Golden Vlog: Beijing, The Most Beautiful Place in a City and Car Lottery | Part 1
What is going on all you fantastic people? This time I am traveling around in Beijing and showing some nice places, including (IMHO) the most beautiful place in a city all over the world.
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Noodle Place:
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Yoshis Island - Athletic Orchestrial Version
Throwback Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy
Zelda Ocarina of Time - Song of Storms
Maple Story - Momiji No Sakamichi
Jay Chou - 告白氣球
周杰倫 - 稻香
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Artwork by Sandra-Chan
The Fake Watch Industry In China. Be Careful when buying a watch.
If you have any questions please email me at:
The luxury Swiss watchmakers have always been an icon of modern sports brands of such standing, it is only natural that many will choose to make fake watches. It is not always easy to tell the difference between the original and a fake, especially if you’re not a watch expert and don’t know how to open the back of the watch to inspect its movement.
FAKE WATCH MYTH #1: Fake Watches are Lighter than Genuine Watches
Rubbish! Counterfeiters today easily make watches that are the same weight. How? Well, they are using the same ETA movements as the original manufacturers or second source copies. Therefore weight is no longer an acid test.
FAKE WATCH MYTH #2: It’s Not Complicated
You will read that complications never work on fake watches. It is true that in many cases they do not. But many luxury watches do not have any complications except date, which may work on a fake watch. Therefore, the complication test is usually not helpful in separating the fakes from the real.
FAKE WATCH MYTH #3: The Date Bubbles on Fake Rolexes Don’t Magnify Enough
It used to be that the “Cyclops,” the lens over the date on a Rolex did not magnify 2.5 times on a fake Rolex. That is not so difficult to fake anymore. I have seen many fake Rolex watches with the correct magnification. I would not depend on that as a litmus test.
FAKE WATCH MYTH #4: A Genuine Movement Means a Genuine Watch
Have you heard that movements on fake watches are never the same? How wrong that is. Most watch brands today buy their movements from ETA, the world’s largest supplier of mechanical movements. The counterfeiters can now buy Chinese or Japanese reproductions or indeed actual ETA movements from secondary sources. Take a look below at how similar reproduction movements look. Which of below is authentic and which is fake? They look pretty similar, don’t they?
FAKE WATCH MYTH #5: Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth
There is no such thing as a free lunch, right? The conventional wisdom is that gifts of luxury watches are fakes. Well, this may be close to the truth. But real watches are inherited and sold. If we all go around scrapping inheritance gifts, it may be an expensive error. This is hardly a definitive test for telling genuine finds from imposters.
FAKE WATCH MYTH #6: All the Watches on Craig’s List are Fake
Is this a myth? Probably not, honestly. I can’t recommend looking on Craig’s List for a luxury watch.
Twenty years ago the fakes were really fake. You could look at a watch and really quickly determine it was trash. Not anymore. As manufacturers add counterfeit measures, the counterfeiters copy them. Today we have super fakes that take experience and knowledge to detect.
《国家宝藏》第二季 国宝盛典之夜:九大国宝组天团C位出道 黄圣依安慰“哭泣”国宝 吴彤与国宝再续前缘 雷佳完美嗓音动情演绎《国家宝藏》插曲联唱 20190209 | CCTV综艺
本期节目主要内容: 九州同,四海定。《国家宝藏》第二季巡礼中国九大博物馆,二十七件顶级国宝,二十七个前世今生,最终入选2019年《国家宝藏》特展的九件文物是金漆木雕大神龛、后蜀残石经、“五星出东方利中国”锦护膊、长信宫灯、聂耳小提琴、银雀山《孙子兵法》《孙膑兵法》汉简、铜奔马、侯马金代董氏墓戏俑和样式雷建筑烫样。九大国宝特展将在故宫博物院箭亭广场华彩上演。
03:43 悠远流长最动听!国乐合鸣演绎经典《九州同》;
09:18 广东省博物馆入选文物:金漆木雕大神龛;
13:15 追求极致的工匠精神总是相通的!港珠澳大桥总设计师孟凡超讲述建桥之路;
18:31 四川博物院入选文物:后蜀残石经;
21:50 国家图书馆副馆长陈樱讲述自己与国宝的渊源;
26:20 风乎舞雩好不自在!北京舞蹈学院演绎古典舞《纸扇书生》;
30:12 新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆入选文物:“五星出东方利中国”锦护膊;
34:30 “中国航天第一人”杨利伟阐述国富民强的真正意义;
39:29 河北博物院入选文物:长信宫灯;
43:09 旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆馆长许杰介绍自己的文物展示理念——使文物活起来;
47:59 钢琴演奏家吴牧野与雷佳合作 动情演绎《国家宝藏》插曲联唱;
53:32 云南省博物馆入选文物:聂耳小提琴;
56:00 台湾收藏家颜铮浩之子讲述父亲捐宝义举;
01:01:20 山东博物馆入选文物:银雀山《孙子兵法》《孙膑兵法》汉简;
01:04:42 潘鲁生——民间国宝也需要保护与传承;
01:08:11 黄圣依化身特展讲解员 看她在《国宝之夜》会pick哪件国宝;
01:18:06 甘肃省博物馆入选文物:铜奔马;
01:20:48 四十二年恪守己任 老馆长初世宾退休后仍为“丝绸之路”奔波;
01:25:50 山西博物院入选文物:侯马金代董氏墓戏俑;
01:29:47 王晓鹰透过戏俑感悟古戏台的文化魅力;
01:34:31 吴彤与国宝再续前缘 一曲《抱月入怀》唱尽壮志难酬;
01:39:24 故宫博物院入选文物:样式雷建筑烫样;
01:42:54 “人间国宝”耿宝昌——中国陶瓷鉴定第一人;
01:49:44 全国十七大博物馆馆长深刻解答“我们为什么是今天的我们”。
Fieldsports Britain - Hunting in China
China: It's where pheasants come from - but it's where hunting sports and guns are banned. That's not what we found. Posing as tourists and using undercover cameras:
+ We join a bunch of local lads to go roughshooting in the mountains
+ We visit a paradise island where millionaires go to relax and shoot rabbits and deer
+ We catch crucian carp in city centre lakes
+ We go to the factories where they make most of your shooting and fishing kit
+ We go berry picking with a girl called Sunshine Sun
+ And we eat everything - meat, feet, guts and backbones
Come and meet the new hunting, shooting and fishing set in China. They are a lot like us.
For more on deer and rabbit shooting at Golden Sand Bay Resort on Danshanmen Island, read this story in the Daily Telegraph
For more on hunting at the Oriental International Hunting Park in the northern province of Shanxi visit
We arranged our pheasant shooting outing privately.
For more about decoy production in China, visit
For high-res still pictures of the hunting 'paradise island', go to
For high-res still pictures of shooting pheasants in the hills, go to
Here are the links for Hunting YouTube:
Israel Feiler
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To find out how to join the Fieldsports Nation, visit or to sign up and pledge, go to
We’re proud to promote enjoyment of fieldsports and the countryside. There are three guiding principles to everything we do on Fieldsports Channel:
▶ Shoot responsibly
▶ Respect the quarry
▶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill
Take part in nature. Join the Fieldsports Nation
Risk warning: investments of this nature carry risks to your capital as well as potential rewards. Approved as a financial promotion by Envestors Limited. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 07236828.)
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《国家宝藏》第二季 佟丽娅上演古墓版“芭比娃娃”再现最美大唐风华 92岁“姜子牙”蓝天野演绎传奇英雄 20190113 | CCTV综艺
05:29 绢衣彩绘木俑 国宝守护人:佟丽娅;
09:03 佟丽娅上演古墓版“芭比娃娃” 再现最美大唐风华;
19:36 唯一一批穿衣俑 孝道文化温暖人心;
21:04 佟丽娅自夸身材好 是个美人!
21:50 楚艳:知来处,明去处;
23:35 惊奇!古代植物染料不仅防虫抗菌还尽显审美意象;
28:37 古代服饰艺术再现 带你穿越大唐;
36:21 伏羲女娲图 国宝守护人:尼格买提;
40:02 小尼化身神秘“守墓人” 揭秘华夏儿女基因密码;
49:20 伏羲女娲图:研究中西文化艺术的神秘钥匙;
50:19 国立老师主持太辛苦 小尼暖心送香馕;
51:34 小尼化身艺术鉴赏专家 奔波半生终找归属;
54:36 于军:天地之大德曰生;
55:59 古人已开始研究基因技术?伏羲女娲图居然暗藏DNA密码;
01:00:21 技术是把双刃剑 遵守“规矩”才能造福人类;
01:04:16 “五星出东方利中国”锦护膊 国宝守护人:蓝天野;
01:08:47 蓝天野92岁高龄再挂帅 传奇英雄誓死守护西汉;
01:22:45 赵丰:生自蚕茧 成于机杼;
01:24:17 五星锦:丝织品“鄙视链”最顶端产品;
01:26:51 了不起!汉代“计算机”操作织造五星锦。
cool fountain in china
sick lights Food Sample Co., Ltd.
Brief introduction about China suppliers and China products from
This video contains the information of the company that exsists on a B2B platform which provides China products and service for worldwide clients.
Established in 2003, Maruso Food Sample Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of food replicas in China. Our factory, with an area of 600 square meters, is located in the industrial park in Guangzhou. Our company has many great talents in different departments for production and international trade, and even has Mr. Fujimoto who has more than 30 years´ experience of food replica in Japan. Our company carries out scientific management and adheres to the principle of team work to keep progressing and supply the best services for our customers with our better products.
With the improvement of living standard, the food replica has been developed recently in China. The intercourse among people in the world is becoming closer. The food culture of each country is improved during information exchange. So people need the food replica to express the reality food to their foreign friends. In order to meet the market needs, we supply different kinds of food replicas to the users who need it.
The food replica is classified as follows:
1) Chinese food
2) Western food
3) Japanese food
4) Korea food
5) Leisure food
6) Decoration of miniature food replica
We do our best to manufacture food replica based on the potential market. At the same time, we supply small size decoration of food replica for customers. They are beautiful, such as assorted kinds of key chains and some mini products with magnet and you can put them on the surface of your refrigerator. You just spend a little money and they can bring you a lot of fun.
With the development of our business, we have more and more customers at home and abroad. Our markets include Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Xinjiang at home, and at abroad, we export our products to America, England, Australia and Indonesia. Our company is on behalf of some famous hotels and restaurants to make the same food replica as their reality one for display in the exhibition.
Food replica functions:
1) It can replace reality food for display use, because the color of the reality food will change within 60 seconds after being finished cooking, but the food replica can last for long time
2) It can help you to save money and avoid wasting foods
3) Food replica just like a menu. It can compete with the real one. It can increase customer´s appetite when you look at it
4) It can be used for promotion. If you want to introduce some special food to your customers, you can use it
5) Nowadays, more and more foreigners visit your city. They don´t understand the local foods. If you use food replica, the foreign friends will understand it at once and shorten the time of doing their ordering
6) The food replica can be used for long time if you don´t put it under the sunshine directly and avoid from dust. However, if you use the food replica for a long time and there is dust on the surface, you just use water to wash it. The food replica, made of advanced PVC, is a kind of environmental product. We can make the same replica food as reality one by serial advanced technology. Customers can use the food replica to replace their reality one in hotel, restaurant, exhibition, hospital, and school
When you purchase our product and the procedures are as follows:
1) Select the model number you wanted in our catalog or in website. We accept OEM orders as well. You just send us the photo by E-mail or MSN. You must afford us the practicality and vessel if we can not find the same in China
2) Sign the contract and T/T payment to us after we quote the price to you and your confirmation
3) We will deliver the goods to you within 12 working days after receiving your payment
If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us for more information. With mutual benefits, we are looking forward to cooperating with agents required in domestic and foreign countries and perfect our services for customers all over the world.
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OSRAM and The Westin Excelsior Rome celebrated 110 year anniversary together
OSRAM and The Westin Excelsior Rome celebrated 110 year anniversary together
China | Wikipedia audio article | Wikipedia audio article
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China | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a country in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion. Covering approximately 9,600,000 square kilometers (3,700,000 sq mi), it is the third- or fourth-largest country by total area, depending on the source consulted. Governed by the Communist Party of China, the state exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
China emerged as one of the world's earliest civilizations, in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies, or dynasties, beginning with the semi-legendary Xia dynasty in 21st century BCE. Since then, China has expanded, fractured, and re-unified numerous times. In the 3rd century BCE, the Qin unified core China and established the first Chinese empire. The succeeding Han dynasty, which ruled from 206 BC until 220 AD, saw some of the most advanced technology at that time, including papermaking and the compass, along with agricultural and medical improvements. The invention of gunpowder and movable type in the Tang dynasty (618–907) and Northern Song (960–1127) completed the Four Great Inventions. Tang culture spread widely in Asia, as the new maritime Silk Route brought traders to as far as Mesopotamia and Horn of Africa. Dynastic rule ended in 1912 with the Xinhai Revolution, when a republic replaced the Qing dynasty. The Chinese Civil War resulted in a division of territory in 1949, when the Communist Party of China established the People's Republic of China, a unitary one-party sovereign state on Mainland China, while the Kuomintang-led government retreated to the island of Taiwan. The political status of Taiwan remains disputed.
Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China's economy has been one of the world's fastest-growing with annual growth rates consistently above 6 percent. As of 2016, it is the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP and largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). China is also the world's largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world's largest standing army and second-largest defense budget. The PRC is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council as it replaced the ROC in 1971, as well as an active global partner of ASEAN Plus mechanism. China is also a leading member of numerous formal and informal multilateral organizations, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), WTO, APEC, BRICS, the BCIM, and the G20. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower.