A Common Spiritual Connection
A Common Spiritual Connection
People’s lives can be seen to be connected regardless of race, language or what part of our planet they emanate from, through a common set of beliefs. As I travel and meet people I am constantly intrigued by how the beliefs of little pockets of people are almost identical. Whether this has resulted from some past connection or simply from the same variables being present in their lives, I feel it is something worth exploring - cultural diversity often becomes cultural similarity when the surface is scratched.
This thought has progressed in my mind and led me to consider the development of an event or a series of events to explore the diversity and vibrancy of identified cultures. By employing art, poetry, music, dance, film and photography to exhibit cultural icons from different nationalities, I hope to celebrate commonality, sometimes hidden, between peoples of the world.
Despite their geographical locations, I have identified and become fascinated by strong similarities in the spiritual beliefs and artistic iconography in the cultural lives of people living in Northern Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Iceland, Siberia, Sweden, Scotland and England.
When the dust of the day settles and the sun rises again the next morning, tell to yourself what you will do today.
Say to yourself that I will experience all things without hatred or anger.
Whatever the day brings; let me rejoice in the sunlight and allow the fluffy clouds to guide me to green pastures
I will strive to nurture an inner wellbeing and share a sense of peaceful spirituality with everyone around me, from friends to lonely strangers
I will harness the energy to show love and respect for my fellow humans, regardless of their circumstances
My wisdom will say nothing to you;
My tears will fly away like wet rain in early spring.
My heartbeat will rise once again,
when the gentle touch of your hands clasp
my shoulders in my dreams.
What we know about our future,
is as surreal as parts of my own paintings.
Say nothing when you travel along life’s path,
Birds will bring me better news.
Whether it leads the way to paradise
or burns out like a raging fire of unwritten letters
Before the sun rises to bless a new day.
We shall live with struggles and smiles
No-one said the path would be easy
My paintbrush will mark a small heartbeat
in chaotic mystery.
Yours faithfully ,
Shahsanem Murray
Author and initiator of this project.