerous disappearances among locals. The crusader, seeing the snake, have thrown it an apple, which he would have drowned. Historians have a different interpretation, seeing the apple as a symbol of a Papal document, and added during the time the family converted from Catholicism to the Reformed religion. The Bethlen Castle construction began before 1300 and lasted over 400 years (between 14th-17th centuries). Initially, the castle had an irregular quadrilateral shape, with wedge-type rhomboidal bastions on corners. Built in several stages, it was originally designed in Gothic style, and over the years were added the Transylvanian Renaissance elements, being now the most beautiful Renaissance castle in Transylvania. Now, the castle has a fortified square shape, with circular bastions at the corners and square entrance tower, a structure typical for the late medieval military architecture. The residence has two floors, an imposing circular tower (Archers' Tower) and a loggia with semicircular arched openings on short cylindrical pillars. The fortification system was completed with a semi-enclosure with bastions. The buildings of the castle, along with the walls of the fortress, enclose an almost rectangular square. The oldest building is the leveled medieval old tower, its highest level facade being decorated by painted high-relief figures showing warriors carrying halberds or shields in their right hands, their left hands resting on their waists. The 5th level of the tower comprising of eight arched windows is known to be used as a look-out. The secret turret case has been inserted into the thick tower walls. The old tower was provided with Renaissance doorway and window frames during the 16th and the 17th centuries. In 1559, chancellor Georgius Bethlen and his wife Clara of Nagykároly completed the old tower with a vaulted building and a loggia. Their son, Miklos Bethlen, continued to bring further improvements to the castle, with new buildings in Renaissance style. Between 1675 1691, Count Alexius Bethlen consolidated the corners of the fortress with bastions. The rear facade of the old tower faces a small yard, as well as the western walls of the fortress. The leveled building on the eastern side, along with the southern and western walls of the fortress enclose sculptured window and door frames. On the ground-floor is the chapel of the fortress -- one of the most beautiful spaces of the building complex, with both Gothic and Renaissance decorating elements. The wing connecting the eastern side corner bastions hosts a range of inter-connected rooms, with a total length of 50 m. The interior of the castle never failed to preserve its authenticity. The splendor of the salons was enhanced by the exquisitely painted and polished pieces of furniture, as well as by the inbuilt chests of drawers, carpets and rugs. Portraits of family members were lined up along the walls. The library and the family archives were on the first floor of the old tower. In the courtyard of the tower there used to be a flower garden, the castle being surrounded by a vast English park. There was also a pentagonal summer pavilion, with walls decorated with paintings.
When Bethlen family left the country in 1948, the castle was nationalized and used as a pioneer camp and then as vegetables and grain warehouse of the village's farms. Many valuable objects, collections of art, weapons and hunting trophies, furniture, were taken to Sighişoara and some at the Bruckenthal Museum in Sibiu. The rest was stolen. In 1974 the castle was taken over by the Department of Historical Monuments, that began a sustained work of the consolidation and restoration, an activity that lasted until 1977. In that period have been strengthened the chapel, the octagonal tower, the dungeon tower and floor the ground-floor of the manor.
The castle has been partially restored in the '90, but the restoration stopped because the inheritors claimed the castle. After many years of legal suits, the Transylvanian branch of the family received the castle and the park.
Biserici fortificate partea I/Fortified churches part 1
Prima parte din multele care vor urma/The first part of many to come
Mica colectie de biserici fortificate din judetele Mures/Alba/Small collection of fortified churches from Mures/Alba counties.
Curs de tencuială tradițională, Apold, 15-19 mai 2017
Road to Sighisoara - Transylvania Bike Tour
Follow us on our short holiday in Transylvania cycling through old villages and visiting 14th century old fortified churches. On the third day of the tour we follow the cycling path from Viscri to Sighisoara but enter the track from Apold and then Daia. The rolling hills are amazing and the slow descent through the dense forest is exquisite. We reach Sighisoara, have a stroll through the town and return back to Aplod.
The strava route can be found here:
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Thank you Dr. Bike for the support:
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Gross-Alischer Heimattreffen 2015
Gross-Alischer Heimattreffen 2015
September 2015
Party Trio Nürnberg
Kronenfest - Sărbătoarea Coroanei ed. a 9-a la Axente Sever | novatv.ro
Biserica evanghelică din localitatea Axente Sever a găzduit duminică Sărbătoarea Coroanei – Kronenfest.
Ediția a noua a fost organizată de Consistoriul Districtual Evanghelic C.A. Mediaș prin preot Gerhard Servatius-Depner și preot Hildegard Servatius-Depner, cu sprijinul Turist în Transilvania, Caspari Mediaș și Teracota Mediaș. Axente Sever este una din puținele localități din Transilvania care încă mai păstrează această tradiție.
Sărbătoarea Coroanei sau Kronenfest a debutat duminică la ora 10:00 cu o slujbă religioasă oficiată la Biserica evanghelică fortificată din Axente Sever. A urmat apoi un scurt program artistic prezentat de elevi ai Gimnaziului Hermann Oberth din Mediaș și corul Bisericii Evanghelice Mediaș, coordați de Monica Lup și Edith Toth. Pentru copii, au fost organizate ateliere de creație, iar adulții au putut participa la o degustare de vinuri și la un concert susținut de Ela Soul.
Traseu de biciclete în zona Sighişoara (@Exclusiv în România)
Sâmbătă, 7 iunie, de la ora 18:00, pe TVR1, Cristi Tabără şi echipa Exclusiv în România ne propun o călătorie în centrul ţării, unde tradiţiile păstrează istoria vie. Colindăm împreună satele săseşti din împrejurimi, pe bicicletă şi în căruţă, oprindu-ne la biserica fortificată din Biertan şi la... închisoarea conjugală din cetate - un adevărat unicat!
Toate ediţiile emisiunii le găsiţi pe TVR+, portalul video al Televiziunii Române
Kronenfest - Sărbătoarea Coroanei la Axente Sever | novatv.ro
Frumusețea naturii va fi sărbătorită în acest sfârșit de săptămână la Axente Sever.
Este pentru a noua oară când localitatea găzduiește Kronenfest - Sărbătoarea Coroanei, o tradiție vie care doreste sa ne indrepte privirile spre frumusetea naturii, conform organizatorilor.
Amănunte despre program ne-a oferit Marius Grecu, primarul comunei Axente Sever.
MTB in Daia
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Castelul ( Castle ) Daniel, Varghis, Covasna, Romania
In the middle of September, I left the Baraolt to Varghis with the intention to visit the Castle Daniel and Gorge Varghis.
The most important attraction of the village Varghis is, in the opinion of some tourists, the restored building of the Daniel Castle. Castle presents architectural elements of Renaissance, Baroque and Classical. The first written document about castle is from 1580. Then Renaissance castle was already in use and was later rebuilt several times. On the southern wing of main building, with the double-roofed, is the beautiful Renaissance loggia. Many bas-reliefs in stone carved, keeps, togheter with emblems of the family, and the data for important events (1646, 1650, 1687, 1723, 1745). Daniel Ferenc József Sebestyén did the last restoration, before communist era, in 1937 after Keöpeczi architect. The arboretum with rare trees invites to walk and relax.
Now, the castle is transformed in museum and provides adequate spaces for organizing cultural and artistic activities.
Cetatea Sighișoara VR 360°
Locul de naștere al Domnitorului Vlad Țepeș, Sighișoara merită o vizită. Te va încânta cu străduțele înguste, terasele chochete și oamenii primitori.
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Welcome to Sibiu,Romania! |Anne Maria|
Sibiu is an amazing place to visit! I hope you enjoyed watching this video :) If you did,don't forget to comment/give a thumbs up/subscribe.Have a lovely day! x
Instagram: xoxannemaria
tags: travel vlog sibiu
Nicu Posta despre Festival de muzica de la Biertan | novatv.ro
Asociaţia LCS Speranţa, în parteneriat cu comuna Biertan organizează sâmbătă şi duminică în piaţa centrală, festivalul Transilvania Multiculturală. În cele două zile de festival vor urca pe scenă interpreţi şi ansambluri de muzică populară din zonă dar şi interpreţi de muzică uşoară. Recitaluri extraordinare vor susţine cunoscutele interprete Irina Loghin şi Corina Chiriac