Zoo Holland GaiaZOO (Kerkrade, Limburg, the Netherlands) Animal Park GaiaPark
The GaiaZOO, formerly known as GaiaPark, is a 25-hectare park located in Kerkrade in the province of Limburg. It is the first zoo to open in Limburg and first opened its doors in 2005. The zoo is named after Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth and follows the concept that the earth is one living planet. There are three themed areas in the park and a great emphasis is put on creating a natural environment for the zoo’s inhabitants. Enclosures and fences are either non-existent or virtually invisible.
Gaia Zoo in Kerkrade - Nederlande, an der Grenze zur BRD http://www.gaiazoo.nl/ - ein super Zoo
Eine Autostunde von Köln befindet sich in Holland an der Grenze zu Deutschland der wunderschöne Zoo Gaia. Erstklassig an gelegt und absolut empfehlenswert.
An hour's drive from Cologne is located in Holland, on the border with Germany to the beautiful Gaia Zoo. First class applied to and highly recommended.
#gajazoo #Zoo #kerkrade
???????????? DINO DOME ???????????? GaiaZOO Holland - Animal Park GaiaPark the Netherlands
Discover the whole world in just one place, and in one day! Around 80 different species of animal can be admired in natural surroundings at the Gaia Zoo Kerkrade. Look gorillas, tigers or lions in the eye, or take part in one of the daily animal feeding routines. The DinoDome at the entrance area of the zoo is an indoor playground and a paradise for small children, as is the petting zoo.
Hackbeat Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Gaia Zoo Kerkrade (Netherlands, September 2018)
Gaia ZOO, Kerkrade, The Netherlands Part 1
Video includes a Lynx with kittens, Hippo, Cheetah, African Wild Dog, Rhino and Zebra
Gaia Zoo, Kerkrade, The Netherlands Part 2
Video includes Capybara, Coypu ( River Rat), Tapir, Wolverin, Pig, Meerkat and a Bactrian deer
GAIA ZOO in KERKRADE Zuid- Limburg//Tour//Travel- NETHERLANDS
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GaiaZOO Kerkrade: de mooiste dierentuin van Nederland!
GaiaZOO is in 2018 door de ANWB verkozen tot Leukste uitje van Nederland!
In GaiaZOO ervaar je hoe bijzonder onze aarde is. Sta oog in oog met de meest unieke dieren en maak een complete wereldreis in één dag!
Bezoek op de Afrikaanse savanne de imposante neushoorns, de statige giraffen en natuurlijk de koning der dieren, de indrukwekkende leeuw. Een bijzondere ervaring wacht in het regenwoud, waar de apen zelfs boven je hoofd door de takken klauteren!
Nieuw in 2019: 400 flamingo’s, de grootste flamingo kolonie binnen een Europese dierentuin!
Voor de kids biedt GaiaZOO een waar speel- en klimparadijs met de reusachtige DinoDome: Europa's grootste indoor Dino speelpark en de spannende touwbruggen en spectaculaire nieuwe speeltorens van de SavannaTour.
GaiaZOO is is het hele jaar door de moeite waard om te bezoeken en is dan ook alle dagen van het jaar geopend vanaf 10.00 uur.
Netherlands: The GaiaZOO and its animals
GaiaZOO is a Dutch zoo located in Kerkrade. It opened in 2005 as GaiaPark with approximately 80 different species. As of 2014 the zoo hosts approximately 100 different species.
Besides traditional zoo animals such as gorillas, rhinoceroses, lions, zebras ... GaiaZOO has some species which cannot be found in other Dutch zoos such as Amazon bush dogs, wolverines, muskoxes and bat-eared foxes.
GaiaZOO is named after Gaia, the Greek goddess of the Earth. It also refers to the Gaia hypothesis which proposes the Earth is one big living organism. This organism includes all Earths' fauna, flora, water, sky and surface.
Source: Wikipedia.
Erenstein Castle - Kerkrade, South Limburg in the Netherlands
The Virtual Tourist walks around Erenstein Castle in Kerkrade
Gaia Zoo - einer der schönsten Zoos der Niederlande
Der Gaia Zoo in Kerkrade in den Niederlanden ist ein moderner Zoo, wo die Tiere in großen Gehegen naturnah leben können.
Er besteht aus vier Themengebieten, Limburg, Taiga, Savanne und Rainforest, in denen man mehrere hundert Tiere beobachten kann.
Ein Highlight des Zoos ist das begehbare Gehege der Totenkopfäffchen, die sich über den Köpfen der Besucher von Baum zu Baum schwingen.
Musik von ende.tv
Gaia Zoo Kerkrade 2019
Mein Besuch im GaiaZoo
???????? DINO TOWER ????????@ GaiaZOO DinoDome (the Netherlands) Zoo Holland
The GaiaZOO, formerly known as GaiaPark, is a 25-hectare park located in Kerkrade in the province of Limburg. It is the first zoo to open in Limburg and first opened its doors in 2005. The zoo is named after Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth and follows the concept that the earth is one living planet. There are three themed areas in the park and a great emphasis is put on creating a natural environment for the zoo’s inhabitants. Enclosures and fences are either non-existent or virtually invisible.
GaiaZoo Kerkrade (Limburg)
Een impressie van een leuke dierentuin. Een compacte Zoo waar van het midden uit rondjes door landschappen met verschillende thema's gelopen kan worden met de daarbij behorende dieren. In het midden vindt je het restaurant, de kinderboerderij en een klim speeltuin. Voor slecht weer is er de DinoDome waar je Dinosaurussen kunt zien op ware grote en waar tevens gespeeld kan worden. Een bezoek meer dan waard. Helaas troffen wij slecht weer omstandigheden waardoor we het bezoek voortijdig moesten afbreken.
Gaia Zoo - dierentuin Kerkrade Netherlands
A visit and overview of the Gaia Zoo in Kerkrade in Limburg, southern part of the Netherlands. A modern up-to-date Zoo with lots of information for visitors.
Зоопарк Гайа в Нидерландах в Керкраде,GaiaZoo in Netherlands,Kerkrade
Nice zoo with a lot of monkeys, it will be very interisting visit for kids. Замечательный зоопарк с обезьянками, будет интересно вашим детишкам. Если будете летом в Нидерландах, советуем обязательно посетить.
Gaia Zoo Kerkrade 2019
I recently visited the Gaia Zoo in Kerkrade, it is located in the southeast of the Dutch province of Limburg. GaiaZOO was opened in 2005 and is named after Gaia, goddess of the earth. Until 2011 the zoo was called GaiaPark.
The 25-hectare park is located in the Anstel Valley and is part of the Parkstad Limburg tourist zone, where attractions such as Snowworld and Megaland can also be found.
The name Gaia refers, as already indicated, to the Greek goddess of the earth and to the Gaia hypothesis that the earth is one large living organism. The plants and animals, the water, the air and the soil are part of this large organism. The so-called Gaia concept is part of the zoo marketing concept.
GaiaZOO attracts around 450,000 visitors to the zoo each year, mainly from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
The Zoo has won many prizes in its existence. It has been voted the best zoo in the BeNeLux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) several times. It has also received the Gold Award from the ANWB as the best outing in Nederalnd.
The Gaia Zoo is more than a zoo. It is a beautiful walking park that is well worth a visit.
GaiaZoo Kerkrade
Registratie van een bezoek aan de GaiaZoo in Kerkrade. Het is een mooie compacte Zoo die prachtig het Limburgse landschap volgt langs heuvels en stroompjes.
GaiaZOO | cute animals and DinoDome
A visit to the GaiaZOO in the Netherlands. Fun animal park with a huge dino - indoor playground.
GaiaZoo, Kerkrade (100)
GaiaZoo, Kerkrade, Nederland - Februari 2017
GaiaZoo, Kerkrade, The Netherlands - February 2017