Markale (Gradska Trznica), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Markale (Gradska Trznica) is an indoor market in Sarajevo city, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is housed in an Austro-Hungarian hall.
Though Markale is compact, here you may find a variety of fresh meats, cheeses, and smoked meats in an comfortable air-conditioned setting.
Sarajevo Gradska trznica Markale
Gradska trznica u Sarajevu
Gradska tržnica u Sarajevu
Multistreaming with
KJKP Tržnice pijace d.o.o. Sarajevo
Gradska tržnica Markale je sjedište Preduzeća KJKP Tržnice pijace d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Gradska tržnica Markale, najljepša zgrada pijace u ovom dijelu Evrope
Prije više od 123 godine u centru Sarajeva započela je gradnja natkrivene gradske tržnice tada zvane Markthalle fur Sarajevo. Iako se pouzdano ne zna ko je autor projekta, zna se da je objekat gradske tržnice Markale projektovao August Butsch. Tako je gradska tržnica postala, osim velelijepog građevinskog dragulja iz vremena Austrougarske, mjesto na kojem su se decenijama kasnije okupljale i družile Sarajlije, razmjenjivala i prodavala roba, ali i mjesto koje je agresor oskrnavio velikim zločinom...
Bosanska tržnica u Sarajevu
Sweet success in Bosnia and Herzegovina
These pastries from Bosnia and Herzegovina taste even better than they look!
With the European Union, we’ve helped Krajina Klas d.o.o. launch new products and open new shops
Gradska tržnica petkom: Gužve i bogata ponuda na tuzlanskoj pijaci
I ovaj petak je pijačni dan u Tuzli. Centralna gradska pijaca obiluje bogatom ponudom svih vrsta voća i povrća, te domaćih tradicijskih proizvoda. U sklopu pijace može se pronaći i razovrstan asortiman robe široke potrošnje. Na pijaci je posebno živo ovih dana, na pragu jeseni, u vrijeme kada se građani pripremaju za hladnije dane i pripremu zimnice.
Markale 1995: Muslim snipers attacked civilians
serbian victims Sarajevo
Autopijaca je sarajevski fenomen
Donosimo priču o sarajevskom fenomenu Autopijaci. Riječ je o kultnom mjestu koje nudi najraznovrsniju robu. Brojne Sarajlije, ali i građani iz drugih gradova nedjelju redovno provode na ovom mjestu. Jedni tvrde da je izvrsna, a drugi pak da je neugledna i ne bi trebala biti na ulazu u glavni grad BiH.
???????? Sarajevo Travel Guide, Guia de Sarajevo
Today Ruben Alonso visits the Sarajevo handcraft market and takes an Ottoman coffee.
Hoy Ruben Alonso visita el mercado de artesanías de Sarajevo y toma un café Otomano.
Tržnice i pijace d.o.o Sarajevo promo by Planetmedia Travnik
Korporativni video Tržnice i pijace d.o.o Sarajevo. 5min.
Sarajevo Aqua Park
Sarajevo Aqua Park
Artificial Music - Talking with you
Grapes - Dunno
Social Media:
Instagram - Pierre24601
Snapchat - Pierre24601
Facebook - Pierre Bennett
thanks for watching!
Bosnia/France - Shelled Sarajevo Reax
Sarajevo residents appear to have completely given up hope of
seeing a negotiated end to the war in Bosnia. One woman told WTN
that she would be leaving the Bosnian capital tomorrow and never
coming back. She wished everyone could do the same. In Paris, European negotiator Carl Bildt expressed his horror at the shelling in Sarajevo but stressed that the only way to deal with the situation was to bring peace to the region.
ws of shell damage in street
vox pop of male citizen in english everybody now is so
frightened. our only hope is that we can win only by fighting.
nobody can exist in this situation any more. they are bombing the
city and citizens. the army must fight
vox pop of female in english saying tomororw i have to go out of
sarajevo and i will never come back. i wish everyone from this
city to go and never come back. this is hell and they are killing
us. there is nothing here. we can fight no more. i wish all people
to go from this town and try to find happiness somewhere else.
there is no happiness here;
vox pop of another male in english saying it is difficult to
think about this;
sounds of gunfire in the suburbs;
eu negotiator bildt leaving elysee palace
sot of bildt in english saying there is an initiative and i have
been spending there or four hours on the different steps. mr
holbrooke and i have an equal committment to peace. what's been
happening in sarajevo - there are many appalling things happening
here in this appalling war. the shelling of innocent civilians and
that is the strongest argument you can find for going forward with
the political process. there is no way we can protect innocent
people if we don't bring this forward
bildt getting into car and driving away;
2.55 vision
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Gradska tržnica u Mostaru
Sarajevo - šetnja ulicama 19072019
Sarajevo - walking through streets
Baščaršija, Vječna vatra, Katedrala, Vijećnica, Sebilj, Gradska tržnica