Another escapade in Northern Taiwan, Shimen District New Taipei City. Laomei Beach and Fugui Cape Lighthouse, and wonderful place where you can relax and enjoy God's perfect creation. A not so crowded place perfect for those who wanted to breathe out all the stress and worries from their everyday living. ????
Music : Sweet Escape Alesso ft. Sirena
北海岸必遊懶人包!!!水上活動+IG網美一次Get!!!|新北| The Cliff’s notes version of the North coast|俞西潔
店家資訊: 翡翠灣海水浴場|新北市萬里區翡翠路 富貴角燈塔|新北市石門區富基里 Villa Sugar|新北市三芝區土地公坑54-16號
Green Bay|Feicui Rd., Wanli Dist., New Taipei City 207, Taiwan Fugueijiao Lighthouse|Fuguijiao, Shimen Dist., New Taipei City 253, Taiwan Villa Sugar|No.54-16, Tudigongkeng, Sanzhi Dist., New Taipei City 252, Taiwan
愛旅行【JoEwalk】雨天也很美~台灣好行-北海岸-石門婚紗廣場-劉家肉粽-North Coast Shimen Wedding Plaza