Budapest on Segway HD
An evening tour of Budapest on Segway. August 2016.
Budapest Company Incentive Big Segway Tour.AVI
Budapest City Segway Tours incentive company Segway tour over 40 persons.
Budapest Segway Challenge course at Hungaroring June 2009.AVI
Budapest Hungary City Segway Tours by Discover Budapest Segway rally course incentive company event at Hungaroring F1 just outside of Budapest in Hungary.
Taking Segways to Vienna.AVI
Segway Transport. Taking segways to and from Budapest to and from Vienna. We do this when large groups over 20 need big Segway tours from City Segway Tours - Budapest by Discover Budapest.
Around the Hill: Segway Sightseeing
One cannot walk the National Mall these days without spotting a line of Segway riders — like chicks behind Mother Goose — following a tour guide.
Three companies offer Segway tours. For updated tours, schedules and pricing call the numbers or click on the links below.
Capital Segway
(202) 682-1980
Segs in the City
(800) 734-7393
City Segway Tours
(877) 734-8687
What's A Segway Tour Like?
Budapest : les visites en gyropode, c'est fini
La capitale hongroise a décidé d'interdire la circulation des petits véhicules électriques dans les zones touristiques.…
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo
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My youngest daughter, Amanda, 5, on a Segway p133 Personal Transporter.
So-Cal Safari - Big Bear - Segway Tour
Take an epic tour around downtown Big Bear and all the outskirts in the trees and by the Lake.
Novi Renault Mégane: #FORMULASTRASTI v Kopru 4/6
[#FormulaStrasti] Primorci so dali Formuli strasti povsem nov pomen, novi Renault Mégane pa je prebudil strast tudi v F&B Acrobatics, ki sta izvedla ugrabitev Klemna Bučana, sedla za volan in prevzela njegovo vlogo! Kako se je Klemen Bučan počutil na zadnjih sedežih in kateri trenutki so zaznamovali današnji dan, pa si oglej v videu. Jutri bo Klemen vozil na domačem terenu – ujameš ga lahko v Kranju!
Pavement Segway
Liz doing some Sidewalk Segway in Vigo
Port Douglas Eco Segway Tours
Promo video for Port Douglas Eco Segway Tours
group of people on segways!
In Chicago... lol.. I love the park!
Pierwsza jazda segway-em. JUPITER
Pierwsza jazda segway-em.
Segways at The Falkirk Wheel
Enjoy the glide of your life at The Falkirk Wheel. Check out Scottish Segway at for a segway adventure like no other!
segway tour istanbul of Turkey+905325523588 bye segwayland ltd company of istanbul of TURKEY www s
Segway Maui The Best Segway in Hawaii
Segway is fun, Segway on Maui is even better, segwayingwith us is Easy, Fun and educational, come over or reserve your tour at 808/661 8284, or do it online at
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Santa Claus Segway