Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Giardino Salvi
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Giardino Salvi
The Salvi gardens (or Salvi garden, also known as the Valmarana Salvi gardens ) are a public garden located in the historic center of Vicenza , adjacent to the walls of Piazza Castello, in Piazzale De Gasperi. Inaugurated in 1592 by Leonardo Valmarana , the gardens were soon closed and reopened to the public only in 1909. They are, among the green areas for public use of the city, one of the least extensive; home to statues and two lodges in the Palladian style .
The land was acquired in the sixteenth century by the Valmarana family , which also owned the old adjacent Scaliger castle which transformed into a palace. Giacomo Valmarana himself designed the arrangement of the garden as a parterre all'italiana , as shown by the eighteenth-century view of Cristoforo Dall'Acqua.
The gardens were inaugurated in 1592 by Leonardo Valmarana (date and name are shown in the Loggia Valmarana) and covered the area including the continuation of the current Corso Palladio and the course of the Roggia Seriola , a moat that from the moment of opening was equipped with a wooden bridge that would allow the crossing. Open to the public by the will of Leonardo, they were later closed for a couple of centuries.
In the nineteenth century the park was transformed into an English garden . At this time it was in the patrimony of the Salvi family whose last descendant, Count Girolamo, placed it in the legacy of the Pious Charitable Foundation he had created; on May 25, 1907, the City acquired, for the sum of 90,000 lire, the garden (12,000 square meters) which was opened to the public on June 1, 1909.
The garden since 2008 has undergone a radical redevelopment, completed in February 2009 , which has provided him with a path for disabled people and a collection rose garden. Since the year two thousand it is often home to Christmas markets.
Inside the park are located two lodges in the Palladian style : the first, the seventeenth-century and three arches , known as Longhena lodge, it was built by Baldassare Longhena and stands on the western side of the park; the second, known as the Valmarana loggia, is structured as an exastyle temple of Doric order with five arches , and was intended - according to the original project of the client Gian Luigi Valmarana - as a meeting point for intellectuals and academics. It was built in 1591 probably by a pupil of Andrea Palladio. On the identification of Andrea Palladio as the author of the lodge Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi (1761) expresses strong reservations because the members who compose it are too far removed from the Palladian precepts; Pane (1961) defines it as very close to Palladio, although not his and states that The lodge is located [...] in that area of uncertainty [...] inevitably marked for us; Cevese (1980) takes up a hypothesis of Bressan and speaks of Palladian school. The Loggia Valmarana is inserted since 1994 with other Palladian monuments in the list of World Heritage Sites of ' UNESCO .
( Vicenza - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Vicenza . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Vicenza - Italy
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Giardino Salvi, degrado o allarmismo?
Il Giardino Salvi è stato ultimamente oggetto di molte polemiche in merito alla sua sicurezza e alle sue frequentazioni. Diversi i casi di atti osceni segnalati da un quotidiano locale che lo descrive come “una latrina”. Per informazioni clicca qui
TG VICENZA (lunedì 8 gennaio 2018) - Si era macchiato di reati gravissimi tra i quali rapina aggravata, lesioni, furto in abitazione, tutti commessi ad Arcugnano tra settembre e ottobre 2016. Condannato a 2 anni e 7 mesi di reclusione è stato identificato ieri ai Giardini Salvi , su di lui pendeva anche un'altra misura di prevenzione, ovvero il foglio di via obbligatorio. Colombiano di 21 anni. E' stato arrestato ieri dagli uomini della mobile. (
TG VICENZA (lunedì 18 settembre 2017) - Segnalo la presenza di una colonia – più di tre di certo- di topi da 15-20 cm coda compresa a Giardino Salvi, tra i sassi, sul percorso davanti Loggia Valmarana
La segnalazione arriva attraverso i social da un nostro telespettatore, stanco della situazione di degrado che non sta risparmiando nessun parco cittadino. Altro che polmoni verdi di Vicenza. Anche al centralissimo giardino Salvi sporcizia, ovunque. Le immagini che abbiamo girato parlano chiaro. Sul selciato, nel corso d'acqua, cartacce, bottiglie vuote, immondizie abbandonate da chi non sa neanche cosa sia il senso civico. Passeggiare qui è un pericolo anche per i bambini, guardate la staccionata: divelta, un piccolo rischia di finire nelle acque putride del canale.
Le rive sono state tappezzate di trappole per topi, la conferma di quello che scriveva il nostro telespettatore.
Per non parlare dello spaccio, perchè anche gli angoli più nascosti e riparati del giardino salvi sono il ritrovo ideale per pusher e clienti. E la cronaca, documentata nei nostri tg, ne registra parecchi di episodi. (
TG VICENZA (venerdì 10 maggio 2019) - La Loggia Valmarana, del 1590, fu probabilmente realizzata da un allievo di Andrea Palladio su committenza di Leonardo Valmarana che voleva fosse un punto d’incontro tra intellettuali e accademici. Il restauro della loggia è finito da qualche settimana. L'edificio dà una nuova prospettiva, suggestiva ed emozionante, del Giardino Salvi.
Quasi un anno di restauri, molti i sopralluoghi della Soprintendenza belle arti e paesaggio di Verona. La loggia è esposta all'umidità di risalita. Nel 2017 in vista del restauro, era stato realizzato un consolidamento delle fondazioni con micropali, come a Venezia. E a Vicenza nella città che è la vetrina delle opere di Palladio, gli universitari di architettura di Venezia espongono nella loggia i loro progetti per il giardino Salvi Valmarana, i percorsi delle mura e la Rocchetta, il Teatro Olimpico, la chiesa di Santa Maria Nova, la Villa di Bertesina. Il tutto in mostra fino a Sabato prossimo, 18 maggio. (
patrimonio artistico dimenticato Vicenza
in pieno centro storico, all'interno del parco pubblico dei Giardini Salvi, ecco come si presenta la storica Loggia del Longhena
Viaggio Vicenza-Como video n.10
17 Marzo 2010 15:25 circa March, the 17th, 2010
This is a private house named Loggia Valmarana in the Salvi public green park near the town centre of Vicenza, Italy. I like that house very much!
Loggia Valmarana, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy, Europe
The loggia, situated inside the Salvi Garden, rises on the waters of the Seriola at the point where the water course, coming from the west, bends towards the south. The hexastyle front of the loggia, which rests on arches supported by sturdy pillars emerging from the bed of the watercourse, is marked by Tuscan-Doric columns in five inter-columned architraves, the median of which is wider, and is crowned by a triangular pediment that rises on the three central rooms. On the back side the loggia has three rooms that are welded to the remains of the Scaliger walls. On the western side, concluded above by a tympanum, the loggia opens laterally on the garden through an arched opening. According to what we read on the frieze, the work would have been carried out by Leonardo Valmarana, and the date of construction would be 1592 reported in this registration. The assignment of the project paternity to Palladio raises many doubts in the scholars, as no documents have been received that testify, neither the times and the modalities of realization seem to allow this attribution. It is certain that the works for the garden outside the walls commissioned by the Valmarana family began in 1556; in 1563 the house behind the loggia was registered. On the basis of these events the hypothesis of an anticipation of the construction date from the Nineties to the Sixties of the sixteenth century has recently been advanced, and the attribution to Paolo Antonio Valmarana, son of that Giacomo Valmarana who had been the advocate of opening the garden; Paolo Antonio would have been inspired by a design long held by Palladio, to which he was linked by friendship, but in reality by Vincenzo Scamozzi. The date 1592 reported on the entablature could thus refer to the year in which the Garden was opened to the public by Leonardo Valmarana. Even in the absence of certain information on the genesis and timing of the conception and construction of the monument, the loggia still bears witness to the early influence exerted by the Palladian teaching on the cultural environment of Vicenza.
TG VICENZA (martedì 4 settembre 2018) - L'aviaria non centra, le 12 anatre trovate morte alcuni giorni fa ai giaridni Salvi non sonon morte per il virus H7N9. E' l'esito delle indagini comunicate oggi dal direttore delServizio Veterinario di Sanità Animale dell'Ulss8 Berica. Sono in corso ulteriori approfondimenti per definire l'esatta causa dei decessi, ma si conferma l'assoluta assenza di rischi per l'uomo. Anche un primo test relativo ad una possibile infezione da virus West Nile trasmesso dalle zanzare ha dato esito negativo, ma il protocollo in questa caso prevede l'effettuazione di un secondo test per escludere del tutto questa eventualità. Nel frattempo questa mattina la polizia locale ha rinvenuto altri due esemplari morti all'interno del giardino. (
Italy Travel - Amazing Vicenza
Vicenza is a Mecca for those who love great architecture. Considered to be Palladio's home it boasts several of his greatest works. We were able to visit these important sights:
Palazzo Chiericati
1550 Andrea Palladio combined town palace & suburban villa
(once on river harbor) now Vicenza Civic Museum
Teatro Olimpico
1580 Andrea Palladio, completed by son Silla.
Stage scenery Vicenzo Scamozzi
Casa Cogollo
1559 Andrea Palladio, exterior façade by A.P. massive, classical
Loggia del Captaniato,1565 Andrea Palladio
Completed 20 years after Basilica, (stands directly opposite)
Palladian Basilica
1549 Andrea Palladio, façade of medieval building,
double order of classical loggias
Pallazo Iseppo da Porto
1544 Andrea Palladio, like most in-town Palladian villas, a remodel, new plans forced into existing footprints
Several Palazzi of Venetian Gothic style
Dome & Portal of Cathedral
Dome: 1565 Andrea Palladio
North portal added 1575
Gothic façade remains
Palazzo Porto Breganze
1571 Andrea Palladio, incomplete first of 3 proposed
segments, building is distinct departure from more formal
Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare
1572 Vicenzo Scamozzi based on designs by Andrea Palladio
blend of villa & public building features
Loggia Valmarana,
16th century Giardino Salvi, ascribed to Palladio by unesco,
(despite uncertainty)
Villa la Rotunda
1566 Andrea Palladio temple-villa, Palladio's icon,
principles taken in part from Roman Pantheon
Villa Valmarana Ai Nani
1669, 1720, Franceso Muttoni, frescoes by Tiepolo 1757,
stables, guest house rival actual villa
Vicenza: il centro storico (agosto 2016)
Piazza dei Signori - Piazza delle Erbe - Corso Palladio - Teatro Olimpico - Palazzo Chiericati - Duomo - Chiesa di San Lorenzo - Chiesa dei Carmini - Piazza Castello - Giardini Salvi
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Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy )
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy )
Vicenza is a city in the Veneto region of northeast Italy. It’s known for the elegant buildings designed by the 16th-century architect Andrea Palladio. These include the Palladian Basilica and the Palazzo Chiericati, now home to an art gallery. Nearby, also by Palladio, the Teatro Olimpico replicates a classic outdoor theater, indoors. On the outskirts of town, the hilltop Villa La Rotonda has 4 identical facades.
Vicenza is located in the Veneto region of Italy, in its own province (the Provincia di Vicenza). It's a medium-sized town, with a population of 110,000. There has been a settlement here right back into the depths of history; remains of the Roman town can still be seen. Later, after the barbarian invasions which repeatedly devastated this part of Italy, it became a significant town, ruled at different times by various greater powers. For several centuries it was governed by Venice; then Napoleon, then the Austrians. In 1866 it became part of the new Kingdom of Italy.
Vicenza was a prosperous town under Venetian rule, and its pride was demonstrated in fine architecture, much of which still survives. Its 'unique appearance,' largely owing to the work of influential sixteenth-century architect Andrea Palladio, has led to the town's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site: City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto. After Palladio, Vicenza is most famous for its trade in precious metals, it's also known as the 'City of gold'. It's a lovely town to visit; with a beautiful, compact town centre and attractive villas and viewpoints in the hills a short walk away.
The railway station is to the south-west of the town centre; most of Vicenza's attractions are clustered closely together inside the old town walls. Walking straight along Viale Roma from the railway station, you'll pass two bus stops for the number 8 - if you are planning a trip to the villas just outside town, check the latest timetable displayed here. Soon you'll arrive outside the old town gate, Porta Castello, but first you can visit the Giardino Salvi just outside the gateway: a shady park, ornamented with statues and the Palladian Loggia Valmarana, which is dramatically reflected in dark waters.
Just inside the gateway lies a very convenient self-service restaurant, Self Pause, which is a cheap and quick place to fill up before exploring the town centre. Around Vicenza you can admire many grand buildings by Palladio and his followers. The Italian word palazzo usually means any large building rather than a palace; but many of Vicenza's palazzi do merit the grander translation. Some of the town's buildings are medieval, with several in the Venetian Gothic style, but the majority date from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They line the narrow lanes of Vicenza's town centre; which are called contra, a local word for 'street'.
As soon as you're inside the Porta you find yourself among the town's great buildings. One of the most curious is off to your right. Designed by Palladio, Palazzo Porto Breganze was never finished and stands in an abbreviated form. In front of you is the Corso Andrea Palladio, the centre's main thoroughfare, lined with smart shops and cafes. Some of Vicenza's grandest palazzi lie on Contra Porti, off to the left.
Piazza dei Signori, a few yards south of Corso Andrea Palladio, is the heart of town. It is dominated by two of Vicenza's most striking landmarks, the Basilica Palladiana, the town's medieval law courts, with an imposing later facade by Palladio, and the adjacent Torre di Piazza, a tall and skinny tower. Right in the long midday shadow cast by the tower you'll find one of Vicenza's tourist information offices, where you can pick up a town map, leaflets about local events and attractions and any advice you may need. A second office is located not far away, by the Teatro Olimpico.
( Vicenza - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Vicenza . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Vicenza - Italy
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Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Loggia Valmarana
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Loggia Valmarana
The loggia, located inside the Salvi Garden, rises above the waters of the Seriola at the point where the watercourse, coming from the west bends towards the south. The hexastyle front of the loggia, which rests on arches supported by strong pillars emerging from the riverbed, is marked by Tuscan-Doric columns in five intercolumniated architraves, the median of which is wider, and is crowned by a triangular pediment which rises on the three central rooms.
On the back side the loggia has three rooms that are welded to the remains of the scaligere walls. On the western flank, completed above by a tympanum, the loggia opens laterally on the garden through an arched opening. According to what we read about the frieze, the work would have been realized by the will of Leonardo Valmarana, and the date of realization would be the year 1592 reported in this inscription.
The assignment of the paternity project to Palladio arouses in the scholars a lot of perplexities, as no documents have been received that testify, nor the times and methods of implementation seem to allow such attribution. It is certain that the works for the garden outside the walls wanted by the Valmarana family began in 1556; in 1563 the house behind the loggia was registered.
On the basis of these events, the hypothesis of an anticipation of the construction date from the nineties to the sixties of the sixteenth century was recently advanced, and the attribution to Paolo Antonio Valmarana, son of that Giacomo Valmarana who had been the proponent of the opening of the garden; Paolo Antonio would have been inspired by a long-held design of Palladio, to which he was bound by friendly relations, but in reality by Vincenzo Scamozzi.
The date 1592 reported on the trabeation could thus refer to the year of opening to the public of the Garden by Leonardo Valmarana. Even in the absence of certain information on the genesis and timing of conception and construction of the monument, the loggia testifies, however, the early influence exercised by the Palladian magisterium on the cultural environment of Vicenza.
Madamina il catalogo è questo Pierluigi Cerin canta Mozart a Vicenza
Pierluigi Cerin
canta Mozart a Vicenza
dal Don Giovanni un Leporello divertente con alle spalle una loggia
di straordinaria bellezza sita nei giardini Salvi (Vi)
Regia: Pierluigi Cerin
Direttore della fotografia: Tatiana Dal Lago
VIcenza VIsioni introduzione mostra
La mostra nasce da una collaborazione istituzionale tra l’Università Iuav di Venezia, il Comune di Vicenza e la Soprintendenza archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per le province di Verona, Rovigo e Vicenza, sancite istituzionalmente da protocolli di intesa che hanno come oggetto la promozione di modalità di studio e ricerca finalizzate a sviluppare la formazione e la didattica dei corsi di studio che hanno come oggetto luoghi e architetture di notevole interesse culturale segnalate dalle amministrazioni.
Il percorso intrapreso ha permesso di orientare tematicamente i programmi didattici nel secondo e terzo ciclo di formazione, in particolare nel corso di Restauro Architettonico del CdL Magistrale in Architettura per il Nuovo e l’Antico, in occasione di tesi di Laurea e nei percorsi di tesi di Specializzazione della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio SSIBAP.
Gli attori istituzionali di questa collaborazione sono stati Emanuela Sorbo per l’Università Iuav di Venezia, Raffaella Gianello per il Comune di Vicenza e Giovanna Battista per la Soprintendenza archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per le province di Verona, Rovigo e Vicenza.
In mostra sono presentati alcuni dei casi di studio su cui è stata compiuta questa forma sperimentale e innovativa di didattica in cui alle lezioni di tipo tradizionale si sono affiancati sopralluoghi, seminari collettivi e revisioni ex-cathedra, con l’idea di promuovere una esperienza di insegnamento aperta al modo delle istituzioni che lavorano nel campo dei beni culturali.
Gli esiti dei percorsi formativi in mostra raccolgono VIsioni di VIcenza che hanno come comune denominatore di essere progetti e strategie per beni e luoghi di notevole interesse culturale, quali il Giardino Valmarana Salvi e le architetture che lo compongono, Villa Gazzotti a Bertesina, il teatro Olimpico, la Chiesa di Santa Maria Nova di Vicenza, le mura di Vicenza e
la “Rocchetta”.
Per questi luoghi studenti e giovani architetti hanno immaginato futuri possibili in equilibrio tra conservazione della memoria e sperimentazione progettuale come VIsione/VIsioni di futuri possibili per la città di VIcenza.
Vicenza tutta da correre, da Piazza dei Signori fino a Monte Berico, passando per Parco Querini, i Giardini Salvi, La Rotonda, il Parco della Valletta del Silenzio e Villa Bedin.
TG VICENZA (venerdì 18 maggio 2018) - Alt, blocchiamo il nastro: ricordate il nostro servizio del 22 febbraio 2018? Noi di Rete Veneta siamo stati i primi a porre la questione: come è possibile che proprio nella città del Palladio manchi una facoltà di Architettura? Nell'occasione chiedevamo ai candidati sindaci di prendere un impegno per sistemare questo controsenso. Ci rispondeva Otello Dalla Rosa, ricordando la vocazione ingegneristica della Vicenza del terzo millenio. Ma oggi l'alfiere del centrosinistra, prendendo spunto proprio dalla nostra idea ha dato appuntamento alla stampa nei giardini Salvi. E noi ovviamente non potevamo mancare... (
Lumen Festival 2017 - Aftermovie FULL HD
Lumen Festivala 2017 - 5 days aftermovie
Vicenza, Italy - 21.24 June 2017
Giardino Salvi
Music by:
Bruno Belissimo
Editing audio by: Luca Sanmartin
Video Editing by: Sante Spagnolo
✖ Mercoledì 21 Giugno h. 18.00 ✖
Ex-Otago (live show // Universal Music/Garrincha Dischi/INRI)
+ YOOP (live band)
+ Qalia (live band)
▒ SECOND Stage ▒
dalle 18:00
Last Nite Party (DJSet)
✖ Giovedì 22 Giugno h. 18.00 ✖
NIAGARA (live show // Monotreme Records)
LEMANDORLE (live show)
REVO FEVER (live show)
Bruce Harper (live band)
▒ SECOND Stage ▒ dalle 18:00
Nic Fabris (Catchy Sound) (DJSet)
✖ Venerdì 23 Giugno h. 18.00 ✖
HUND underground music movement
Apparell (Paul’s Boutique/Aloe)
Dubfluss (HUND Records/Sleepless Musik/Kina Music)
▒ SECOND Stage ▒ dalle 18:00
Giacomo Panni (Hund Records/Fizical Music) (DJSet)
✖ Sabato 24 Giugno Apertura ore 16.00 fino alle 3:30
Bruno Belissimo (live show // Locale Internazionale)
+ Dax DJ (
+ Puurple Soundsystem
+ Franky Suleman (DJSet)
▒ SECOND Stage ▒ dalle 16:00
+ ROCKET Radio djs
w/ Kate (Soul Time)
+ The Obscure Music Club (DJSet)
+ Ciclodisco (DJSet)
+ Bob Rage & Peanuke (DJSet)
+ Mercato del Disco dalle 16.00
✖ Domenica 25 Giugno Apertura ore 11.30
dalle 11:30 alle 15:00
Brunch (SOLO su prenotazione)
▒ SECOND Stage ▒ dalle 12:00
w/ Oceanicmood + Midory (prèmiere) (DJSet)
+ Musicadapincio (DJSet)
+ LIDO - Carmignano Sabbiadoro Soundsystem (DJSet)
GIUNGLA (live Band / Factory Flaws )
+ HÅN (live show /Factory Flaws)
VIcenza VIsioni Restauro Loggia Valmarana
Lungo la parete a sinistra del visitatore in ingresso, due pannelli espositivi sono dedicati ai recenti lavori di restauro per la Loggia Valmarana che ospita la mostra.
Vicenza dopo la neve 18 dicembre 2010
Breve passeggiata a Vicenza sabato 18 dicembre 2010 all'indomani di una nevicata. Zona scalette, Monte Berico, Porta Castello e Giardini Salvi