Albanian Orthodox Christians - Cross-Throwing Tradition with Muslims - Gorica Bridge (Berat)
Albanian Tourist has proudly filmed the Albanian Orthodox Christian Cross-Throwing tradition in Berat, Albania. An Orthodox cross is tossed into a river and Albanian Orthodox Christians and Albanian Muslims celebrate the catching of the cross together.
Albanian Tourist (
Albania. Berat in 4K
Riprese con Sony FDR AX33 4K-Editing con Pinnacle 19, di Berat in Albania.
Luoghi Visitati.
ex Palazzo del Pascia. Moschea degli Scapoli. Chiesa di San Tommaso. Chiesa di San Michele. Gorica Bridge (Ponte a Berat). Castello di Berat. Museo. Chiesa della Santissima Trinità. Panoramica di Berat.
Ringrazio della Visualizzazione.
Berat, Abania (UNESCO World Heritage)
Visit Albania
Video:Wander Albania
Berat - 2400 year old museum
This 2,413 years-old city, the pride of Albanian architecture which is under the protection of UNESCO, is located 120 km from Tirana. The city forms a wonderful combination of eastern and western cultures, costumes, traditions and outlook. Berat is a treasure-trove of Albanian history, culture and a testament to the country’s tradition of religious harmony.
The city’s life began in the 6th-5th century B.C. as an Illyrian settlement. Later, in the 3rd century B.C., it was turned into a castle city known as Antipatrea. The castle expanded afterwards, particularly during the feudal dominion of the Muzakaj family. Inside the castle, they built churches with valuable frescos and icons, and also a calligraphy school. Uniquely today, residents still live inside of the castle walls. The three major neighborhoods of the old city are Mangalemi, Gorica, and Kala, where the castle itself is located.
In Mangalemi, below the castle, you can see the famous view of the façades of the houses, with windows that seem to stand above each other. In general, a traditional house has two floors, where the second is prominent and has many cambered windows and wood carvings. With its houses built along the steep hill, the view of Mangalemi is the reason that another name for Berat is the City of the Floating Windows.
Across the Osum River lies the Gorica neighborhood, whose houses face those of Mangalemi. The arched bridge of Gorica, built in 1780, is a beautiful architectural monument constructed to link Gorica with Mangelemi.
The ensemble of the Byzantine churches in the castle of Berat is extraordinary. At the foot of the castle, there is the Byzantine Church of Shën Mëhilli, while the 13th century Church of Shën Maria e Vllahernës, the Church of Shën Triadha (The Holy Trinity), and the post-Byzantine monumental Cathedral of Shën Maria are located within the castle.
The Cathedral of Shën Mëria houses a museum of works by the famous iconographers of the 16th century: Onufri, and his son, Nikolla. There are over 100 icons on display and they also include works of other artists such as Joan Çetiri, Onufër Qiprioti, and many anonymous painters.
You also can visit the Monastery of Shën Spiridhoni in Gorica. In 1417, the Ottomans occupied Berat and this conquest left its mark with the building of monuments to the Islamic faith, such as the Xhamia e Kuqe (Red Mosque) inside the castle, the Xhamia e Plumbit (1555), Xhamia Mbret (16th century), and the Xhamia e Beqarëve (1872). Other sites worth visiting are the Ethnographic Museum, situated inside an 18th century çardak building, and the Edward Lear Gallery of Art, a well-known English painter who painted much of Berat and Albania. In addition Berat is known for its traditional dishes. It is worth tasting specialties such as pula me përshesh and çorba e Tomorrit in the local restaurants.
A1 Report - Berat, lagjia Gorica pushtohet' nga mbeturinat, banoret: S'kemi vendgrumbullim
BERAT - Gorica, lagjia muze në qytetin e një mbi një dritareve në Berat duket se nuk është ende gati të presë turistët, ndonëse pak javë në ndajnë nga çelja e sezonit turistik. Lagjia Goricë është pushtuar nga mbetjet urbane, të cilat t'i zë syri në çdo rrugë dhe cep trotuaresh. Mbetjet hidhen pa kriter nga banorët e zonës, ndërsa grumbujt e plehrave duken në çdo vend të lagjes muzeale.
Banorët thonë se kjo situatë vjen si pasojë e mungesës së një kontejneri për mbetjet urbane
Një delegacion kinez i ardhur për zbatimin e një projekti në Shqipëri kanë shfrytëzuar mundësinë për të vizituar qytetin e mbrojtur nga UNESCO. Ata thonë se Berati është një qytet i bukur, pavarësisht panoramën e mbetjeve që të ofron.
Berati është një prej zonave më të preferuara të turistëve, sidomos gjatë sezonit veror.
Pyllëzimi i lagjes muzeale Kala. Berat, deputeti i LSI-së mbjell 200 fidanë
Lagja muzeala muzeale Kala në Berat tashmë do të ofrojë një pamje të re pas fillimit të pyllëzimit saj. Kjo nismë e inicjuar nga nga deputeti i LSI-së Gledion Rehovica, ka gjetur mbështetjen e Institucionit të Prefektit të Qarkut dhe Postës Shqipëtare, të cilët janë bërë bashkë për të pyllëzuar kurorën e lagjes simbolike Kala`. Në këtë zonë të qytetit janë mbjellë 200 fidane ndërkohë sipas Rehovicës ky aksion do të zgjerohet dhe në zona të tjera. Kurora e gjelbër në lagjen muzeale `Kala` është djegur disa herë gjatë tre viteve të fundit, duke dhënë një impakt negativë të qytetit muze jo vetëm për banorët vendas, por edhe për turistët e huaj të cilët vizitojnë këtë qytet.
Good Friday orthodox Berat Albania
29 April 2016 near Gorica new bridge.
Albanien.Vlora Berat Gjirokastra 2010 349.MTS
Berati Albania
Berat, restaurim shëtitores. Projekti pritet të përfundojnë në 6 muaj
360° Gradë -Vidhet Kisha Në Lagjen Muzeale “Goricë” Në Berat
Berat - Gjirokastër (Unesco World Heritage) Albania
ALBANIA Go Your Own Way - Visit Albania
ALBANIA Go Your Own Way - Visit Albania
Berat,2400 year old museum
This 2,413 years-old city, the pride of Albanian architecture which is under the protection of UNESCO, is located 120 km from Tirana. The city forms a wonderful combination of eastern and western cultures, costumes, traditions and outlook. Berat is a treasure-trove of Albanian history, culture and a testament to the country’s tradition of religious harmony
The city’s life began in the 6th-5th century B.C. as an Illyrian settlement. Later, in the 3rd century B.C., it was turned into a castle city known as Antipatrea. The castle expanded afterwards, particularly during the feudal dominion of the Muzakaj family. Inside the castle, they built churches with valuable frescos and icons, and also a calligraphy school. Uniquely today, residents still live inside of the castle walls. The three major neighborhoods of the old city are Mangalemi, Gorica, and Kala, where the castle itself is located.
In Mangalemi, below the castle, you can see the famous view of the façades of the houses, with windows that seem to stand above each other. In general, a traditional house has two floors, where the second is prominent and has many cambered windows and wood carvings. With its houses built along the steep hill, the view of Mangalemi is the reason that another name for Berat is the City of the Floating Windows.
Across the Osum River lies the Gorica neighborhood, whose houses face those of Mangalemi. The arched bridge of Gorica, built in 1780, is a beautiful architectural monument constructed to link Gorica with Mangelemi.
The ensemble of the Byzantine churches in the castle of Berat is extraordinary. At the foot of the castle, there is the Byzantine Church of Shën Mëhilli, while the 13th century Church of Shën Maria e Vllahernës, the Church of Shën Triadha (The Holy Trinity), and the post-Byzantine monumental Cathedral of Shën Maria are located within the castle.
The Cathedral of Shën Mëria houses a museum of works by the famous iconographers of the 16th century: Onufri, and his son, Nikolla. There are over 100 icons on display and they also include works of other artists such as Joan Çetiri, Onufër Qiprioti, and many anonymous painters.You also can visit the Monastery of Shën Spiridhoni in Gorica.
GJIROKASTRA, The City of Stone
The city of Gjirokastra is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the most attractive tourist sites of the country. Perched on the eastern side of the Wide Mountain (Mali i Gjërë), the city began as a fourth century castle, which is today the greatest castle in the whole country. Inside the fortress is the Museum of Weapons, where weapons of different periods up until the Second World War are displayed. Gjirokastra is known as “The City of Stone”
The museum city of Gjirokastra was built on the eastern side of “Mali i Gjerë”. Since 2005, it has been in UNESCO World Heritage site.
The origin of the city starts with the castle of Gjirokastra, built in IV century AD. The city was named Argyrokastro, in 1336. In 1417, it was conquered by the Ottoman army. The city reached its peak over 1800-1830, when monumental assembly houses were built. The first neighborhoods are those of Bazaar and Hazmurate.
The main characteristic of Gjirokastra is the intensive use of stone in building the houses, which look like small fortresses, the streets of cobblestone, which all lead to Bazaar. You can also visit the Mosque of Bazaar here, built in 1557. Due to all these features, Gjirokastra is also known as the “The Stone City”.
The most important structure of the city is the castle, which is the biggest castle in Albania. Inside the castle, you can visit the Museum of Weapons, opened in 1971. Weapons from the prehistoric times up to the World War II are exhibited on here. The National Folk Festival has taken place in this castle during the years.
During your stay in Gjirokastra, you can visit the Ethnographic Museum, located in the house where the former communist dictator Enver Hoxha was born. This house (today a museum) is located in the Palorto quarter. You can also visit the house of Zekat family in Palorto, in a dominating position, which has undergone restoration. It is one of the most magnificent and characteristic buildings of Gjirokastra. Built in 1811-1812, it is a magnificent three-floor building and has two twin towers. A special feature of the house is the wooden carved ceilings and the characteristic guest room. From the wooden balcony in the third floor, you can enjoy an impressive view of Gjirokastra.
The town of Gjirokastra is also known for its culinary art; we can mention special dishes like pasha qofte, shapkat, oshaf with dried figs (a dessert with sheep`s milk, sugar and dried figs),etc.
Prodhimet “made in Albania”. Berat, 30 artizanë në festivalin multikulturor
Pllumbat e donit berat 2015
OA Berat - Herbatorium Hike
Members of the Berat OA group recently met to go on a hike behind the Gorica neighborhood to gather plants to create a Herbatorium.
Song: Gent & Jawns - Turn Up
Albanian AAC Project FINAL
Dioceses of Boston, New England and the Albanian Archdiocese.
LearnWithJulien - BERAT, ALBANIA
I spent the day with my great friend Dorjan who is from Berat and he was nice enough to give us so much information on his country and city. I am very thankful.
Watch my day in Berat:
Objektet e Kultit ne Berat
The beauty of Berat... :)
made by (Kl.Av)
Mexika Berat
Der gröste freak von Allen Kosovaren
Kosovo Prime: Albanians have Christian Blood, they are not from Anatolia