Furzey Gardens Fairy Trail Minstead
We visited Furzey Gardens in Minstead for our latest Vlog. It's a really great place to visit in the New Forest. The kids had fun finding the Furzey Gardens fairy trail doors and houses and there was a lovely cafe and beautiful walks.
Welcome to the 100mph Family Vlog. We are a family of 5 based in the UK. We are Jim (Dad), Shar (Mum), Oscar, Henry & Jaxon.
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Furzey Gardens England
This video was shot using my new Canon HF10 HD Camcorder, all shots were hand held using the image stabilizer, I used Pinnacle Studio 11 Ultimate for the editing, the background music was self generated in Pinnacle Studio.
It was saved as an MP4 video.
Furzey Gardens, Minstead, New Forest 8th June 2014
Summer's afternoon in the New Forest
John 12v32 found at Furzey Gardens~ Hampshire
My visit to Furzey Gardens~ Minstead~ Hampshire, U.K
Laura Tobin, Good Morning Britain at Furzey Gardens, New Forest
Go behind the scenes as ITV's Good Morning Britain visited Furzey Gardens in the New Forest to film their live weather forecasts.
Presenter Laura Tobin discovered fairy doors, beautiful flowers and even climbed our tree house!
The broadcast told viewers across the country about the work of charity Minstead Trust, which supports people with learning disabilities to live more independent lives. Furzey Gardens is run by Minstead Trust.
Furzey Gardens, New Forest, England
Furzey Gardens
Furzey Gardens UK in April.
Chelsea Gold Garden at Furzey Gardens
The opening of the recreated gold-winning Chelsea Flower Show garden at Furzey Gardens in Hampshire
Furzey Gardens, New Forest
Selection of video clips from Furzey Gardens.
Furzey Garden :new forest, England(1)
Minstead Trust
A birds eye view of Minstead Lodge and Furzey Gardens. With thanks to Drone8 for creating this wonderful view for us to see.
For more information about Minstead Trust and Furzey Gardens visit minsteadtrust.org.uk
Furzey Gardens - variety of breathtaking flowers
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#325: Englandreise 2018 - New Forest
Heute gibts wieder ein kleines Roadmovie. Es ging in den New Forest, wo wir unsere Freunde besuchten. Im Gemüsegarten wurden die Beilagen fürs Grillen besorgt und im Farmshop noch ein paar Würstchen.
Ich war nur Gast und durfte nicht grillen - auch mal schön :-)
Das Ende ist etwas abrupt, da meine Cam irgendwie gesponnen hat. Trotzdem viel Spaß!
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Schöne Schneidbretter gibts bei Holzdesign Reinicke:
Rubs, Gewürze, Saucen:
* Klaus Grillt:
* Redstylecooking:
* BBQ aus Rheinhessen:
* Tobias grillt:
* Sizzle Brothers, inkl. Grillbuch & Gin:
* 0815BBQ:
* Ankerkraut:
* Don Marcos:
* Royal Spice:
* Spicebar:
* Spiceworld:
* Dirty Harry:
* Black BBQ:
Nützliches Grillzubehör:
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* Schwarze Einweghandschuhe:
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* Dutch Oven und weitere Petromax-Produkte:
* Dutch Oven verschiedener Hersteller:
* Petromax Feuertisch:
Kokoko Kokosbriketts:
Mein Videoequipment:
* Camcorder Sony FDR-AX33:
* Systemkamera Panasonic Lumix G6:
* Canon Legria mini X:
* Funkmikro:
* Aufsteckmikrophon:
* Schnittsoftware Magix Video Deluxe Plus:
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Meine bayerische Grillgruppe, die Bavarian BBQers:
Daumen hoch und/oder ein netter Kommentar machen mir immer viel Freude :-)
Dankeschön :-)
Hillier Gardens, Romsey, Hampshire - May 24, 2014
A spring stroll round these spectacular gardens
Furzey Gardens 2012
An unusual, peaceful garden and although it was a very windy day we enjoyed the walk around. We were told Typhoon Tower was named because it overlooked a meadow where a Typhoon plane crashed in World War Two. The gardens provide opportunities for young people with learning disabilities and we appreciated all the work they put in. Suitable for Children and Family viewing
Young Bucks at Minstead
YoBs in the back garden (YoBs = Young Bucks).
Location - Minstead, New Forest, UK.
Celebrating our minibus
Students say how our minibus helps them get around and celebrate with a sing son on-board!
stuck minstead
My Series 3 Landrover being recovered by marshals after getting stuck at a Shire LRC playday in the New Forest
Minstead a Parish of Lyndhurst
Images of Lyndhurst and Minsteadh Parish to Lyndhurst in the New Forest. Misntead is where you will find the grave of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Further info..
New Forest in Hampshire, England 2019
New Forest in Hampshire, England. Late May of 2019.
#camping #newforest #nature #england