Duitse Oorlogsbegraafplaats Ysselsteyn (German war cemetery Ysselsteyn)
De militaire begraafplaats (Kriegsgräberstätte) bevindt zich in Ysselsteyn, in de Provincie Limburg dicht bij de Duitse grens. De begraafplaats is de enige Duitse soldatenbegraafplaats in heel Nederland. Hier liggen 85 gesneuvelde soldaten uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog en 31.585 gesneuvelden uit het Tweede Wereldoorlog op in totaal 17 hectare. Voor iedere gesneuvelde militair werd een kruis geplaatst. De gegevens (naam, grafligging, geboorte- en sterfdatum, rang - indien bekend) zijn met witte kleur op de natuursteen aangebracht. De jeugd van het JOC helpt bij het onderhoud van de graven d.m.v. het natekenen van de gegevens met witte stiften of de kruisen behandelen met algenmiddel. Er zijn ongeveer 5000 onbekende militairen begraven. Deze zijn begraven met kruisen waar Ein Deutscher Soldat op staat.
German war cemetery (26 hectare or 70 acres), which contains 31,598 graves and 5000 unknown graves.
of German soldiers who died in the Netherlands during World War II.
there are 85 graves of German soldiers who fell in World War I
German War Cemetery Ysselsteyn 2011 The Netherlands
The last resting place for Grenadier-Gerhard Robel and Obergefreiter-Franz Anton Kolb. more at
Ysselsteyn - German war cemetery - 31585 graves of German soldiers who died in the Netherlands
Pages show pictures and videos of the day taken at places connected with the World War II (Second World War)
mail: info@druhasvetovavalka.cz
TomTom POI of that place you can download here
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German War Cemetery Ysselsteyn - Over 30,000 Graves
In the German War Cemetery, Ysselsteyn has 31.598 graves, most are for soldiers who died during World War II. There are also some graves from the first world war and some men, women, and children who died in Kamp Vught where collaborators and war criminals were held after Germany surrendered.
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Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Ysselsteyn Niederlande. Duitse Militaire begraafplaats.
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Ysselsteyn Niederlande. Hier liegen mehr als 31.000 gefallene Deutsche Soldaten begraben von Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939 - 1945 WK2. Auch 85 gestorben Soldaten aus der Erste Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918
Duitse Militaire begraafplaats in Ysselsteyn bij Overloon. Hier liggen meer dan 31.000 gestorven Duitse soldaten tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog '39 - '45. Ook liggen er 85 Duitse soldaten welke in de eerste wereldoorlog 1914 - 1918 gestorven zijn.
The Ysselsteyn German Cemetery, near Limburg, Netherlands.
The Ysselsteyn German Cemetery is quite simply massive. It differs with many of the other European German military cemeteries (outside Germany atleast) in that nearly all the soldiers have their own grave.
At over 70 acres it trully is enormous. It contains the graves of 31,598 German war dead, most of whom who died in the Netherlands during World War II. The war dead include Germans, Dutch, Poles and Russians who fought on the side of the German military. About 3,000 are war dead from the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes and Hürtgenwald that were initially interred next to the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten. In a circle near the entrance are 85 German soldiers who fell in World War I and whose bodies ended up in the Netherlands by floating down rivers, mainly the Meuse. Wikipedia info
German Cemetery ' world war 2 . Ysselsteyn Netherlands .
Na de bevrijding WO2 | Duitse oorlogsbegraafplaats Ysselsteyn
Na de oorlog wilde Nederland niks meer te maken hebben met de Duitsers. De Nederlandse regering wilde zelfs alle Duitse doden de grens over hebben, maar daar stak de Britse bezettingsmacht een stokje voor. Er moest een begraafplaats in Nederland komen. Het werd een onvruchtbaar grondgebied bij Ysselsteyn Limburg.
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WWII German Cemetery Ysselsteyn Netherlands 19 May 2012
WWII German Cemetery Ysselsteyn Netherlands 19 May 2012
War cemetery Ysselsteyn
German World War 2 cemeteray Ysselsteyn (Holland)
German World War 2 Cemetery in the Netherlands, Ysselsteyn 19 May 2012
German World War 2 Cemetery in the Netherlands, Ysselsteyn 19 May 2012, 31.585 fallen are resting in this WW2 Cemetery
Ysselsteyn German War Cemetery
Short compilation of the Ysselsteyn German War Cemetery. Visited in May 2016.
Duits Militaire Begraafplaats - Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof - German War Cemetery Ysselsteyn
Nergens liggen in Nederland zoveel doden uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog bij elkaar als in het Limburgse dorp Ysselsteyn. Duitse soldaten, Nederlandse SS'ers en Landwachters vonden daar hun laatste rustplaats. Te pijnlijk voor Nederlanders en daarom is deze dodenakker weggestopt en haast vergeten.
Geïsoleerd ligt de begraafplaats nog steeds. De plek is met openbaar vervoer zo goed als onbereikbaar. Slechts enkele kleine borden in Ysselsteyn geven aan hoe je er kunt komen. De begraafplaats is vanaf de weg ook niet te zien. Alsof het niet mocht bestaan. Wellicht na ruim 70 jaar tijd dit te doorbreken...
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German cemetery in Stalingrad - Soldatenfriedhof Rossoschka
For more information about battlefield archaeology:
Plus de renseignements sur la recherche des soldats disparus:
View of some of the names written on the monument at Rossoshka, in which the German soldiers killed during the battle of Stalingrad are buried.
Deutsche Soldatenfriedhof in Rossoschka, Stalingrad.
Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Ysselsteyn
3:45 Lieutenant Rolf Von Beczwarzowssky
6:15 Kanonier Karl-Heinz Rosch
7:30 Kanonier Alois Etzhorn
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
Netherlands Cemetery
World War Two. American soldiers.
Stranger Takes Care of Carencro WWII Soldier's Netherlands' Grave
This Memorial Day, a Carencro woman is honoring the father she never knew.Pvt. Weston Roger was killed in action in Germany in World War II.
Dutch War Graves worldwide
Dutch war graves worldwide
To the devoted care of wargraves every nation is in honour bound
On September 13th, 1946, this thought led to the establishment of the Netherlands War Graves Foundation (Oorlogsgravenstichting). The aim was to organize and see to the continuous upkeep of the graves of Dutch war victims, as well as the commemoration of those with no known grave. Since 1956 the Foundation also maintains more than 8.000 allied war graves situated all over the Netherlands. Thanks to intense research, an extensive database (Slachtofferregister) has been built up over the years, and about 180.000 names appear therein.
Thousands of Dutch war graves are scattered all over the world. Most of these are concentrated in war cemeteries, which are under the supervision of the Foundation. For example: The Military War Cemetery Grebbeberg at Rhenen and the Field of Honour Loenen, both in The Netherlands; war cemeteries in West-Germany, Austria, Norway, France, England, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). The sister organization of the Netherlands Foundation, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in England, sees to the upkeep - on a mutual basis - of those graves situated in commonwealth cemeteries. Many other Dutch war graves are to be found in cemeteries widely spread at home and abroad. The Foundation also keeps an eye on these.
To commemorate the 130.000 victims whose earthly remains have not been found and for whom therefore no last resting place could be established, such as concentration camp victims, Jews, seamen and many others reported missing, their names have been entered in a series of 42 books.
The tasks of the Netherlands War Graves Foundation are carried out by a staff of devoted assistants under the direction of a Managing Committee composed of prominent Dutch people. It is supported financially by a State subsidy. Voluntary donations from fund givers are also received.
The Netherlands War Graves Foundation will continue to tend the war graves in its care in accordance with its motto:
The Foundation publishes a series of free information sheets illustrating aspects of its work and major cemeteries.
For more information about the Netherlands War Graves Foundation please contact us by mail, telephone or email:
PO Box 85981
2508 CR The Hague
Phone: 00 31 70 31 31 080
Fax: 00 31 70 36 21 546
E-mail: info@ogs.nl
German War Cemetery, Mont-de-Huisnes, Normandy, France.
Video of this distinctive and sad war cemetery near Mont st Michel. The Germans collected their dead up and interred them in several large cemetery's of which this is one. It's close to the busy tourist trail to Mont st Michel and well worth the small detour. German war dead were also often buried in British war cemetery's too - search on g4shf D-Day to find these.
This cemetery (Kriegsgräberstätte) lies 1 km north of Huisnes-sur-Mer, on a hill of 30 metres high.
It is different from their other cemeteries because the casualties are brought together in chambers, 180 casualties in each chamber. The chambers form a circle which is about 47 metres wide.
The cemetery contains 11,956 war graves.
German WWII Military Cemetery Lommel,Belgium
The largest German military cemetery (Kriegsgräberstätte) from World War II in Western Europe is situated in Lommel. Since 1946 39.099 soldiers who died in WW1 but mainly in WW2 are buried here. During the fighting in Belgium and Germany (mainly at Aachen and Düren) the Americans buried the German dead provisionally on 4 temporary cemeteries from which the dead were later brought over to Lommel. Thousands of German soldiers who have died on Belgian soil found here their last resting place in Lommel.
The cemetery lies next to the N746, the road from Lommel to Leopoldsburg