Harman church - Romania
Harman Fortified Church. Romania
Personal filming made in 2011. moon sept.
Music: Chopin - nocturna no 2 in Do maj . Fragment
The fortified church of Harman, Romana, was built in the 13th century on the basis of an ancient Roman basilica. The fortification surrounding the church was built in the fifteenth century.
Fortified Church - Harman - .mpg
Harman - fortified church. Situated in the village of Harman -Brasov, Romania. Built sec XII - XIV
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Church of Harman
Take a tour of Harman Fortified Church in Harman, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
This church outside of Brasov, Romania is from a time when houses of worship were also places of refuge.
Romania is a country that is home to many fortified churches, such as Harman's.
The oldest parts of the Harman Fortified Church were built in the thirteenth century by Saxon colonists.
Mostly in the fifteenth century, Baroque defensive structures, such as a curtain wall and towers, were added.
These defenses were necessary, even on churches, because of threats of invasion from neighboring nations.
Both as a fort and as a church, the Harman Church is an amazing place.
Biserica fortificata din Harman - Saxon Fortified Church from Harman ✔
➤ “Hărman mai demult Herman (în dialectul săsesc Huntschprich, în germană Honigberg, în trad. „Muntele mierii“, în maghiară Szászhermány, în latină Mons Mellis) este satul de reședință al comunei cu același nume din județul Brașov, Transilvania, România.
Localitatea Hărman se află în Țara Bârsei, la cca. 10 km spre est de municipiul Brașov. Este cunoscută în special pentru biserica fortificată impresionantă.
Istoria cetății Hărmanului se leagă de prezența Ordinului Cavalerilor Teutoni în Țara Bârsei în primele decenii ale secolului al XIII-lea la Feldioara,Prejmer, Râșnov și Sânpetru. Prima atestare documentară a așezării datează însă de la 21 martie 1240, la 15 ani după alungarea Cavalerilor Teutoni din aceste teritorii. Într-un document redactat atunci, regele Béla al IV-lea spune ...am hotărât să dăruim sfântului și venerabilului convent al mănăstirii Cisterciților, ca ajutor pentru cheltuielile sale, ce se vor face în fiecare an pentru folosul obștesc, al capitulului întregului ordin, unele biserici din Țara Bârsei în părțile Transilvaniei, și anume cetatea Feldioara (Castrum Sanctae Mariae), Sânpetru (Sancti Petri), muntele Hărman (Mons Mellis) și Prejmer (Tartilleri) cu toate veniturile, drepturile și cele ce țin de ele…. Pe lângă fragmentele de pictură din interiorul bisericii sau din ambrazurile ferestrelor, un important ansamblu de pictură se găsește într-o capelă din turnul de est.”
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#BisericiFortificateDinTransilvania, #BisericiFortificate
Brasov | Prejmer & Harman fortified churches | Romania
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Στο βίντεο αυτό θα δείτε πλάνα από την διαμονή μας στην γραφική παλιά πόλη του Μπρασόβ και την επίσκεψη μας στις δυο οχυρωμένες εκκλησίες (Prejmer & Harman) που βρίσκονται στην περιοχή της Τρανσυλβανίας,μερικά μόλις χιλιόμετρα από την πόλη του Μπρασόβ.
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This is the first for the three videos we flimed during our visit in Romania.
The places we visited in this video are the picturesque old city of Brasov and the two fortified churches (Prejmer & Harman) who are located in the Transylvanian region near Brasov. These are three of the many must-see locations in Romania for every person visiting the Balkan country.
Camera: Sony rx100
Harman and Prejmer fortified churches in Romania
Produced with Cyberlink PhotoDirector 8
Harman, Romania, arely Seen 12th Century Saxon 360' Church Fortress
Most people never get to Romania and fewer will take the time to see this heritage site. Built with a church in the middle with a 360' fortress wall built around it, this is a rare sight to see. We will explore the fortress, the living and work quarter is, the tunnels connecting rooms in the fortress wall and climb up the belfry. Better still this does not have the masses of tourists like Notre Dame or other cathedrals. Small is beautiful
Fortified Church in Harman, Romania
Romania, Prejmer Fortified Church
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The Prejmer fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Prejmer (Tartlau), Brașov County, in the Transylvania region of Romania and the ethnographic area of the Burzenland. The church was founded by the Germanic Teutonic Knights, and then was eventually taken over by the Transylvanian Saxon community. Initially Roman Catholic, it became Lutheran following the Reformation. Together with the surrounding village, the church forms part of the villages with fortified churches in Transylvania UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Romania, Saschiz Fortified Church
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The Saschiz fortified church is a Lutheran fortified church in Saschiz (Keisd), Mureș County, in the Transylvania region of Romania. It was built by the ethnic German Transylvanian Saxon community at a time when the area belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. Initially Roman Catholic, it became Lutheran following the Reformation. Together with the surrounding village, the church forms part of the villages with fortified churches in Transylvania UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Cyclists sing in Harman fortified church
The audience follows Steffen Schlandt's indications and sings a beautiful song.
1st group
Sing, sing, sing, sing - sing and let your voices ring
Sing, sing, sing, sing - sing now let us all begin
Halleluja, halleluja - halleluja, halleluja!
2nd group
Sing - clap your hands
3rd group
Dm dm dm dm - dm dm dm dm!
Corona Transylvanica orchestra and Transylvania choir from Tudor Ciortea Musical Highschool in Brasov, Romania.
Conductor: Ciprian Tutu
Organist: Steffen Schlandt
Fortified Church in Hărman, Romania - drone flyover
Aerial footage of one of many fortified churches in Transylvania.
Prejmer Fortified Church - Romania's UNESCO Transylvanian Treasure
Prejmer Fortified Church
Explore a fantastic fortified church founded by the Teutonic Knights in now Transylvania in Romania. The Ottomans tried to destroy the church over 50 times without success all the while destroying the town. The church is heavily fortified and we will be able to see inside where 4 stories of living and storage accommodation inside the church protected people and goods. The site is in pristine condition having been restored during Communist times
Prejmer Fortified Church
Walk in Brasov - visiting Transylvania # 10. Harman Fortified Church - prt.1- HÖNIGBERG - Brasov.
Located in the Harman village Brasov,Honigburg in German, meaning Honey Castle, this fortified church dates back to the 13th century when Saxons built the original structure. Strong walls and bulwarks surrounded the church and on its sides, massive towers were added.
Die Ortschaft befindet sich nur 12 Km nördlich von Brasov - Kronstadt entfernt. Hier befand sich ursprünglich eine romanische Kirche (1280-1290) der Zisterzienser. Später wurde sie gotisch umgebaut. Bis heute sind 6 der früheren 7 Wehrtürme erhalten.
Zwischen 1500 – 1520 ist eine ovale Wehranlage rund um die Kirche erbaut worden. Vor der 5 Meter dicken und 12 Meter hohen Ringmauer wurde ein tiefer Graben gegraben.
Nach einem Brand im Jahr 1593 ist die Kirche renoviert worden. Der mächtige Kirchenturm hatte hier keine Abwehrfunktion.
Fortified Church Calnic
Fortified church of XIII existence. Situated in Alba County, Romania. UNESCO heritage
Fortified Church Prejmer
Located near Brasov. Built in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. Gotoc city style in a circle with walls 3-4 m thick and 12 m high has iron gates, towers, drawbridges, is defensive ditch. The strongest fortress village in southern Transylvania . UNESCO heritage
Walk in Brasov - visiting Transylvania # 11. Harman Fortified Church - prt.2- HÖNIGBERG - Brasov.
Located in the Harman village Brasov,Honigburg in German, meaning Honey Castle, this fortified church dates back to the 13th century when Saxons built the original structure. Strong walls and bulwarks surrounded the church and on its sides, massive towers were added.
Die Ortschaft befindet sich nur 12 Km nördlich von Brasov - Kronstadt entfernt. Hier befand sich ursprünglich eine romanische Kirche (1280-1290) der Zisterzienser. Später wurde sie gotisch umgebaut. Bis heute sind 6 der früheren 7 Wehrtürme erhalten.
Zwischen 1500 – 1520 ist eine ovale Wehranlage rund um die Kirche erbaut worden. Vor der 5 Meter dicken und 12 Meter hohen Ringmauer wurde ein tiefer Graben gegraben.
Nach einem Brand im Jahr 1593 ist die Kirche renoviert worden. Der mächtige Kirchenturm hatte hier keine Abwehrfunktion.
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Romania Saxon Village ???????? Villages With Fortified Churches in Transylvania
The Saxon villages of Transylvania appeared in the twelfth century when the Kings of Hungary settled German colonists in the area. They had a special status among nations in the province and their civilisation managed to survive and thrive, forming a very strong community of farmers, artisans and merchants. Being situated in a region constantly under the threat of the Ottoman and Tatar invasions, they built fortifications of different sizes. The most important towns were fully fortified, and the smaller communities created fortifications centered on the church, where they added defensive towers and storehouses to keep their most valuable goods and to help them withstand long sieges.
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Soundrack from Relax in Sax by Experience Project, available on
???????? #Romania #churches #travel #europe
Harman - Honigberg Circular
#Honigberg #Harman #Romania #Brasov
Fortified Church from Axente Sever Village - Transylvania