Plitvice Lakes in Croatia
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera) - the largest national park in Croatia, founded in 1949, part of UNESCO World Heritage from 1979.
07 August 2017, recorded with Sony HDR - PJ260 and GoPro Hero 5 Karma Grip, Plitvicka Jezera, electric boat and sightseeing (panoramic) train rides, Jezero Kozjak, Gradinsko jezero, Veliki slap, Veliki prštavac, Large waterfall, Mali prstavac, Galovački buk, Galovac waterfall, Jezero Galovac, Vinnetou movie, Winnetou, Karl May novels, Der Schatz im Silbersee, Poklad na Striebornom jazere, Poklad na Stříbrném jezeře, The Treasure of Silver Lake
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Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - Best Places to Visit, Sightseeing, Things to Do & See
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia - Best Places to Visit, Sightseeing, Tourist Attractions, Things to Do. National park known for lakes, alpine forests, waterfalls & caves, plus hiking trails.
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Most Beautiful Places To See in Plitvice Lakes National Park:
Big Waterfall
Lower Lakes
Plitvice Holiday Resort
Prošćansko jezero
Plitvicka Jezera
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#bigwaterfall #kozjak #korana #galovac #lowerlakes
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
Plitvice Waterfalls (Upper Lakes)
Another line of waterfalls somewhere in the Upper Lakes above Galovac .
Find out more about this waterfall at:
Naked Eye Travel - Plitvice Lakes: Lake Galovac
The view over Lake Galovac in Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
Plitvice Lakes National Park
The most beautiful place in the world.
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
From Plitvice Lakes NP in Croatia, filmed in May 2014
Plitvice Lakes National Park / Plitvička jezera NP
Plitvice Lakes - Croatia - Plitvička Jezera
With its exceptional natural beauty, this area has always attracted nature lovers, and already on 8 April 1949, it was proclaimed Croatia’s first national park. The process of tufa formation, which results in the building of the tufa, or travertine, barriers and resulted in the creation of the lakes, is the outstanding universal value, for which the Plitvice Lakes were internationally recognised on 26 October 1979 with their inscription onto the UNESCO World Heritage List
Plitvice Lakes is the oldest and largest national park in the Republic of Croatia. The park is situated in the mountainous region of Croatia, between the Mala Kapela mountain range in the west and northwest, and the Lička Plješivica mountain range to the southeast. Administratively, the park falls within two counties: Lika-Senj (90.7%) and Karlovac (9.3%).
With its exceptional natural beauty, this area has always attracted nature lovers, and already on 8 April 1949, it was proclaimed Croatia’s first national park. The process of tufa formation, which results in the building of the tufa, or travertine, barriers and resulted in the creation of the lakes, is the outstanding universal value, for which the Plitvice Lakes were internationally recognised on 26 October 1979 with their inscription onto the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 1997, the boundaries of the national park were expanded, and today it covers an area just under 300 km2.
The park is primarily covered in forest vegetation, with smaller areas under grasslands. The most attractive part of the park – the lakes – cover just under 1% of the total park area.
The lake system is comprised of 16 named and several smaller unnamed lakes, cascading one into the next. Due to the geological substrate and characteristic hydrogeological conditions, the lake system has been divided into the Upper and Lower lakes. The twelve lakes forming the Upper Lakes are: Prošćansko jezero, Ciginovac, Okrugljak, Batinovac, Veliko jezero, Malo jezero, Vir, Galovac, Milino jezero, Gradinsko jezero, Burgeti and Kozjak. These lakes were formed on impermeable dolomite rock, and are larger, with more indented and gentler shores than the Lower Lakes. The Lower Lakes, consisting of the lakes Milanovac, Gavanovac, Kaluđerovac and Novakovića Brod, were formed in permeable limestone substrate, cut into a deep canyon with steep cliffs. The lakes end in the impressive waterfalls Sastavci, with the Korana River springing under the base of the falls.
The Plitvice Lakes National Park offers visitors seven different routes to tour the lake system, and four hiking trails. The park is open to visitors year round. All visitors are required to follow the instructions listed on the information panels, to keep on the marked trails, and to leave no traces of their visit, such as litter, or marking or devastating nature in any form.
Plitvice Lakes
Galovac waterfall
Paths between the lakes
Lower lakes canyon
The area of Plitvice Lakes National Park extends across two political subdivisions or counties (Croatian županija). Its 296.85 square kilometres (114.61 sq mi) area is divided between Lika-Senj County (90.7 percent) and Karlovac County (9.3 percent).[12] Hence the national park authority is under national jurisdiction. The overall water body area is about 2 km2 (0.77 sq mi). The two largest lakes, Prošćansko jezero and Kozjak, cover about 80 percent of the overall water body area. These lakes are also the deepest, with a depth of 37 and 47 metres (121 and 154 ft) respectively. On Lake Kozjak, low-noise and ecologically-friendly electric boats are being used. None of the other lakes in the park exceeds 25 metres (82 feet) in depth. The altitude drop from the first lake to the last is 133 metres (436 feet).[13]
The 16 lakes that can be seen from the surface are grouped into the 12 Upper Lakes (Gornja jezera) and the four Lower Lakes (Donja jezera).
Lake altitude (m) area (ha) depth (m) Group
Prošćansko jezero 636 69.0 37 Upper Lakes
Ciginovac 625 7.5 11 Upper Lakes
Okrugljak 613 4.1 15 Upper Lakes
Batinovac 610 1.5 6 Upper Lakes
Veliko jezero 607 1.5 8 Upper Lakes
Malo jezero 605 2.0 10 Upper Lakes
Vir 599 0.6 5 Upper Lakes
Galovac 585 12.5 25 Upper Lakes
Milinovo jezero 576 1.0 1 Upper Lakes
Gradinsko jezero 553 8.1 10 Upper Lakes
Buk 545 0.1 2 Upper Lakes
Kozjak 535 81.5 47 Upper Lakes
Milanovac 523 3.2 19 Lower Lakes
Gavanovac 519 1.0 10 Lower Lakes
Kaluđerovac 505 2.1 13 Lower Lakes
Novakovića brod 503 0.4 5 Lower Lakes
Plitvice Lakes 217.0
The highest waterfalls are the Large Waterfall (kroat. Veliki slap) at the end of the Lower Lakes, over which the Plitvica river falls, and Galovački buk at the Upper Lakes.
Croatia - Plitvice Lakes National Park 2
26/9/14 Autumn 2014
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Plitvice Lakes, Croatia - Talas Travel Balkan tour
Plitvice lakes national park プリトヴィツエ
Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Over 1.1 million people visit Plitvice Lakes each year. The natural cascading travertine waterfalls between the 16 pristing lakes are mind blowing.
Plitvice Lakes National Park
2013.06.07 in Plitvice Lakes National Park
Naked Eye Travel - Plitvice Lakes: Discovering Lake Galovac
The view on leaving the forest walkway that leads from the three upper lakes that serve Lake Galovac, and coming face to face with Galovac itself.
Lake Galovac is one of 16 lakes that make up Plitvice Lakes in Croatia.
Wonderful World... ...Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia... ...
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Plitvicei-tavak Nemzeti Park) - Croatia (Horvátország)
A Plitvicei-tavak (horvátul Plitvička jezera) Horvátországban található tórendszer. Európa egyik legszebb természeti látványossága egy völgyben terül el, erdős hegyek veszik körül. A Nemzeti Park 1979-től az UNESCO Világörökségi listáján is megtalálható.
A tavak Karlovactól 75 km-re fekszenek. A Mala Kapela és a Plješivica hegyvonulatainak találkozásánál több folyócska fut össze, melyek északról déli irányba robogva egységes tórendszert hoztak létre. A Plitvicei-tavak Nemzeti Park tizenhat nagyobb és két kisebb lépcsőzetesen elhelyezkedő tavát 92 vízesés köti össze. A tavak felszíne összesen 2 km².
A Nemzeti Park területe eléri a 200 km²-t (20 000 hektár), amelyből több mint 15 000 hektár erdős terület. A vizek felszíne 215 hektárt tesz ki.
Páratlan szépsége, növény- és állatvilágának gazdagsága miatt ezt a területet már 1949-ben nemzeti parkká nyilvánították. Területén több védett állatfaj él: medve, farkas, vidra, erdei fülesbagoly. 1979-ben a vidék rákerült az UNESCO természeti világörökségi listájára.
Az évezredek során a Matica, Rječica és Plitvica folyócskák összegyűlt vize kioldotta a mészkövet és e természeti átalakulások hatására tavak, vízesések, zúgók, források és barlangok tarkította, vadregényes táj alakult ki. A vízesés kőzetének korát 4000 évre becsülik. A terület karsztos vidék, de a kőzet anyaga mésztufa.
A tórendszert két folyó táplálja: a Bijela Rijeka és a Crna Rijeka, ezek vize itt-ott tóvá duzzad. A víz 636 m tengerszint feletti magasságból 8 km hosszú bonyolult rendszerű tólépcsőzet által 133 m tengerszint feletti magasságba jut. A Plitvički Ljeskovac nevű falu mellett több kis patak egyesül és immár Matica néven futnak a legmagasabban elhelyezkedő, 40 m mély Prošćansko tóba.
Két nagyobb területre osztható:
- felső tavak vidéke: Prošćansko jezero, Ciginovac, Okrugljak, Batinovac, Veliko jezero, Malo jezero, Vir, Galovac, Mihino, Jezerac, Burget, Kozjak.
- alsó tavak vidéke: Milanovac, Gavanovac, Kaluđerovac, Novaković brod -- ezek két vízesésbe torkollnak, a Korona és a Plitvice vízesésekbe.
A Park különleges látnivalói a karsztbarlangok, a Nagy-barlang, a Fekete-barlang és a Tónimfa-barlang.
Naked Eye Travel - Plitvice Lakes: Upper Lakes walkway
This video shows the walkway and surrounding lake and area at one of the three upper lakes that serves Lake Galovac in Plitvice Lakes.
The aim was to show the birds that were using the area, which you can just about see at the start of the video, but they are not very clear.
Nacionalni Park Plitvička Jezera (Plitvice Lakes) - Croatia III
the most beautiful place in the world!