Venice Giudecca: the new place for art
Discover a new art destination in Venice Italy: Giudecca!
Escape from St Mark's touristic mass and madness... Take the waterbus line number 2 to the Giudecca island, and in a few minutes you'll be able to experience a different, genuine Venice. This video presents a multifaceted Venice, Giudecca, and the emerging artists presented by the Giudecca795 Art Gallery.
Click here for more information...
Did you take good photos in Venice? Enter the One Day In Venezia competition - Have you ever visited Venice, Italy, or are you planning to soon? Do you love taking pictures? The photo contests offer a great opportunity to NON professional photographers. Enter the photocontests (there's one every month) and submit your best shots of Venice at . Who will be the next winner? Good Luck! See you in Venezia.
With the partnership of: Hilton Molino Stucky Venice, Cipriani, Giudecca 795 Art Gallery. Video credits: Mark! Photos by: Rosemary Wilmot, Maria Roccaforte, Pamela Wheeler, R.Wilmot (again), Mauro Chiesa, Klaus Bayer, Sue Henderson , Mario Del Do, Luca Rossini. Grazie.
Exposición de Retratos en la Galería 795 de la Giudecca, Venecia
Exposición personal Ritratti/Retratos realizados por Fernando García Monzón en Giudecca 795 Art Gallery - Venecia
Solo exhibition Ritratti/Portraits by Fernando Garcia-Monzon at the Giudecca 795 Art Gallery - Venice.
I Love It! One Day In Venezia photo competitions
Ciao! Patty introduces you to OneDay In Venezia (One Day in Venice), a competition for aspiring photographers and amateur photographers . If you have visited Venice in Italy, and took good photos, enter the photo contest! It's awarding monthly winners, and the yearly grand prize includes: two days in Venice with the collaboration of our partners (Molino Stucky Hilton Hotel, Cipriani Harry's Bar, Gran Caffè Quadri, Da Ivo - George Clooney's favourite restaurant in Venice - with the collaboration of Consorzio Venice Water Taxi); your own solo show at the Giudecca 795 Art Gallery, a gondola ride, and more. EVERY SUBMITTED PHOTO OF VENICE gets exposure. Give yourself the chance! Enter your best pics at - The next winner could be you! Good luck. Among the Top 10 Things To Do in Venice Italy!
Top 10 Best Things To Do in Venice, Italy
Top 10 Things To Do in Venice.
#10 Venetian Ghetto - The history of the Jewish Community of Venice, which is the capital of the Veneto region of Italy has been well known since the medieval era.
The Venetian Ghetto was the area of Venice in which Jews were compelled to live by the government of the Venetian Republic. The English word ghetto is derived from the Jewish ghetto in Venice. The Venetian Ghetto was instituted on 29 March 1516. It was not the first time that Jews in Venice were compelled to live in a segregated area of the city.
In 1797 the French army of Italy, commanded by the 28-year-old General Napoleon Bonaparte, conquered Venice, dissolved the Venetian republic, and ended the ghetto's separation from the city. In the 19th century, the ghetto was renamed the Contrada dell'unione.
#9 Grand Canal - Did you know: The Grand Canal measures 2.5 miles long and sixteen feet deep and is anywhere from ninety two three hundred feet across.
#8 St Mark's Square & Basilica, Venice
Piazza San Marco (St Mark's Square) is the heart of Venice. As the largest square in the city St Mark's Square has always been the location of important government buildings and other facilities central to the goings on in Venice.
For first time visitors it's the natural magnet to head for on first arriving.
Basilica di San Marco (St Mark's Cathedral) is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic diocese of Venice. It is the one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture. The cathedral declares the wealth of Venice over centuries with its domes and turrets and gold mosaic standing out over the square (and over much of Venice).
#7 Doge's Palace
A bit of history of the Doge’s Palace
Doge’s Palace was probably built between the 10th and 11th centuries on the basis of a fortified central core. This nucleus was constituted with a central body with towers in the corners forming one of the masterpieces of the Venetian Gothic. In the 12th century, the first restructuring was carried out with the duke Sebastiano Ziani, who transformed the fort into an elegant palace. Later in 1200 a new expansion was realized.
Between 1339 and 1342 during the government of Bartolomeo Gradenigo, the palace began to obtain its present form. The doge Francesco Foscari extended the palace in 1424 towards the side of the Basilica of San Marco. In 1442 the architects Giovanni Bon and Bartolomeo Bon added the Porta della Carta. The inner part houses the apartments of the Doge and was built by the architect Antonio Rizzo after the fire of 1483. Throughout the 16th century there were several devastating fires alternating with restructuring and embellishments like the Scala dei Giganti (The Stairs of the Giants) and the creation of the main treasure: the Crucifixion of Tintoretto, painted to replace a damaged mural in one of the fires.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the architect Antonio Contin added the Prigioni Nuove (New Prisons), beyond the canal connecting them to the Palace with the Bridge of Sighs, where the convicted went on their way to the new prison. In 1797, after the fall of the Republic of Venice, the Palace was conditioned to house the administrative offices. The prison, called i Piombi (the Leads) by the covering of the roof, retained their old function. After the annexation of Venice to the Kingdom of Italy, the palace underwent several restructurings until 1923 when it was destined to become one of the most important museums of Venice.
#6 San Zaccaria Church
Almost all the churches in the city of Venice were founded in medieval times and then completely reconstructed when the medieval style 'went out of fashion'. Unlike the case of the Church of San Zaccaria.
It is one of the earliest monastic foundations of the city, dating back to the 7th century. The first church was replaced by another in the Romanesque style in the 11th century.
#5 Venetian Arsenal
Since the beginning of the XII century, the Arsenal was the heart of the naval industry of Venice. It occupies quite a large area of the city a clear sign of how important this industry was for Venice.
#4 Museum and Galleries
Naval history museum, Galleria dell'Accademia, Museo Civico Correr, Venice glass Museum in Murano, Punta della Dogana, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Giudecca 795 Art Gallery ..
#3 Venice Bridges - Road and railway bridges, viaducts, aqueducts and footbridges are included. In all, Venice has some 400 bridges.
#2 Gondola and Vaporetto (the water bus)
#1 Islands near Venice
Murano, Burano, Torcello, San Michele, Sant'Erasmo ...
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Top 10 Best Things To Do in Venice, Italy
#Venice #Italy #Top10
Sous le rouge - Vito Campanelli alla Giudecca 795 Art Gallery
Sous le rouge: Vito Campanelli alla Giudecca 795 Gallery di Venezia
Paradise Lost - photo exhibit in Venice Italy during the Biennale
On the occasion of the Venice Art Biennale, the Paradise Lost photo exhibit by Nicoletta Lupi, from 1st June 2011 at the Giudecca 795 Art Gallery, Venice, Italy -
A new photo and video project by Nicoletta Lupi, about the story of an Angel who rebels to a perfection which she does not feel as her own...
Paradise lost will be a resident exhibit until 31 August. Other guest artists to be announced.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm and by appointment.
Closed on Monday. Free entrance.
On 18 June 2011 - the first Venice Art White Night ever - the Paradise Lost show will be open to public until midnight n the main hall - while the second room will host the vernissage of the Eyeborg exhibit by Neil Harbisson, Neil Harbisson, with a performance. We will update our Biennale 2011 web page, and our blog, with the latest about the exhibits we are scheduling until 27 November (Biennale closing date).
Giudecca 795 Art Gallery Venezia, prove tecniche di benvenuto!! ciao!
Incanti by Luciano Pasquini @ Giudecca 795
Breve tour virtuale della mostra Incanti di Luciano Pasquini allestita nello spazio Giudecca795 dal 22 marzo al 13 aprile 2008.
Vernissage Ttozoi-Emblema Elogio della pausa
MOSTRA: Ttozoi -- Emblema. Elogio della pausa
DESCRIZIONE: Omaggio di Ttozoi a Salvatore Emblema
A CURA DI: Emanuele Leone Emblema
INAUGURAZIONE: Giovedì 26 maggio ore 18.30
PERIODO: 26 maggio -- 23 luglio 2011
SEDE: YvonneArtecontemporanea
Contrà Porti, 21 - 36100 Vicenza
Tel. 393 9060790 email:
ORARI GALLERIA: Martedì -- Sabato 15.30 -- 19.30
Giovedì 26 maggio alle ore 18.30 Yvonneartecontemporanea inaugura la mostra Ttozoi -- Emblema. Elogio della pausa. Introduce la mostra il curatore Emanuele Leone Emblema.
Il riposo, la pausa, la volontaria cessazione del lavoro è -a rigor di termini- l'esatto opposto del processo artistico comunemente inteso. Nel senso generale, infatti, fare l'artista significa essere uno che forgia, plasma, monta, compone, disegna, colora. Insomma, uno che genera le cose con forza attiva. Allora come si scioglie la contraddizione, come si coniugano la produzione ed la pausa? L'esegesi biblica chiarisce assai bene il punto: Dio non crea il mondo in sei giorni ed il settimo si riposa. Dio crea il mondo in sette giorni, di cui uno, l'ultimo, lo passa a starsene fermo e buono a vedere quello che aveva combinato negli altri sei.
Ciò sta a significare che il vuoto d'intervento non è cosa diversa dall'intervento, ma è parte integrante (culminante, diremmo) di esso.
TTozoi è il nome dietro cui operano Pino Rossi e Stefano Forgione. Una delle realtà più promettenti degli ultimi anni nel panorama dell'arte italiana. I Ttozoi hanno fatto della pausa, del vuoto d'intervento, una direttrice fondamentale del proprio lavoro. TTozoi usa le muffe. Cioè entità organiche, batteri, funghi. Cose che avranno pure tutti i difetti di questo mondo, ma al pari di ogni altro elemento pittorico hanno forma, superficie colore, densità. Con un plus valore non trascurabile che è quello di essere materia assolutamente viva ed autonoma. La pittura di TTozoi demanda alla natura organica un compito di tipo estetico, cioè un compito da artista. Chiede alla vita di darsi sotto forma di quadro. Chiede alla muffa di farsi colore, segno, gesto pittorico. Chiede ma non impone. E soprattutto non porta a compimento il quadro se non con un atto di pausa, per l'appunto, con un vuoto d'intervento.
I Ttozoi operano dichiaratamente nel solco dei grandi informali, che abdicano agli elementi, all'azione fisica, la capacità di compensare una pittura che è lasciata volutamente ruvida, grezza (brut), allo stato embrionale.
Questa mostra , mette a confronto TTozoi con un artista come Salvatore Emblema che informale tout court, non lo è mai stato. Ma tuttavia, più di ogni altro grande informale è uno dei più profondi interpreti del vuoto d'intervento. Un vuoto che in Emblema non è solo Un nulla dotato di spazio (Sant'Agostino) ma è un respiro luminoso. Un ambiente vitale e vivibile. Il Lavoro di TTozoi come quello di Salvatore Emblema, è votato proprio alla creazione di questo ambiente vitale e vivibile. E' indirizzato a predisporre lo spazio, più che a disegnarlo. A suggerire i volumi e colori, più che a dipingerli, a fermarsi un attimo prima che il quadro sia concluso. Come per amplificarne la dimensione ipotetica, la potenzialità d'esistenza. E' come se TTozoi lavorasse al quadro per sei giorni (tempi biblici non sono poi tanto lontani dai ritmi organici) ed al settimo attende che il quadro avvenga. Oppure no. Libero arbitrio. Questa è forse la migliore linea di continuità tra Emblema e questi due giovani artisti. Predisporre, porre l'occasione. Poi attendere, farsi da parte e costatare che sia la luce, o se preferite, che sia la vita.
Vernissage Poesia Dipinta by Cadaf @ Giudecca 795
Vernissage della mostra d'arte Poesia Dipinta - Painted Poetry di Gerold Meister (Cadaf) allestita a Giudecca 795 dal 10 al 25 novembre 2007.
Painters in Venice: Giovanni Rossini
Painters in Venice: Giovanni Rossini, Giudecca 795 Art Gallery - geometrical abstract
Top things to do in Venice in one day? Stay original, and off the beaten track!
Top things to do and see in Venice? Visit the Giudecca 795 Art Gallery, and enter the One Day In Venezia photo competition!
More at
PLEASE NOTE: this video includes photos by Brian Ashworth and Marco Cendret, who took part in the photocontest. Grazie!
Vele by Berico - parte 1 di 2
Presentazione delle Vele create da Berico, alcune delle quali disponibili a Giudecca 795; il video include interviste tv a Dario Fo durante una mostra, e ambientazioni delle vele. - The video presents the Sails painted by the contemporary artist Berico, some of which are available at Giudecca 795 art gallery. The video includes tv interviews to the Italian Nobel prize for Literature Dario Fo (very fond of Berico's art) during the exhibit on the beach, and the sails at the clients' homes and expo
Vito Campanelli: Organic Fly 2002
Vito Campanelli in performance
Ethiopian Dub - Mattia Campanelli
Performance pittorica di Mattia Campanelli nel centro storico di Salemi.