Nicholas Spanos: A Chloris by Reynaldo Hahn
Nicholas Spanos sings A Chloris by Reynaldo Hahn (1875-1947), a wonderful baroque-style melodie, performed in a recital in Girona, Catalunya, Spain on December 12th, 2008. At the piano sits Anastassios Strikos.
[...Nicholas Spanos sings Hahn's masterpiece again, this time at the Suoni mezzi recital, given in Thessaloniki, Greece on October 10th, 2009.You can see it also in my channel...], in the link below:
S'il est vrai, Chloris, que tu m'aimes,
Mais j'entends, que tu m'aimes bien,
Je ne crois point que les rois mêmes
Aient un bonheur pareil au mien.
Que la mort serait importune
De venir changer ma fortune
Pour la félicité des cieux!
Tout ce qu'on dit de l'ambroisie
Ne touche point ma fantaisie
Au prix des grâces de tes yeux.
Στη Χλώρη (Χάαν)
Αν ειν'αλήθεια, Χλώρη, ότι μ'αγαπάς (όμως νιώθω ότι μ'αγαπάς πολύ). Πιστεύω πως ούτε οι ίδιοι οι βασιλείς δεν έχουν τέτοια ευτυχία όπως εγώ. Ο θάνατος θα'ταν ενόχληση, ακόμη κι αν μου πρόσφερε την ευτυχία των ουρανών. Όλα όσα λένε για την αμβροσία δεν αγγίζουν τόσο τη φαντασία μου όσο η χάρη των ματιών σου!
Ons (K Tríó)
K Tríó live at the Bimhuis café (10/01/2012)
Kristján Martinsson : Piano, composition
Pat Cleaver : Bass
Andris Buikis : Drums
Nicholas Spanos: A Chloris - R.Hahn
A Chloris
Nicholas Spanos sings Hahn's masterpiece again (last time was March 25th in Vienna), this time at the Suoni mezzi recital, given in Thessaloniki, Greece on October 10th, 2009.
SUONI MEZZI Recital for countertenor, violoncello & piano
Thessalonica, Greece, 10.10.2009
Piano: Nikos Zafranas
Violoncello: Yannis Stefos
[...Nicholas Spanos sings Hahn's wonderful baroque-style melodie, performed in a recital in Girona, Catalunya, Spain on December 12th, 2008.You can see it also in my channel...],..... in the link below:
S'il est vrai, Chloris, que tu m'aimes,
Mais j'entends, que tu m'aimes bien,
Je ne crois point que les rois mêmes
Aient un bonheur pareil au mien.
Que la mort serait importune
De venir changer ma fortune
Pour la félicité des cieux!
Tout ce qu'on dit de l'ambroisie
Ne touche point ma fantaisie
Au prix des grâces de tes yeux.
A Chloris - Στη Χλώρη
Αν είν' αλήθεια, Χλώρη, πως μ' αγαπάς (και, νομίζω, πολύ), δεν υπάρχει ούτε βασιλιάς πιο τυχερός από μένα! Μακάρι ο θάνατος να μην έρθει απρόσκλητος ν' αλλάξει τη μοίρα μου για τις χαρές του ουρανού! Όλα όσα λέγονται για την αμβροσία δεν αγγίζουν διόλου τη φαντασία μου, όσο η χάρη των ματιών σου!
3 El Canto De Orfeo,Pirineos,Girona, Barcelona y Lleida
3 El Canto De Orfeo,Pirineos,Girona, Barcelona y Lleida
Nicholas Spanos:Intorno all' idol mio by A.Cesti
Nicholas Spanos sings aria Intorno all' idol mio from A. Cesti's (1623-1669) Orontea in a recital on December 12th, 2008 in Girona, Catalunya, Spain. At the piano sits Anastassios Strikos.
Intorno all'idol mio
by Marco Antonio Cesti (1620-1669?) , Intorno all'idol mio ,
a text in Italian by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist
Intorno all'idol mio spirate pur, spirate,
Aure, Aure soavi e grate,
E nelle guancie elette
Baciatelo per me,
Cortesi, cortesi aurette!
Al mio ben, che riposa
Su l'ali della quiete,
Grati, grati sogni assistete
E il mio racchiuso ardore
Svelate gli per me,
O larve, o larve d'amore!
Τριγύρω απ'την αγάπη μου (Τσέστι, άρια μπαρόκ)
Τριγύρω απ'την αγάπη μου φυσήξτε, αύρες απαλές, χαριτωμένες, και στα διαλεχτά της μάγουλα φιλήστε την για μένα. Στην αγάπη μου που ξεκουράζεται στα φτερά της γαλήνης φέρτε ευχάριστα όνειρα και φανερώστε της μαυτά τον κρυφό μου πόθο, εσείς, νύμφες του έρωτα.
De ce aplicatia online AICAT?
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Besalu medieval sept 2017
fête médiévale de Besalu (Espagne) septembre 2017
Porque el motivo lo requiere, nuestro personal os asesorara y canalizara vuestros deseos, dentro de las diferentes opciones que mas se adecuen a vuestras necesidades e ilusiones.
Mallorca ------#NAAC13!
Mallorca, La Dama del Mediterráneo y para Mí también: LA ISLA DE LOS SUEÑOS, Palma de Mallorca un paraíso terrenal -----#NAAC13!
Un agradecimiento sincero a mi Señor Jesús y a Fr. Tomeu Pont Parera.
Inmersio a Cala Margarida 2014
Inmersión en Palamos (Cala Margarida) el 02/05/2014
Estas imágenes fueron gravadas en el 2012.
Dar las gracias a la persona que me se enseño la casa donde naci
Musica tocada con Guitarra Francisco Figueroba Figueroba
entre el cielo y la tierra
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Nicholas Spanos: Tre ariette by Bellini
Nicholas Spanos sings Tre ariette from Vincenzo Bellini's (1801-1835) 15 composizioni da camera at a recital in Girona, Catalunya, Spain on December 12th, 2008. At the piano sits Anastassios Strikos.
N.1 Quando verra' quel di'
N.2 Dolente immagine
N.3 Vaga luna
1. Quando verra' quel di
Quando verra' quel di
che riveder potro'
quel che l'amante cor tanto desia?
Quando verra quel di
che in sen t'accogliero',
bella fiamma damor, anima mia?
Ah, bella fiamma damor, ecc.
1. The Fervent Desire
When will come that day
when I can see again
what the loving heart so much desires?
When will come that day
when I shall hold you in my bosom,
fair flame of love, my soul?
Ah, fair flame of love, etc.
2. Dolente imagine
Dolente immagine di Fille mia,
perchè si squallida mi siedi accanto?
Che più desideri?
Dirotto pianto
io sul tuò cenere versai finor.
Temi che immemore de' sacri giuri
io possa accendermi ad altra face?
Ombra di Fillide, riposa in pace;
e inestinguibile l'antico ardor.
2. Sad image of my Phyllis
Sad image of my Phyllis,
why so miserable sitting by me?
What more do you desire? Ceaseless lament
have I poured out over your ashes.
Are you afraid that, forgetting sacred oaths,
I should be aflame with love for another?
Shade of Phyllis, rest in peace,
my old ardour is unquenchable.
3.Vaga luna
Vaga luna, che inargenti
queste rive e questi fiori
ed inspiri agli elementi
il linguaggio dell'amor;
testimonio or sei tu sola
del mio fervido desir,
ed a lei che m'innamora
conta i palpiti e i sospir.
Dille pur che lontananza
il mio duol non può lenir,
che se nutro una speranza,
ella è sol nell'avvenir.
Dille pur che giorno e sera
conto l'ore del dolor,
che una speme lusinghiera
mi conforta nell'amor.
3. Fair moon that casts silver
Fair moon, that casts silver
over these banks and these flowers
and breathes into the elements
the language of love;
you alone are now the witness
of my fervent desire,
and of the one that I love
count the throbs and sighs.
And of the one that I love etc.
Tell her that distance
cannot lessen my sorrow,
that if I nurse a hope,
it is only in the future.
Tell her that day and evening
I count the hours of sorrow,
that one blandishing hope
comforts me in love.
That one blandishing hope etc.
English version by Keith Anderson
L’empresa Inforolot ha celebrat els seus 30 anys d’història
L’empresa d’informàtica Inforolot Van començar instal·lant els primers ordinadors a les empreses. Ara volen expandir-se al mercat estatal i internacional. Inforolot ha complert 30 anys i per celebrar-ho, divendres va organitzar una celebració a la Torre Pons i Tusquets d’Olot en què van assistir personalitats del món polític i empresarial, representants d’empreses col·laboradores, clients i amics, que van voler compartir amb la direcció d’Inforolot la commemoració del 30 aniversari.
Nicholas Spanos:Caro mio ben by G.Giordani
Nicholas Spanos sings Caro mio ben by Giuseppe Giordani (1751 - 1798) at a recital on December 12th, 2008 in Girona, Catalunya, Spain. At the piano sits Anastassios Strikos.
Caro mio ben
by Giuseppe Giordani (Giordanello) (1751-1798) , Caro mio ben,
a text in Italian by Anonymous/Unidentified Artist
Caro mio ben,
credimi almen,
senza di te
languisce il cor.
Il tuo fedel
sospira ognor.
Cessa, crudel,
tanto rigor!
Altar frontal from Sant Martí in Puigbò
Vic workshops
First quarter of the 12th century
Tempera on poplar and pine wood
97 x 123 x 6 cm
From the church of Sant Martí in Puigbò, Gombrèn (Ripollès)
This altar frontal corresponds to the Romanesque geometric style developed in Catalonia during the first half of the 12th century, of which one of the most important examples is the baldachin from Ribes exhibited in the same room in the Museum. It seems that the painter of this frontal followed, in the case of the figure of Christ the Saviour, the model established by the master of the baldachin from Ribes, although the figures correspond to a more popular artistic tradition. From the parish church of Sant Martí in Puigbò, next to Puigbò castle (El Ripollès), in the four compartments we have scenes from the life of Saint Martin, bishop of Tours and titular saint of the church: Saint Martin on horseback shares his chlamys with a poor man, the holy bishop resuscitates a catechumen who has died before being baptised, the scene of the death of the saint, and two angels taking the saint's soul to heaven. These four scenes are divided by a horizontal band with an inscription in Latin, transcribed by Gros, that reads: For being generous with the poor man on Earth, Martin now resides in Heaven.
Francesc Civil - Festa de la Santa Creu a Figueres - Noelia Rodiles, piano
Francesc Civil i Castellví (Molins de Rei, 1895 - Girona, 1990)
Festa de la Santa Creu a Figueres (Sardana)
Noelia Rodiles, piano
Recorded live at Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain. February 29th, 2016.
♫ Allison Durbin ★ Eso Besso ♫
Sébastien Taes - Etrange jeudi ( by Romain Testas )
Clip maison réalisé en Espagne, à Cadaqués et Port Lligat, dans la maison de Dali.