Žulové gule, fontány voda a oheň, najväčší svetový globusy-
Vyrábame unikátne v Európe a na celom svete produkty v oblasti krajinnej architektúry:
1. žulové gule otáčajúce sa tlakom ruky o priemere 1,5 ma hmotnosti 5 ton
2. Granite plávajúce gule s priemerom 2 ma hmotnosti až 15 ton
3. levitujúce kohútiky žula - najväčšie a najťažšie na svete
4. Solárne hodiny v tvare oka - najväčšie a najťažšie na svete
5. fontány krúžky z žuly s priemerom 2,8 m - najväčšia na svete
6. iné výrobky z žuly patrí medzi svetové unikáty
- hpstone.eu
Rybnica Leśna k. Walbrzych Poľsko
tel. +48 533-318-380
e-mail: hpstone.rybnica@gmail.com
Freedom Square, Brno, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic, Europe
Freedom Square is the most important square in Brno. Located in the heart of the historic city center (cadastral City Brno) and is roughly triangular in shape. Liberty Square is the center of the imaginary and the entire city center. It was first mentioned in the 13th century, when it was called Forum Inferius, which soon translated into Czech as Lower market. In the Middle Ages here rich burghers and nobles built houses, allowing increased importance square. 1679 was built plague column, which soon became the dominant feature of the square. In 1869 it was demolished church. Nicholas, his last remnants disappeared after the raid in 1945. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, the square was extensively rebuilt, many homes were demolished and rebuilt in Renaissance style. In 1929, he grew up on the west side of the square, designed by architect Bohuslav Fuchs extensive functionalist building Moravian banks with passages Beta. In 1901 square intersect north-south tram line from the main station to the Moravian Square, which over the next few years also joined by lines of Šilingrovo square (of the West Locksmith street) and Koblizna street (east). Until now preserved only the first tracks headed north-south direction. The latest reconstruction of the square took place in 2006, when the square was completely paved, fitted with a bronze fountain with verses of Jan Skacel, repaired plague column indicates the position of the former church. Nicholas and newly planted several trees. Just before the start of reconstruction were built underground collectors. In 2010, the square was astronomical clock, in fact, except for a clock in the true sense of the word, but a very special clock made of African granite in the shape of the hub, so that they remind of the Swedish siege of Brno in the 1645th.
Mramorová koule jako fontána,Mramorová koule jako fontána,Koule ze žuly
Mramorová koule jako fontána,Mramorová koule jako fontána,Koule ze žuly
Fontána ze žuly,Fontány z přírodního kamene,Záhradné fontány koule,Fontána zeměkoule
Fontána ze žuly,Fontány z přírodního kamene,Záhradné fontány koule
International Dog Show 3 x CACIB, Druskininkai
4-6.8.2017 International Dog Show CACIB
Druskininkai, Lithuania
Friday Paul Lawless, IE
Saturday Andi Hudono, ID
Sunday Irina Azen, BY
1 x CACIB, 1 x CAC, 2 x R.CACIB, 1 x WINNER N, 1 x BOS
1 X CACIB, 1 x CAC, 1 X R.CACIB, 1 x WINNER N, 1 X BOS
Excellent show place and friendly people :)
Thank you Druskininkai for a superb Show weekend :)
Lot's of hugs to everyone
Song: JPB - Up & Away NCS Release 15 MINUTES
Music provided by NCS 15 minutes
Video link:
Song: JPB - Up & Away [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Video Link: