Крым.Ялта. ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ В ЯЛТЕ! Холм Славы, Бессмертный Полк 2018. Парусник Херсонес. Набережная
Всем привет из Крыма! Сегодня в видео мы покажем, что происходило на ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ В ЯЛТЕ. Как крымчане, ялтинцы и гости города отмечали этот праздник. Мы посетили мемориал Холм Славы, наблюдали шествие Бессмертного Полка 2018. Также погуляли по паруснику «Херсонес», с него открываются шикарные виды на Набережную Ялты! Всех с праздником Великой Победы! Мира и добра!
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Ялта в период СССР 1960-1990годы фото
Yalta in the Soviet period 1960-1990годы photo
улица К.Маркса (Karl Marx street)
набережная (promenade)
Холм Славы (The Hill Of Glory)
кинотеатр Сатурн (cinema Saturn)
гостиница Ореанда (hotel Oreanda)
Ливадия (Livadia)
Морской вокзал (Naval station)
Автовокзал (Bus station)
Бассейн (Pool)
площадь Советская (the area of the Soviet)
пляж (beach)
Поляна сказок (The glade of fairy tales)
Порт (Port)
Приморский парк (Seaside Park)
Новогодние каникулы в Крыму. Канатная дорога в Ялте
Продолжаем отдыхать в солнечном зимнем Крыму. Решили прокатиться на канатной дороге прямо в центре Ялты. Прекрасные виды, Ялта с высоты птичьего полета, мемориальный комплекс Холм славы!
В Ялте отметили День освобождения от нацистов
В Ялте отметили 73-ю годовщину освобождения города от нацистов.
На мемориал «Холм Славы» к Вечному огню почтить память освободителей города пришли ветераны Второй мировой войны, дети войны, руководство города, депутаты ялтинского городского совета, члены общественной организации НОД, школьники.
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Crimea transport on lockdown
Crimea has been effectively locked down ahead of Sunday's referendum in Crimea.
Its international airport cancelled all flights apart from those bound for and from Moscow, and passengers travelling to Crimea by train are being checked on arrival.
Al Jazeera’s Hoda Abdel -Hamid reports from Simferopol.
Drone Footage of Ai-Petri in Crimea
Ai-Petri is a 1,234.2m mountain in Crimea.
Watch my full report on Ai-Petri:
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
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Полнометражная документальная лента была задумана, чтобы сохранить для истории каждый значимый эпизод событий, происходивших в Крыму весной 2014 года. Съемки продолжались 8 месяцев и охватили Севастополь и Форос, Симферополь и Керчь, Ялту и Бахчисарай; Феодосию, Джанкой, Алушту и еще десяток населенных пунктов Крыма. По горячим следам был записан большой разговор с Владимиром Путиным, а потом еще больше полусотни интервью с участниками и свидетелями Крымской весны. С чего все началось? Как Россия получила официальное обращение от легитимного президента Украины с просьбой спасти ему жизнь?
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
Города России #8. Алушта
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Горная трасса из Симферополя ведет на Южный берег Крыма. Курортный город Алушта первым встречает своих гостей на пути к морю. Алушта является широко известным климатическим курортом, крупным курортным центром, который по своей популярности уступает на Южнобережье, пожалуй, только Ялте. Оздоровительно-туристический центр курортной зоны Алушты протянулся по берегу более чем на 90 км — от Партенита до села Приветное (так называемая Большая Алушта). Протяженность береговой полосы — 42 км. Алушта — административный центр района, куда входят населенные пункты Партенит (бывшее Фрунзенское), Бондаренково, Лазурное, Малореченское, Рыбачье и другие. Население Алушты — около 50 тыс. человек. Город удобно расположился в просторной, самой обширной долине Крыма, где среди зеленых холмов спешат к морю речки Улу-Узень и Демерджи. С трех сторон долина окружена горами. С запада ее прикрывает самая высокая часть Крымского нагорья Бабуган-яйла с горой Роман-Кош (1545 м), с севера — гора Чатыр-Даг с вершиной Эклизи-Бурун (1525 м), с востока — гора Демерджи (1355 м). Море на побережье Алушты чистое, прозрачное, пляжи мелкогалечные. Оно становится теплым очень рано, в мае, и остается таким до октября. В летние месяцы средняя температура воды приближается к +26°C. Прогретое за лето море медленно отдает свое тепло, поэтому алуштинская осень мягкая. История Алушты уходит в глубокую древность. Когда-то в долине обитали племена тавров, археологи обнаружили остатки оборонительных сооружений, поселения и погребения в виде каменных ящиков. Впервые Алустон (так называли Алушту в далеком прошлом) упоминается в письменных источниках VI в. н.э., когда византийский историк Прокопий Кесарийский в своем трактате О постройках... сообщал, что для укрепления Византии в Таврике Юстиниан I восстановил начавшие разрушаться стены Боспора и Херсонеса и построил крепости Алустон и Герзувитон (Гурзуф). В последующие годы постепенно росло значение Алушты как курортного центра. В 1913 году сюда приехали на отдых 3,5 тыс. человек. Однко только после Великой Отечественной войны Алушта приобрела и вид настоящего города, и славу курорта. Большинство местных здравниц сосредоточены в изумительных по красоте местах: в Рабочем Уголке (Профессорский Уголок), курортных поселках Утес и Партенит.
Crimean speech of Vladimir Putin
Postglobalization Initiative presents video record of speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Crimea joining the Russian Federation. This speech is of historic significance and defines vector of future global policy development. Russian President was the first global leader to address vital issues that people concern about all around the world.
History: UKRAINE
Cossacks helped Russia get Crimea from Turkey 39:43
Donbas (East) 56:55
Crimea turned over to Ukraine 2:16:28
Russia 12:46 / 31:16
UKRAINE - THE BIRTH OF A NATION (2008) / A Jerzy Hoffman Film
1:34 Kyiv (401 - 500)
2:16 Byzantium (330–1453)
2:45 Princess Olga (890 - 969) adopted Christianity
3:28 Chersonesus in Crimea
4:06 Volodymyr the Great (958 - 1015)
4:29 Prince Yaroslav the Wise (978 - 1054)
4:39 Saint Sophia's Cathedral (1100)
5:31 Anna the Queen of France (1030 – 1075)
6:41 Volodymyr II Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yuri Dolgorukiy (1099 - 1157)
7:26 Moscow
7:37 The Mongols
10:16 The Principality of Galicia–Volhynia or Kingdom of Rus
10:49 Lviv
12:37 Ivan III of Russia (1440-1505)
12:46 The myth about Russia
13:07 Crimea
13:53 Roxolana (1502 – 1558)
15:20 serfdom (Polish oppression)
15:40 printing press
17:14 Zaporizhian Sich
18:33 Ukraine replaces the name Rus
18:40 cossack
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 The uniates
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Orthodoxy
23:28 Yarema Vyshnevetsky (1612 – 1651)
23:31 Catholicism
24:54 Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 – 1657)
30:04 The Pereyaslav Council -------------------------------------------------1654
34:39 Ivan Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 The Battle of Poltava on 27 June 1709
40:11 Zaporizhian Sich (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
French Revolution--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1789
47:03 Dumy - historical ballads
48:18 Greek Catholic Church banned
48:49 Kyiv University (1833)
49:48 The Order of Basilian Fathers
50:55 Taras Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (age 47)
54:57 Blue and yellow banner
55:45 The Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood
56:32 national liberation movement
56:55 Crimean War ----------------------------------------------------- 1853 to 1856
57:07 Alexander II (1818 - 1881) abolished serfdom
57:26 city of Donetsk (1868)
58:56 Green wedge
59:23 Volodymyr Antonovych (1834 - 1908)
59:28 Mykhailo Drahomanov (1841-1895 )
1:00:42 Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (aged 42)
1:02:13 The Shevchenko Scientific Society (1873 )
1:11:03 Mykhailo Hrushevsky
1:03:27 Ivan Franko (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 History of Ukraine-Ruthenia
1:04:49 Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) 1:45:42
1:06:31 World War I------------------------------------------------------------------1914
1:07:32 Dmitro Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Russian occupation
1:11:24 Symon Petliura
1:11:24 West Ukrainian People's Republic
1:19:27 Ukrainian Galician Army
1:23:30 Nestor Makhno
1:30:48 The Russian famine ----------------------------------------------------1921
1:41:21 Ukr National Democratic Alliance, (UNDO)
1:42:20 Ukr Sich Riflemen
1:42:43 (UVO) Ukr Military Organization
1:42:51 Yevhen Konovalets
1:43:10 Dmytro Dontsov
1:44:01 The Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:44:52 (1933) Stepan Bandera head of OUN
1:47:07 Avgustyn Voloshyn
1:47:33 Melnyk's and Bandera's
1:39:06 collectivization (1939)
1:38:55 *** ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: !!! ???????????????????? 1:39:33
World War II ----------------------------------------------------------------(1939 - 1945)
1:51:24 The Nachtigall Battalion (Nightingale)
1:51:43 Independent Ukr State
1:44:50 Stepan Bandera (1909 – 1959) -----------------------------------1933
Between Hitler & Stalin: Ukraine in World War II
Wehrmacht Saves Innocent Civilians In Ukraine 1941
1:53:42 Babi Yar
1:55:40 partisan warfare
1:44:01 Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Shukhevych
1:58:37 Volyn
1:58:57 UPA - Ukrainian Insurgent Army
2:00:04 ethnic cleansing (1943)
2:02:32 SS Galicia Division
2:02:33 Banderavists (Bandera) split of OUN (former UVO) 1:47:26
2:02:25 Melnykovites (Melnyk)
2:02:57 SS Galicia crushed by the Red Army
2:04:51 Nikita Khrushchev
2:05:21 Joseph Stalin
1:39:56 RUSYN replaced the term Ukrainian
2:06:14 Gulag
2:06:31 Yalta
2:10:30 Operation Vistula (Polish: Akcja Wisła)
2:12:00 The Greek Catholic Church abolishment
2:12:21 Josyf Slipyj (1893 - 1984)
1:49:25 annexation of the Western Ukraine
2:16:33 turning Crimea over to Ukraine
2:18:25 Thaw (early 1950s to the early 1960s)
2:30:09 (April 26 1986) - Chornobyl disaster
2:35:30 Rukh - Movement
2:37:29 (1991) Declaration of Sovereignty of Ukraine
1:13:48 The Ukr People's Republic of 1918 - 1920
2:50:29 The Orange Revolution (2004)
Charge of the Light Brigade | Wikipedia audio article
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00:01:37 1 Background
00:06:44 2 The charge
00:16:13 2.1 New information found in 2016
00:17:52 3 Aftermath
00:25:24 4 Survivor postscript
00:27:27 5 Remembrance
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Speaking Rate: 0.7277886739289001
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Charge of the Light Brigade was a failed military action involving the British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. British commander Lord Raglan had intended to send the Light Brigade to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions, a task for which the light cavalry were well-suited. However, there was miscommunication in the chain of command, and the Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault against a different artillery battery, one well-prepared with excellent fields of defensive fire. The Light Brigade reached the battery under withering direct fire and scattered some of the gunners, but they were forced to retreat immediately, and the assault ended with very high British casualties and no decisive gains.
The events were the subject of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's narrative poem The Charge of the Light Brigade (1854), published just six weeks after the event. Its lines emphasise the valour of the cavalry in bravely carrying out their orders, regardless of the nearly inevitable outcome. Blame has remained controversial for the miscommunication, as the order was vague and Louis Edward Nolan delivered the written orders with some verbal interpretation, then died in the first minute of the assault.
Euromaidan | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Euromaidan (; Ukrainian: Євромайдан, Russian: Евромайдан, Yevromaidan, literally Euro[pean] Square) was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on the night of 21 November 2013 with public protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev. The protests were sparked by the Ukrainian government's decision to suspend the signing of an association agreement with the European Union, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. The scope of the protests soon widened, with calls for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych and his government. The protests were fueled by the perception of widespread government corruption, abuse of power and violation of human rights in Ukraine. Transparency International named President Yanukovych as the top example of corruption in the world. The situation escalated after the violent dispersal of protesters on 30 November, leading to many more protesters joining. The protests led to the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.
During the Euromaidan, there were protests and clashes with police throughout Ukraine, especially at the Maidan in Kiev, which was occupied and barricaded by protesters, along with some administrative buildings, including Kiev City State Administration. On 8 December the crowd toppled Lenin statue nearby, police did not intrude. Protests and clashes increased in January, after the Ukrainian parliament passed a group of anti-protest laws. Protesters occupied government buildings in many regions of Ukraine. The protests climaxed in mid-February. Riot police advanced towards Maidan and clashed with protesters but did not fully occupy it. Police and activists fired live and rubber ammunition at multiple locations in Kyiv. There was fierce fighting in Kiev on February 18–20, in which 77 activists and 17 police officers were killed (see List of people killed during Euromaidan). Academic research suggests that many protesters were shot from locations controlled by Euromaidan. As a result of these events, Yanukovych was forced to make concessions to the opposition to end the bloodshed in Kiev and end the crisis. The Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine was signed by Vitaly Klitschko, Arseny Yatsenyuk, Oleh Tyahnybok. The signing was witnessed by the Foreign Ministers of Germany and Poland, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Radosław Sikorski, respectively, and the Director of the Continental Europe Department of the French Foreign Ministry, Eric Fournier. Vladimir Lukin, representing Russia, refused to sign the agreement.
The day the agreement was signed, the motorcade of Yanukovych was fired upon and shortly after that Yanukovych and other high government officials fled the country. Protesters gained control of the presidential administration and Yanukovych's private estate. Afterwards, the parliament removed Yanukovych from office, replaced the government with Oleksandr Turchynov, and ordered that former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko be released from prison. Events in Kyiv were soon followed by the Crimean crisis and pro-Russian unrest in Eastern Ukraine. Despite the ousting of Yanukovych, the installation of a new government, and the adoption of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement's political provisions, the protests have sustained pressure on the government to reject Russian influence in Ukraine.
Рівне 2008
Короткий клип о городе Ровно2008
Slave trade | Wikipedia audio article
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Slave trade
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. However the social, economic, and legal positions of slaves were vastly different in different systems of slavery in different times and places.Slavery appears in the Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BC), which refers to it as an established institution.Slavery is rare among hunter-gatherer populations, because it is developed as a system of social stratification. Slavery was known in the very first civilizations such as Sumer in Mesopotamia which dates back as far as 3500 BC. The Byzantine–Ottoman wars and the Ottoman wars in Europe resulted in the taking of large numbers of Christian slaves. Slavery became common within much of Europe during the Dark Ages and it continued into the Middle Ages. The Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, British, Arabs and a number of West African kingdoms played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade, especially after 1600. David P. Forsythe wrote: The fact remained that at the beginning of the nineteenth century an estimated three-quarters of all people alive were trapped in bondage against their will either in some form of slavery or serfdom. The Republic of Dubrovnik was the first European country to ban the slave trade in 1416, and in modern times Denmark-Norway in 1802.
Although slavery is no longer legal anywhere in the world (with the exception of penal labour), human trafficking remains an international problem and an estimated 25-40 million people are enslaved today, the majority in Asia. During the 1983–2005 Second Sudanese Civil War people were taken into slavery. Evidence emerged in the late 1990s of systematic child slavery and trafficking on cacao plantations in West Africa; see the chocolate and slavery article. Slavery continues into the 21st-century. Although slavery in Mauritania was criminalized in August 2007, in Mauritania it is estimated that up to 600,000 men, women and children, or 20% of the population, are currently enslaved, many of them used as bonded labor. Slavery in 21st-century Islamism continues, and women and children have been abducted and enslaved (often as sex slaves) by Islamist quasi-states such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Boko Haram.
World War II by country | Wikipedia audio article
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World War II by country
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Nearly every country and territory in the world participated in World War II, with the exception of only a few nations which remained neutral. The Second World War pitted two alliances against each other, the Axis powers and the Allied powers. The leading Axis powers were Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan; while the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union and China were the Big Four Allied powers.
Eastern Front (World War II) | Wikipedia audio article
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Eastern Front (World War II)
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers and co-belligerent Finland against the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.), Poland and other Allies, which encompassed Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeast Europe (Baltics), and Southeast Europe (Balkans) from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. It has been known as the Great Patriotic War (Russian: ru:Великая Отечественная война, Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voyna) in the former Soviet Union and modern Russia, while in Germany it was called the Eastern Front (German: die Ostfront), or the German-Soviet War by outside parties.The battles on the Eastern Front of the Second World War constituted the largest military confrontation in history. They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres. The Eastern Front, as the site of nearly all extermination camps, death marches, ghettos, and the majority of pogroms, was central to the Holocaust. Of the estimated 70 million deaths attributed to World War II, over 30 million, the majority of them civilian, occurred on the Eastern Front. The Eastern Front was decisive in determining the outcome in the European theatre of operations in World War II, eventually serving as the main reason for the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Axis nations.The two principal belligerent powers were Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, along with their respective allies. Though never engaged in military action in the Eastern Front, the United States and the United Kingdom both provided substantial material aid in the form of the Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union. The joint German–Finnish operations across the northernmost Finnish–Soviet border and in the Murmansk region are considered part of the Eastern Front. In addition, the Soviet–Finnish Continuation War may also be considered the northern flank of the Eastern Front.
U.S. Senate: Impeachment Trial (Day 3)
The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump continues with opening arguments from House managers and the President’s defense team.