Footage from King Midas' Tomb at Gordion, Turkey 1951 and 1957
This footage was shot during two excavation seasons at Gordion, Turkey in 1951 and 1957. The Midas Mound was opened in 1957 by an archaeological team headed by Rodney Young who appears at the beginning of the film and makes a brief appearance as he pieces together decorative wall moldings. The footage from 1951 shows men from a local village building a mud brick house at the site. The workers used mules to haul away debris during excavation. Also captured on film are the first images of the opening of the Tomb of King Midas. Footage includes shots of King Midas skeleton, cauldrons, belts, safety pins, and metal bowls strewn about the grave.
The footage from 1957 was shot by Samuel B. Eckert (1884-1973), who served as a member of the Board of Managers of The University Museum from 1943-1973.
Gordion Belgeseli
Gordion Belgeseli
İç Anadolu'nun en önemli antik kentlerinden birisi olan Gordion, Ankara'nın 96 km. güneybatısında, Polatlı'nın 21 km. batısında Yassıhöyük köyündedir. Gordion'un ilk olarak M.Ö. 3000 yılının sonlarında (Eski Tunç Çağı) iskân edildiği bilinmektedir. Antik kentin bu çağdan başlayarak Hititler, Phyrigialılar, Persler, Yunanlar ve Romalılara ait olmak üzere çeşitli yerleşme tabakalarına sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Efsaneye göre Gordion'u M.Ö. 9. yüzyılda başkent yapan kişi Phyrigia Kralı Gordios'tur. Gordion en parlak devrini Kral Midas'ın yönetimi altında geçirmiştir. M.Ö. 695 yılında kent, Kimmerler tarafından yakılıp yıkılarak tahrip edilmiştir. Daha sonra Lydialıların egemenliği altına giren kent, ticari ve askeri bir merkez olarak yeniden inşa edilmiştir. M.Ö. 546 yılında Perslerin, M.Ö. 333 yılında Büyük İskender'in ve M.Ö. 278 yılında Galatların yönetimine giren kent, M.Ö. 189 yılında Roma ordusu tarafından tamamen terk edilmiş olarak bulunmuştur. Gordion, Roma egemenliği altında önemini kaybederek küçük bir yerleşim haline gelmiştir. Yassıhöyük köyünün doğusundaki geniş vadide tümülüsler dağınık bir şekilde bulunmaktadır. Bunlar üstleri yığma toprak tepeciklerle örtülmüş ve ağaçtan yapılmış mezarlardır. Toplam sayısı 80'in üstündedir. Gordion'daki tümülüslerin en büyüğü Kral Midas'a ait olduğu düşünülen büyük tümülüstür. Bu mezar yaklaşık 300 m'lik çapı ve 53 m'lik yüksekliği ile Anadolu'daki ikinci büyük tümülüstür. Mezar odasında bir erkek iskeleti, 9 adet tahta masa ile iki adet tahta paravan, 3 büyük kazan, çeşitli büyüklükte 166 adet bronz kap ve iskeletin baş ucunda 145 adet fibula bulunmuştur. Gordion'daki diğer tümülüslerden en önemlisi P tümülüsü olarak adlandırılan ve M.Ö. 700 yıllarında yapıldığı sanılan yığma mezardır. Yaklaşık 80 m. çapı ve 12 m. yüksekliği olan bu tümülüsün mezar odasının içinde bulunan bir çocuk iskeleti ile ağaçtan yapılmış aslan, at ve geyik gibi oyuncaklar bu tümülüsün bir çocuk mezarı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu tümülüste ayrıca 40 adet seramik kap bulunmuştur. Gordion'da yapılan kazılarda bulunan eserlerin büyük çoğunluğu Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi ile Gordion Müzesi'nde korunmaktadır.
Past, Present and Future of the Landscape in the Land of King Midas: Gordion, Turkey
Past, Present and Future of the Landscape in the Land of King Midas: Gordion, Turkey
March 4, 2009
7:00 pm, Breasted Hall
Naomi Miller, University of Pennsylvania Museum MASCA-Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology, and the 2009 Oriental Institute Braidwood Visiting Scholar
Gordion was the capital of ancient Phrygia and reputed home of King Midas (c. 700 B.C.). Its monuments include the Midas Mound (Tumulus MM), over a hundred smaller burial mounds, and the ancient city of Gordion itself. Studies of the modern forest and steppe vegetation suggest how ancient people may have used different areas within the landscape. Plant remains recovered from the settlement document changes in vegetation and land use from about 1200 BC to 1000 AD. Inspired by our glimpses of formerly healthy steppe vegetations, the Gordion Project is using plants as an aid for historical preservation and interpretation.
Our lectures are free and available to the public thanks to the generous support of our members. To become a member, please visit:
Gordion Documentary Film
Gordion Documentary Film
The capital city of the Phrygian empire, the remains of the renowned city of Gordion are near the Ankara-Eskisehir highway at the confluence of the Sakarya and Porsuk rivers, 21 km northwest of Polatli, and 90 km from Ankara, in the village of Yassihoyuk.
The history of Gordion goes back to 3000 BC (Early Bronze Age). It was an important settlement during the Assyrian and Hittite periods (1950 BC - 1180 BC) and, of course, the Phrygian era (900 BC - 620 BC), during which it was the capital city. It was named after King Gordios, the king who made it the capital. The famous knot made by King Gordios was cut in two by Alexander the Great in 333 BC, when he wintered in Gordion.
The period of Alexander the Great (300 BC -100 BC) began in Gordion with his conquest. Following that, the area came under the control of the Romans (1st century BC to 4th century AD) and then the Selcuks (11th - 13th century AD). All of this occurred in the short space of 4000 years.
Established near a small village with a population of 500, known as Yassıhöyük, in 1963. Today there is a chronological exhibition in Gordion Museum and every period is represented with characteristic examples. In three exhibition vitrines there are works of the the Early Bronze Age and these are followed by artefacts of the Early Phrygian Period, which ended with King Midas. The objects that are exhibited include: handmade pots and pans belonging to the Early Iron Age, iron equipment belonging to the Early Phyrigian Period, and equipment of textile production. In the new exhibition gallery, a typical structure of layers of ruins dated 700 B.C. within a panoramic window. Greek ceramics imported in the ages 6 B.C.-4 A.C. and materials belonging to the Hellenistic Age and Roman periods are exhibited in the other parts of the new gallery. The visitors are able to see the examples of seals and coins that were found in Gordian in the last section.
Multi Turkey, Gordion SC - Nükhet Duru at Gordion
23 Apr 2018 Gordion, Turkey Excavation 3 Unedited Video
Mavic Pro video of Gordion, Turkey excavation site 2 km from King Midas' Tomb and Gordion Museum.
23 Apr 2018 Gordion, Turkey Excavation 1 Unedited Video
Mavic Pro video of Gordion, Turkey excavation site 2 km from King Midas' Tomb and Gordion Museum.
23 Apr 2018 Gordion, Turkey Excavation 2 Unedited Video
Mavic Pro video of Gordion, Turkey excavation site 2 km from King Midas' Tomb and Gordion Museum.
TURKEY - Gordion Archaelogical Site & PHRYGIA and KING MIDAS
Location: West-central Anatolia, in what is now Turkey
Gordion: The Political center of the Phrygian ancient nation from the mid-9th century BC.
The most famous Phrygian king: Midas also known as King Mita in Assyrian records.
There are famous myths Gordion and Midas:
Myth 1: Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordion Knot and became the ruler of Asia.
Myth 2: King Midas’ “Golden Touch”.
Myth 3: King Midas and his Donkey ears.
Archaeological excavations at the site began in 1900s.
The major periods of the Gordion Ancient site:
1. Bronze Age (Hittite)
2. Iron Age (Phrygian)
3. Phrygian/Persian
4. Hellenistic (Phrygian/Greek/Galatian)
5. Roman
5. Medieval
6. Ottoman
7. The Modern era (The Republic of Turkey in 1920s)
Let’s visit first the Gordion Museum and then the Tumulus MM (Midas Mound) in the Ancient Historic area:
Tumulus Midas is the largest ancient burial mound in the area. It was built to cover the tomb of a Phrygian king Midas, most probably the King Midas father; Gordias.
Note: African Drums (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Gordion Mudbrick Making (Turkish Version)
Footage from 2009 conservation field season at Gordion, Turkey for use toward temporary wall shoring project (Footage by Elvan Cobb)
Gordion (1957)
In 1950, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology began excavations at the ancient Phrygian capital of Gordion in central Turkey. The Museum's Gordion Project continues into the new century, with researchers from many disciplines and with many specializations contributing to a growing-and sometimes changing-body of information and understanding about this complex and multifaceted site, inhabited by peoples and diverse civilizations for millennia. In its seventh season, in 1957, the early Gordion expedition team, led by Dr. Rodney Young, made one of the most spectacular archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. In the largest burial mound at the site, they located what eventually came to be identified as the tomb of Gordion's most famous son, King Midas.
VAN Usta Avcı Hüseyin ON
Retay Gordion Av Tüfeğinin test atışını yaptım.
VAN iline getirilen ilk RETAY GORDİON av tüfeğini SUDE AV BAYİİ Selehattin Bey den aldım,denedim. RETAY ve SUDE Av bayine teşekkür ederim. İlk izlenimlerimi videodada paylaştım genel anlamda HARİKA BİR TÜFEK.
Videonun telif hakkı saklıdır.kopyalanmaması rica olunur.
Turkish Museums Tour and King Midas Tomb (With Facts/Figures)
If you love world history and enjoy seeing artifacts that are thousands of years old, you're going to enjoy this video. We visited three museums in Turkey-the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara, the Gordion Museum in the ancient city of Gordion, and the Pergamon (Bergama) Museum in Pergamon. I literally filmed hundreds of objects, some thousands of years old. Besides the museums, we visited the underground tomb of the legendary King Midas, which was located across the street from the Gordion Museum.
(0:00) Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
(6:13) King Midas Tomb
(7:58) Gordion Museum
(10:30) Pergamon (Bergama) Museum
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Vegetative Roof Capping at Gordion
Dr. Naomi Miller describes the process of soft vegetative roof capping at Gordion in Turkey. In the summer of 2014, she weeded over 3,000 seedlings in an area of about 55 square meters.
2011 Episode 28 Turkey: St Johns Hattusa Ankara Gordion Eskisehir
A visit to ancient cities in Turkey
Brian Rose | Troy and Gordion: The Historiography of Excavation at Two Legendary Sites in Anatolia
Presented by Brian Rose, University of Pennsylvania
Brian Rose has had the good fortune to direct or co-direct excavations at two legendary sites in Turkey- Troy and Gordion. The fieldwork that he conducted over the course of the last 25 years has continually required him to assess the most effective strategies for presenting the findings to the public and scholarly community. In this talk, Brian Rose attempts to place his own work at these sites in historiographic perspective, highlighting the positive and negative aspects of the projects, with a focus on the extent to which regional, national, and global developments have shaped our research agendas. Brian also reflects on the discipline of archaeology in Turkey and the Near East.
Our lectures are free and available to the public thanks to the generous support of our members. To become a member, please visit:
TURKEY - Midas City
LOCATION: in the Yazılıkaya village, near Eskisehir.
The Yazılıkaya village is about 60 miles (97 km) west of the Gordion Archeological site.
During excavations, it has been found some historical artifacts on the beautiful natural setting.
Main one is the “MIDAS MONUMENT”
There are carved rock inscriptions in the Phrygian alphabet above the rock cut façade monument.
According to the Archeologists;
- The rock inscription on the upper left-hand side of the monument is mentioning “Mida or Mita”.
- This ancient site was probably religion center of the Phrygians.
- During the ceremonies, a statue of Cybele could be placed in the niche of the façade monument.
African Drums (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
터키. 폴라틀르. 미다스. 고르디온. Turkey. Polatli. Midas. Gordion
터키. 폴라틀르. 미다스. midas. gordion.- polatli, turkey. 고대국가 프리기아 유적지와 미다스왕 무덤. 2천년된 무덤속의 나무가 그대로 있다.
폴라틀르 오토가르에서 미다스 유적지까지 대중교통이 없다. 택시를 이용해야 한다.
택시 운전자분의 할아버지가 한국전쟁에 참전했는데, 아주 추웠다고 어릴때부터 들었다고 했다.
Revealing the City of King Midas: Archaeology and Conservation at Gordion
Located about 100 kilometers southwest of Ankara, Turkey, Gordion was continually inhabited for nearly 4,000 years and is one of the most important archaeological sites in the Near East. In this talk, Dr. C. Brian Rose, Ferry Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, and Frank Matero, Professor of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, present an overview of the most recent archaeological and conservation fieldwork under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania—including new discoveries with the monumental Midas Mound and a new circuit of fortifications revealed by remote sensing. The talk highlights the benefits of a conjoined archaeological and conservation research program working together to reveal, interpret, and present this remarkable site.
20140911 TURKEY Midas Mound, Gordion 135053