| From Kasugai, Fuefuki to Ichigawa, Yamanashi, Fuefuki, Yamanashi Prefecture
Fruit Line of Yamanashi Japan
Yamanashi Prefecture.
Yamanashi is one of the major fruit producing regions in Japan.
Driving area with fantastic views.
The fruit line spot that runs approximately 7 km from Kasugai in Fuefuki City to Ichikawa in Yamanashi.
Yamanashi is famous for its grapes and peaches.
The centre of the prefecture lies in a basin and has quite a unique climate which makes its fruit very sweet.
微速度撮影/新日本三大夜景(笛吹川フルーツ公園) Time Lapse/Night view of Fuefuki river Fruit park in Yamanashi.
(夜景)Night View
――――― 北海道 ―――――
◆微速度撮影/2013 函館-夜景
――――― 東北 ――――――
◆下北半島 釜臥山の夜景(むつ市)
◆仙台の夜景 (SS30展望台)【微速度撮影】
――――― 関東 ―――――
◆微速度撮影/横浜の回転夜景 (ランドマークタワー)
◆羽田空港 遠望夜景
◆東京 夜景 (微速度撮影)
◆東京駅 ライトアップ 2014
――――― 中部 ―――――
◆微速度撮影/清水・静岡 夜景(回転展望)
――――― 北陸 ―――――
◆金沢 兼六園 夜間ライトアップ
――――― 関西 ―――――
◆奈良の夜景 [若草山]
――――― 中国 ―――――
◆下関の夜景 (火の山公園)
◆微速度撮影/広島 呉の夜景(灰ヶ峰)
――――― 四国 ―――――
――――― 九州 ―――――
◆新日本三大夜景 皿倉山の夜景(北九州市)
音源は甘茶の音楽工房のフリー音源 「ロンドンデリーの歌」 を使用させて頂きました。
Spring colors - Fuefuki-City
Apr,14th ,2014
A rape and peach blossom bloomed beautifully in Fuefuki-City of Yamanashi.
Place:Fuefuki-City, Yamanashi (Japan)
Camera:Nikon D5300
Music:Another Like You (piano version)by Sean Fournier(
Winetourism Yamanashi in Spring 春の『ワインツーリズムやまなし』
Winetourism Yamanashi is an event held in Yamanashi Prefecture, a wine production district. Exclusive buses go around the wineries. There are so many peach trees around the wineries in Spring, so you can enjoy the aged wine while watching peach blossoms. Don't you want to try enjoying wine in the middle of a beautiful scenery dyed in pink, do you?
■Local Topics Japan:
■Reporter: Ikuko Watanabe
Flooding Fuefuki River Yamanashi 16/9/2013
Spring of Fuefuki
In spring, peach blossoms bloom everywhere in Fuefuki City, wrapping the entire city in a blanket of vivid pink - a view that can not be found anywhere else. Fuefuki City ranks first in the production of peach in Japan, so peach blossoms are the symbol of spring in Fuefuki.
place : Fuefuki City, Yamanashi Pref. (Japan)
music : Nothing has Changed by 10centSunday (
山梨県 笛吹市 桃の花
Nishizawa - Yamanashi City (Yamanashi-shi) 7 waterfalls trail.
If you want to do a very, very long hike, over 10 km, then go here to get some fantastic views of 7 waterfalls, a boulder-strewn small but powerful river (Well, technically 2 of them), a challenging path cut into the side of pure granite rock, and a beautiful walk in the woods. This video only shows the first two waterfalls, although there is a smaller one in the middle as well. Clear, blue as ocean water in small pools.
It took us 5 hours to walk just to the first two, due to us being photographers. If you go, then plan to be there at 8am and due to the mountains, you'll lose your light by 5:30pm in summer. The markers shown on this video show you how far it is back to the start, and how far it is to the NEXT waterfall, not to the end of the trail.
Google Map:
Google image of the place to turn in and park (Fair warning, not much parking available!)
Yamanashi City Peach Line Cycling
Introducing Yamanashi city Peach flower cycling.
富士山五合目(吉田口)からご来光 2012年 ムービー倍速16×
山梨 フルーツパーク紹介
富士山がみえたりぶどう棚が見えたり 植物園の建物が近代的でなんともいい感じです
【HD】 夜景 笛吹川フルーツ公園 (山梨県山梨市) 「Night view from the Fuefuki River fruit park」
TAROT Ironman650Quad in Fuefuki River
【倍速】早朝の首都高 C1汐留JCT~レインボーブリッジ
Bike ride in Isawa
Trying to manage video recording and biking at the same time! As you can tell I'm no avid biker!
Isawa is located in the city of Fuefuki, Yamanashi, Japan. Isawa, better known as Isawa Onsen, is a hot spring resort town. The biggest hot spring resort in Yamanashi(kingdom of fruits and a hiker's paradise) prefecture. It's a really nice & cute place:)
山梨県 笛吹川 フルーツ公園 Yamanashi city Fruits park
The park in Yamanashi-shi, Yamanashi
There are an open space of a lawn, playground equipment, etc.
A scene is good.
Mt. Fuji can be seen.
A night view is beautiful.
Special Friend of Japan
Meeting of a special friend was just very important moment at the Fuefuki spring festival.
It was always touching to meeting people who do so much in life for others.
My deep respect and thoughts goes for you and all the work you carrying out in your daily life.
My respect for all you are doing for people across the world.
I hope our paths will cross in the near future.
「フルーツライン」山梨 ツーリングルートマップ Vol.6 フルーツライン編 【コペンハーゲンパーク公式】Motorcycle touring in Japan,YAMANASHI
山だらけ、なのに「やまなし県」のワインディングロードにようこそ。「山梨 ツーリングルートマップ Vol.6 フルーツライン編」
Motorcycle touring in Japan,YAMANASHI Fruit park line
【HD】富士山スカイライン〜雲海を駆け抜ける〜 ツーリング