Nos fuimos a recorrer Ecuador Continental por 6 días,.. y otros 6 dias a las Islas Galápagos
Santa Cruz island: Most Populated island. History & how to travel
Santa Cruz del Islote Island is an artificial island located off the coast of Bolívar Department in Colombia. It also called Santa Cruz Islet or Holy Cross Islet. It is a part of the Archipelago of San Bernardo. Its significant population compared with its small size results in its being one of the most densely populated islands on Earth. It is a crush of houses and winding streets on a tiny outcrop in the sea which is barely noticeable on a world map.
Santa Cruz was discovered about 150 years ago by some wandering fisherman from Barú, on the Colombia coast. They noticed that the island had no mosquitoes—a rarity in the Caribbean—and set up camp. That night, as the legend goes, the men slept so peacefully that they decided to stay.
The island is 200 meters in length and 120 meters wide. It has a total area of 12,000 m2.
Two hours off the coast of Colombia. It can be accessed by a ferry ride from the port of Tolu.
There are 1200 residents, two shops, a restaurant, a school, and no cops. The residents work on the mainland instead of on the island. The Mucura Island Hotels are a prime source of work for the residents. Residents live in close quarters, making the island most dense living place on earth.
There's no doctor there. Just a few hours of electricity a day with a single generator. And no running water or sewer system. The Colombian navy drops off a limited amount of fresh water every three weeks. children are usually well-behaved. The only way most residents will ever move away from Santa Cruz del Islote is when they die. Due to the lack of space there is no graveyard and their dead are buried on nearby smaller islands. Women wash the clothes with salty water from a nearby well. And men settle for doing most of their necessities on the surrounding sea.
by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Polémica por el eventual uso por EE.UU. de un aeropuerto en las Galápagos
Uno de los temas actuales en las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Ecuador son las Islas Galápagos. Pese a que el gobierno de Lenín Moreno descartó la instalación de una base del Pentágono en ese territorio, surgió una polémica por permitir que las autoridades estadounidenses usen el aeropuerto San Cristóbal de las islas. El hecho de que durante años Washington haya usado la zona con fines militares echa leña al fuego.
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Presidente sobre Agua Potable en Santa Cruz
Rafael Correa Presidente del República del Ecuador dialoga con Leopoldo Bucheli Mora Alcalde de Santa Cruz, Galápagos sobre proyecto de Agua Potable echo realidad en Puerto Ayora
Galapagos options meals, All the natural juice you can drink, meals a la carte, desserts, etc! / Galapagos options meals
Requisitos para ingresar a Galápagos
Desde el próximo año, el ingreso a las Islas Galápagos será reforzado, una ordenanza vigente desde inicios de este 2017, establece cinco requisitos.
Oromar Televisión, desde Manabí para Ecuador
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Restaurante Red Tuna en la Isla Santa Cruz en Galápagos. Platos Exclusivos
Ven y Disfruta todos los días de nuestros deliciosos y exclusivos platos a la carta, EXCLUSIVOS DE RED TUNA GALÁPAGOS.
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Croisière ou séjour : comment découvrir les Galapagos ?
Le magazine des voyages du Figaro vous emmène dans l'archipel des Galapagos, véritable trésor de la biodiversité au milieu du Pacifique, avec le photographe primé Greg Lecoeur et Naïta Zappa du voyagiste Safaris à la carte.
Gobierno de Galápagos intensifica los controles migratorios en el archipièlago
El CGREG es un gobierno creado por mandato constitucional con autonomía para administrar la Provincia de Régimen Especial, su acción planificadora permite el desarrollo humano sostenible en apego a los principios de conservación del Patrimonio Natural