Grand Park of Tirana - ???????? Albania 2019 [Drone Footage] 4K
Grand Park of Tirana
[Drone Footage]
The Grand Park of Tirana (Albanian: Parku i Madh i Tiranës), or the Park on the Artificial Lake, is a 289 hectare public park situated on the southern part of Tirana, Albania.
The Park includes an artificial lake and many other landmarks such as the Saint Procopius Church, the Presidential Palace, and memorials to several Albanian personalities. It remains one of the most relaxing places in the city, despite increasing buildings being developed near the park, an early-morning run or promenade is a daily routines for many citizens. To the southern end of the Park, there is the Zoo and the Botanical Garden. The latter includes many flowers and plants that are common to the Albanian environment.
There are almost 120 species of trees, bushes and flowers. The Botanical Garden area is of 14.5 hectares and the lake's size is of 55 hectares, whereas the area of the Park itself is of 230 hectares.
The Park was built between 1955 and 1956 based on a Bulgarian plan and used to be called the Gogo stable, in a green area. The Park starts at the southern end of the Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, after the University of Tirana, south of the main Skanderbeg Square. It was formerly called 'Park of Saint Procopius' (Albanian: Parku i Shën Prokopit) from the Saint Procopius Church, which is located in the area. In the internal parts, there can be found the memorials of 45 British and Australian[3] soldiers fallen during World War II, as well as a memorial of hundreds of German soldiers from the same war.
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Parku i Madh i Liqenit Artificial te Tiranes - Grand Park of Tirana
#besfortkryeziu #parkuitiranes #parkuiliqenit #liqenitiranes #shatrivani #grandparkoftirana #greatparkoftirana
Tirana, Albania: Exploring the Grand Park of Tirana [Travel Video]
Thinking about exploring the Balkans? You should seriously consider Albania! We lived in the capital city, Tirana for a month and absolutely feel in love with the people, the culture, the food, and the green spaces! Here's a short clip of us walking around the Grand Park of Tirana - a massive park with an artificial lake!
You can read more about our time in Tirana, Albania here:
Check out our site - Penguin and Pia - for destination tips, wanderlust-inducing goodies, and all things travel. As always, Happy Waddlin'!
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Tirana Albania ???????? Halal Exhibition - Grand Park of Tirana
Tirana Albania - Halal Exibition - Grand Park of Tirana
The Grand Park of Tirana or the Park on the Artificial Lake, is a 289 hectare public park situated on the southern part of Tirana, Albania.
The Park includes an artificial lake and many other landmarks such as the Saint Procopius Church, the Presidential Palace, and memorials to several Albanian personalities. It remains one of the most relaxing places in the city, despite increasing buildings being developed near the park, an early-morning run or promenade is a daily routines for many citizens. To the southern end of the Park, there is the Zoo and the Botanical Garden. The latter includes many flowers and plants that are common to the Albanian environment.
There are almost 120 species of trees, bushes and flowers. The Botanical Garden area is of 14.5 hectares and the lake's size is of 55 hectares, whereas the area of the Park itself is of 230 hectares.
The Park was built between 1955 and 1956 based on a Bulgarian plan and used to be called the Gogo stable, in a green area. The Park starts at the southern end of the Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, after the University of Tirana, south of the main Skanderbeg Square. It was formerly called 'Park of Saint Procopius' (Albanian: Parku i Shën Prokopit) from the Saint Procopius Church, which is located in the area. In the internal parts, there can be found the memorials of 45 British and Australian soldiers fallen during World War II, as well as a memorial of hundreds of German soldiers from the same war.
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Liqeni Artificial i Tiranes (Grand Park of Tirana)
During the time I traveled in diferent cities in Albania I shooted lot of footages around the cities and I wanted to share that with the youtube audience
Parku i madh i liqenit artificial të Tiranës është një nga zonat më të frekuentuara të kryeqytetit. Me një sipërfaqe totale 1,569,337 m2 ai konsiderohet si mushkria e Tiranës. Liqeni artificial i parkut dhe diga 400 m e gjatë është ndërtuar me punë vullnetare në vitet ’50 dhe sipërfaqja e pasqyrës ujore është 450,000 m2.
Vizitorëve të parkut iu ofrohet mundësia e një sërë aktivitesh rekreative. Familjet mund të shëtisin apo bëjnë piknik mes gjelbërimit. Të vegjlit mund të luajnë në këndin më të madh të lodrave në Tiranë. Të apasionuarit pas sporteve mund të bëjnë një xhiro me kanoe, të vrapojnë e pedalojnë në pistat e dedikuara, të ushtrohen në këndët e forces apo të luajnë fotboll e regbi. Ndërsa të apasinuarit pas kulturës, mund të shijojnë një koncert në amfiteatrin e hapur të parkut.
Biking Through Lake of Tirana (Liqeni Tiranes me Biciklete)
The Grand Park of Tirana (Albanian: Parku i Madh i Tiranës), or the Park on the Artificial Lake, is a 289 hectare public park situated on the southern part of Tirana, Albania.
The Park includes an artificial lake and many other landmarks such as the Saint Procopius Church, the Presidential Palace, and memorials to several Albanian personalities. It remains one of the most relaxing places in the city, despite increasing buildings being developed near the park, an early-morning run or promenade is a daily routines for many citizens. To the southern end of the Park, there is the Zoo and the Botanical Garden. The latter includes many flowers and plants that are common to the Albanian environment.
There are almost 120 species of trees, bushes and flowers. The Botanical Garden area is of 14.5 hectares and the lake's size is of 55 hectares, whereas the area of the Park itself is of 230 hectares.[2]
The Park was built between 1955 and 1956 based on a Bulgarian plan and used to be called the Gogo stable, in a green area. The Park starts at the southern end of the Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, after the University of Tirana, south of the main Skanderbeg Square. It was formerly called 'Park of Saint Procopius' (Albanian: Parku i Shën Prokopit) from the Saint Procopius Church, which is located in the area. In the internal parts, there can be found the memorials of 45 British and Australian[3]soldiers fallen during World War II, as well as a memorial of hundreds of German soldiers from the same war.
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Grand Park of Tirana
Take two minutes and enjoy the view of the lake at the Grand Park of Tirana, Albania
Liqeni Artificial Tirane, Artificial Lake of Tirana Albania
The Grand Park of Tirana (Albanian: Parku i Madh i Tiranës), or the Park on the Artificial Lake, is a 289 hectare public park situated on the southern part of Tirana, Albania.
The Park includes an artificial lake and many other landmarks such as the Saint Procopius Church, the Presidential Palace, and memorials to several Albanian personalities. It remains one of the most relaxing places in the city, despite increasing buildings being developed near the park, an early-morning run or promenade is a daily routines for many citizens. To the southern end of the Park, there is the Zoo and the Botanical Garden. The latter includes many flowers and plants that are common to the Albanian environment.
There are almost 120 species of trees, bushes and flowers. The Botanical Garden area is of 14.5 hecatares and the lake's size is of 55 hectares, whereas the area of the Park itself is of 230 hectares.
The Park was built between 1955 and 1956 based on a Bulgarian plan and used to be called the Gogo stable, in a green area. The Park starts at the southern end of the Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, after the University of Tirana, south of the main Skanderbeg Square. It was formerly called 'Park of Saint Procopius' (Albanian: Parku i Shën Prokopit) from the Saint Procopius Church, which is located in the area. In the internal parts, there can be found the memorials of 45 British and Australian[3] soldiers fallen during World War II.
The Park includes the Royal Palace located on the side and close to the Elbasan Street. The Palace, whose building was started by Zog of Albania, served as a Royal Palace only once, for the Italian King Victor Emmanuel III during his only visit to Albania in May 1941 as King of Albania. The Palace had also served vicegerent Francesco Jacomoni and later the Fascist general Alberto Pariani.[4] Now it is the official residence of the President of Albania.
The Park was also home of the memorial to the mother of King Zog of Albania, Sadijé Toptani. The monument was destroyed by the communist regime in the 1950s and can now be enjoyed only in pictures. A wall has been built demarcating the park's boundary.
Monument of the Frashëri Brothers
The Park is otherwise called the Lung of the City due to the diversity of plants. It also includes Botanical Garden and the Zoo and also a complex of swimming pools. In addition the Park has an amphitheatre, where various cultural activities occur especially in summer months.[5] The artificial lake is a well known fishing and also swimming area. The lake was built from local waters in 1955 on volunteer work to build a 400 metres long dam that holds the waters from overflowing onto Tirana.
It also notably includes the Tombs of the Frashëri brothers, Abdyl Frashëri, Naim Frashëri and Sami Frashëri. Also, in 1998 the remains of Faik Konitza, former Minister of Albania to Washington, and publisher of the Albania magazine were brought from the United States and put in a tomb located at the park.
The Park has suffered extensively from problems of litter and pollutants and crime has also been reported in the area. In 2005, the Municipality organized the 'Green Fair', where major ideas were collected as how to fully rehabilitate the Park.
In 2008, a lakeside competition was held to come up with the best urban and ecologic masterplan for the future of the district, to create a new dense urban neighborhood with a park and public facilities at the shore of Lake. The masterplan consists of 225,000 square metres of housing, 60,000 square metres offices, 20,000 square metres public buildings, 60,000 square metres retail, 15,000 square metres of hotels and 20,000 square metres sport and recreational facilities and a car park. The redesign is scheduled to take place in 2010 with a total estimated investment of 600 million Euro.
The major constructions will reduce the size of the green area of the park, which has led to much controversy in the Albanian media as to the actual benefits to the citizens of Tirana.
The Botanical Gardens are set to be destroyed to build the new Tirana ring motorway.
In 2015, a competition was held to design the Park's entrance. It sparked great controversy because the original competition brief threatened the integrity of the park, a cherished public space in Tirana, with important construction requirements. A team of architects composed of three offices (BuildingBuilding, Elias Guenoun Architect and UHO) won the competition with a proposal consisting of less built elements and a strict limit between the park and city. This is currently in its study phase.
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Kendi i ri i lojrave te Parku i Liqenit Artificial | ABC News Albania
Hapet këndi i dytë më i madh për fëmijë në pjesën jugore të Parkut të Liqenit Artificial në Tiranë. Sipas kryetarit të bashkisë Erion Veliaj ky park do të kthehet në një nga vendet më të pëlqyera për fëmijët.
E nisi punën me të ardhmen e kryeqytetit dhe po e mbyll po me ta. Erion Veliaj inauguroi këndin e dytë të lojrave për fëmijë në parkun e liqenit artificial në Tiranë dhe thotë se nuk ka mënyrë më të mirë për të mbyllur katër vite në krye të bashkisë.
“Me gjasë, pasi të hapet dhe ta marrë vesh gjithë mëhalla, do jetë një ndër vendet më të frekuentuara e të suksesshme në Tiranë. Nuk besoj se kishte një mënyrë më të mirë për ta mbyllur këtë 4 vjeçar, si kryetar i Bashkisë së Tiranës, se sa me një kënd lojrash për fëmijë. Ky është këndi ynë i 44. Pra, në rreth 44 muaj punë, kemi bërë nga një kënd në çdo muaj”, tha Veliaj.
Ky kënd lojërash vjen në bashkëpunim me Agjencinë Turke për Bashkëpunim dhe Koordinim dhe i ka ndryshuar pamjen pjesës jugore të këtij parku.
“Ky cep konsiderohej pjesë e degjeneruar, i përkiste komunës Farkë, as nuk mendohej fare që do kishim një hapësirë kushtuar fëmijëve, për gjithë komunitetin e zonës së Kopshtit Zoologjik, Kopshtit Botanik, gjithë pjesa e autostradës jugore.”, tha ai.
Kryetari i bashkisë së Tiranës premtoi se punët e nisura nuk do ti lë në mes.
“Mezi pres që në 4 vitet e ardhshme ta vazhdojmë këtë punë. Kur filluam pastrimin, të gjithë ashtu siç është bërë e udhës thoshin: Mos ma prek liqenin! Gjithmonë thoja: Ore dakord, kështu thoni, mos ma prek atë, mos ma prek sheshin, mos ma prek pazarin, mos ma prek bulevardin, mos ma prek parkun. Në këtë shtëpinë tonë të madhe, po të ishte për të mos prekur gjë me dorë, do ishte fyerje. Pikërisht, se vëmë dorë, prekim gjëra me dorë dhe i përmirësojmë, kemi sot një rezultat më të mirë”.
Ndërkohë Veliaj i bëri thirrje qytetarëve të mirëmbajnë investimet e kryera ndërsa u shpreh se me të njëjtin zell që i ndërtuan, me të njëjtin zell do ti mbrojnë./ABC News 24/7
Report Tv - Maratona e Jetës, pamje të filmuara me dron te Liqeni Artificial
Report Tv - Maratona e Jetës, pamje të filmuara me dron te Liqeni Artificial
Tirana, sheshi Skenderbej
Tirana by night, holiday time
Park of Tirana.
Parku i Tiranës
“Ekspo Art Tirana” prezanton 70 vepra nga 24 artistë - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
“Ekspo Art Tirana” bën bashkë 24 artistë prezanton per publikun 70 vepra ne pikture dhe skulpture .Nuk mungojne punimet ne akuarel, skulptura me trajta abstrakte ,portretet por edhe natyre e qetë.Studiuesi Agim Janina thote se vecantia e kesaj ekspozite qendron ne faktin qe secili prej artisteve veprat e tij i ka lidhur me motivet e peisazhit shqipëtar.Fokusi eshte tek elementet tradicionale dhe historike.Për ikonografin Artan Kola risi perben edhe ripunimi i dy ikonave nga periudha e bizantit.Ekspozita do të jetë e hapur per publikun deri në 3 Mars në Muzeun Historik kombetar.
After a deadly earthquake in November 26, Tirana and Durrësi celebrate more united than ever the passing of years. This is a little piece of Firework Show in Tirana????♂️????.
Stadiumi i ri Arena Kombëtare xhiruar me dron | Tirana - Albania [Drone video | 4K Ultra HD]
Arena Kombëtare “Air Albania” (The National Arena) is an all-seater football stadium in Tirana, the capital of Albania. This stadium will be the new home of the Albanian National Team and it will serve as a venue for major football club cup finals and other sports and non-sports related activities.
The stadium was designed with a capacity to seat 22,500 spectators, making it the highest capacity football stadium in Albania. The stadium is built on the same site of Qemal Stafa, demolished in June 2016.
The final design of the new stadium was done by Marco Casamonti of Archea Associati and the construction is scheduled to be finished in November 2019. It is expected to cost around 70 million Euro.
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Great Park of Tirana - Parku i Liqenit Artificial
Tirana Logistic Park
Në shtator hapet në Shqipëri parku më i madh logjistik në Ballkan.
Tirana Logistic Park ofron shërbime dhe infrastrukturën e nevojshme për kompanitë e prodhimit, distribucionit, shitjeve me pakicë, transportit apo kompanitë logjistike.
Tirana Logistic Park ofron magazinë dhe shërbime doganore 24 orë, terminal hekurudhor dhe terminal kontenierësh. Të gjitha 6 kilometra nga Tirana, pranë portit të Durrësit dhe aeroportit ndërkombëtar.
Tirana Logistic Park, partneri juaj Strategjik