Apuseni - Poiana Ponor
Munții Apuseni - Izbucul (resurgența) Ponorului, râul Ponor, ponorul/sorbul râului - la data la care am filmat imergența râului era mixtă, formată atât din sorburi (lăculețele în care dispare apa), cât și ponoare (locuri unde apa intră aerat în pământ - curge).
Muzica: Vali Rotari - ”Lacurile lui Mac”
Cetatile Ponorului - Muntii Apuseni
Coborare prin Dolina 1 , intrare in cetati si filmare in Dolina 2, continuarea drumului In Dolina 3 si urcare abrupta din cetati
OFF ROAD Aiud - Ponor - Mogos, Romania
ROAD of TRANZ TRASCAU, adica de la AIUD - Ponor - Geogel - Mogos
A nice OFF Road the Western Carpathians, Romania from AIUD - Ponor - Mogos - Intregalde
-ポノール- Mogos - Intregaldeアユードから西カルパティア山脈、ルーマニアを閉じるために良い方法
Cetatile Radesei & Poiana Ponor - Apuseni Mountains / Muntii Apuseni
Drumul Sudrigiu - Padiș
Recent asfaltat , drumul Sudrigiu-Boga-Padiș .
Recently paved road Sudrigiu-Boga-Padiș
Artist Agalloch - 1.The Misshapen Steed
2.A Celebration for the Death of Man...
3.Our Fortress is Burning... II - Bloodbirds
all copyright belongs to The End Records and Agalloch
GoProOgre - Transylvania 2014 (Padis)
A ten day journey through the Transylvanian forest of Romania, Padis.
** Like Subscribe and enjoy**
The music On Top of the World is created and owned by the group Imagine Dragons ARE NOT BY ME! I DO NOT OWN, TAKE CREDIT OR HAVE ANY CONNECTION TO THE MUSIC WHATSOEVER! ***
cetatile ponorului.mov
arhivă personală
Relax in Galbena gorge( Cheile Galbenei), Bihor, Romania
Situated South-West and West outside of the Padiş -- Fortress of Ponor closed basin, the Galbena valley acts like a drainage path for the majority of waters coming from the Padiş Basin in their way toward the Beiuş depression. The Galbena valley has formed narrow gorges throughout its length, with vertical walls and steep slopes, and with many waterfalls all of which make them very difficult to pass trough. The upstream sector is the most spectacular, between the Galbena karst spring and the confluence with Luncşoara valley, resulting in a narrow canyon with over 100 m vertical walls
Cheile Galbenei - Munti Apuseni
Cañon de Galbena. Espeleo50 de Campaña en Rumania. Día de descanso.
Resurgencia del Sistema de Cetatile Ponorului.
Situated South-West and West outside of the Padiş -- Fortress of Ponor closed basin, the Galbena valley acts like a drainage path for the majority of waters coming from the Padiş Basin in their way toward the Beiuş depression. The Galbena valley has formed narrow gorges throughout its length, with vertical walls and steep slopes, and with many waterfalls all of which make them very difficult to pass trough. The upstream sector is the most spectacular, between the Galbena karst spring and the confluence with Luncşoara valley, resulting in a narrow canyon with over 100 m vertical walls.
Padis Efs.2017.part 1.Tamas Alin Simion
tabara Tibena din Padis 2017
The hidden parts of Transylvania | Padis 1/3
This video was made to show a part from the beautiful Transylvania,
and to demonstrate, that it is more than Dracula stories.
Transylvania is full with wild mountains and hospitable people, traveling is cheap, and mountain tracks are marked.
The story will be continued soon, subscribe for more videos,
or email us if you would like to see these places.
This video was made by:
Nagy Beáta Zita
Major Tamás
Marc Róbert
Background music:
U2 - Beautiful Day
Lord Of The Rings soundtrack
Using a GoPro Hero3 Black Edition camera.
Discover the Authentic Romania - The colours of Autumn in Apuseni Mountains
Filmed with Panasonic GH4
Lenses: Canon 75-200mm, f3.5-5, Olimpus Zuiko 14-48mm, f3.5, Sigma 17-50, f2.8.
NELSTILL VIDEO PRODUCTION: Our passion is creating video content that truly brings a destination to life for the viewer.
WE PRODUCE: travel film presentation, graphics AE CS, advertising, film and editing, weddings, news events.
Fundatura Ponorului, judetul Hunedoara (2019)
#Fundatura #Ponorului #Hunedoara #turism
Fundătura Ponorului se află în județul Hunedoara, în Parcul Național Grădiștea Muncelului-Cioclovina, care se numără printre cele mai valoroase arii protejate din țară, mai ales că aici se găsesc și cetățile dacice. La Fundătura Ponorului se ajunge de pe șoseaua ce duce spre Petroșani din Hațeg. Din localitatea Ponor cotiți pe un drum la stânga spre satul Federi. Acest loc reprezintă, de fapt, o zonă joasă aflată în Masivul Șureanu, ca un coloseum, ce este înconjurat de munți înalți. Pe fundul acestei mici depresiuni șerpuiește și râul Ponor, pierzându-se într-o stâncă, iar acest loc poartă numele de ponor.
Pentru mai multe detalii accesati
Transylvania - Romania, Apuseni Nature Park
The Apuseni Nature Park (Parcul Natural Apuseni) - known as the cavers' paradise - protects one of the most interesting cave fauna in Romania.
As opposed to other mountain areas, the Apuseni Mountains are populated up to high altitudes, with permanent and quasi-permanent dwellings.
Romanian Carpathians - Apuseni Nature Park.avi
The Apuseni Nature Park - comprising part of the Bihor and Vlădeasa massifs - embrace vast limestone areas, including the most spectacular karst paradise of all in the Carpathians: the Padiş Plateau. The main habitats of the Apuseni Nature Park are the mixed forests and glades intertwinned with the complex karst phenomena. There are over 1500 caves in the park area, 19 are of international importance. Apuseni Nature Park is a unique wonderland full of natural beauties. This jewel of Transylvania and Southwestern Carpathians as well is one of the last naturally forested karst areas of large size in Europe.
Bihar hegység, Pádis, Csodavár bejárása 1/2
Coborâre Padiș - Glăvoi
Coborâre Padiș - Glăvoi, Iunie 2017
De la Richitele-le lui Emil Boc la Doda al Pilii
Przełęcz Prisłop...Rumunia .... Pass Prisłop... Romania.
Przełęcz Prislop (1413 m n.p.m.) – przełęcz górska w Karpatach Wschodnich, na terytorium Rumunii. Oddziela Karpaty Marmaroskie na północy od Gór Rodniańskich na południu. Łączy Kotlinę Marmaroską na zachodzie z doliną Bystrzycy na wschodzie.