Futaleufú River in Chile | 4K | Drone | Epic Landscape | Timelapse | Beautiful Lakes | Climbing
Futaleufú is a Chilean town and commune located in Northern Patagonia, specifically in Palena Province, Los Lagos Region. Futaleufu is a frontier town with a small but growing tourism industry based on adventure tourism—most specifically whitewater rafting—but also fishing, mountain biking, trekking, and canyoning. Located 7 miles from the Argentinian border, Futaleufu is most easily accessed from airports in Esquel and Bariloche, Argentina. The town is named after the crystal blue Futaleufú River, widely considered to be one of the best whitewater rafting rivers in the world. The name Futaleufu derives from a Mapudungun word meaning Big River.
The town has a population of about 2,000. The main income for the community is fly fishing and outdoor sports, particularly white water rafting, together with forestry and cattle farming. A gravel road links the town to Trevelin in Argentina and to the Carretera Austral. It is served by Futaleufú Airfield.
Following the eruption of Chaitén Volcano and the subsequent destruction of Chaitén, Futaleufú has been the administrative capital of Palena Province since March 2009.
The Futaleufú River is commonly rated by specialized media as one of the best rivers in the world for kayaking and rafting. The river flows in from Argentina, through the town, and empties into the fjord-shaped Yelcho Lake. Day trips and multi-day trips are available on the Futa while several of its tributaries, such as the Espolón River and the Azul (Blue) River, can be rafted, canoed, or navigated by boat.
Two lakes, Lake Lonconao and Lake Espolón, offer opportunities for paddling and fly fishing close to the town of Futaleufú. Fly fishing is also possible on the Futaleufú River, the Yelcho River (the largest river in the Futaleufú Valley) and Espolon River, which is the largest tributary of the Futaleufú and contains brown trout and rainbow trout, as well as salmon in April and May.
Other nearby attractions include the Futaleufú National Reserve, known for its population of Huemul (South Andean deer), and Pumalín Park, Chile's largest private nature reserve. Pumalín is a public-access park, with an extensive infrastructure of trails, campgrounds, and visitor centres.
Canyoning and rappelling is also possible in the Futaleufú valley, with its numerous ravines and waterfalls, as well as horse riding and mountain biking.
White Water Rafting on the Futaleufú River - Hitchhiking the Carretera Austral in Chile (Part 3)
In the third episode of my Hitchhiking adventure on the Carretera Austral in Chile I go on a rafting expedition on the Futaleufu river involving some crazy rapids and stunning, picturesque landscape in rural Patagonia.
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Thanks to Chris & ExChile for making this episode possible!
Spots and Sights in this Video:
- Puerto Rio Tranquillo
- Capillas de Marmol (Marble Caves)
- Puyhuapi
- La Junta
- Villa Santa Lucia
- Futaleufu village
- Futaleufu river
- Campo Tres Monjas (ExChile Eco-Camp)
- Chaiten
--- About the Carretera Austral in Patagonia ---
The Road number 7 connects the most remote areas of Chile and is one of the most beautiful roads in South America. It is an alternative road to the Panamericana which is located on the argentinean side of Patagonia.
Amongst Bikers and Cyclists this route is very popular due to the beautiful landscape even though the construction of the road was not done for tourism purpose.
In the 1970s there was a border conflict between Argentina and Chile in this part of Patagonia - the territories around the lago del desierto have not been clearly defined. Therefore Pinochet decided to build a road and populate the south of chile to claim the region and strengthen the position of Chile.
Nowadays the Ruta 7 is a mostly unpaved road and is located in 2 regions of Chile: Region Los Lagos in the northern part of the road and Region Aysen in the south.
To find out more about the Carretera Austral in Patagonia, Chile check out this mini documentary:
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Futaleufu River, Patagonia, Chile Drone with Bio Bio Expeditions
One of the first drone videos of the Futaleufu River in Patagonia, Chile with Bio Bio Expeditions. That is, until the drone met its watery death.
MarcosGallegos/FreestyleSegment/RioBaker/ Share & Compartir
Seccion de Freestyle Kayak en la Ola del Rio Baker en la Region de Aysen XI
Río Futaleufú, X Región de los Lagos, Chile
Bloque Turismo rural Los Alpes Río Futaleufú Chile
Futaleufú - X Región de Chile, crece turísticamente por sus recursos naturales y los emprendimientos generados en el ámbito rural, como es el caso de Los Alpes, establecimiento ubicado a solo 2 km. de ésta ciudad, casi fronteriza con Argentina.
Río Futaleufú
Río Futaleufú, X Región de Los Lagos, provincia de Palena, Patagonia, Chile.
El río Futaleufú, alimentado por lagos del Parque nacional Los Alerces en la provincia del Chubut, Argentina, atraviesa la cordillera de los Andes hacia Chile y desembocando en el lago Yelcho. Futaleufú en mapudungún significa gran río o río grande (fütra lhewfu/ḻewfu). El río le da su nombre al Departamento Futaleufú de la provincia del Chubut, en Argentina, y a la comuna chilena de Futaleufú ubicada en la X Región de Los Lagos, en la Provincia de Palena.
En Argentina, sus nacientes desde 1976 están embalsadas para el aprovechamiento de la represa hidroeléctrica Futaleufú con el embalse Amutui Quimey, que provee la energía eléctrica para la Planta de Aluminio Aluar en Puerto Madryn. El embalse se encuentra a 481 msnm y, a su vez, dentro del Parque nacional Los Alerces, y nace de los aportes de varios arroyos y ríos como el Huemul y el Frey. Además, a su vez la cuenca incluye los lagos Futalaufquen, Rivadavia y Cholila.
Luego del Parque nacional, el río recibe los aportes de los ríos Corintos, Percey y Antefal, entre otros cursos de agua menores, en una zona con un amplio valle producto del antiguo lecho del Lago 16 de Octubre. A partir de ahí, el río presenta alta sinuosidad, observándose meandros encajados y al menos un nivel de terrazas glacifluviales. También, recibe varios afluentes como el río Baggle y pasa cerca de la localidad de Los Cipreses.Cruza la frontera hacia Chile entre los hitos 14 y 15 del límite internacional (en la zona del paso fronterizo homónimo),y sigue hacia el oeste por hasta arribar al Lago Yelcho. El cual luego continúa a través del río Yelcho hasta el Océano Pacífic.
La cuenca del Futaleufú es una zona turística muy importante en la región y el río se conoce por sus aguas azules del deshielo de los glaciares. Atrae rafters y kayakers de todo el mundo. También es un río reconocido por la práctica de la pesca con mosca. Además del turismo, las principales actividades económicas son la ganadería, los productos forestales y la pesca (de la trucha y el salmón del Pacífico, entre otras especies) que son realizadas en ambos lados de la frontera.
Fuente: Wikipedia
Bloque Trayecto Palena Futaleufú Lago Espolón
Descripción del Tramo Palena - Lago Espolón - Futaleufú, X Región de Chile. Lugares Fascinantes, donde la Naturaleza se impone por sobre la pequeñéz humana.
Cidades: Chaiten (Palena - Chile)
Passeio rápido pela cidade de Chaitén, localizada na Província de Palena na Patagônia Chilena.
Chaitén é uma comuna e localidade chilena localizada a 1.300 quilômetros ao sul de Santiago. É a capital da Província de Palena, localizada no sul da Região de Los Lagos.
A comuna de Chaitén ocupa pouco mais da metade da província de Palena, limitando-se: a norte com a comuna de Hualaihué, a oeste com o golfo de Corcovado, a leste com as comunas de Futaleufú e de Palena e com a província de Chubut, Argentina; e a sul com Cisnes na Região de Aisén.
Em maio de 2008, a erupção do vulcão Chaitén provocou a evacuação de todos os habitantes da cidade, convertendo a Chaitén praticamente em uma cidade fantasma. Após diversos estudos realizados, o governo chileno decidiu em fevereiro de 2009 que a localidade de Chaitén seria refundada junto à localidade de Santa Bárbara, localizada ao norte do antigo local.[
Rafting rio Futaleufu patagonia Chile.
Futaleufu Outdoor Center o FOC es una empresa de actividades al aire libre situada en un pequeño pueblo de la Patagonia Chilena donde los viajes por el río Futaleufú se hacen a diario. Este río es absolutamente precioso, con aguas cristalinas, rodeado de bosques, montañas con glaciares, y una belleza difícil de describir.
Ven a disfrutar de uno de los mejores ríos en el mundo.
Bosque Encantado - PN Queulat - Región Aisen - Chile - Mavic 2 Pro
Chile Carretera Austral Futaleufu DJI Mavic Pro Ennio 2018 4K
Futaleufu Bridge to Bridge part 2
El Corazón - Heart of the Futaleufu
put-in at the Zapatas Swinging Bridge and run the Corazón the Heart of the Futaleufu or The Bridge-to-Bridge Section. Continuous whitewater through Class IV big water action, including Entrada, Pillow, and Mundaca, one of the largest breaking wave-holes in the world. This is Futaleufu kayaking at its best!
Antucamay Ranch: Futaleufu River Lodge
Antucamay Ranch on the Futaleufu River in Patagonia. This is the base lodge for the Futaleufu rafting and multisport trip with ROW Adventures.
Trip Info, Go Here:
Confluence of the Baker River and the Neff River, Aysén, Patagonia
The turquiose waters of the Baker River, the most voluminous river in Chile, clashes with the milky-grey waters of the Neff River. The Baker drains Lago General Carrera, the second-largest lake in South America. The Neff drains the melting ice off the Neff Glacier, giving it its milky color. The actual water of the Baker River is owned by a Spanish-Italian energy company whose threat to dam the Baker is a challenge the communities of Cochrane, Tortel and Coyhaique have resisted for over a decade.
Patagonia Fly Fishing/Road Trip Rio Puelo
These are some clips from my road trip into the remote Rio Puelo region. The fly fishing was great and the scenery even better.
Instagram: tyler.romig
Home Base Groove by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Futaleufú - CHILE - Patagonia
Rio Futaleufu Kayaking with New River Academy
A classic river in Chile Rio Futaleufu is in danger of being damned. New River Academy students had the opportunity to paddle this gem of a river during the 2012 spring semester in Chile.
Trekking Monumento Natural Dos Lagunas Coyhaique Alto Patagonia Región de Aysén
El Monumento Natural Dos Lagunas es una área silvestre protegida del sur de Chile, ubicada en la Región de Aysén. y tiene una superficie de 180.07 há. Se encuentra a 20 km al oriente de la ciudad de Coyhaique, en la comuna del mismo nombre.
Monumento Natural Dos Lagunas es un escenario predilecto para hacer trekking, descubrir microlugares como lagunas, cuevas donde habitó un puma y disfrutar de paisajes contrastantes, bosque, estepa.