Address: Nikolo-Galeiskaya St., 26, Vladimir 600000, Russia
Attraction Location
Galeyskaya Church of St. Nicholas Videos
Приидите, поклонимся - O Come let us worship
Малый вход с Евангелием Приидите, поклонимся
Музыка П.И. Чайковский Литургия святого Иоанна Златоуста Op. 41, № 3 Ленинградская академическая капелла имени М.И.Глинки. Дирижер Владислав Чернушенко
Small Entrance with the Gospel Come, let us worship
Music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky From his Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Op. 41 No.3 Sung here by the Academic Choir Glinka Leningrad Conducted by Vladislav Tchernushenko
Фотографии: Церковь Николая Чудотворца (Николо-Галейская) Владимир. Accompanying photographs of the Galeyskaya Nicholas church or The Church of St Nicholas in Galea - in the city of Vladimir. This attractive church was built between 1732-1735 near the ancient river pier on the shores of the Klyazma River.