German Military Cementery - Recogne/Foy (Bastogne), Belgium
Pages show pictures and videos of the day taken at places connected with the World War II (Second World War)
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German War Cemetery - Recogne, 2008
The German Military Cemetery is located three miles north of Bastogne, more at
50th anniversary of the inauguration of German military cemetery at Bastogne/Recogne.
Speech of the German ambassador in Belgium at the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of German military cemetery at Bastogne/Recogne.
Lommel - German war cemetery
Pages show pictures and videos of the day taken at places connected with the World War II (Second World War)
TomTom POI of that place you can download here
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╬Kriegsgräberstätte Recogne (German War Cemetery) - Photo Impression. HD
The Kriegsgräberstätte (German War Cemetery) of Recogne is located 3 miles north of Bastogne (Belgium). This cemetery is the final resting place of 6807 German soldiers who
were killed during the Battle of the Bulge.
I extend my deepest sympathy to the victims and their families.
May these brave men rest in peace.
Music: Two Steps From Hell - Memories
All music belongs to the the respectful owners: Two Steps From Hell. I do not own the music, and no copyright infringement is intended. This is merely posted for the enjoyment of the viewers.
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Recogne-Bastogne
2:00 Leonhard Schroder, Georg Hellerbrand
2:30 Reinhard Lutgert, Karl Schmidt, Franz Schmitz
3:45 Erwin Stach, Gerhard Brandt, Heinrich Kemmener
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Recogne-Bastogne
Deutscher Soldaten Friedhof Sandweiler - German war cemetery
Hymms-50th anniversary of the inauguration of German military cemetery at Bastogne/Recogne.
Belgian Air Force Band performs at the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of German military cemetery at Bastogne/Recogne.
Soldatenfriedhof Lommel Belgien
Der Soldatenfriedhof in Lommel (Belgien) ist der größte deutsche Soldatenfriedhof des Zweiten Weltkriegs im westeuropäischen Ausland. Auf einer Fläche von insgesamt 16 ha (427x350 m) liegen hier 542 Gefallene aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg und 38.560 Gefallene aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof in Lommel (Belgien)
Während der Kämpfe in Belgien und Westdeutschland, insbesondere bei Aachen, im Hürtgenwald und am Brückenkopf Remagen, bestattete der amerikanische Gräberdienst, die in diesem Kampfbereich geborgenen deutschen Gefallenen provisorisch auf vier Sammelfriedhöfen: Henri-Chapelle, Fosse, Overrepen und Neuville-en-Condroz. Aus den vier genannten Orten wurden die Toten in den Jahren 1946/47 nach Lommel umgebettet. 1946 übergab der amerikanische Gräberdienst diese provisorische deutsche Sammelanlage den zuständigen belgischen Behörden. Diese betteten weitere deutsche Kriegstote des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus den verschiedenen Landesteilen Belgiens nach Lommel um. Die betroffenen Erstgrablagen wurden dabei aufgelöst. Außerdem erhielten hier 542 deutsche Soldaten des Ersten Weltkrieges, unter Auflösung eines kleinen Soldatenfriedhofes in Leopoldsburg, ihren letzten Ruheplatz. Für jeweils zwei Tote wurde ein Betonkreuz gesetzt.
Band of Gamers 2010 - Day 4 - Recogne - German Cemmetery #2.AVI
Here's a video I shot in a German war cemmetery in Recogne, Belgium. The majority of the German dead from the Ardennes Offensive are buried here. One correction to my video, the German families have not come to visit the graves of the fallen here as they are not welcome by the older Belgium people. A private foundation wa set up by the German families to oversee the care and maintenance of their loved ones graves.
Recogne 25032009
The German Cemetery between the village of Foy and the village of Recogne, outside of Bastogne. The site of all the graves would get to even the hardest person. Most of the graves have up to 6 soldiers buried in them. Some of those who died are only listed as Ein Deutscher Soldat.
This video was done on the 25th March 2009. My friend Pete and I walked from Bastogne to Foy in the snow. We then visited Recogne, the site of the German Graves and the monument of the site American graves until they were relocated 1948.
After that we then went into Foy and took the road heading to Bizroy and entered the Bois Jacques. In these woods you can still see the Fox holes dug by Easy Company. The woods are eerie and silent. Some of these holes looked a little to fresh to be the original Easy Company ones (1 or 2) but, the original ones can still be seen if you look around.
We then left the woods and carried on heading for Bizroy Taking in the sights of the Easy Company monument. After Bizroy we headed back to Bastogne and had a good look around the American monument just outside of Bastogne. In total we walked over 10 miles in what was some times driving snow.
I cannot wait to go back again some time; the experience will stay with me for ever. I salute all who, in whatever part, were involved in the fierce Battle of the Bulge.
BAND OF BROTHERS FOREST Today, Bastogne (Belgium) [HD]
Vídeo gravado em 2011 na floresta próxima a Foy (Bélgica), onde os páraquedistas da 101st Airborne Division estavam entrincheirados durante a Batalha do Bulge. Este local é ilustrado na série Band of Brothers.
Video recorded in 2011 at the forest close to Foy (Belgium), where the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division were dug during the Battle of the Bulge. This site is illustrated on the series Band of Brothers.
Normandy, La Cambe, German War Cemetery,Der Friedhof von La Cambe. France
La Cambe was eerst een Amerikaans kerkhof maar de lichamen zijn over gebracht naar Amerika. Sinds 1948 is het een Duits Oorlogs-kerkhof en er liggen meer als 21.000
soldaten. Het word onderhouden door de Duitse schooljeugd
om er van te leren en om het niet te vergeten.
Sandweiler German war cemetery
This is a scan of the grave at the Sandweiler German war cemetery, taken on April 18, 2013.
Vídeo gravado em 2011, na estrada que vai desde o Memorial da Companhia Easy em Bizôry até o Cemitério de Guerra Alemão em Recogne, cruzando o ponto da floresta onde a Companhia Easy estava durante a Batalha de Bulge, Foy (Bélgica).
Video recorded in 2011 at the road which goes from Easy Company Memorial in Bizôry until German War Cemetery in Recogne, crossing the forest point where Easy Company was on the Battle of Bulge, Foy (Belgium).
Das Soldatengrab meines Onkels gefunden-Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Parkkina Petschenga
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Parkkina-Petschenga, ehemals Finnland, seit 1945 russisch. Der große Friedhof mit den nahezu endlosen Gräberreihen wurde während der großen sowjetischen Offensive im Herbst 1944 von russischen Panzern eingeebnet.
Das ehemalige Gelände der sowjetischen Streitkräfte umfasst 7,6 Hektar. Darauf befindet sich unter anderem das österreichische Mahnmal und ein sowjetischer Friedhof. Die Namen von 5975 Gefallenen sind auf 23 Granitstelen verzeichnet. Diese errichtet und betreut vom Volksbund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge.
Die Einweihung fand am 25.08.2000 statt.
Langemark German Cemetery, Belgium
This is a small sample of the video clip files for the German Langemark Cemetery in Belgium taken from the Video History Today database.
Please take a look at Video History Today , the first web site to offer unique collections of re-usable original video clips designed for teachers and students.
The idea behind Video History Today is to give schools the raw material to make mini-documentaries and video essays on historical subjects.
Initial packages focus on World War I (Somme and Ieper areas), The Holocaust, the American Civil War and D-Day & Normandy 1944.
1944, Belgians Flee Advancing Germans - 250024-02 | Footage Farm Ltd
Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video.
For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at
[WWII - 1944, Belgians Flee Advancing Germans; Civilian Refugees; Firing Squad Shoots 3 Germans]
Belgian male civilians fleeing advancing Germans. CU sign: 8k Erezee, 1k Manhay (opposite direction). Men walking past, US officer & ??.
22:05:41 Slate: Rosenmann. US soldiers w/ hay piled around tank to camouflage. Evergreens around another vehicle. GI beside tree alongside road. Camouflaged equipment.
22:06:47 MP directing military traffic at town intersection, jerry cans behind; convoy traffic past. Sign: 9k Erezee, 22k Stavelot (opposite direction), men standing & MPs s.
22:07:30 Slate: Rosenmann. Civilians towards camera alongside road; women & children, wiating. MCU walking w/ bags & blankets.
22:08:38 LIB 1557. Work horse pulling wagon w/ old people. Abrupt end.
22:08:50 LIB 1558. MPs w/ rifles up wooden stairs behind three German prisoners, marched to wall & tied to posts. Blindfolded & patch put on chest. Firing squad kneels & shoot, bodies slump. Officer checks for death. MCU bodies slumped / hanging from posts. MPs leaving; MCU of blood & exit holes in backs of prisoners.
WW2; Horrors of War; Violence; Military Justice;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.