Mosque ançardine de Brazzaville
Jour du bapteme du mawlid
Ramadhan 2019 Mosque citas Democratic Republic of Congo
Mosquée Citas Kinshasa Swalatul Maghrib IMAM ABDOULAZIM PATEL République Démocratique du Congo
Violence Irrupts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Exchanges of heavy weapons fire erupted in the northeastern city of Beni in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Thursday between the army and militia fighters. Several students were wounded in an explosion at a nearby school, residents said. VOA's Vincent Makori reports.
Mawlid Masjid Othman bin Affan | Uwanja wa Serani (Congo Boys)
Kinshasa 1 Pont Cabu Center
Lumion Rendering of a mixed-use building concept in the city of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Wake Up, Congo / Reveille toi, le Congo
The Republic of the Congo is my paternal country of origin; it is a country with potentials of becoming a First World country in a couple of decades, unfortunately there is a lot of bad governance and corruption in the country. This situation brings the majority of the citizens in poverty, especially when you have a 52 % unemployment and 70% of the population lives off less than $2 a day. Between the 1960s and the early 1980s, the Congolese enjoyed a comfortable standard of living to a point where students did not even have to pay to study at any University. Students were even receiving grants from the government and the infrastructure was wonderful, but at the beginning of the 1990s things began to worsen, while the country was on the way to its first democratization process. The first and only democratically elected president, since the independence was elected from 1992-1997. During that time, Congo witnessed two civil wars.
To make matters worse, the Marxist government in power is collaborating with Middle Eastern countries that sponsor terrorism: Countries like Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other terrorist countries, that means more mosque building across the country. When there are more mosques, there is a greater chance of radicalization, home grown terrorism, Islamism and the implementation of Sharia Law. Congo had 1,5 % Muslims, now it is about 15 %. Congo has natural resources like : Oil, gas, zinc, diamonds, gold, silver and many other unknown resources, but the revenues go the the wrong hands. I have also included other places where my origins go beyond the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo; I have also included countries like: Portugal, Angola and Hungary on this video where I demonstrated that I do not want Islam to grow there also. I also do not want Islam to grow in my country of birth, France. Congo is not a Muslim country; it is a secular country with a Christian identity and way of life and no Muslim has the right to destroy that identity. It is also about time that the Congolese society stops blaming former colonial powers for its failures, now it all about taking responsibility and change mindsets. There were many injustices during the colonial period, I not ignoring it, and I know those injustices were wrong,but now it is all about taking responsibility and stop shifting the blame to former settlers.
Ashe of Sadness: Two Dark Birds
Republic of the Congo Facts
The Surprising Sartorial Culture Of Congolese 'Sapeurs'
Rural poverty in Congo
Republic of Congo profile - Overview
Congo Must Diversify its Economy and Think about the Post-Oil Era
Trop des mosquées au Congo
Immigration Musulmane au Congo(Muslim immigration in the Congo)
Sassou-Nguesso's $400,000 Hotel Bill Exposed on FoxNews
Pygmies of Congo
Discrimination in Congo-Brazzaville
LGBT rights in the Republic of the Congo
La valeur du sang humain d’un seule innocent a une haute valeur incomparable à l’Alkaba la Kaaba dixit Al hadji Sheikh Ali MWINYI MUKUU Représentant légal de la Communauté Musulmane au Congo COMUCO.
Sous la conduite d’Al hadji Sheikh Ali MWINYI MUKUU Représentant légal de la Communauté Musulmane au Congo COMUCO, les musulmans de la ville de Goma ont célébré la fête de Tabaski, cérémonie qui se déroule pendant de mois de pèlerinage à la Mecque première ville sainte de l’Islam.
Cette festivité qui a eu lieu au stade Afya de Goma, en présence du Vice-Gouverneur, me Feller Lutaichirwa Mulwahale, représentant personnel du Gouverneur du Nord Kivu empêché, dans sa prédication, le No1 de l’Islam, radant hommages aux victimes de la barbarie humaine dans la ville et territoire de Beni, il a rappelé que l’Islam signifiant la pacification, il a demandé les compatriotes non musulmans, de ne jamais confondre l’islam et le terrorisme, car la valeur du sang humain innocent est plus grande que la Kaaba qui est la place visité par les millions des musulmans pèlerins venus de quatre coins du monde qui concrétisent la cinquième pilier de l’islam en faisant tour à cette pierre NDLR . pierre blanche descendu du ciel et noirci par les pèches de ceux qui y vont et rentrés chez eux sans pèche.
Le Mufti des musulmans congolais, a lancé un appel vibrant aux adeptes du Saint Coran de collaborer avec les services de l’Etat en dénonçant toute personne suspect qui se déguise en islam afin de commettre les bavures ; et la suite sera la mauvaise considération de la religion, et pourtant un musulman signifie pacificateur.
Dans le même angle de la pacification, d’Al hadji Sheikh Ali MWINYI MUKUU Représentant légal de la Communauté Musulmane au Congo COMUCO participant de dialogue qui se déroule à Kinshasa, a dit aux journalistes que sa présence à Goma, est une façon de signifier qu’il peut célébrer la fête musulmane partout au pays, car Kinshasa n’est pas la RDC. D’où, après cette prière de tabaski doit vite regagner Kinshasa pour continuer son assistance au dialogue, la seule voie pour les musulmans qui va mener la RDC à une paix et le développement durable.
Pour Al hadji Me Masudi KADOGO Chef d’Entité islamique du Nord Kivu, se réjouissant de voir Représentant légal de la COMUCO célébré la fête de Laidli-Adouha dans son fief, a lancé un appel de collecte de bien afin de venir en aide nos frères et sœurs rescapes des massacres de Beni ville et territoire.
En sa qualité d’invite de marque, le vice-gouverneur Me Feller Lutaichirwa Mulwahale, représentant personnel du Gouverneur du Nord Kivu, saluant la morale et le moral de l’Islam, une religion de paix, a souligné que le gouvernement provincial du Nord Kivu est déterminé d’accompagner les musulmans dans leurs différentes actions de paix et de développement.
Imam abdoulazim oumurah makah kinshasa rdcongo
Congo kinshasa Imam Abdoulazeem taraweeh ville de kinshasa
Taraweeh citas Imam abdoulazeem mosque al'hidayah ville de Kinshasa
Muslim Fresh - Ep 3 (FULL EPISODE)
Adrienne pretends to be a slave to earn Asad's respect. Rasheed beefs with Bilal and his own wife during Date Night. Bilal asks Terri to consider an additional wife. The brothers educate a young man about Islam in a barber shop in New Orleans East.
The Honorable President of the Republic of Burundi, meets HE the SG of the Muslim World League
The Honorable President of the Republic of #Burundi Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza, meets HE the Secretary-General of the #MuslimWorldLeague, Dr. #MohammadAlissa, and praises the role of the Rabita in promoting peace, harmony and coexistence among the peoples of the world.
Msikiti wa Congo Beach Ukunda wahitaji Marekebisho
RD Congo : L'inquiétude de la communauté musulmane de Beni
Deux jours après une nouvelle attaque à Kasinga, Beni observait aujourd'hui une journée de deuil en mémoire des 7 victimes tuées par les présumés-ADF. Mais ce vendredi était aussi jour de grande prière pour une communauté musulmane qui craint les amalgames, alors que les auteurs des massacres à Beni sont présentés comme des djihadistes par les politiques et l'armée. L'ARTICLE COMPLET :
Travel to : Niger !!!
Best places to visit in Niger !
Short video of some places you can visit in Niger.
Thanks for watching.
Kinshasa Mosquée Citas Taraweeh 2018 Imam Abdoulazim Patel République Démocratique du Congo
sabir Videos from congo masjid
video uploaded from my mobile phone
Friday prayers in troubled region
1. Exterior of the mosque UPSOUND: Call to prayers
2. People entering the mosque
3. Various of prayer inside mosque
4. SOUNDBITE: (Kiswahili) Awad Soleiman, worshipper
We want peace, all of the Congolese together to end this problem of Congo because we are tired.
5. People leaving mosque
Worshippers gathered for Friday prayers in Goma to pray for peace as fears for the thousands of hungry and homeless mounted and reports from aid groups about rape and other violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo's government-controlled camps continued.
Fighting between the army and fighters loyal to rebel leader Laurent Nkunda has displaced at least 250,000 people despite the presence of the largest UN peacekeeping force in the world, with some 17,000 troops.
There are fears the country could slide back into a ruinous war such as the 1998-2002 one that drew in more than half a dozen African nations and tore DR Congo into rival fiefdoms.
Rebels backed by Uganda and Rwanda seized vast territory rich in coffee, gold and tin in the east.
Angola and Zimbabwe sent tanks and fighter planes to back DR Congo's government in exchange for access to lucrative diamond and
copper mines to the south and west.
Eastern DR Congo has been unstable since millions of refugees spilled across the border from Rwanda's 1994 genocide, which saw more than 500,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus slaughtered.
Many of the Hutu extremists who orchestrated the mass killings have remained in Congo, prompting Tutsi-led Rwanda to invade the mineral-rich nation twice.
Nkunda, who quit DR Congo's army in 2004, claims he is fighting to protect Tutsis, who like Hutus are a minority and one of an estimated 200 ethnic groups in DR Congo.
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Congo River | Kinshasa | RDC DJI Mavic Pro
DJI Mavic Pro 1st try
Kinshasa, RD Congo, 14/01/18
Kinshasa : Début du Ramadan à la mosquée centrale d'Isoke