Ultimate proof of gravity anomaly in Karpacz, Poland
The video shows an uphill rolling skateboard. Among witnesses we filmed this scene at the foot of the Giant Mountains on August 8, 2014.
Karpacz grawitacja anomalia
Video das die Gravitationsanomalie in Karpacz, Polen beweist.
Talbot & Karpacz gravity anomaly hill
While the Talbot's spring tour 2013 we also stopped by Karpscz, Poland, to visit the gravity anomaly hill. Objects like cars etc roll uphill here. Even the water flows uphill.
Why can't I stand Straight ! | Mystery Spot | Gravitational Anomaly
Hi All !!! Hope you all are doing good.
In this video i have shown the Mystery spot which is a mysterious tourist attraction. So guys just watch this video to experience the strange natural phenomena.
Please like and share it and plz plz subscribe my channel which means a lot for me.
Objects move up slope automatically due to Gravity anomaly area near suhmuram Salalah
Wrongly used as antigravity point. But it actually a gravity anomaly area
The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz
The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California. I had to experience these phenomena for myself!
Also watch Hiking the Huayna Picchu Stairs of Death (Wayna Picchu) in Peru:
Where should I go next? Keep up with my daily adventures here:
Gravitational Anomaly widescreen
I shot this video this morning with my family. We witnessed the anomaly ourselves, my wife slipping the clutch and being amazed when the car rolled backwards UP THE HILL. We decided to film the first people we could persuade to try it. They were skeptical ...
Qigong and a Gravitational Anomaly.m4v
While filming simple qigong exercises with Cheyne Towers for his website we visited this magnetic hill, gravity hill or gravitational anomaly in SW Poland. I was interested to find out how Cheyne felt there as, through his years of practice he has developed an above-average feeling for gravity and verticality. You can find out more about the Karpacz magnetic hill by viewing my older video on this channel and reading the accompanying comments.
Anomalia grawitacji w Karpaczu
A bottle, a can, a car with engine turned off in the Karpcz on one of the roads roll under the hill. This phenomenon can be seen on a certain section of Fire Street. From Karkonoskiej Street towards the Wild Waterfall. You can see here that the road in this place falls gently towards Lomnický, but cars with the engine turned off are back uphill.
According to the study carried out here there is an anomaly zone where gravity is less than 4%.
Ponad 300 lat temu Isaac Newton odpoczywał w sadzie i słynne jabłko spadło mu na głowę i nie przypuszczał, że od odkrytego wtedy przez niego prawa grawitacji istnieja pewne wyjątki.
Grawitacja jest na Ziemi powszechna.
Są jednak na Ziemi takie miejsca, w których jej prawa nie mają racji. Butelka, puszka, samochód z wyłączonym silnikiem – w Karpczu na jednej z drog toczą się pod górkę. Zjawisko to można zaobserwować na pewnym odcinku ulicy Strażackiej. Od ulicy Karkonoskiej w kierunku „Dzikiego Wodospadu”. Widac tutaj , że droga w tym miejscu opada łagodnie w kierunku Łomnicy, a jednak samochody z wyłączonym silnikiem cofają się pod górę.
Według badań przeprowadzonych w tym miejscu istnieje tutaj strefa anomalii, w której grawitacja jest mniejsza o 4 %.
Gravitational anomaly found in Serbia!!
the gravitational anomaly has been found in Serbia,at mountain known by seeing of aliens and ufo's. you can see how the cars alone running uphill,instead downhill! also there is a creek running uphill!
testing is underway.
Qigong and a Gravitational Anomaly.m4v
While filming simple qigong exercises with Cheyne Towers for his website we visited this magnetic hill or gravitational anomaly in SW Poland. I was interested to find out how Cheyne felt there as, through his years of practice he has an above-average feeling for gravity and verticality. You can find out more about the Karpacz magnetic hill by viewing my older video on this channel and reading the accompanying comments.
gyroscopic gravitational anomaly
reserved to educated people.
There Are A Lot of Gravitational Anomalies on Earth
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Hello and welcome to What Da Math!
In this video, we will talk about the gravity of Earth
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The video introduction made by Daniel Bates
His YouTube channel with more of his work is here:
The new music theme made by Bogdan Bratis
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The place on earth having No Gravity.
Gunsight Mine: Gravitational Anomaly
A mysterious gravitational anomaly inside the lost Gunsight Mine in the California desert. This is the video everyone's been talking about on Internet forums.
Can you divine the secret? Is it electromagnetism? An undetected updraft? A true gravitational anomaly?
Take a trip here yourself and see it firsthand.
Vortex: A gravity anomaly in north-east Bohemia
A place where a bottles seem to roll up the hill. Research of a gravitation Vortex near Kacerov in Bohemia.
[HD] Miejsce anomalii grawitacji na ulicy Strażackiej w Karpaczu w Karkonoszach
22 sierpień 2018 rok. Poza tym wyjaśnienie, czy to prawdziwe zjawisko.
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Gravitational Anomaly.WMV
Well this happens
Strange Gravity Anomalies - Prof Simon
After the apple hit Newton on his head the French scientist Pierre Bouguer had a better idea about the earth gravity. His theory was ignored for many years. Today it is a vital addition to our understanding of how gravity word and is used for navigation and detection. Prof Simon tells this tale of Gravity.
Music Anthony Del Duca
Prof Simon Patreon link:
Mystery Hill North Carolina's Natural Gravitational Anomaly On PBS
Check out this great video from PBS about North Carolina's Natural Gravitational Anomaly