Gopeng Museum ◆ Gopeng Heritage House ◆ Kinta Tin Mining Museum
《 Visit Perak 》
务 边 文 物 馆 ◆ 怀 古 楼 ◆ 金 宝 近 打 锡 矿 工 业
Gopeng Heritage House Gopeng Perak Malaysia
The moment one steps inside the Heritage House Muzium Gopeng, a visitor would be able to recapture the simple yet dazzling lives of the people of Gopeng some 125 years ago through the numerous antiquities, antiques, old furniture and calligraphy paintings on display.
Address: Jalan Sungai Itik, 31600 Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia
Phone: +60 12-598 7857
Saturday 9AM–3PM
Sunday 9AM–3PM
Muzium Gopeng Heritage House, Perak.
A self-funded private muzium that showcases how the simple yet dazzling lives of the people of Gopeng some 125 years ago. Don't forget to contribute a couple of $$$ as a thank you to them.
HOT! Quickie in Miri! - VLOG 17
Tourism Project around the Asia-Pacific/亚太周围旅游计划
Website/网址(Malaysia & Singapore/马来西亚与新加坡):
Attractions in Gopeng/务边景点:
i.Gopeng Museum/务边文物馆
ii.Gopeng Heritage House/务边文物馆之怀古楼
iii.Koo Fung Bistro(Koo Fung Trading)/务边之家(高峰贸易)
iv.Hup Teck Soy Sauce Factory/合德酱园
v.HOGA Gaharu Tea Valley/务边沉香山茶园
vi.Tempurung Cave/椰壳洞
游走大马 - 务边文物馆
更多内容请浏览 :
務邊懷古樓語音導覽 4 鴉片床 Gopeng Heritage House audio guidance 4 Opium
Gopeng Heritage House 霹雳州务边 (Gopeng) 怀古楼
Gopeng Heritage House
No. 6, Jalan Sungai Itek, 31600 Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia.
Visiting Hours : 9.00am - 3.00pm ( Sat & Sunday only )
TV2 - Muzium Gopeng
Muzium Gopeng Introduction on TV2
World of Wonders - Heritage House Museum Gopeng Perak
Gaharu TeaValley Gopeng Perak Malaysia
The Gaharu Tea Valley is an agro-tourism tea plantation in Gopeng, Kampar District, Perak, Malaysia.
Address: Jln Sungai Itek, 31600 Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia
Phone: +60 5-351 1998
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
Gopeng Malaysia No Boundaries || 2K16 Y10
This film is dedicated to Kenzuo Tang, who sadly could not make it due to an unfortunate, well...... I don't know, he got sick, okay!
This was, by far, the best camp I've ever gone to and with the best people, ever! I'm so happy I got to make this film and that I can now declutter my camera.
Luckily, I had put all the videos together, and not delete them all like before. If I had the chance, I would do it all again and I wouldn't change a thing. Although, please excuse my embarrassing laugh.........
【盡情漫遊歷史古鎮 - 霹靂霧邊(Gopeng)一日遊攻略
【盡情漫遊歷史古鎮 - 霹靂霧邊(Gopeng)一日遊攻略
【盡情漫遊歷史古鎮 - 霹靂霧邊(Gopeng)一日遊攻略簡介:位於霹靂,霧邊(Gopeng)是一座自然與人文並肩的漂亮小鎮;從KL 或檳城驅車前往都只需大約2小時。霧邊雖然經過了歷史的洗滌和歲月的變遷,但依舊保留著最原始的模樣,務必讓你重拾歷史的記憶;而近年來隨著旅遊業的日益發展,當地人在保留其原有的面貌之餘也注入了新的旅遊賣點,儼然是繁華與淳樸碰撞的火花!在週末來場說走就走的家庭一日遊吧!一日遊行程:拉灣古打豬腸粉 志雲茶室瀨粉 椰殼洞 務邊懷古咖啡館 務邊懷古樓 務邊文物館 沉香山茶園 喜萬年海鮮灑樓 回家旅行手冊願做你旅程中的燈塔,一路照亮你前行在您的News Feed Prefere...
Perakview - Gopeng Boat Adv - 16 Jan 2010
霹雳游 - 务边2010年1月16日,务边度假村 ( 激流泛舟刺激十足 )。
Kinta Tin Mining Museum Kampar, Perak Malaysia
TITAS UTP SEPT 2018 Sejarah Bandar di Perak (GOPENG)
Segala yang menarik tentang Gopeng di dalam video 14 minit!
Terima kasih kepada Dr. Muhammad Pisol kerana memberi kami ruang dan peluang untuk meneroka keindahan Perak dan sekitarnya.