Travel vlog: Prespa - Big Citadel (Golem Grad)
The only island in the Republic of Macedonia - (Golem Grad - Big City) is located in the southwestern part of the lake Prespa, at distance of 2 km from the coast. The village is Konjsko the nearest settlement at a distance of 5 km northwest of the island. Remains of two early Christian chrches (4th- 5th century) have been discovered. According to tradition, there were 7 churches on the island (St. Petar, St. Dimitrija, St. Atanas, St. George and St. Ilya )
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Prespa lake Republic of Macedonia
Flying over Prespa Lakes
Flying over Prespa Lakes .
Lake Prespa, Makedonia
Преспанско езеро, Македония
Lake Prespa, Makedonia
Prespa Lake - Visit Albania
Liqeni i Prespës
Prespa is the name of two freshwater lakes in southeast Europe, shared by Albania, Greece, and the Republic of Macedonia.
The Great Prespa Lake (Albanian: Liqeni i Prespës, Greek:Megáli Préspa, Macedonian: Prespansko Ezero) is divided between Albania, Greece and Macedonia.
The area contains three National Parks located in Albania (Prespa National Park), Greece, and the Republic of Macedonia respectively.
Discover Prespa
The famous and beautiful Prespa region in the south of the Republic of Macedonia
Bear in the lake of Prespa
Mount Pelister, Kranje, Prespa, Macedonia
Kranje mountaineers conquering Mount Pelister, August, 2009
We verlaten Stenje en gaan naar Konjsko 7 km.hobbel grindweg met Lale Tours Macedonië
Преспанско езеро-Mala Prespa, St. Ahil
Follow: Turist Isimedia
ВИДЕО /VIDEO Mala Prespa, Greece
Photography: Marvin
Edit: MarvinNewCinema 2018
Music / Музика:
Prespa, Greece
Преспа е средновековен град, разположен в едноименната област в Югозападна Македония. Той е резиденция и лобно място на българския цар Самуил, а според някои историци е столица на Първата българска държава и седалище на българската патриаршия в последните десетилетия на 10-ти век. Островът Св. Ахил е разположен в Малото Преспанско езеро и е свързан с брега с понтонен мост. Тук са развалините на средновековния български град Преспа с базиликата „Свети Ахил“, в която в 1965 година Николаос Муцопулос открива погребението на цар Самуил.
Photography: Marvin
Edit: MarvinNewCinema 2018
Music / Музика:
Prespa, Greece
Restoring Lake Prespa
Restoring the Ecosystem of Lake Prespa is the latest project to support the sustainable development of this vulnerable region. It is implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Municipality of Resen and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, with funding provided by the Swiss Development Cooperation. It is expected that this project will bring many benefits in the next six years for the local people and environment. And by reducing the pressures on the ecosystem, it will significantly improve the health and resilience of the lake.
Prespa vlog part 2
This is the second part of my journey in Prespa
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Macedonia: Brajcino, Ljubojno, Pelister
[PL] Na południu Macedonii, nad jeziorem Prespa, blisko granicy z Grecją i Albanią, rozciąga się pasmo gór Baba oraz znajdujący się na ich terenie Park Narodowy Pelister. U podnóża masywu znaleźć można dwie urokliwe miejscowości: Brajcino i Ljubojno. Zabieramy Was na trekking oraz widokowy przelot nad górskimi wioskami.
MUSIC: Himitsu feat Madi Larson - Astray
Pelican Island, Lake Prespa
We went on a trip with Lale tours to Pelica Island, Lake Prespa
Between Lake Prespa and Lake Ohrid Macedonia
Prespa Lake
Prespa lake in Macedonia, untouched beauty of nature. See for yourself and enjoy.