Cetatea DEVA Fortress (Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Deva Fortress is located atop of Fortress Hill that from a height of 371 m dominates Deva town (187 m). The Fortress Hill is a composite natural reserve (geological, botanical, landscape) extending over 30 hectares. If we do not want to climb down to reach the fortress, we can to use the cable car. The fortress was built, expanded and modified in several stages during the XIII-XIX centuries. At present the fortress appears as a system of three concentric, asymmetric and in spiral enclosures. The heart of the city is located on hilltop from which started construction. Fortress was meant defense against the Tatars and then the Turks, protection of nobles at several uprisings, was a noble residence, prison and garrison. At the time of our visit (2016) enclosure 1 was not open to tourists. It is admirable that access into the fortress is free, but unfortunately, information is non-existent. Fortress history is complex, fascinating, even still has many mysteries, but tourists remains only with the images of walls and with impressive views. The only panel warns about the possible presence of venomous snakes (horned viper, very protected species). Deva Fortress was built from the years 1250 tracking a Daco-Roman fortification (Castrum Deve) in a strategic point of prime importance, overseeing the movement to and from Transylvania on Mures Valley. Over time, the fortress has undergone modifications and extensions as the XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX centuries. The fortress complex consists of the central building on the hill and three enclosures fitted with gates and reinforced with defensive towers and buttresses. The walls which are seen today belong to the XV-XVII centuries. Deva Fortress is the result of seven centuries of architectural developments and strong political and economic turmoil that rocked Transylvania's history and who can be read in its walls.
Cetatea Deva este situată în vârful Dealului Cetății care de la înălțimea de 371 m domină municipiul Deva (187 m). Dealul Cetății Deva este rezervație naturală de tip mixt (geologică, botanică, peisagistică) care se extinde pe 30 ha. Dacă nu dorim să urcăm pe jos, ajungem la cetate folosind telecabina inaugurată în 2005. Cetatea a fost construită, extinsă și modificată în mai multe etape în perioada secolelor XIII-XIX. În prezent apare sub forma unui sistem sistem de trei incinte. Incintele sunt concentrice, asimetrice, în spirală. Inima cetății este incinta 1 situată pe vârful dealului, prima de la care a pornit construcția. Cetatea a avut rolul de apărare contra tătarilor şi apoi a turcilor, de protecție a nobililor cu ocazia mai multor răscoale, a fost reședință nobiliară, închisoare și garnizoană. La momentul vizitei noastre (2016) incinta 1 nu era deschisă pentru turiști. Este admirabil faptul că accesul în Cetate este gratuit, dar, din păcate, informarea turistică la fața locului este inexistentă. Istoria Cetății este complexă, fascinantă chiar și încă mai are multe enigme, dar turiștii rămân doar cu imaginea zidurilor și a priveliștilor impresionante. Singurul panou avertizează despre posibila prezență a șerpilor veninoși (vipera cu corn, specie foarte ocrotită). Cetatea Deva a fost construită începând cu anii 1250 pe urmele unei fortificaţii daco-romane (Castrum Deve) într-o zonă strategică de primă importanță, supraveghind circulația spre și dinspre Transilvania pe Valea Mureșului. Pe parcursul timpului, cetatea a suferit modificari si extinderi ca cele din secolele XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX. Complexul Cetății constă din edificiul central de pe culmea dealului și din trei incinte prevăzute cu porți și întărite cu turnuri de aparare și contraforturi. Zidurile ce se văd în prezent aparțin secolelor XV-XVII. Cetatea Deva apare ca rezultat al unei evoluţii arhitectonice de şapte secole, iar puternicele frământări politice şi economice care au zguduit istoria Transilvaniei se pot citi în zidurile ei.
Fortress of Deva Romania
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LIVE Walking Tour Video Panoramas with Fortress of Deva - Transylvania (ROMANIA) - Cetatea Deva
Amazing nature scenery with impressive video panoramas from The Fortress of Deva (Romanian: Cetatea Devei, Hungarian: Déva vára), a fortress located in the city of Deva, Hunedoara County, Romania, on top of a volcanic hill.
#FortressOfDeva #CetateaDeva #RuinsInReconstruction
Deva Castle - Professional Aerial Drone Video 4K Ulta HD
Aerial Demo Reel for 2016 - Deva Hunedoara Castle
Cetatea Devei din aer- Deva castle aerial video
AMAZING scenes from around Romania !!!! ... Amazing footage!
Contact:Sergiu M. Popescu
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03.11.2011 Travel to Romania - Deva fortress Deva
Deva fortress Deva. GPS : 45º 53' 18.4 N / 22º 54' 5.7 E. More if you visit my travel website .
The fortress of Deva
4x4 tours to this and other locations in Hunedoara county with guide can be reserved at casarusticamada@gmail.com, infos on showmastertm.ro .
Cetatea Devei_(The Fortress of Deva)_în Transilvania pe valea Mureșului_09_09_2018
Cetatea Devei este situată pe un con vulcanic format din andezite neogene, la altitudinea de 378 metri, în locul în care Mureşul formează un defileu între Munţii Apuseni şi Munţii Poiana Ruscă, pe Dealul Cetăţii din municipiul Deva.
Dincolo de legende şi poveşti frumoase, conform unor cercetări arheologice recente, activitatea de pe Dealul Cetăţii începe în epoca neolitică, aici fiind descoperite terasele care atestă cultura Coţofeni, specifică triburilor de războinici şi crescătorilor de animale din epoca bronzului.
Prima atestare documentară a Cetăţii Devei (Castrum Deve) datează din anul 1269 şi este reprezentată de scrisoarea Ştefan al V-lea, „regele cel tânăr” (1270–1272), prin care acesta îl răsplătea pe unul dintre credincioşii săi pentru actele de vitejie.
În contextul în care, la sfârşitul secolului al XI-lea are loc organizarea Transilvaniei ca voievodat şi anexarea sa la Regatul Ungariei, fiind principat autonom sub suzeranitatea regilor maghiari, iar construirea cetăților, drept exclusiv regal, avansează spre est pe măsură ce se încearcă consolidarea cuceririi, construirea Cetății Deva aparține fazei inițiale, care îmbracă forme simple, destinate să adăpostească o garnizoană regală.
Conform unor cercetări recente, sub cetatea medievală existentă, se află elementele unei fortificaţii dacice, iar peste aceste rămăşiţe ale cetăţii dacice a fost construit un post militar roman, distrus la rândul său prin ridicarea cetăţii feudale, o succesiune de edificii susţinută de descoperirea unor obiecte de ceramică și cărămizi şi de existența unui turn de observaţie cu fortificaţie romană.
În timpul regimului habsburgic, Cetatea Devei a reprezentat un puternic punct de sprijin pentru reprezentanţii acestuia, iar în anul 1606, Dieta Transilvaniei decide ca cetatea să intre în administrarea principilor transilvăneni.
Cetatea a fost ridicată în secolul al XIII-lea, dar urmele de locuire sunt mult mai vechi: există descoperiri care datează din neolitic sau epoca bronzului. Prima menţiune documentară care face referire la Cetatea Devei datează din anul 1269.
Astăzi, accesul spre Cetate este posibil atât pe jos, pe drumul vechi sau pe potecile bătute de localnici, dar şi contra-cost cu ajutorul unei telecabine, în fapt un lift monoliner, unic în această zonă a Europei.
The fortress of Deva is situated on a volcanic cone made of neogenic andesites, at an altitude of 378 meters, in the place where the Mureş forms a gorge between the Apuseni Mountains and the Poiana Ruscă Mountains, on the Hill of Cetatea din Deva.
Beyond legends and beautiful stories, according to recent archaeological research, the activity on Cetatii Hill begins in the Neolithic Age, here being discovered the terraces that attest the Coţofeni culture, specific to the warrior tribes and the Bronze Age breeders.
The first documentary testimony of Castrum Deve dates back to 1269 and is represented by the letter Ştefan V, the young king (1270-1272), by which he rewarded one of his faithful for the acts of bravery .
In the context in which, at the end of the 11th century, Transylvania was organized as a voivode and its annexation to the Kingdom of Hungary, being an autonomous principality under the suzerainty of Hungarian kings, and the construction of the citadels as exclusively royal advances eastward as it attempts to consolidate the conquest, the construction of the Deva Fortress belongs to the initial phase, which takes simple forms, designed to house a royal garrison.
According to recent researches, under the existing medieval fortress, there are the elements of a Dacian fortress, and over these remnants of the Dacian fortress was built a Roman military post, destroyed by the raising of the feudal fortress, a succession of edifices supported by the discovery of objects ceramics and bricks and the existence of a Roman tower observation tower.
During the Habsburg regime, Deva Fortress represented a strong support point for its representatives, and in 1606, the Diet of Transylvania decided that the city should enter into the administration of Transylvanian principles.
The fortress was built in the thirteenth century, but the traces of it are much older: there are discoveries dating from the Neolithic or the Bronze Age. The first documentary mentioning the Fortress of Deva dates back to 1269.
Today, access to Cetate is possible both on foot, on the old road or on the trails battered by locals, but also counter-cost via a cable car, in fact a monoliner lift, unique in this area of Europe.
The Fortress of Deva by Zet Art
© Zet Art - Artistic Photo - Video Production -
The Fortress is located on a top of a volcanic hill. The first evidence of the medieval Deva Fortress dates back to the second half of the 13th century in,1269, when Stephen V, King of Hungary and Duke of Transilvania, mentioned the royal castle of Deva in a privilege-grant for the Count Chyl of Kelling. From 1273 dates the first record about a military operation that involved The Fortress. Under its walls, the cumans are defeated by Petrus Chak, who is rewarded for his victory by Ladislaus IV, King of Hungary. In his letter, Ladislaus IV mentioned the facts with the words: sub castro Dewa contra Cumanorum exercitur viriliter dimicavit. At the end of the 13th century, The Deva Fortress is in the property of Ladislaus Kán, Voivode of Transylvania, who organised here a court besides the military garnison.
Fortress Of Deva ( Déva vára,Cetatea Devei) With Blues
Fortress of Deva ( Déva vára,Cetatea Devei),Transylvania with Blues
Warm spring day in Deva, Hunedoara (ROMANIA)
April the 2nd was a perfect Sunday for a walk in the prettiest city on a 100 km radius????
(halfway between Sibiu and Timișoara).
Dave's citadel is situated on a pretty tall hill and you can get there by cable car or by car (until you reach a gate) and by foot.
Unless you choose the easy way, you will be working out. ????
The rest of the images are filmed in the city center, very animated thanks to the singing fountain.
[fortress of deva ][cetatea deva fortress][deva-devai var velvono][cable car ride up to Fortress]
[fortress of deva ][cetatea deva fortress][deva-devai var velvono][cable car ride up to Fortress]
Corvin Castle Romania
■ HUNEDOARA, ROMANNIA: Few Europeans and Americans visit Romania. Even fewer visit cities other than Bucharest and Bran. I recently took a train from Serbia to Timisoara. From there I continued by rail to Cluj, Simeria, Hunedoara and Deva. I took the same route back again but leaving the country to Budapest..
It's easy to enter Romania by rail from either Serbia or Hungary. Trains are slow though. In this video I give you my impressions from visiting this country with the terrible reputation. In all of Europe it's considered perfectly ok to hate on Romania and Romanians.
Ask the French, Italians, Norwegians, Swedes and British people what they think about Romanians and you're likely to be told that they are thieves, bad people and God knows what else.
I find this to be untrue. On top of that when inside Romania you will find the people quite open considering the country's location in the old Eastern bloc of Europe. There are much angrier countries in this part of Europe. Trust me on this one!
Romania will likely never be the next Monaco but there are some cool things to see in the country. Personally I like the Transylvania region as it has some amazing castles and fortresses. Best in the class was the gothic renaissance castle known as Castelul Corvinilor. Or Corwin Castle in english.
Supposedly Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Tepes to use his real name, were held as a prisoner here towards the latter part of his life. He is the man who some know as Vlad Dracul and was the main inspiration behind the Count Dracula novel. This castle can be found in the city of Hunedoara.
In the neighboring city of Deva there is also an epic fortress. You can see both in the video.
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Vlog: Hunedoara & Deva Romania | Looktheotherway.co
A little vlog from our trip to Hunedoara’s Corvin Castle for the photoshoot and also visiting Deva’s awesome citadel. Hope you like it and also check out the conceptual video we shot there here: and if you’d like to see the making of / behind the scenes of the outfit that I wore, check out my Patreon account here:
*Support me on Patreon:
*Contact: contact@looktheotherway.co
Music / Instrumental by Aries Beats -
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Astazi vizitam Cetatea de la Deva!
Ma hazafelé tartva felmentünk az Alsó-Maros menti Déva várába siklóval ami nagy élmény volt a fiúknak. Bár a vár romos állapotban van jelenleg jól látszott a tagozódása, a Cézár kapu, a főzőhely.Sok gyík talál itt otthonra a romok közt amiket a fiúk próbáltak elkapni de vipera veszély miatt nem mertünk nagyon belemerülni.
#cetateadevei #3dan #vlogging
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TR | C01 | Cetate Deva 1 (2013 Romanian Nationals)
Trio Cetate Deva 1 (Categoria I) - Campionatele Nationale, Constanta, 2013
Score: 17.750
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