GNAP Germany 2017 (Grube Messel)
Künstler erkunden die Natur und erschaffen dort flüchtige Werke mit vorgefundenem Material
Das Global nomadic art Project wurde 2014 von der koreanischen Künstlervereinigung Yatoo gemeinsam mit zwanzig internationalen Nature-Art-Kuratoren begonnen und fand seit 2015 in Asien, 2016 in Afrika und dem Mittleren Osten statt, 2018 ist Amerika geplant. 2017 sind die europäischen Länder Deutschland, Frankreich, Litauen, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Ungarn und die Türkei beteiligt.
Während »Urban Nature Art« arbeiten die internationalen
Künstler in 16 Nature-Art-Workshops zusammen, erstellen
eine Dokumentation der vor Ort enststandenen flüchtigen
Kunstwerke und gestalten eine Ausstellung im Waldkunstzentrum.
Die Workshops finden in Darmstadt und Umgebung
innerhalb des UNESCO Global Geopark statt, der viele
historische und erdgeschichtliche Themen bietet. Die Schader-
Stiftung veranstaltet ein Expertengespräch mit Künstlern
und zwei Mittwochsforen bieten Einblick in die künstlerische
Arbeit der Gäste.
Die Künstler befassen sich mit urbaner naturnaher Kunst
und zeigen ihren individuellen künstlerischen und kulturellen
Zugang zur Natur. Die Gruppe wird aus 13 internationalen und
12 deutschen Künstlern bestehen. Außerdem werden Experten
und Praktiker an den Aktionen teilnehmen.
Die Grube Messel
Fossils from Messel in museum Darmstadt
In the Hessichen Landesmuseum Darmstadt, unique fossils of the Messel pit are exhibited. Among the highlights are eohippus (Propalaeotherium), tapir, birds and insects.
2 Tage auf Fossiliensuche bei Eichstätt
Diesmal eine Outdoortour der ganz anderen Art. Ich war für 6 Tage und 5 Nächte mit 2 Freunden in Eichstätt im Altmühltal und im dortigen Besuchersteinbruch auf mäßig erfolgreicher Fossiliensuche.
Kai Engel – Daylight (PON II)
Kai Engel - Run
Jahzzar – In The Museum
Saccocoma bei Wikipedia:
Aptychus bei Wikipedia:
Ausflugstipp: UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Grube Messel
Auch im Rheinmain-Gebiet gibt es UNESCO Welterbe. Eines der interessantesten ist das Weltnaturerbe Grube Messel in der Nähe von Darmstadt.
Versteinerungen suchen Fossilien finden im Altmühltal Besuchersteinbruch
Versteinerungen finden im Altmühltal Besuchersteinbruch Mühlheim und Schamhaupten : Fisch - Fossilien in den Solnhofener Plattenkalken suchen, finden und präparieren. In diesem Video seht ihr, wie die Stein gewordenen Zeugen aus einer Zeit vor 145 Millionen Jahren heute von dir “eingefangen” werden können!
Fossilien in den Alpen: Das Urmeer Tethys | W wie Wissen | Das Erste
Tatsächlich lag einst dort, wo sich heute die Alpen und ihr Vorländer erstrecken, ein tropisches Meer. Und wer heute in den Alpen wandert, kann Zeugen aus dieser Vergangenheit entdecken.
Fossilien suchen - Fossiliensuche - Fossil Hunting - Fossilien finden
#Fossilien #Fossiliensuche #fossil #fossiles #fossil fish
Fossilien suchen - Fossiliensuche - Fossil Hunting - Fossilien finden
Messel Fossils – Behind the scenes
Here's a short behind the scenes look in the laboratory collections of the Hessisches Natural History Museum ('Messel Museum'), Darmstadt, Germany. Filmed in June, 2018, during a research trip.
This is only a fraction of the excellent collections in the museum. On display, they have some of the best Messel fossils in the world - Eocene, 47 million-years-old.
Visit the museum's website here:
The Messel Pit
The Messel Fossil Pit
A UNESCO World Natural Heritage site
Messel, Darmstadt
Fossiliensuche mit Bad Ending / Geschichte am Untermain / Adventure 2018
Messel Pit Fossil Site - UNESCO World Heritage Site
The UNESCO World Heritage Messel Pit Fossil site is a volcanic crater in south-western Germany, home to hundreds of thousands of fossils. More than 40,000 fossils dating from the Eocene Era (approx 35-50 million years ago) have been discovered, mostly in very good condition. The fossils here are extraordinarily well preserved, featuring in some cases skin, fur, teeth, scales, colours, even stomach contents!
More World Heritage sites in Germany:
More prehistoric World Heritage sites:
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Music: - Happiness
Mineraliensammlung Peter Rothenburger
Päsentation meiner Mineraliensammlung und Fossiliensammlung und einiger Fundstellen.
Päsentation my collection of minerals and fossils, and reference of
Messel: Excavation and preparation
In the pit Messel near Darmstadt unique fossils are found. This video shows the excavation work and the pretation of the fossils at the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt.
The Messel Pit
... The Missing Link In Human Evolution? (Part 3): The Messel Pit.
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Official Press Release (PDF):
Scientific Publication:
Scientists Discover 'Missing Link' In Human Evolution (Source: Sky News, May 19, 2009)
Scientists say they have found a primate fossil that shows our connection with other mammals and our earliest human ancestor. These pictures are from the programme The Link by Atlantic Productions.
Scientists hail stunning fossil
By Christine McGourty
Science correspondent, BBC News
The beautifully preserved remains of a 47-million-year-old, lemur-like creature have been unveiled in the US. Christine McGourty takes a look at the beautifully preserved primate fossil.
The preservation is so good, it is possible to see the outline of its fur and even traces of its last meal.
The fossil, nicknamed Ida, is claimed to be a missing link between today's higher primates - monkeys, apes and humans - and more distant relatives.
But some independent experts, awaiting an opportunity to see the new fossil, are sceptical of the claim.
And they have been critical of the hype surrounding the presentation of Ida.
The fossil was launched amid great fanfare at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, by the city's mayor.
Although details of the fossil have only just been published in a scientific journal - PLoS One - there is already a TV documentary and book tie-in.
She belongs to the group from which higher primates and human beings developed but my impression is she is not on the direct line
Dr Jens Franzen
Ida was discovered in the 1980s in a fossil treasure-trove called Messel Pit, near Darmstadt in Germany. For much of the intervening period, it has been in a private collection.
The investigation of the fossil's significance was led by Jorn Hurum of the Natural History Museum in Oslo, Norway.
He said the fossil creature was the closest thing we can get to a direct ancestor and described the discovery as a dream come true.
The female animal lived during an epoch in Earth history known as the Eocene, which was crucial for the development of early primates - and at first glance, Ida resembles a lemur.
But the creature lacks primitive features such as a so-called toothcomb, a specialised feature in which the lower incisor and canine teeth are elongated, crowded together and projecting forward. She also lacks a special claw used for grooming.
The Grube Messel (Messel Pit) is a disused quarry near the village of Messel (Hesse), about 35 km southeast of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Bituminous shale was mined there. Because of its plethora of fossils, it has significant geological and scientific importance. The Messel Pit was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site on December 9, 1995.
2009 Auf dem Erdgeschichtspfad Messel
Mitglieder der Akademie55plus wandern unter Führung auf dem Erdgeschichtspfad in Messel
Missing Link ? 19 May 2009
Scientists have unveiled a 47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey hailed as the missing link in human evolution.......
The search for a direct connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years - but it was presented to the world today at a special news conference in New York.
The discovery of the 95%-complete 'lemur monkey' - dubbed Ida - is described by experts as the eighth wonder of the world.
They say its impact on the world of palaeontology will be somewhat like an asteroid falling down to Earth.
Researchers say proof of this transitional species finally confirms Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, and the then radical, outlandish ideas he came up with during his time aboard the Beagle.
Sir David Attenborough said Darwin would have been thrilled to have seen the fossil - and says it tells us who we are and where we came from.
This little creature is going to show us our connection with the rest of the mammals, he said.
This is the one that connects us directly with them.
Now people can say 'okay we are primates, show us the link'.
The link they would have said up to now is missing - well it's no longer missing.
A team of the world's leading fossil experts, led by Professor Jorn Hurum, of Norway's National History Museum, have been secretly researching the 1ft 9in-tall young female monkey for the past two years.
And now it has been transported to New York under high security and unveiled to the world during the bicentenary of Darwin's birth.
Later this month, it will be exhibited for one day only at the Natural History Museum in London before being returned to Oslo.
Scientists say Ida - squashed to the thickness of a beer mat by the immense passage of time - is the most complete primate fossil ever found.
With her human-like nails instead of claws, and opposable big toes, she is placed at the very root of human evolution when early primates first developed features that would eventually develop into our own.
Another important discovery is the shape of the talus bone in her foot, which humans still have in their feet millions of lifetimes later.
Ida was unearthed by an amateur fossil-hunter some 25 years ago in Messel pit, an ancient crater lake near Frankfurt, Germany, famous for its fossils.
She was cleaned and set in polyester resin - and incredibly, was hung on a mystery German collector's wall for 20 years.
Sky News sources say the owner had no idea of the unique fossil's significance and simply admired it like a cherished Van Gogh or Picasso painting.
But in 2006, Ida came into the hands of private dealer Thomas Perner, who presented her to Prof Hurum at the annual Hamburg Fossil and Mineral Fair in Germany - a centre for the murky world of fossil-trading.
Prof Hurum said when he first saw the blueprint for evolution - the most beautiful fossil worldwide - he could not sleep for two days.
A home movie records the dramatic moment.
This is really something that the world has never seen before, this is a unique specimen, totally unique, he says, clearly emotional........
Fossilien-Museum Klein
Größte Privatsammlung in Bayern. Fossilien, Mineralien, Antikes in Prichsenstadt Lkr. Kitzingen
Over the last five years a disused oil-shale mine at
Messel, near Frankfurt, has been providing palaeontologists
with a wealth of astonishingly well-preserved fossil remains
of plants, insects and animals from the sub-tropical swamp
that covered this part of Europe 50 million years ago. But
now the researches are being threatened by the local council's
plan to turn the site into a rubbish tip. Experts at the
Senckenberg museum in Frankfurt are now preparing some of the
best specimens for an exhibition to draw attention to their cause.
Film: Rev – Sound: Mag/SOF – Colour– Available in HD
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Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg - Vom Steinbruch ins Museum
Seit 2004 legt das Team des Naturkunde-Museums Bamberg in einem Steinbruch bei Watterdorf jährlich jeweils für einige Wochen spektakuläre Fossilien frei, die in der Ausstellung „Frankenland am Jurastrand“ auf reges Interesse der Besucher stoßen. Urtümliche Schmelzschuppenfische, Haie, Quastenflosser, Schildkröten, Schlangensaurier, Krokodile und ein Flugsaurier sind Teile der beeindruckenden Ausbeute. Doch bis ein attraktives Fossil im Museum präsentiert werden kann, ist es ein langer, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes steiniger Weg, an dessen Anfang die gezielte Suche im Steinbruch steht.