Mesosaurus,Descoberta de Mesosaurideo - São Gabriel Rs -Brasil- Batovi,Rio Santa Maria .
Mesosaurus - Mesosaurideo - São Gabriel Rs -Brasil- Batovi ,Rio Santa Maria ,divisa com Rosario do Sul , Aventura do Borin Mostra o Local da Descoberta do Mesosaurus ,imagens de Mesosaurus Borin Produções.
Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration
Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration
Porto Alegre is the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the biggest urban agglomeration of southern Brazil. The perfect blend of Brazilian-Portuguese and River Plate-Spanish cultures, added to a strong European heritage gives the city a unique background within Brazil. The city is one of the richest metropolis in the country, the state capital with the highest life quality and literacy rate (97%), the book capital of Brazil.
The gaúchos are very proud of their land and culture. In 1835 a revolution which declared Rio Grande do Sul independent from Brazil broke out, the most significant national conflict of the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), named the Farroupilha Revolution or Farrapos War. This war wreaked havoc across the entire state during 10 bloody years, killing nearly 20% of the gaúchos and ultimately leading to a peace treaty where the Republica Riograndense once again became part of Brazil. Another major Brazilian revolution also began in Rio Grande do Sul. The Federalist Revolution of 1893 defended the decentralization of powers and greater autonomy for the states, and only finished in 1895, after spreading to two other states.
It was also in Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre) where the 1930 Revolution which overthrew the president Washington Luis began, and so was from Rio Grande do Sul the most important Brazilian communist revolutionary of all times: Luis Carlos Prestes, who led the nation-wide communist upheaval in 1935. For such reasons, among many others, the Gaúchos (Riograndenses) are particularly proud of their mother state, many considering themselves as gauchos rather than Brazilians. Currently, Porto Alegre is a service centered city in between the industrial part of the state (north-east) and the rural part (south). It is also called the Mercosul Capital.
The city is roughly a semi-circle that expanded outward in a concentric manner, beginning from the historical city center, right next to the promontory and the harbor. Avenues going from the center to the outer areas of the semi-circle are the radiais (radials) and are crossed by avenues named perimetrais (perimeters). There is a rapid transit system (operated by trensurb), which runs from downtown Porto Alegre to some cities north of the metropolitan area. There are 22 stations and 43km of line, plus 2 stations of the aeromovel (people mover, linking the airport to the aeroporto metro station).
One of the most famous foods of Brazil, churrasco (slow-grilled and -roasted meat), originated in Rio Grande do Sul. But cuisine is eclectic here, and rice and beans sit on southern tables beside Italian and German dishes, thanks to the South's many European immigrants. Colonial coffee is the elaborate 5 PM tea, with breads, pies, and German kuchen, popular among the Germans in the South.
Football is a passion of the people from Porto Alegre. There is a big rivalry between two football clubs, Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense, founded in 1903, and Sport Club Internacional, founded in 1909. Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense and Sport Club Internacional currently play in the top league in Brazil, the Serie A. Both have successful histories, having won national and international titles, including the South American top honour, the Copa Libertadores, and the highest global trophy for football clubs, the Intercontinental Cup, now known as the Club World Cup.
A lot to see in Porto Alegre such as :
Farroupilha Park
Porto Alegre Public Market
Moinhos de Vento Park
Usina do Gasômetro
Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art
Casa da Cultura Mario Quintana
Iberê Camargo Foundation
PUCRS Museum of Science and Technology
Parque Germânia
Santander Cultural
Monument to Laçador
Orla do Guaíba
Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho
Marinha do Brasil Park
Botanical Gardens of Porto Alegre
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
Ponte do Guaíba
Catedral Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
Museum Júlio de Castilhos
Morro do Osso
Municipal Park Ararigbóia
Monument To Açorianos
Praça Província de Shiga
Harmony Park
Brique da Redenção
Gruta Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
Praia de Ipanema
Parque Gabriel Knijnik
Cultural-Historical Center Santa Casa
Parque Santa Fe
Inter Museum - Ruy Tedesco
Parque Getúlio Vargas
Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul
Sesc Campestre
Ilha da Pintada
Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol
Calçadão De Ipanema
( Porto Alegre - Brazil ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Porto Alegre. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Porto Alegre - Brazil
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Pequeno histórico da Grande homenagem de reconhecimento do Consulado Geral da Suecia em São Paulo, ao descendente Vilmar Person, sendo a quarta pessoa a nível de Brasil a receber tal honraria de destaque.
Brazil -Travel to Gramado
Gramado - Rio Grande do Sul
Chico Pinheiro and the Reunion Project
Chico Pinheiro Group Live at UMass Amherst!
Chico Pinheiro, guitar
Tiago Costa, piano
Bruno Migotto, bass
Edu Ribeiro, drums
Guest appearance: Felipe Salles, saxophone
From the 35th Annual UMASS Jazz Showcase: Spotlight on Brazil
Fla Memória ganha cara nova
Com os 121 se aproximando, o Flamengo ganhará um lindo presente em sua sede: a cara nova do Fla Memória, antigo Fla Experience. Espaço reabre na manhã desta terça-feira (15), com entrada franca.
Imagem e Edição: Bruna Basilio
Seja sócio-torcedor do Flamengo:
Inscreva-se no canal oficial do Flamengo. Juntos vamos formar a maior torcida de um time de futebol no Youtube.--- Subscribe at Flamengo channel, a 40-million-fans nation. Join us!
AO VIVO! As últimas informações do futebol
Gols na Série B | Copa do Brasil | Alan Mineiro renova contrato | Léo Sena não enfrenta o CSA | Ronaldinho na calçada da fama no Mineirão
PUC TV Esportes, de segunda a sexta de 19:00 às 20:00 e aos domingos de 20:30 às 22:00. Para a grande Goiânia no 24.1 HD e 22 da NET.
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A história da Colombia contada no Museu do Ouro - VLOG 021
O Museu do Ouro em Bogotá é daqueles lugares imperdiveis ao visitar a capital colombiana, IM-PER-DI-VEIS! O Museu ainda conta com uma área para exposições temporárias, na época que visitamos estava rolando Molas. Capas de sabiduría (30/09/2016 até 17/07/2017). Vale a visita é super barato, preços de terça a sábado 3.000 COP, domingo é gratuito. Segunda fica fechado.
Já assinou nosso canal? Assine!
Quer visitar o Museu do Ouro? Veja onde você pode ficar em Bogotá. Indicamos o CX Hostel para quem quer economizar (vale uma visita ao café Speak Easy que fica no mesmo prédio, ótimos sucos e bolos/tortas) e o Casa Deco para quem quer um lugar excepcional e sussegado apesar de estar tão perto do centro.
Redes sociais:
Música: Cyrus - Freedom
El porvenir - boceto para audiovisual sobre performance con Julieta Ledesma.
El porvenir es una instalación escénica creada por Sebastián Villar Rojas a partir de la instalación del artista Nicolás Bacal La flecha de la nostalgia / O vetor da saudade, presentada en la 9° Bienal del Mercosur (Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2013), en colaboración con Eloí Cruz (voz en off) y Sebastián Villar Rojas (autor del poema). El audio que ahora es parte de El porvenir pudo escucharse llamando a la línea telefónica 0800-0000-130 disponible 24hs del 13 de septiembre al 10 de noviembre 2013 desde teléfonos brasileros en todo el territorio de Brasil.
Vea aquí la instalación de Nicolás Bacal:
Patinadora: Julieta Ledesma
Cámara: Claire Allouche
Voz en off: Eloí Cruz
Texto: Sebastián Villar Rojas
Edición de audio: Nicolás Bacal
Edición de imagen: Sebastián Villar Rojas / Gabriel Cejas
Idea y dirección: Sebastián Villar Rojas
El porvenir (The Future) is a scenic installation by playwright and theatre director Sebastián Villar Rojas based on the installation by the artist Nicolás Bacal La flecha de la nostagia (Nostalgia Arrow) / O vetor da saudade, presented at the 9th Biennial of Mercosur (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2013), in collaboration with Eloi Cruz (voiceover) and Sebastián Villar Rojas (poem's author). The audio that is now part of The Future could be listened to by calling the hotline 0800-0000-130 available 24 hours from 13 September to November 10, 2013 from Brazilian telephones throughout the territory of Brazil.
Se recomienda escuchar con auriculares / It is highly recommended to listen to with headphones
Esta instalación escénica / performance es adaptable a diferentes espacios y contextos institucionales. Para contactarse, escribir a
This scenic installation / perfomance is adaptable to different spaces and contexts. Contact us to
On Sebastián Villar Rojas
(Rosario, 1981) He is a writer, poet, playwright and theatre director. From 1999 to 2008, he studied with Oscar Medina (theatre) and Alma Maritano (narrative and poetry). In 2008 he created PAIISE, a scenic arts production team dedicated to the staging, circulation and distribution of theatre, dance-theatre and scenic-installation projects. He wrote and staged “El tercer hombre” (Buenos Aires, 2007), “Todo se incendió de repente” (“Everything caught suddenly fire”, Rosario, 2010), “Moderna” (“Modern”, Buenos Aires, 2010 y Rosario, 2011), “El porqué de todo” (“The Reason for Everything”, Rosario, 2011), “21.000 años después” (“21.000 Years Later”, Rosario, 2011), “230.001” (Doscientos treinta mil uno) (“Two Hundred Thirty Thousand one”, Rosario, 2013), “El exterminador de caballos” (“The Horse Exterminator”, Rosario, 2013), “Sos mi sol” (“You Are My Sunhine”, Rosario, 2013), “El imperio de lo frágil” (“The Empire of Fragility”, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario, 2015), “Tenerlo todo” (“To Have It All”, Rosario, 2015), “El origen de las especies” (“The Origin of Species”, Buenos Aires, 2015) y “El porvenir” (“The Future”, Rosario, 2015). He won, among others, the Beca para Escritores y Artista del Fondo Nacional de las Artes (The National Endowment for the Arts Grant, 2010) and the Beca Alejandro Boero, Pasantía Anual para Directores del Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires (the Alejandro Boero Grant to participate in the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires Internship for Young Directors, Buenos Aires, 2012). He worked as a director assistant with Alejandro Tantanian in the musical “Anything Goes” by Cole Porter (Buenos Aires, 2013-2014). In 2014, he and the writer Vanesa Gómez created the playwrighting team Laborare stanca. Nowadays, they are working in two new plays: “El triunfo de la eternidad” / “The Track of My Fears” (Madrid, Spain, 2016) and “La reconquista” (“The Reconquest”, Reconquista, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2016). Among other awards, he won the Premio de Dramaturgia Bicentenaria (The Bicentenary Dramaturgy Award, Instituto Nacional del Teatro, Proteatro and Sala Espacio TBK, Buenos Aires, 2010) and the first prize in Premio Nuevos Narradores (New Writers Award, Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, UBA, Buenos Aires, 2012). He works as a writer and editor for artist Adrián Villar Rojas' projects. He has also collaborated with artist Nicolás Bacal “La flecha de la nostalgia” / “O vetor da saudade” (“The Nostalgia Arrow”, see above). He lives and works in Argentina, France and Spain.
On Julieta Ledesma
(Rosario, Argentina, 1989) She is an actress and ex-professional roller figure skater. She participated in the Roller Figure Skate World Championships of Argentina (2003), United States (2004), Italy (2005) and Spain (2006), winning many brass and silver medals.
Dúo Nicolás Segovia (charango) - Oscar Russo (guitarra)
Interpretando: CIUDADANO (Oscar Russo)
Jueves 21 de Abril
Espacio Cultural Universitario (ECU), San Martín 750, Rosario
Santa Fe, Argentina
Pope Francis Statue Sri Lanka
Uruguay | Wikipedia audio article
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Uruguay ( ( listen); Spanish pronunciation: [uɾuˈɣwai]), officially the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay (Spanish: República Oriental del Uruguay), is a country in the southeastern region of South America. It borders Argentina to its west and Brazil to its north and east, with the Río de la Plata (River of Silver) to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. Uruguay is home to an estimated 3.44 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the metropolitan area of its capital and largest city, Montevideo. With an area of approximately 176,000 square kilometres (68,000 sq mi), Uruguay is geographically the second-smallest nation in South America, after Suriname.
Uruguay was inhabited by the Charrúa people for approximately 4,000 years before the Portuguese established Colonia del Sacramento in 1680; Uruguay was colonized by Europeans relatively late compared with neighboring countries. Montevideo was founded as a military stronghold by the Spanish in the early 18th century, signifying the competing claims over the region. Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, and later Argentina and Brazil. It remained subject to foreign influence and intervention throughout the 19th century, with the military playing a recurring role in domestic politics.
A series of economic crisis put an end to a democratic period that begun in the early 20th century, culminating in a 1973 coup, which established a civic-military dictatorship. The military government persecuted leftists, socialists, and political opponents, resulting in several deaths and numerous instances of torture by the military; the military relinquished power to a civilian government in 1985. Uruguay is today a democratic constitutional republic, with a president who serves as both head of state and head of government.
Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, low perception of corruption, e-government, and is first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class and prosperity. On a per-capita basis, Uruguay contributes more troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions than any other country. It tops the rank of absence of terrorism, a unique position within South America. It ranks second in the region on economic freedom, income equality, per-capita income and inflows of FDI. Uruguay is the third-best country on the continent in terms of HDI, GDP growth, innovation and infrastructure. It is regarded as a high-income country by the UN. Uruguay was also ranked the third-best in the world in e-Participation in 2014.
Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk. Nearly 95% of Uruguay's electricity comes from renewable energy, mostly hydroelectric facilities and wind parks. Uruguay is a founding member of the United Nations, OAS, Mercosur, UNASUR and NAM.
Uruguay is regarded as one of the most socially advanced, outstanding regionally, and ranking highly on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion issues. The Economist named Uruguay country of the year in 2013, acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis.
Uruguay | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Uruguay ( ( listen); Spanish pronunciation: [uɾuˈɣwai]), officially the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay (Spanish: República Oriental del Uruguay), is a country in the southeastern region of South America. It borders Argentina to its west and Brazil to its north and east, with the Río de la Plata (River of Silver) to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. Uruguay is home to an estimated 3.44 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the metropolitan area of its capital and largest city, Montevideo. With an area of approximately 176,000 square kilometres (68,000 sq mi), Uruguay is geographically the second-smallest nation in South America, after Suriname.
Uruguay was inhabited by the Charrúa people for approximately 4,000 years before the Portuguese established Colonia del Sacramento in 1680; Uruguay was colonized by Europeans relatively late compared with neighboring countries. Montevideo was founded as a military stronghold by the Spanish in the early 18th century, signifying the competing claims over the region. Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, and later Argentina and Brazil. It remained subject to foreign influence and intervention throughout the 19th century, with the military playing a recurring role in domestic politics.
A series of economic crisis put an end to a democratic period that begun in the early 20th century, culminating in a 1973 coup, which established a civic-military dictatorship. The military government persecuted leftists, socialists, and political opponents, resulting in several deaths and numerous instances of torture by the military; the military relinquished power to a civilian government in 1985. Uruguay is today a democratic constitutional republic, with a president who serves as both head of state and head of government.
Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, low perception of corruption, e-government, and is first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class and prosperity. On a per-capita basis, Uruguay contributes more troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions than any other country. It tops the rank of absence of terrorism, a unique position within South America. It ranks second in the region on economic freedom, income equality, per-capita income and inflows of FDI. Uruguay is the third-best country on the continent in terms of HDI, GDP growth, innovation and infrastructure. It is regarded as a high-income country by the UN. Uruguay was also ranked the third-best in the world in e-Participation in 2014.
Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk. Nearly 95% of Uruguay's electricity comes from renewable energy, mostly hydroelectric facilities and wind parks. Uruguay is a founding member of the United Nations, OAS, Mercosur, UNASUR and NAM.
Uruguay is regarded as one of the most socially advanced, outstanding regionally, and ranking highly on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion issues. The Economist named Uruguay country of the year in 2013, acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis.
Montevideo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:19 1 Etymology
00:05:26 2 History
00:05:35 2.1 Early history
00:07:54 2.2 19th century
00:14:54 2.3 20th century
00:18:57 2.4 21st century
00:19:36 3 Geography
00:21:34 3.1 Climate
00:23:20 3.2 Administrative divisions and barrios
00:24:53 3.3 Landmarks
00:26:33 3.3.1 Palacio Legislativo
00:27:13 3.3.2 World Trade Center Montevideo
00:29:20 3.3.3 Telecommunications Tower
00:30:26 3.3.4 Ciudad Vieja (Old City)
00:33:45 3.3.5 Parque Batlle
00:37:23 3.3.6 Parque Prado
00:38:54 3.3.7 Parque Rodó
00:40:36 3.3.8 Forts
00:41:31 Fortaleza del Cerro (Fortress del Cerro)
00:42:24 3.3.9 Punta Brava Lighthouse
00:43:03 3.3.10 Rambla of Montevideo
00:44:42 3.3.11 Cemeteries
00:46:45 3.4 Demographics
00:49:23 4 Government and politics
00:49:33 4.1 Intendencia de Montevideo
00:52:12 4.2 Intendants of Montevideo
00:52:22 5 Culture
00:53:03 5.1 The arts
00:54:14 5.1.1 Visual arts
00:55:24 5.1.2 Literature
00:56:25 Authors
00:57:42 5.1.3 Music
00:58:50 5.2 Cuisine
00:59:33 5.3 Notable people
00:59:42 5.4 Recreation
00:59:51 5.4.1 Museums
01:05:39 5.4.2 Festivals
01:07:02 5.4.3 Sports
01:09:56 5.5 Religion
01:11:34 5.5.1 Montevideo Metropolitan Cathedral
01:12:45 5.5.2 Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón
01:13:38 6 Economy and infrastructure
01:16:14 6.1 Tourism
01:18:10 6.2 Hotels
01:19:12 6.3 Retail
01:20:23 6.4 Media
01:21:28 6.5 Transport
01:23:34 6.5.1 Public Transportation Statistics
01:24:21 6.5.2 Port
01:25:56 7 Education
01:26:05 7.1 Public education
01:27:46 7.2 Private education
01:32:16 8 Healthcare
01:32:49 8.1 Public hospitals
01:36:30 8.2 Private healthcare
01:37:15 9 International relations
01:37:25 9.1 Twin towns and sister cities
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Montevideo (Spanish pronunciation: [monteβiˈðeo]) is the capital and largest city of Uruguay. According to the 2011 census, the city proper has a population of 1,319,108 (about one-third of the country's total population) in an area of 201 square kilometres (78 sq mi). The southernmost capital city in the Americas, Montevideo is situated on the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Río de la Plata.
The city was established in 1724 by a Spanish soldier, Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, as a strategic move amidst the Spanish-Portuguese dispute over the platine region. It was also under brief British rule in 1807. Montevideo is the seat of the administrative headquarters of Mercosur and ALADI, Latin America’s leading trade blocs, a position that entailed comparisons to the role of Brussels in Europe.The 2017 Mercer's report on quality of life, rated Montevideo first in Latin America, a rank the city has consistently held since 2005. As of 2010, Montevideo was the 19th largest city economy in the continent and 9th highest income earner among major cities. In 2019, it has a projected GDP of $47.7 billion, with a per capita of $27,542.In 2018, it was classified as a beta global city ranking eighth in Latin America and 84th in the world. Montevideo hosted every match during the first FIFA World Cup, in 1930. Described as a vibrant, eclectic place with a rich cultural life, and a thriving tech center and entrepreneurial culture, Montevideo ranked eighth in Latin America on the 2013 MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index. In 2014, it was also regarded as the fifth most gay-friendly metropolis in the world and the first in Latin America. It is the hub of commerce and higher education in Uruguay as well as its chief port. The city is also the financial hub of Uruguay and the cultural anchor of a metropolitan area with a population of around 2 million.
Uruguay | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Uruguay ( ( listen); Spanish pronunciation: [uɾuˈɣwai]), officially the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay (Spanish: República Oriental del Uruguay), is a country in the southeastern region of South America. It borders Argentina to its west and Brazil to its north and east, with the Río de la Plata (River of Silver) to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. Uruguay is home to an estimated 3.44 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the metropolitan area of its capital and largest city, Montevideo. With an area of approximately 176,000 square kilometres (68,000 sq mi), Uruguay is geographically the second-smallest nation in South America, after Suriname.
Uruguay was inhabited by the Charrúa people for approximately 4,000 years before the Portuguese established Colonia del Sacramento in 1680; Uruguay was colonized by Europeans relatively late compared with neighboring countries. Montevideo was founded as a military stronghold by the Spanish in the early 18th century, signifying the competing claims over the region. Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, and later Argentina and Brazil. It remained subject to foreign influence and intervention throughout the 19th century, with the military playing a recurring role in domestic politics.
A series of economic crisis put an end to a democratic period that begun in the early 20th century, culminating in a 1973 coup, which established a civic-military dictatorship. The military government persecuted leftists, socialists, and political opponents, resulting in several deaths and numerous instances of torture by the military; the military relinquished power to a civilian government in 1985. Uruguay is today a democratic constitutional republic, with a president who serves as both head of state and head of government.
Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, low perception of corruption, e-government, and is first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class and prosperity. On a per-capita basis, Uruguay contributes more troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions than any other country. It tops the rank of absence of terrorism, a unique position within South America. It ranks second in the region on economic freedom, income equality, per-capita income and inflows of FDI. Uruguay is the third-best country on the continent in terms of HDI, GDP growth, innovation and infrastructure. It is regarded as a high-income country by the UN. Uruguay was also ranked the third-best in the world in e-Participation in 2014.
Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk. Nearly 95% of Uruguay's electricity comes from renewable energy, mostly hydroelectric facilities and wind parks. Uruguay is a founding member of the United Nations, OAS, Mercosur, UNASUR and NAM.
Uruguay is regarded as one of the most socially advanced, outstanding regionally, and ranking highly on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion issues. The Economist named Uruguay country of the year in 2013, acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis.