????{Trip} Northern ALISHAN with GREAT WATERFALLS! (阿里山北部)
Three days in the northern part of Alishan, including Ruili and Laiji. Great scenery!
01:30 36 Bends 36彎
02:00 Taiping Village 太平
02:50 Bihu Tea Plantation 碧湖茶園
07:10 Zhukeng River Trail 竹坑溪步道
07:50 Longgong Waterfall 龍宮瀑布
10:40 & 13:40 A-Han's Homestay 阿漢的家民宿
14:10 Green Tunnel 綠色隧道
17:10 Swallows Cliff 燕子崖 & Bat Cave 蝙蝠洞
20:10 Yuntan Waterfall 雲潭瀑布
21:10 Ruitai Visitor Center 瑞太遊客中心
22:50 Lanhou Homestay 蘭后民宿
30:20 Laiji Buluo Chufang 來吉部落廚房
Chiayi 嘉義
Alishan 阿里山
Ruili 瑞里
Laiji 來吉
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A-Han's Homestay (阿漢的家民宿)
Add: No. 79, Ruili Village, Meishan Township, Chiayi County (嘉義縣梅山鄉瑞里村79號)
Tel: 0911-037-729
Website: (Chinese)
Lanhou Homestay (蘭后民宿)
Add: No. 11, Neighborhood 1, Laiji Village, Alishan Township, Chiayi County (嘉義縣阿里山鄉來吉村一鄰11號)
Tel: (05) 266-1172, 0934-179-197
Website: (Chinese)
Bihu Tea Plantation (碧湖茶園)
Add: No. 38-9, Bihu Village, Meishan Township, Chiayi County (嘉義縣梅山鄉碧湖村38之9號)
Tel: (05) 257-1569
Laiji Buluo Chufang (來吉部落廚房)
Add: Sancha Rd., Laiji Village, Alishan Township, Chiayi County (嘉義縣阿里山鄉來吉村三叉路)
Tel: 0975-117-154, 0971-225-687
Travel in Taiwan (2016, 3-4)
Alishan is renowned for high-quality high-mountain tea, and Bihushan Tourist Tea Garden is a photophile’s dream come true. The entire rounded mountain-head on which it is planted is sculpted with tight rows of Camellia sinensis, as neat as topiary, cut through with boardwalk trails. The sweeping panorama taken in from the trails or viewing platform before the open-front visitor center/restaurant is powerful. The waters of the rough river far below churn this way and that, on their short, impatient journey to the sea. Renowned Mt. Jade and Mt. Hehuan make cameos on clear days far off in the distance, as can a high slope-hugging arcade section of the gravity-defying Alishan Forest Railway. This tea-plantation mountaintop, often shrouded in cloud and mist, is a popular platform for watching Alishan’s celebrated sunrises, sunsets, and “sea of clouds” phenomenon – dense clouds roll into the abyss-like valleys like ocean tides, savored by tourists from eagle-eye vantage points.
The 3.3km Zhukeng Stream Trail has a trailhead at each end on Highway 162A, west of Ruifeng village. Formerly called the “Old Charcoal Way” – early residents used it to take charcoal off the mountain to trade – it passes over 12 bridges, each of different design. There are a number of cataracts, hikers’ grand prize the 120m-high Longgong (“Dragon Palace”) Waterfall, reached via a dead-end side trail about mid-way along the main trail. This is a “hanging valley waterfall,” and as it shoots out into space the waters do indeed seem to hang momentarily in mid-air before making their way to the bottom of the deep gorge here. Behind the lofty natural artwork is Water Curtain Cave, through which the side trail runs.
Next morning, we hit the trails right after breakfast – and stayed on them most of the day. First on our to-do list was the charming, long Green Tunnel, accessed via a short side road that begins right at sleepy Ruili village. You’re immersed in a lush forest of tall bamboo, walking along what is in fact a narrow road, not a trail. Paved and gentle-graded, this spot is also popular with local folk, who come here for their daily constitutionals.
Then we launched ourselves on the challenging, visually thrilling 2km Youth Ridge Trail at the highway-side trailhead in Ruili village, across from Ruili Elementary School. The 1,000-meter-long Haohan (“Hero”) Slope has an average grade of 60 degrees – yes, 60.
The countless bat-roost holes in the Bat Cave were formed over millions of years by river erosion. The deep grooves in the mesmerizingly striated Swallow Cliff are also erosion-etched, the softer sandstone levels wearing away faster than the harder shale.
A few kilometers further west along highway 166 is the entrance to the steep 600-meter Yuntan Waterfall boardwalk path and, just before it, Yuantan Natural Eco Park. The two-tiered cascade is 26.3m high; the terrain features alternating thick sandstone strata sandwiching thin shale layers, twisted in a wild jumble of folds and faults.
崎頂海水浴場, Night camping at Qiding Beach Zhunan, Taiwan
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Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park (車籠埔斷層), ZhuShan, Nantou, Taiwan, 7/3/2013
Chelungpu Park is located across from the ZhuShan ramp of Formosa Freeway. As implied by its name, Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park is built for preserving the surface rupture of Chelungpu Fault caused by 1999 Jiji Earthquake. Featuring the spectacular surface faulting with vertical displacements, the Park consists of two main parts: the Geological Science Hall and the Fault Preservation Hall. The former mainly introduces Taiwan's geological features through films, photographs, illustrations, interactive screens and exhibits, while the latter, an eggshell-shaped building, displays the original shape of the fault caused by the Jiji Earthquake (921 earthquake).
Southwest Coast Trip (Yunlin/Chiayi/Tainan)__Beimen / 西南部南北門
Beimen is a sleepy fishing village in Tainan. Not much going on there, but you can go to the visitor center to learn about the southwest coast area and there are some public art installations where you can take photos.
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Music: Empty Spaces Duet by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (
Also watch the latest video on this channel: {Trip} LALASHAN on the Northern Cross-Island Highway (北橫拉拉山)
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00:30 到台江國家公園搭膠筏體驗紅樹林綠意盎然的擁抱和鳥兒、魚兒、蟹兒的熱情招呼,聽導覽員說在地的桑海桑田。
07:40 還有秘境水上高腳屋!
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15:57 到虱目魚主題館認識台南人的魚,除了好吃還有超多應用,外表樸實卻深藏不露。 到台南海邊尋找大自然賦予台南的寶藏吧!
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#嘉義 #東石漁人碼頭
Chengdu | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Chengdu (Standard Mandarin: [ʈʂʰə̌ŋ.tú] (listen)), formerly romanized as Chengtu, is a sub-provincial city which serves as the capital of Sichuan province, People's Republic of China. It is one of the three most populous cities in Western China, the other two being Chongqing and Xi'an. As of 2014, the administrative area houses 14,427,500 inhabitants, with an urban population of 10,152,632. At the time of the 2010 census, Chengdu was the 5th-most populous agglomeration in China, with 10,484,996 inhabitants in the built-up area including Xinjin County and Deyang's Guanghan City. Chengdu is also considered a World City with a Beta + classification according to GaWC.The surrounding Chengdu Plain is also known as the Country of Heaven (Chinese: 天府之国; pinyin: Tiānfǔ zhi Guó) and the Land of Abundance. Its prehistoric settlers included the Sanxingdui culture. Founded by the state of Shu prior to its incorporation into China, Chengdu is unique as a major Chinese settlement that has maintained its name (nearly) unchanged throughout the imperial, republican, and communist eras. It was the capital of Liu Bei's Shu during the Three Kingdoms Era, as well as several other local kingdoms during the Middle Ages.It is now one of the most important economic, financial, commercial, cultural, transportation, and communication centers in Western China. Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, a hub of Air China and Sichuan Airlines is one of the 30 busiest airports in the world, and Chengdu Railway Station is one of the six biggest in China. Chengdu also hosts many international companies and more than 12 consulates. More than 260 Fortune 500 companies have established branches in Chengdu.
Chengdu | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:04:12 1 Name
00:06:30 2 Logo
00:06:51 3 History
00:07:00 3.1 Early history
00:08:27 3.2 Imperial era
00:11:52 3.3 Modern era
00:17:10 4 Geography
00:20:32 4.1 Climate
00:23:24 4.2 Administrative divisions
00:24:14 5 Cityscape
00:25:20 5.1 Ancient fortress wall
00:26:10 6 Demography
00:27:13 7 Culture
00:27:30 7.1 Literature
00:28:47 7.2 Fine art
00:29:15 7.3 Religion
00:33:49 7.4 Education
00:34:20 7.5 Theatre
00:35:20 7.6 Language
00:35:51 7.7 Culinary art and tea culture
00:37:05 7.7.1 Teahouse
00:37:41 7.7.2 Hot Pot
00:38:17 7.8 Mahjong
00:39:31 7.9 Rural tourism: Nong Jia Le
00:40:34 7.10 Customs and festivals
00:40:43 7.10.1 Grand Temple Fair
00:41:22 7.10.2 Lantern Festival
00:41:54 7.10.3 Dujiangyan Water Releasing Festival
00:42:31 7.10.4 Huanglongxi Fire Dragon Festival
00:43:10 7.10.5 South China Snow and Ice Festival
00:43:51 8 Home of the giant panda
00:47:25 9 Main sights
00:47:34 9.1 World natural and cultural heritage sites
00:47:45 9.1.1 Mount Qingcheng
00:48:48 9.1.2 Dujiangyan Irrigation System
00:49:30 9.1.3 Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries
00:51:24 9.2 Culture of poetry and the Three Kingdoms
00:51:35 9.2.1 Wuhou Shrine
00:52:43 9.2.2 Du Fu thatched cottage
00:53:43 9.3 Ancient Shu civilization
00:53:52 9.3.1 Jinsha Ruins
00:54:48 9.3.2 Golden Sun Bird
00:55:47 9.3.3 Sanxingdui Museum
00:56:28 9.4 Buddhist and Taoist cultures
00:56:38 9.4.1 Chengdu Daci Monastery
00:57:17 9.4.2 Wenshu Monastery
00:57:49 9.4.3 Baoguang Monastery
00:58:32 9.4.4 Qingyang Taoist Temple
00:59:17 9.5 Featured streets and historic towns
00:59:28 9.5.1 The Wide and Narrow Lanes
01:00:09 9.5.2 Jinli
01:01:09 9.5.3 Huanglongxi Historic Town
01:02:04 9.5.4 Chunxi Road
01:02:42 9.5.5 Anren Historic Town
01:03:37 9.5.6 Luodai Historic Town
01:04:35 9.5.7 Du Fu Thatched Cottage
01:05:10 10 Economy
01:09:03 10.1 Electronics and IT industries
01:13:18 10.2 Financial industry
01:16:18 10.3 Modern logistic industry
01:17:37 10.4 Modern business and trade
01:19:17 10.5 Convention and exhibition industry
01:20:33 10.6 Software and service outsourcing industry
01:21:48 10.7 New energy industry
01:23:27 10.8 Electronics and information industry
01:24:16 10.9 Automobile industry
01:25:31 10.10 Modern agriculture
01:26:10 10.11 Defense industry
01:26:53 10.12 Investment
01:27:46 10.13 Industrial zones
01:28:22 10.14 Real estate
01:30:42 11 Transport
01:30:51 11.1 Air
01:34:01 11.2 Railway
01:36:34 11.3 Metropolitan expressways
01:39:04 11.4 Coach
01:39:57 11.5 Highways
01:40:38 11.6 Chengdu Metro
01:41:28 11.7 Bus
01:42:04 11.8 River transport
01:43:13 12 Education
01:44:02 12.1 Colleges and universities
01:46:16 12.2 International schools
01:47:00 12.3 Major secondary schools
01:47:50 13 Consulates
01:48:25 14 Sports
01:48:34 14.1 Football
01:50:10 14.2 Tennis
01:52:47 14.3 Overwatch
01:53:12 14.4 Multi-sport events
01:53:37 14.5 Major sports venues
01:55:26 15 International Relations
01:55:36 16 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Chengdu (Chinese: 成都; Sichuanese: Cengtu UK: , US: , Standard Mandarin: [ʈʂʰə̌ŋ.tú] (listen)), formerly romanized as Chengtu, is a sub-provincial city which serves as the capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is one of the three most-populous cities in Western China, the other two being Chongqing and Xi'an. As of 2014, the administrative area housed 14,427,500 inhabitants, the largest in Sichuan, with an urban population of 10,152,632. At the time of the 2010 census, Chengdu was the fifth-most populous agglomeration in China, with 10,484,996 inhabitants in the built-up area including Xinjin County and Deyang's Guanghan City. Chengdu is considered a World City with a Beta + classification, according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.Chengdu is located in ...