Gonio fortress Apsaros / გონიოს ციხე / Крепостъ Гонио / - 4K aerial video footage - DJI Inspire 1
Gonio fortress (Georgian: გონიოს ციხე, previously called Apsaros, or Apsaruntos), is a Roman fortification in Adjara, Georgia, on the Black sea, 15 km south of Batumi, at the mouth of the Chorokhi river. The village sits 4 km north of the Turkish border.
The oldest reference to the fortress is by Pliny the Elder[1] in the Natural History (1st century AD). There is also a reference to the ancient name of the site in Appian’s Mithridatic Wars[2] (2nd century AD). In the 2nd century AD it was a well-fortified Roman city within Colchis. The town was also known for its theatre and hippodrome. It later came under Byzantine influence. The name Gonio is first attested in Michael Panaretos in the 14th century. In addition, there was a short-lived Genoese trade factory at the site. In 1547 Gonio was taken by the Ottomans, who held it until 1878, when, via the San-Stefano Treaty, Adjara became part of the Russian empire.
The grave of Saint Matthias, one of the twelve apostles, is believed to be inside the Gonio fortress. However, this is unverifiable as the Georgian government currently prohibits digging near the supposed gravesite. Other archaeological excavations are however taking place on the grounds of the fortress, focusing on Roman layers.
Gonio is currently experiencing a tourism boom. Most tourists come from Tbilisi in the summer months to enjoy beaches that are generally regarded as cleaner than Batumi's beaches (located 15 km to the north).
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Gonio Fortress. Крепость Гонио.
Gonio fortress (Georgian: გონიოს ციხე, previously called Apsaros, or Apsaruntos), is a Roman fortification in Adjara, Georgia, on the Black Sea, 15 km south of Batumi, at the mouth of the Chorokhi river. The village sits 4 km north of the Turkish border.
The oldest reference to the fortress is by Pliny the Elder[1] in the Natural History (1st century AD). There is also a reference to the ancient name of the site in Appian’s Mithridatic Wars[2] (2nd century AD). In the 2nd century AD it was a well-fortified Roman city within Colchis. The town was also known for its theatre and hippodrome. It later came under Byzantine influence. The name Gonio is first attested in Michael Panaretos in the 14th century. In addition, there was a short-lived Genoese trade factory at the site. In 1547 Gonio was taken by the Ottomans, who held it until 1878, when, via the San-Stefano Treaty, Adjara became part of the Russian empire. In the fall of 1647, according to Evliya Çelebi, Gonio was captured by a Cossack navy of 70 chaikas, but quickly recovered by Ghazi Sidi Ahmed, ruler of the Tortum sanjak, with a force of 1,000 Turks and 3,000 Mingrelians
Gruzja - Forteca Gonio - Apsaros - Gonio Fortress - გონიოს ციხე - Georgia - Adjara
Gruzja - Forteca Gonio-Apsaros - Gonio Fortress - გონიოს ციხე - Georgia - Adjara
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Gonio fortress , is a Roman fortification in Adjara, Georgia, on the Black Sea, 15 km south of Batumi, at the mouth of the Chorokhi river.The village sits 4 km north of the Turkish border.The oldest reference to the fortress is by Pliny the Elder in the Natural History .There is also a reference to the ancient name of the site in Appian’s Mithridatic Wars .
About the author(s): NordNordWest
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Author(s): NordNordWest (
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Гонио-Апсаросская крепость, Батуми, Грузия || Gonio Fortress, Batumi
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Gonio Apsaros, Georgia
Archaeologists from the University of Warsaw working at Gonio Apsaros have discovered many artefacts related to everyday life in the Roman camp dating back to the turn of the 1st and 2nd centuries. We helped them to document the area of the fort using a laser scanner as well as photos from the drone. Here are the first results.
Patrolling the parapet of Gonio fortress
This is why I love Georgia -- no hand rails!
Новостройки Батуми с высоты птичьего полета (Гонио): Mgzavrebi Seaside Gonio
5-и звездочный отель GONIO MGZAVREBI SEASIDЕ - расположен в первой линии моря! В месте с завораживающим видом на море и горы.
Владельцы апартаментов и туристы, также смогут насладиться первоклассным сервисом и широко развитой инфраструктурой , соответствующей стандартам 5-и звездочного отеля!
Отель “Gonio Seaside” состоит из 4-х корпусов, из которых 4 корпуса активно функционируют и принимают гостей, а сдача 5-го запланирована на май 2021 года.
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