Filozofiai kert-Garden of Philosophy Budapest
Wagner Nándor éltének utolsó 15 évét a Filozófiai Kert megalkotásával töltötte. Nem megrendelésre, hanem a következõ generációknak szánt üzenetként saját akaratából komponálta meg mûvét. Koncepciója az volt, hogy egy középpontban felállítja olyan személyiségek szobrát, akik munkássága és szellemi kisugárzása mind a mai napig a világ népességének legnagyobb többségére meghatározóan hat (Ábrahám, Ekhnaton - IV. Amenhotep, Jézus, Buddha, Lao-ce). A külsõ térben felállítja olyan személyiségek szobrát, akik a körben állók által megfogalmazott erkölcsi normákat életükben betartották és a szerint éltek (Mahatma Gandhi, Daruma - Boddhi Dharma, Assisi Szent Ferenc). A törvény embereinek csoportját úgy fogalmazta meg, hogy a történeti idõkben törvényt hirdetõ kiemelkedõ személyiségek szobrát helyezi el (Hammurápi, Jusztiniuánusz, Mózes, Shotoku herceg). Kompozícióját gipszbe öntve 1985. május 6-án mutatta be a nagyközönségnek és médiának. 1994. november 16-án adott híres interjújában úgy nyilatkozott, hogy amit alkotok nem lesz sikeres éltemben, több mint egy évszázadra lesz szükség utánam. Terveiben szerepelt további alakok megformázása is, de ebbõl csak Szókratész feje készült el halála elõtti utolsó munkájaként.
Filozófiai Kertjét három példányban öntetette ki, melyeket Budapestnek, New Yorknak és Tokiónak akart ajándékozni. Kifejezetten a társadalomért felelõsen gondolkodók, politikusok, ország vezetõk és a nagyközönség részére szánta, amit az ajándékozásnál feltételül kötött ki. Wagner Nándor ajándékozási szándékát a kilencvenes évek közepén közölte. Kereste a megfelelõ japán, amerikai és magyar partnereket, akik ebben segíteni tudnának. Ajándékozási szándékát 1997. június 6-án rögzítette írásban és egyben a Magyar Követségen keresztül az ajándékozást el is indította. Június végén Magyarországon járt és Székesfehérváron Nagy István polgármester úrral folytatott videóra vett beszélgetésen be is számolt az ajándékozás állásáról. Sajnos Japánba visszatérte után rákot diagnosztizáltak nála és november 15-i halála az ajándékozást félbeszakította. Felesége a gyászév leteltével 1999. július 12-i levelében Demszky Gábor polgármester úrnak az ajándékozást - férje akaratának - megfelelõen megismételte. A szükséges jóváhagyási és engedélyezési procedúra után a 8 alakos szoborcsoportot a gellérthegyi Víztározó feletti 2001. október 18-án állították fel
Wágner Nándor
Garden of Philosophers, Budapest, Hungary
Hungarianness pt 1: Garden of Philosophy, Budapest
Please take a look at my Facebook page:
Philosophers' Garden in Buda (Budapest, Hungary)
See the nicest view of Buda and Pest in Budapest, apart from the Castle Hill's view on both sides of the city!
Philosophers' Garden is the most peaceful place to go on a picnic or relax or meditate. It can be pretty windy but I think what you find there is totally worth it. Go there and enjoy the beauties of the city, spot the places you want to have a closer at!
For more tips and personalised tours around Budapest, visit
Cycling in Budapest - Hungary
Budapest a.k.a Paris of the East. Definitely worth going there.
I wish I could stay longer and explore more. It's impossible to see everything in just one day and Pest was not properly seen.
It was a long day and I'm very grateful for having such amazing buddies to explore with. Köszönöm Zoli, Samu, Marcin, Bruno, Péter, Atilla and Kevin!
00:30 - Intro
01:44 - Liberty Bridge
01:55 - Géllert Baths
02:20 - Citadella
02:38 - The Garden of Philosophy
03:10 - Buda Castle
03:36 - Matthias Church and Fisherman's Bastion
04:43 - Andras Hadik Statue
05:17 - Ikarus bus
05:40 - Gul Baba
05:57 - Margaret Island
06:51 - Parliament
07:25 - Heroes' Square
08:43 - Csepel
Route :
Bicycle used : Rented from Donkey Republic
Music (recommended by Zoli):
Kerekes Band - Puszta Beat; Kerekes Band - Back to folk; Kerekes Band - Dr.Dudas; Kerekes Band - Hazafele
August 2019
Budapest, Hungary
Credits :
The Garden of Philosophy in Japan – 哲学の庭 – 4K
There is an another version of the statue group in the Budapest Hungary.
The Garden of Philosophy Monument made by sculptor Nandor Wagner from Hungary.
ハンガリー出身の彫刻家 ワグナー・ナンドールにより作られた。
Location : The Garden of Philosophy [Matsugaoka Nakano Tokyo (12 min walk from Araiyakushi Station of Seibu Shinjuku Line)]
場所 : 哲学の庭 (哲学堂公園) [東京 中野 松が丘 (西武新宿線 新井薬師駅北口 徒歩12分)]
Google Map :
Camera : GoPro HERO7 Black
Hola!! Ito na yung last video ng praga-budapest tour namin. Sobrang bitin ng trip namin sa budapest dahil gabi na kami nakarating, pero kinaumagahan buong araw kami namasyal. Bitin siya pero halos napuntahan naman namin lahat ng gusto namin puntahan. Wala akong masyadong clip sa mga importantenh lugar kasi ewan ko ba HAHAHAHA. Sobrang ganda nung lugar. ❤️ Basta salamat pa rin sa panonood ha ???? SubscribE ka na din kung hindi ka pa nakaka subscribe!
✨ ???? ✨
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✨ Camera used ✨
Canon eos m6
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Filmora Go
Musica: Solitude
Músico: Rook1e
Musica: Pixel Swing
Musica: Sunrise
Avicenna International College Persian interview
یکی از بهترین و بزرگترین کالج های مجارستان ، کالج بین المللی اویسینا ( ابن سینا ) می باشد که از سال 1995 میلادی تاسیس گردیده است و سالیانه پذیرای دانشجویان متعددی از سراسر دنیا در مقطع دبیرستان و پیش دانشگاهی رشته های پذشکی و فنی مهندسی و هنر به زبان های انگلیسی و آلمانی می باشد. در این ویدیو گفتگوی کوتاهی با مدیریت ایرانی این کالج خواهیم داشت.
راه های تماس با ما
Avicenna International College (AIC) was established in Budapest in 1995. AIC courses and programs are offered in English to Hungarian and other international students. AIC operates:
1- English – Hungarian Bilingual High School
Avicenna has been accredited by the Hungarian “Ministry of Human Capacities” to provide an international high school program of 1+4 years.
Upon graduation from this high school, students can continue their studies in Hungarian, English or German in any European or North American university.
Gül Baba Türbéje Budapest 2018.10.27.
Gül Baba Türbéje
All the best in Budapest 2016. Day 3 - 26/09
- Central Market
- Freedom Bridge
- Citadel
- Gellért Monument
- Philosophical garden
- Buda Castle
- Holy Trinity Square
RiverRide in Danube river in Budapest
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Romantic Tour for Central Budapest
Must-see Central Budapest sights for a special tour around the city! Recognize the path easily and enjoy that you already know where you are going! For even more special things about Budapest, visit Celebs' Pick Tourist Guide Rita Halasi's blog at
Things to do In Budapest, Hungary : Places to Stay in Budapest, Hungary
Hotels and lodging in Budapest. Learn about places to stay in this free video on what to do and where to shop in Budapest, Hungary.
Expert: Dante Mena
Bio: Dante Mena is a writer who resides in Budapest, Hungary.
Filmmaker: Paul (Leopold) Volniansky
Beautiful places of the World - part 10: Hungary
The tenth part of the series my homeland, Hungary presents his beauties.
Hungarian Art: An Introduction
Hungarian Art: An Introduction
Muller and Keithly Collection
June 5 through July 31, 2014
Through an extraordinary set of circumstances, Miklós Müller found himself at the center of the Hungarian art world for more than half a century.
First, as a young biologist, in 1957 Miklós Müller met—and later married—Noemi Mezei. Her father, Arpad Mezei, was an art historian and critic, author and philosopher, and a respected touchstone for the artists and writers of post-World War II Hungary. Árpad Mezei founded the European School, “a concentration of philosophers, writers, and artists formed in 1945 and incorporating abstract and concrete elements from a starting point of radical expressionism moving through surrealism.” As the name suggests, this group was rooted in, and aimed to continue the heritage of European avant garde movements. When Soviet Communist elements forced Hungary to adopted a Communist constitution in late 1949, these Modern artists were soon expected to adopt Stalin’s preferred art style of Socialist Realism, which glorifies workers and Communist heroes through realistic depictions. Those who refused to conform felt the heavy hand of the state suppress them: they were silenced, ignored, and forced from positions of authority.
Noemi and Miklós Müller collected the art of this oppressed artistic circle and received gifts of artworks from Noemi’s father, Árpad Mezei. In 1964 they were able to immigrate to the United States due to Miklos Müller’s outstanding scientific work. He was invited to take up a position at Rockefeller University, where he remains Professor Emeritus today.
In 1965, the artist Jószef Jakovits settled in New York, and became a close friend, as testified by many Jakovits works in the collection, represented by several on display here. During the 1970s, Milos Müller and his second wife, Jan Keithly, both American citizens, began to travel to Hungary. Miklós Müller renewed old relationships, and the couple formed new ones, including a new generation of Hungarian artists working in styles disapproved of by the State. As travel restrictions eased, the Müller apartment in New York became a center for artists visiting from Hungary. Many stayed there; some even used it as a studio. The Müller-Keithly collection continued to grow as the collectors met younger Hungarian artists living in New York.
The selected works on exhibition here give an idea of the scope of the collection, spanning much of the twentieth century, especially concentrating on the 1950s onward. Behind almost every work on display is a personal relationship between artist and collector.
After the fall of Communism in 1990, the Hungarian artists once repressed, overlooked, and ignored enjoyed a revival. During the last twenty-five years, they have been belatedly recognized as a vital slice of Hungarian heritage, and saluted for bravely sustaining the artistic pursuits of the free world, although, unfortunately, many did not live long enough to savor this.
Wild life in Budapest
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The RiverRide Budapest in Hungary - Part II
Europes first Amphibiebus on land and water! Impact to the Danube/Donau River and some guiding.
17th of January 2010.
Camera: Sony DSC-W50 (Still Camera)
Filmed by: StudioMaya / MollywoodMovies
Copyright: StudioMaya / MollywoodMovies