Korea, Gyeongju - Golgulsa Temple
Gyeongju - Golgulsa Temple 24.04.2016.
Temple Bows
Girimsa Temple, Gyeongju, South Korea
The S.O.S _ Happy Tample Stay in Girim-sa Temple in Mt.Hamweol, Gyeongju
The bus team was the last team of the game, so they went to Girim-sa to experience Tample-stay. The train team and the airplane team started a game for choose a place to sleep. For this game, the train team had to sleep in a tent and the airplane team could sleep in Hwangnamgwan, the hanok-hotel.
기림사 템플스테이, 황남관
게임에서 꼴찌를 한 버스팀은 기림사에서 템플스테이를 하게 된다. 기차팀과 비행기팀은 잠자리 복불복을 위한 게임을 시작한다. 잠자리 복불복으로 인해 기차팀은 텐트에서, 비행기팀은 황남관 한옥 호텔에서 자게 된다.
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Girimsa(기림사) Golgulsa(골굴사 (경주)) Borisa(경주 남산 미륵곡 석불좌상)
Three temples around Gyeongju
Zen art is presented daily on Golgul temple
Borisa Sitting Buddha is a well preserved statue in Namsan moulnted
שלושה מקדשים סביב גיונגגו
במקדש גולגול הופעות אמנות לחימה
במקדש בורי אשר בנמסן פסל בודהא שהשתמר יפה ומחייך בחצי חיוך על העולם
Music on show is the original sound of the free show
Rest From YouTube Audio Library
alpha beam 3axis gimbal
[The S.O.S] Go for it with the Dragon's spirit!! in Girim sa Temple in Mt Hamweol, Gyeongju
This is a Daesung engineering annual trip. We are went to see a Ancient Korean Kingdom shilla. There was a many tomb and we can see inside of a king`s tomb. It`s amazing. The trip was one night and two days. We travel around the Cheongju. We also went to see Girimsa. a ancient Korean temple.
Theme Music :-
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The Most Historical City in Korea
As the capital of the Silla Dynasty for a thousand years, Gyeongju city or the museum without walls is the epitome of what Korea represents through culture, heritage and art. This was filmed in one day of exploring around the picturesque city. Featuring sites such as Girimsa Temple, Daereungwon Tomb park and traditional Hanok clothing warn by locals.
I hope this gives you an insight into how beautiful not only Gyeongju is, but Korea as a whole.
I made it on Korean TV at the Golgulsa Temple!
A part of an episode about the Golgulsa Temple in Gyeongju, Korea. I visited the same temple and took part in a 'temple stay'. Watch this video to learn more about life in a temple.
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골굴사의 불교예술공연(2015년 8월 2일)
2015년 8월초 경주의 골굴사에서의 불교예술공연을 영상으로
만든 것입니다. ^^
Golgulsa Temple Performance
We stayed at the Golgulsa Temple and had a great experience. But This performance was something else, it's not only impressive, but it's performed daily (except Mondays). The most impressive part of the performance is around minute 20. Check it out when you're in South Korea :)
Do Not Miss List
Templestay experience at GolGulSa Temple 골굴사
What is templestay?
Templestay is a unique cultural program which lets you experience the life of Buddhist practitioners at traditional temples which preserve the 1700 year old history of Korean Buddhism.
Find templestay programs at--
Located at the foot of Mt. Hamwol, Gulgulsa is the only temple cave in Korea. The temple was built out of solid rock during the 6th century by Saint Gwang Yoo and some accompanying monks, and was designed according to the architectural structure of India.
[The S.O.S] Bus tema's first stay, Girim-sa Temple in Mt.Hamweol, Gyeongju
Golgulsa Sunmudo Zen Temple Chanting, South Korea
I went on retreat and stayed at Golgul Sunmundo Zen Temple in South Korea. Not once did I feel nervous about the media hype with the north of the country. Everything inside the Zen Temple was serene and contemplative.
In the winter months, the day starts out at 5am with temple gongs going off right on the 5am mark, one hour later than the summer schedule.
The day starts off with morning chanting like you see here in this video, as well as sitting and walking meditation.
Breakfast comes next and then a break so you can shower or take a nap. Then into Sumudo practice which stands for Su Zen or meditative mudo martial arts. Sunmudo is a combination of martial arts, Qigong and Yoga. Let me tell you the trainers and monks are really good at it too!
Then we took part in the practice Buddhist ritual of 108 prostrations or bows. This represents our basic mental sufferings.
Every second day we do archery practice and then tea ceremony with the Grandmaster.
Sundays is Barugongyang aka Formal Monastic Meal, ya it's really, really formal too.
One of my favourite things besides everything I've just mentioned was sometimes in the afternoon on our break time right after archery practice, we would all play soccer (football). Let me tell you, the Sunmudo masters and monks were top notch players that ran circles around me. :)
You can find out more information on staying at this temple by visiting:
It's worth a visit! They also have longer term programs where you can stay for free but you have to be absolutely dedicated and without a significant other who might come to the temple with you. The longer term programs minimum stay is one year of devotion and commitment to the Buddhist practices and Sunmudo way of martial arts training.
IT풍류 기행 - 경주 골굴사 풀영상
2015년 친구와 함께했떤 경주 골굴사 무도공연 및 골굴사 탐방로 풀영상입니다. ^^
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In Frame Ep12 In search of incredible UNESCO World Heritages in Korea! 한국의 유네스코 유산들을 찾아서!
In search of incredible UNESCO World Heritages in Korea!
UNESCO has brought to light such priceless treasures of humanity as the Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx, Easter Island's Moai, and the Great Wall of China. Now one of the world's foremost authorities in humanity's cultural and historical achievements brings the spotlight on Korea's magnificent 5,000-year-old civilization. What are they and why are they so valuable? We are about to find out.
Patrick Zachmann explores the riches of Gyeongju, the ancient capital of the millennium kingdom!
World-renowned documentary photographer and Magnum Photos member Patrick Zachmann follows the vestiges of the ancient Silla Kingdom in its capital city, Gyeongju, where practically the entire city is an enclave of UNESCO World Heritages.
세계가 놀랄만한 불가사의, 한국의 유네스코 유산들을 찾아서!
세계 7대 불가사의 중 하나인 피라미드와 스핑크스, 이스터섬의 모아이 석상 세계에서 가장 거대한 군사시설로 만리장성 등 역사적으로 위대한 유적들의 가치를 발굴해 낸 유네스코가 오천년 역사를 가진 한국의 찬란한 인류문명에 주목했다.
한국에서 세계가 놀랄 만한 위대한 보물들을 발굴해 내기 시작한 것이다.
과연 무엇일까?
어떠한 가치가 숨겨져 있는 것일까?
찬란한 인류문명의 보물창고, 천년 왕조의 도시로 매그넘 포토스의 패트릭 자크만이 탐험을 떠난다!
세계적인 다큐멘터리 사진작가의 거장, 매그넘 포토스의 패트릭 자크만이 그 비밀을 찾고자 유네스코 유적이 가장 많이 존재하는 천년 왕조의 도시 신라의 흔적을 쫓는다.
Temple Stay
Christmas day Tam and I spent two days and one night at Golgulsa Temple
Sunmudo at Golgulsa Temple
New Years Eve temple stay at Golgulsa temple in South Korea. We learned the ancient meditative martial art of Sunmudo. It was a great experience.